Understanding Freedom

Living outside the USA for several years now it becomes even more obvious to the rampant statism on both the left and right of politics. Looking in from the outside it’s easy to see the delusions of both Trump supporters, Clinton supporters, and all the past presidents that people have supported. It’s easy to see how hypocritical and two faced each and every political advocate is.

Twisting facts and emotions to fit their own agenda that was in fact created for them. Conservatives and republicans parade around with their new libertarian friends proclaiming freedom while they advocate prison like public school systems, murder at the border, while ignoring clear indicators that Trump himself is just another puppet.

Liberals and democrats are in the same boat, making them selves into victims as they harp on emotions to feel safe. Both sides are delusional yet they both think they are right. Both sides have had their opinions and thoughts created for them with little to no thought.

Many of these political idiots don’t really even grasp the fundamentals of freedom itself. What freedom actually means, and where it comes from. They love their 1st and 2nd amendment but in reality it offers nothing but a security blanket for the weak minded. All along never realizing that these amendments are privileges granted by a government, as it’s become quite obvious it’s not to “hold” government in check.

They do whatever they want, and since the war powers act the president has had CEO power over the entire corporation. Did it ever occur to you that every human being has the right and power to defend them self? Regardless of what some random pieces of paper say? Did you know every human being has a right to build shelter, forage for food, and survive without permission from a group of douche bags in the city..

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Conservatives will tell you how free they are as they go to the local gun store to ask for permission to fish, hunt, or buy a gun. They then jump through 50 loop holes, permits, taxes, stamps, and more permission just to get special types of weapons or a basic suppressor (that can be built with a damn oil filter for 12 bucks). The funniest thing about these conservatives is they don’t even understand the basics of law and government.

They claim to be free while begging for permission to keep their guns. They beg for suppressors, AK’s and AR’s in the voting booth while claiming they live in a republic and their “rights” are secured under the Constitution. If that were truly the case you wouldn’t have to vote, donate to the NRA, or anything like this. If it was truly a republic your “rights” granted by a government, which in reality is a privilege can be taken away by the stroke of a pen by any politician.

What an oxymoron to be a right winger telling everyone to donate to the NRA to keep your gun rights. How stupid can you possibly be? If the NRA is protecting your gun rights what is the point of the 1st and 2nd amendment? If the 2nd amendment protects your gun rights why are you voting and cheering on politicians? The entire thing is a shit show strait off some drama reality TV show. Claiming to be awake these people are just as dumb as the liberals they make fun of.

Modern Day Slavery

They don’t even change up their Hollywood political show either, it’s the same drama year after year. Every time a new president is in office they create drama for the opposite political realm to harp on as they continue the governmental agenda. With Obama it was his birth certificate.

With Trump it was working with Russia. Clinton it was a sex scandal and now we see the same with Trump. It’s all low brow drama to fuel the delusion of left vs right politics. To keep the engine running as they fulfill their agenda with both left and right creating the foundation that will crush both sides.

Complaining about stupid shit like corporation created borders, claiming the need to shoot innocent people in search of shelter and food. Total sociopaths hiding under nationalism while claiming to be conservative. An entire culture founded on murder, invasion, and the theft of resources from innocent people, wants to cut off all other people from “their land”.

To be honest the entire lot of these Euro Americans should head back to Europe. Claiming to be Americans they know little of the ways of freedom let alone how to practice it. Clinging to a story of revolution against the British, the reality is they were conducting their own genocide on the very grounds they claim were theirs. To be a conservative republican in modern days is nothing short of a liberal. Begging for government intervention on every corner, you’re no different than the one you point your fingers at yet you don’t look in the mirror.

“Every human being has the right to build shelter, grow food, and enjoy some creative happiness. So get off [President’s Name Here] dee already and start questioning the narrative as you unravel the truth about freedom and the lie you’ve been sold.”

What is an Adventure Traveler #Adventrepeneur

To coin a phrase, adventrepeneur. What is it? Well quite simply it’s an adventurer combined with an entrepreneur. Often times people are set on having an office, a daily 9-5 grind, and focus set on climbing the ladder. The reality is though, most services, jobs, and businesses exist in every country in the world. They may be a little different in come concepts but there are still jobs ranging from plumbing to corporate work. Often times I find more opportunity for careers and jobs in other countries than the United States or the Queen’s lands.

