College Educated Work Week

You’re on deck to start your life with over a decade of school under your belt. Unable to discern whether your ideas be theirs or your own. Trying to decipher life’s code the umpire yells batter up! Forced into another 4+ years of schooling education you’ve never had time to figure things out. Forced to read and repeat with no end in sight.

The ball whizzes by and all you hear is strike one! Blinking your eyes you gasp for air as your mind starts to melt. Is this the life I want or is there something else. The pitcher winds up and wings one in, closing your eyes you take one big swing. Strike two!

Slamming down the alarm clock it’s already 5 a.m. Time to go and do my job at the corporate office as another day passes you close in on the hump. The excitement is unbearable barely making it to Friday when the fun can actually start.

After cleaning the house you’re exhausted from such a long week, passing out on the couch it’s already Sunday night and time to get things ready for yet another work week. Enjoying some Netflix programming you relax for one last second before everything hits repeat.

Skillsets And Hobbies
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Luckily the last pitch was a ball or you’d already be out, not paying attention at all. The umpire yells the count, noticing you’ve got one more chance to do something at the plate. Taking a step back you take a few practice swings with approval from the stands. Seeing retirement on the horizon you put on your coronavirus mask and jump into the batters box.

A high speed fast ball is coming your way, unable to react in time it pegs you in the leg. Falling over in pain you can’t seem to walk as your bat rolls around on the ground. A las, you’ve reached society’s max height and can do anything at all.

Modern Day Slavery

Your bank account is huge and your wallet is fat. Wincing in pain however you hear the umpire motion to take your base. Cuddling up with your blanket you cry away the pain as a sweet new Netflix series plays over the loudspeaker of your old folk’s home..

The Government Died for Your Sins

Having a conversation with a statist can be quite difficult. Most of their responses and cliche “just follow the rules” rhetoric has been created for them. Their opinions, thoughts, and actions: all controlled by statist propaganda burned into their skull as a child in government schools. They continuously pop out ridiculous statements about how they are a perfect law abiding citizen and that anyone that breaks a rule or regulation is now a full blown criminal that deserves to die, get tazed, or slammed to the ground by 6 sociopaths in costumes.

Did you just do 56 in a 55? Well than it’s YOUR fault the cop used his emergency lights in a non-emergency to collect revenue, it’s YOUR fault he pulled you out, and it’s YOUR fault he tazed you for asking questions. Don’t break the “rules” if you don’t wanna get tazed and kidnapped. <- This is the type of logic these people have. These are the types of arguments they make. There is no reasoning with this type of person.

They sole heartedly believe the government is their savior. Their actions and words portray the government as the reason they can survive. They act as if the government died for the sins and paid the penalty for them on the cross. Forget Jesus Christ and the truth, government and the pope died for my sins. No matter what they do, no matter how many people they kill and hurt, the statist will blindly follow. Look at ANY genocide in history. Pick just one out of the thousands and thousands of government sanctioned murder of their own people. Was Hitler really the bad guy? I doubt he personally gassed a single Jew. He may have ordered it, but a bunch of statist idiots carried out those orders…

Why? The belief in government. I’m just doing my job. I’m just following orders.

These people have no empathy. They have no human emotions. They can’t feel joy or happiness. Their entire lives are wrapped around themselves. They feed off the discomfort and misfortune of others and literally get off on harassing others or bringing them down. Any position of power is a constant train of this supply as they can use it to hurt others. This is the constant onslaught of non-sense, delusional mentalities, and narcissistic supply grabs statist use in any conversation. Let me guess? I’m racist. ><

A Case Against Statism Refuting Government
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I remember asking myself a few years ago, how on earth could an entire country rise up and do something as horrid as kill their own people. Kill innocent people for living their lives. How could this be possible?

