Beauty in a Bucket

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The jungle, and life in general, often surprises us with ups and downs. Whether through emotional entanglement or anger, it’s not always enjoyable to experience the ride. Feeling like quicksand, regardless of your actions, sinking deeper and deeper into the hole.

Perhaps the universe is trying to send a message, maybe teach a lesson, or it’s just the luck of the draw as the realm has fallen into an apocalypse of narcissism. We can’t control others, most of the time even ourselves, but our mentality can cling to the freedom of creativity as we embrace the storm.

As a friend handed me a gently wrapped critter in a t-shirt, I opened it up to find a baby owl who had banged its head against the side of a moving car door. Unable to fly he fluttered away in confusion trying to figure out what had just happened to him. Making chase before the dogs could do any damage, I was able to scoop it up and find a bucket of safety for the time being.

Only needing a few days of rest, feeding him anything at all was a failure to say the least. Hanging out with the pack while working on the computer, his big ol’ eyes reminded me of the beauty we often forget. Living in the now has its rewards, as long as we set some long term goals; pondering the survival of this little bird, I decided to get on with some yard work.

A day riding the weed whacker like a witch on a broom, buzzing the lawn and cutting down annoying plants trying to steal sunshine from my fruits and vegetables. Taking a few minutes to enjoy the breeze and my newly stacked compost pile, an itch reminded me of the present. Future goals would have to be put on hold as the Chechen tree encore started blasting, blisters and burns all throughout my feet, the Chaca tree would have to be my best friend yet again.

With the animals fed and the baby bunny barracks all set to roll, the rest of the day would be spent nursing my feet back to health as I scraped Chaca bark against my toes. Followed up with a refreshing aloe vera bath, paws in rough shape limping around the property like an old man. Evil trees with no regard for me, simply sharing its bounty with local birds as a main supply to their empty stomachs.

A natural gesture that the good often comes with the bad, suggesting we value the beauty in shared experience throughout the ugly times. If all else fails, always follow the white rabbit to prosperity, putting golden turd chunks on your freshly planted marijuanas.


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