The first story that comes to mind when trying to explain this concept is a time I worked at an internet cafe in Matamoros, Mexico. I worked and helped there for about a month while they gave me a place to relax and catch my breath along with free food and bed. I didn’t get rich working at an internet cafe but the benefit of saving money was the payment. The ability to have a safe place with internet to chill out and eat good food while I built up my strength again. It was a mini miracle ending up at this location but the reality is if I did not have these skills the opportunity would not have presented itself.

This is where adventurer meets entrepreneur, when you begin adding skill sets and hobbies to your arsenal that open up your money making game. Being able to plumb, do electrical, build, do computer work, ect. opens the doors to many more opportunities and I learned all of this in less time than I spent in school and college. If I were allowed to legally skip school I would have been even farther ahead.

If someone would have shown me that college and the school system were a big fat lie when I was 7 or so I’d have so many skills and hobbies under my belt. The education system robbed me of almost 20 years of my life. In less than 5 years I have learned how to do so many different skills and techniques that couldn’t even compare to the minimal knowledge learned in college. Like how to hold my booze.

Not only did I spend all that time and money in the school system but the skills I learned outside college are what actually made me money I was proud of. I didn’t have to sit in an office all day working for another degree holding idiot with no common sense, logic, or creative thinking. I was able to go anywhere and do anything. I could be a plumber in Arkansas for a year. I could be a roofer in Argentina for another. I could do internet marketing and web design in Cancun. It goes on an on. The ability to move and adventure tied together with entrepreneurism.

Just trying to imagine where I would be if I was not forced into the education system. If I had a strong leader and not a bunch of worthless government workers trying to manipulate me. It’s hard to say, it really is a kick in the nuts. Our entire life is forced down our throats and we don’t even question it. We just take everything we are taught as scripture. That it has to be fact because a school taught it.

Overcoming this is the essence of an adventrepeneur. To start collecting knowledge and hobbies instead of money and materialistic items is to really grow and learn. By the time you hit 30 you’d have more life experience than most, while obtaining limitless skills along the way. Imagine your ability to stop and open a business anywhere on the plane after living this way. The ability to make friends and create business where ever you go.

Learning and seeing what works, and what doesn’t in the real world. The local hot dog guy that has sales all night probably makes more than the fancy place next door after paying employees and the bills. Anywhere in the world has bicycle repair shops. Everywhere has growing lawns that need to be trimmed. Most cities have garbage collection. Most people love listening to music as they eat or hang out in the park.

The problem most people make is basing their success on money and profit. By their possessions and goods. Sitting on an ant hill of possessions doesn’t compare to the bumble bee that goes from flower to flower creating rich honey along the way. You do not have to make billions to be a successful or intelligent entrepreneur.

Another misconception people make is that you need tons of money to travel. The reality is if you had a skill set that was ever expanding you wouldn’t have to worry about it. You wouldn’t have to worry about your next job, your next paycheck, because you know that you can go out and find something to pay the bills.

You wouldn’t be afraid to speak your mind because if you got fired you’d simply find another job or create one. I went from the top of the USA to Mexico for very little money helping and working with people along the way. Sometimes with a simply story people felt repaid for helping you along the way.

All these skills come together to be the best possible schooling for a young business owner or future entrepreneur. The ability to make a fool of yourself in another language as you try and communicate. The ability to make small deals and bargains along the way to benefit everyone. The insight of seeing real people doing real things. The knowledge of finding yourself and what really drives you. Accepting yourself for who you are and accepting your faults for what they are. None of which is taught in any school.

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Structured Anarchy vs Government Ordained Society

Often times when people hear the word anarchy they associate it with chaos, disorder, and violence. This isn’t always true however and often times organized anarchy is the best option for survival and freedom of the individual. Forced to take responsibility for your own actions structured anarchy is what a republic or democratic society claim to be. However, both are a simple ruse to mask the truth behind consensual slavery and turn anarchy into a chaos cult.

absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

an organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity.

Society itself is nothing more than a figment of the imagination, a large culture created for control, as it’s self evident you do not have absolute freedom in society. You’re not even allowed to catch a fish without permission, build your house without permission and taxes, essentially all the basics of fundamental freedom and survival require permission from an authority figure or government. This in no way represents freedom in any way and actually is counter to freedom itself. If you can’t even survive with out societies created illusions, freedom is nothing but an imaginary friend.