It becomes so painstakingly obvious how it does happen. How it continues to happen. How it never really stopped happening and simply moves to another location. People have a blind faith in government. They worship at the feet of government. Disobeying “authority” is not even an option for these people. Instead of saying “no” they choose to carry out these acts on innocent human beings. Whether the excuse be fighting for freedom, democracy, or officer safety the results are the same. Freedom is slavery and slavery is freedom to the statist. Let me guess? I’m anti-American. ><

Obey Government

The reality is America was free at one point. There was peace between Europeans running from catholic crusaders and natives offering them a home. There was community. Personal responsibility. Freedom to worship Jesus Christ. Then the pope sent a bunch Jesuits over and had a constitution ritual, creating a corporation known as the United States of America. British statist then began indoctrinating the public into this new religion of government. The “militia” were run by Washington and the likes, all working for the pope. A lot of real soldiers diaries have comments tuned to stories showing how the real free Americans showed up to these events only to leave knowing they were shills for the pope. Most of these stories of the founding fathers, or prophets as the statist would say, are make believe. They were not about freedom. They were about control.

The best slaves are the ones that think they are free.

Thinking a constitution or piece of paper gives you rights or protections is delusional. And thinking it’s going to limit or stop a government that created the ritual from invading your personal freedom is down right insane.

How Dare You Disagree with Me

I’ve noticed a trend in society within the last few years where you are not allowed to disagree with anyone. If you disagree and it turns into a debate or argument, after the argument one person blocks the other on social media, Whatsapp, and removes their phone number. A disagreement leads to the termination of the friendship or relationship. People have the attitude that if you disagree with them you hate them, that you want them dead, that you are their enemy. Simply put, you are not ALLOWED to disagree with anyone anymore. Or this is just the attitude they maintain to up hold their life in the bubble.

The reality is people today get so emotional when talking about politics, religion, or anything in between. They have no real understanding of these concepts, merely what they’ve heard in the media and on cartoons like American Dad or Rick and Morty. (Another cartoon that isn’t even funny but becomes popular by this same social popularity bubble. Bandwagon people jump on and recite Rick and Morty scripture like its funny to look cool.)

I’ve even had vegans jumping down my throat about how being vegan is so super awesome as they gleam at me with their discolored eyes, pale skin, and bucket of supplements. Meanwhile I’m grilling up a home grown free range chicken, getting my daily nutrients from one bite. Between the media fear mongering and college liberalism being a requirement for graduation, these people have no ability to have a debate or argue without getting emotional or cutting all ties with someone that does disagree.

One of the biggest problems with this is the bubble you create it for yourself. When you cut all ties with everyone that disagrees because they simply disagree, you leave yourself with a group that thinks exactly like you. This is one of the most dangerous things for critical thinking and individualism. If you aren’t being exposed to new ideas and concepts you will never grow or learn new things. You will never invent your own devices to accomplish unique tasks. You will stay inside the box, surrounded by other people inside the exact same box.

You will leave yourself with mundane daily conversation with people that agree with everything you say, from politics to religion, your mind is never challenged. You leave it up to the television or Netflix to do your creating for you. Your jokes, your humor, your personality starts to become that of the people you see on TV. Removing anyone and everything that disagrees with the simple block button. Your Facebook feed is left with reinforcing news and propaganda of your beliefs. Your entire friends list believes exactly as you. Your YouTube subscriptions are all people that believe exactly like you. That are doing the things you do.

Not many people allow themselves to be subject to new ideas and concepts and this bubble just gets bigger and bigger. People slowly become delusional in their belief that everyone is like that. That everyone believes the same as they do. All along these small ideas start to become the norm. Ideologies like feminism become the reality and any backlash is labeled misogynist and women hating. Many people have no problem living inside this bubble. Blocking and removing anyone that disagrees with them; but this is a very dangerous place to be as an individual, and even greater to a society.

A society that does not have the ability to entertain rational conversation questioning their own beliefs as to whether or not they are realistic, or whether or not they are even THEIR beliefs. Most people will fight to the death for beliefs that aren’t even their own, and that is a sad state to be in as a human being. At least come up with your own opinions, rather than letting those in power control that too. Often times I will hear people say exact quotes from Family Guy or the Daily Show with Jon Stewart thinking they have a clue. This is the foundation of their entire political and religious system. Dumbass quotes they heard on the television or saw in their Facebook feed. As this little social bubble continues to grow and grow….