People base their entire existence on this illusion never stopping to ask why they have to work all day every day just to survive, and in most cases can’t even survive in the climate that was created for them. Society itself is detrimental to the success of the individual, whereas organized anarchy offers unlimited possibilities for growth and advancement within a tribe.

Even when looking at public services and goods, throughout history it is self evident that people themselves without government or authority have the capability to build roads, educate their youth, provide proper water and housing, ect. It wasn’t until government, society, and fraudulent authority began flexing that people started starving, losing their families and farms, genocide, and more.

Prior to government survival was something you could provide for yourself. Freedom was something you could actually fight for. Modern day slaves beg for government intervention whether republican or democrat, kissing the ass of corporations and politicians just to keep their “gun rights”. Never asking the question why a free man would need permission to defend himself or build his own home.

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The reality is society itself isn’t a group of people coming together, rather a dream propped up on propaganda to sell you on consensual slavery. To sign over your own children to the state and banks as they print out another birth certificate. Wondering why you can barely afford food and rent when you put in over 40 hours a week. Questioning your own life simply because you fell for the lie of society. The image. The hope of being “successful” according to their standards.

Organized anarchy removes all of the fraud and relies on honesty and taking responsibility for your actions, regardless of your operation or business. When a corporation sprays chemicals in the air or in the rivers so you have to buy water rather than collect your own, no authority should stand in the way of you burning down their buildings and robbing them blind.

Crimes against humanity are protected by the very organizations that claim to be protecting you. Politicians sign rules and codes that protect their investments while building new ones in the military industrial complex as they crusade across the plane.

Imagine for a moment if the USA was an organized anarchy rather than a corporation pretending to be a democratic republic. Imagine if the people actually stood up for their families, friends, and communities by actually fighting back against those that have proven to want to do harm in exchange for control and profits. The fields of Monsanto would be burned to the ground. Their operating facilities completely destroyed in an effort to prove we will not eat their test tube food.

Statism 3

The big banks would have lawyers and CEO’s hanging from light fixtures as they swindled the world in the largest ever international housing market fix leaving thousands without homes. As they gave themselves millions only to force the government to bail them out under threat of inflation from the corporate owned federal reserve. (Nothing federal about it.)

Imagine people defending themselves against the national guard when they invaded Kent State University shooting down over 10 unarmed students protesting the Vietnam war. Imagine if they had pulled out their own weapons and defended themselves followed with a community backlash of red necks and liberals working together to plow through their genocide. This is the difference between a society and organized anarchy.

Instead of watching Vicky get gunned down in Ruby Ridge or an entire church society burned to the ground in Waco Texas the organized anarchy militia would have shown up and shot down all those douche bags in costumes hiding in the grass with their dreams of murdering for money. Instead the politically correct society watches on television murmuring stupid memes to themselves as they prepare for another day of office work or post on social media as they pretend to make a difference.

Organized anarchy is total freedom for everyone. Total freedom to pick and choose where you spend your time, effort, and money. Need roads? Lets build them. Need hospitals? Lets build them. Instead of making them government or corporate owned mega facilities hell bent on the destruction of health for their own profit, control, and gain, the people would have power over their own health.

Rather than allowing a corporate mafia to pump you and your children full of unknown chemical soups that are known to contain things like mercury, formaldehyde, MSG, as well as random metals like aluminum. Rather than allowing one group to control all banks, hospitals, and food, organized anarchy would force variety and honesty in the market.

After a few bankers get hung in town square for fraud, theft, and deception they will think twice before trying it again. That is the difference between a statist and a free thinker. I don’t require government or authority to tell me what’s right or wrong, especially when the individual is far more capable of success without intervention from a bunch idiots in costumes.

Politics of Autonomy: Why Government Can’t Control the Self-Sufficient

In today’s society, we are often told that the government is here to protect and provide for us. We are encouraged to rely on government assistance and programs for our basic needs. However, there is a growing movement of individuals who reject this narrative and choose to be self-sufficient. These individuals are able to take care of themselves without depending on the government. But why does the government seem to dislike self-sufficient people?

The Pitfalls of Government Dependence
Relying heavily on the government can put you in a vulnerable situation. When central authorities become the primary source of services, resources, and security, it engenders a system where people’s basic needs are predominantly met by the government.

This imbalance not only grants the government significant power over everyday lives, but also inhibits people’s capacity to demonstrate their independence. When people become heavily reliant on the government for their fundamental needs, self-reliance and self-sufficiency are often perceived as threats to the prevailing system.