Label Maker Society

Are you tired of it? I’m tired of it. I’m so tired of the ism’s and the abbreviations. I’m so sick and tired of the endless creation of these retarded concepts that are then taken and criticized by some other abbreviation. Then that abbreviation changes to a new one with a new label. Then someone else’s ism contradicts it. Then a new ism creates a new abbreviation and I don’t even know how to speak. Half the alphabet has been replaced with alternative meanings and definitions and if I say this I say that and if I don’t do this I can’t be this abbreviation or ism. ENOUGH!

SHUT UP! Why do people feel the need to label themselves. To put themselves inside a group only to be handcuffing your own growth and thought to one playing field. Why limit yourself with a label when you can simply BE YOURSELF. I like shooting guns. I like smoking weed. I hate government. I love growing vegetables. I think you’re a douche bag if you want me to pay for things in your life. I don’t mind donating to someone in need. I think religious people are hypocritical idiots. I think atheists are religious people. I think taxes are theft.

I think a traffic tickets are inland piracy (legally it is). I think abortion is wrong but I don’t stand in the way of someone doing it. (Education about health effects and mental effects after abortion are extremely hidden and secretive and very detrimental to a women). I think I should not have to pay for planned parenthood in any way. Not a single penny. If we have any form of government, locally or state, I think if you support a tax you can check it off on your tax form and pay it.

If you opt out, you opt out. I think that government should not regulate money in any way. I think that government should not be a corporation pretending to be a government. I think the liberals are brainwashed. I think republicans are bought out. I think democrats are delusional. I think anarchists are unrealistic. I think NASA is 100% propaganda in every way.

Where is my label? What do you call me? How do you openly respond with real conversation and not a rehearsed rhetoric given to you by the media? Why would I have to pay taxes on things I do not support? Why am I forced to take up a label? Why am I forced to decide between two presidential candidates with no real world experience that are actually related. Oh you didn’t know? Hilary and Trump are distant cousins. Just like Obama and Bush.

Look through history, why is it we have the same families and choices over and over again? Yet I’m forced to vote for one side or the other or I’m not an American? If I don’t choose a side I’m somehow a terrorist. If I want to live my life out on my own away from all civilization I can’t. I am harassed by building code inspectors creeping on my property when I’m at work. I’m harassed by neighbors telling me to get permits for an adobe structure. Built completely off the land from rough cut lumber and HAND DUG CLAY FROM MY OWN PROPERTY.

Why do I have to take up your stupid labels? Why am I jumping through hoops to adhere to some abbreviations “laws”. These aren’t clubs. They are cults. Every last one of them including politics. This is where some dumbass says “what about the roads” “what about the blah blah blah”. I PAY FOR THE ROADS IN THE GASOLINE TAX. You know, the thing that’s about 50% of every gallon of gas you put in your car. ALL of that is what pays for your roads.

I never even knew this until I drove a propane van for a farm van that ran on propane and didn’t have to pay the tax. So tell me again why I’m paying half my income so other people can sponge and live more vibrant than myself. So we can bomb innocent people in random countries all over the place. Over 75 countries in 100 years. Treating men like disposable tampons all so the elite can accomplish their agenda. Leaving strong men in a state of crisis upon return to no love and only hate. No help, no way to pay taxes towards help, no mens shelters. Nothing. Giving up everything only to be turned into a terrorist.

Mainstream Popular Culture Defined

This finally boiled into a mental explosion for me. I see this everywhere. I see constant label making, and then the opposed will grab that label and spin off in 20 minutes of nonsense against that abbreviation or label. You’re THIS, so you MUST BE THAT. Over and over and over and over. I can’t imagine this mental process of having to deal with this personally. Having to jump into labels and meet criteria and please the opinions of others just to fit in. How is that individualism? How is that freedom?