The Power of Self-Sufficiency in Challenging Political Structures
The principle of self-sufficiency carries considerable clout in unsettling firmly entrenched political establishments. When individuals and communities begin to satisfy their own necessities, they step outside the traditional narrative of government-reliant citizens. This shift creates discomfort for administrations accustomed to commanding authority through the delivery of public services.

Sigma males who are able to meet their own needs display a degree of autonomy that defies common governance structures. The self-sufficient are not easily swayed by policies or regulations that do not align with their needs or values, posing a significant challenge to the status quo. This heightened autonomy can push back against an overly controlling government, underlining the transformative power of self-sufficiency.

Self-Sufficiency Reduces Economic Dependence
Economic independence is an integral element of self-sufficiency. Self-reliant individuals and communities frequently engage in self-sustaining activities such as farming, crafting, and various other production methods to provide for their own needs. This significantly reduces their need for government assistance or jobs in the mainstream economy, diluting the control that the government holds over their lives.

Being able to generate one’s own economic stability, as opposed to depending on government-funded safety nets, inherently diminishes the government’s grip. As a result, the government’s power to manipulate the economic realities is weakened when individuals can provide for their own needs. This independence further bolsters the position of self-sufficient people as less reliant on the governing systems, giving them the flexibility to adapt to economic changes without the fear of losing governmental support. Therefore, the very essence of economic self-sufficiency is about creating one’s own financial safety net, a powerful tool that diminishes governmental control and influence.

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Influence of Self-Sufficient Communities on Political Ideologies
Communities that embody self-sufficiency present a compelling model of an alternative lifestyle that reduces dependency on government systems. Their existence serves as a living testament that it’s possible to meet your needs without the intervention of centralized authorities. Consequently, they can act as a powerful catalyst for shifting political ideologies that advocate government dependence.

As the self-sufficient way of life gains traction, the political landscape may undergo significant transformation. This could pose a challenge to governments, particularly within societies where normie ideologies heavily impact policy-making and governance methods. As more people opt for self-reliance over dependence on government assistance, this shift in societal mindset could significantly disrupt the traditional power dynamics. Governments might find it increasingly difficult to exert influence or maintain their control as more of their population shifts towards self-sufficiency.

Autonomy Why Government Can'T Control Self-Sufficient People Autonomy Why Government Can'T Control Self-Sufficient People Autonomy Why Government Can'T Control Self-Sufficient People

Why Governments Struggle to Control Self-Sufficient People
The independence that accompanies self-sufficiency presents a roadblock to governments attempting to exercise control. These individuals and communities possess a level of resilience that renders them less susceptible to the usual levers of governmental influence. They tend not to be swayed by carrot-and-stick approaches, such as offering benefits or imposing penalties, as their survival and prosperity don’t hinge on government support.

This detachment from government assistance and systems of control can lead to a significant shift in power dynamics. The independent spirit of self-sufficient individuals directly challenges a government’s authority, creating a friction between governmental intent and the realities of personal autonomy. This disconnect gives self-sufficient individuals the ability to question and potentially resist government policies or actions that do not serve their interests or align with their values.

The Future of Self-Sufficiency and Government Control
As self-reliance trends upward, it could profoundly reshape the dynamic between citizens and their governing bodies. This rise in self-sufficiency, a quest for independence from governmental influence, will force authorities to reconsider their established approaches. Instead of focusing on controlling the self-sufficient, governments may need to seek ways to effectively cooperate with them. This could lead to the development of new governance models that recognize and respect the autonomy of the people.

Governments may need to move away from a top-down, authoritative approach and towards a more cooperative model. This might involve recognizing the value of self-sufficiency and incorporating it into policy-making and societal structures, rather than viewing it as a threat. The shift could promote a more balanced distribution of power, where government exists to facilitate and support its people, not control them.

Censorship vs Freedom: An Analysis of Society’s Health

While censorship is often seen as a means to “protect individuals” from “harmful” or “offensive content”, it can also restrict the free exchange of ideas and hinder progress. On the other hand, freedom of speech is a fundamental right that allows for open dialogue and diverse perspectives, but can also lead to the spread of “misinformation” and “hate speech”.

The Fundamental Concept of Freedom of Speech
At the core of any thriving society is the indispensable right to freedom of speech, which guarantees the expression of opinions and ideas without fear of governmental restraint or interference. It’s a concept deeply embedded in the U.S. Constitution, particularly within the First Amendment, asserting that every individual should be able to articulate their thoughts freely, whether they resonate with the majority or only a few.

It is the linchpin of liberty that encourages a rich and diverse marketplace of ideas. This freedom sparks discussions, incites debates, and prompts societal development. It creates an environment where thoughts can be aired openly, and where the clash of differing opinions leads to the growth and evolution of society.

With freedom of speech, diversity in thought and ideas is not only accepted but is also appreciated and used as a vehicle for progress. This liberty cultivates an environment that is conducive to the open exchange of ideas, encouraging people to actively engage in dialogue, challenge existing norms and promote societal transformation.

Censorship and its Detrimental Effects on Society
Censorship signifies the containment or prohibition of speech, public discourse, or any other forms of information that are deemed inappropriate, offensive, or detrimental by the authorities or media entities. Rather than facilitating a marketplace of diverse ideas, censorship undermines it, promoting a culture of ignorance and heightened division among the populace.

It acts as a shackle on the free flow of ideas and perspectives, hindering societal growth and development. In its most alarming form, it could pave the way for authoritarian rule, where only a single narrative is allowed to prevail, and any form of dissent or individual thought is ruthlessly suppressed or shadow banned. This leads to an environment where individuals fear expressing their views, creating a society that is stagnant, closed, and unresponsive to change.

The potential dangers of such a scenario are not to be underestimated, as it could lead to the erosion of human values and individual liberties. As such, the detrimental impacts of censorship stretch far beyond curtailing the freedom of expression, to encompass the overall well-being of society at large.

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Connection Between Freedom and Society’s Health
The health of a society is often reflected in the breadth of its freedom of speech. When dialogue and open communication are nurtured, a society flourishes through intellectual growth, diverse perspectives, and innovative thinking. It’s the unrestricted exchange of ideas that invites challenge to the status quo and encourages constructive criticism.

Societies robust in their freedom of speech create spaces for their citizens to present alternate viewpoints and to question prevailing norms. As a result, they grow, progress, and self-correct, protecting against stagnation or decline. Hence, the very lifeblood of a vibrant, adaptable society is its ability to honor and uphold the concept of freedom of speech. It is this pivotal interconnection that underscores the vitality of freedom in ensuring a society’s health and longevity.

Freedom of Speech as a Catalyst for Justice and Liberty
Freedom of speech stands as a powerful force for justice and liberty, serving as the conduit through which humans can demand their rights, expose institutional corruption, and rally against injustice. It’s more than just a mere expression of ideas, it’s the catalyst for community transformation.

This right is not just about personal liberty, it’s about empowering communities to stand against oppression, to challenge the status quo, and to make significant strides toward justice. Hence, the right to express oneself freely doesn’t just benefit the individual, but it also benefits society as a whole, shaping a more equitable, just, and free realm. In the grand scheme of things, free speech isn’t just about voicing an opinion, it’s empowering your own individualism and sigma male status.

Censorship Vs Freedom An Analysis Of Society'S Health Censorship Vs Freedom An Analysis Of Society'S Health Censorship Vs Freedom An Analysis Of Society'S Health

The Cost of Sacrificing Freedom for Safety
Ceding liberty for safety can potentially lead to the emergence of a surveillance state, typified by unregulated governmental authority, limited rights, and quelled disagreement. The price to be paid is steep, whether genocide or control, potentially resulting in the erosion of the core principles that constitute society itself.

The potential repercussions include stifling the exchange of ideas, inhibiting progress and creativity, and creating an environment of fear that discourages people from exercising their right to express their thoughts and ideas. Thus, while safety is fantastic, it should not come at the cost of freedom. It is through preserving our right to express ourselves that we can truly safeguard our society.

The Imperative of Upholding Freedom of Speech
To sum it all up, the stakes are high in preserving freedom of speech. Despite potential misuses, it serves as a lifeline, ensuring the overall well-being and dynamism of a people. As the lifeblood of community and a catalyst for intellectual and social progress, freedom of speech plays an irreplaceable role.

Thus, its safeguarding falls upon all humans, as its preservation or deprivation will shape the future trajectory of societies. While censorship may present a tempting path for perceived order and safety, history and present realities underscore that it’s freedom of speech that guarantees a society’s resilience and vibrancy. Ultimately, it is freedom, not censorship, that nourishes the societal health we aspire to uphold.