Why is it necessary to be apart of some group or organization to actively participate in goals and achieve them? You can work in a group without a label. You can achieve goals without a label. Not only this but it is very easy to de-rail a movement by it’s own label. The media completely disarmed ANY militia movement with the Oklahoma Bombing. Which had nothing to do with the militia. How many militias where active after that bombing? Not many. Why? They where terrorists to the public and media. By labeling yourself you simply make yourself a hog roast for a hungry lion.

Jumping from one mental prison to another is hardly the answer. When you finally catch that moment of realization that none of that is going to do what you need it too. It will always leave you in the same boat with no paddle. It’s time to put away the label maker. Better yet, carve it into a prison shank. Shank that nasty label maker guard and take the keys. (Liberals: Don’t actually stab anyone…)

Let yourself out and see what’s like to have true mental freedom. Freedom to walk your path whichever way that may be. It’s your choice. You have free will. Travel, start a business, work hard and save some money, scrub toilets while you plan it out. It doesn’t matter. Throw on some classic hip pop and sit back with a realistic plan and a few goals. See how far you are compared to your last 3 months of label making and arguing null points with no reward.

Classified - High School Behavior

Atheists Hate Free Will

It’s funny getting into a “debate” with modern day atheists. Everything they say about religion can literally be applied to their precious theory of evolution as well as their entire atheistic world view. As every government school in the world forces evolution and survival of the fittest down the throat of every child. Literally unable to pass university if he or she doesn’t bow down to the theory.

It’s even more laughable when they make their meme posts on social media, as they get mad at God for giving angels and humans free will, they also get mad that God is “controlling”. Within 24 hours even they will make these posts that completely contradict each other while blaming God. How can you seriously blame God for being controlling and also for giving Lucifer, the angels, and humans free will. You can’t have it both ways, it’s just not logical.

This is where most atheists get emotional, shutting down completely. Unable to question their precious religious system of evolution any further because it’s been so well programmed into them from an early age. From school to television, even their peers will keep them from questioning it. Studies show through confirmation bias alone most atheists would never dare question their precious god of evolution.

They sit in the corner crying about contradictory points pretending bible believers are stupid. Posting retarded memes about how mean and evil God was failing to mention why He removed those people from power, or helped others conquer them. They make it seem like those people were just sitting around baking cookies for the world when in reality they were raping and murdering people all over the place.

Therefor he allowed them to be conquered for partaking in evil deeds. Yet even so, the atheist hates God for allowing them to be destroyed. They get mad that God destroyed humans that mated with devils. They get mad God gave Lucifer free will and Lucifer chose to rebel. They get mad God is controlling yet has offered the ultimate gift of free will and salvation itself. BOTH FREE.

Atheists And Religious Are The Same

Atheists twist and manipulate like they were on the dance floor of a salsa competition just to maintain their delusions. If you question it at all the entire thing would unravel. Why would I lose my tail? My entire family history is German and Scottish, where it is extremely cold.

Why would I lose my fur coat just to have to buy one from a corporation? Why would diversity even exist if evolution was true? There’s like 10 biomes in the world, they would all have one organism that evolved to control those biomes. There is no need for diversity if evolution is true. No bible required to disprove evolution.

This is where atheists fall short, because even when confronted about their fairy tales they will cry themselves into a corner making themselves the victim. Never connecting the dots between religion itself and their own beliefs. Making wild claims about Christians that can be attached to their own religious dogma. It’s funny that they don’t realize they are all in the same boat, and that faith alone in Jesus Christ is the only way to God.

Not religion, not church, not good deeds, and certainly not atheism, a cult created by the Vatican to control secular society. From a social engineering aspect atheism and evolution have been the greatest lies ever told and its paying off 10 fold. Pay your taxes, work your 9-5, bow down to the experts and get your chemical injection. Don’t question a thing and move right along, your life will be over before before you finish singing your fairy tale song.

“Praise be to Darwin and the prophets like Dawkins, for without their preaching the world would never know the truth of evolution. Amoeba! Amoeba! Amoeba! Praise be to evolution and secular society. Amoeba! Amoeba! Amoeba!”