Get Out of Debt Free Without Bankruptcy

Get Out of Debt Free is very different from most consumer debt support sites, it has been set up to highlight the fraudulent nature of the financial system and offer solutions to those who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of it. (Update: 12/20/17 – NOT ANYMORE! The website totally sold out. I have maintained the documents though and they are available for download here as well as a small program that has more templates and information.) This is not legal advice and requires a ton of research before doing, but in my experience it does work.
Two Options for Dealing with Banks Credit Cards, Overdrafts and Loans

  • Option one is the standard letter templates 1,2,3 below which work well and are simple and very effective
  • Option two is Common Law Copyright Procedure can offer more protection, especially if the individual accounts are over £5000 ($7500)

There are three letters, which need posting at least 10 days apart.

Together they will create a tacit contract, which is a lawfully binding agreement. Address the letters to the CEO- Chief Executive Officer, (you will find their name easily enough on the Forum/Bank CEO). ‘CC’ a ‘Carbon Copy’ of the letter to the contact in the collections department who has written to you.

The letters open as a Microsoft Word Document, however if you do not have a Word installed, get a copy of OpenOffice for Windows users, or LibreOffice if you are using a Mac.
Letter 1

Download Letter 1

Letter 2

Follow up Letter 1 ten days later with Letter 2 which starts the formation of the tacit agreement.

Download Letter 2

Letter 3

Finally follow up ten days after sending Letter 2 with Letter 3, the third and final letter to the debt collector, which forms the tacit agreement.

Download Letter 3

If you don’t hear anything more from them for 30 days after sending the third letter, send them the Estoppel document. If you do hear anything from them, send them a Bill and start charging them! These documents can be found at the bottom of this page.


For debts £5000 to £10,000 or $7500 to $15,000

This procedure allows you to take control of your name under Common Law and International Treaty

The Notice makes it clear that you have a common law copyright and trademark on your name and that use of it without consent is copyright infringement.


Copyright Notice

First, print out and sign the Copyright Notice below and get it signed by three witnesses.
We suggest you send a photocopy of your Copyright Notice with Copyright Letter 1 and Letter 3, below.

Download Copyright Notice


Copyright Stamp

Info – You will then need to print out the ink stamp, on top of the postage stamp as per image, to seal the document. (The stamp in the image above is a UK stamp, but if you’re not in the UK, just use a stamp from your country). To get the Copyright stamp with your name in, firstly ensure your details are entered into Your Account page in the main menu. You will need to upgrade your account to have this facility.

Click on the Copyright Stamp button below, let it download and then open the document in Word or Open Office. The image appears in the document at the bottom on the right margin. Print it on a blank page, just to see where your margins are and from this you can work out where to put the postage stamp on your copyright docs.

Rather than wasting postage stamps, it may be an idea to draw a postage stamp sized rectangle on the bottom right of an unsigned copyright document first, to ensure that when it goes through the printer, the copyright circle stamp and the trademark name stamp, both print over the postage stamp as per diagram.


Copyright Declaration

Next you must publish the Copyright Declaration. You can publish it in your local paper/s, however, these days it is acceptable to post it on the Internet. You can post it on your Facebook or Google+, etc. or you can also post it the Getoutofdebtfree forum under the heading ‘Copyright/Trademark Procedure and Estoppel/Declarations’

Tip – Rather than divulge your name with your username, thereby losing your anonymity, we suggest you copy and paste the document into the Copyright Declaration Posting tool. Follow the directions below. It should download and open in Word or similar text editor, then check your name appears correctly. Please realise that your name will be visible on the internet, if someone Googles it.

Info – Please Note- the Copyright and Trademark symbols appear as © and ™ at this stage in the word document, but will be replaced automatically by the correct symbols, when posted in the forum.

Now login and go to ‘Account‘ on the top menu. Click on the Copyright Declaration Tool. Copy and paste your declaration into the text box and click ‘Post Declaration’. It will appear in the forum here, in Declarations

Download Copyright Declaration


Copyright Letters

There are three letters to be used when you have copyrighted your name, which need posting at least 10 days apart. Together they will create a tacit agreement, which is a lawfully binding agreement. Sign the letter with your first names hyphenated and a colon before your last name, as in the example- John Peter of the family: Doe, (this signifies you are from the clan/family of your last name and differentiates you from your UPPER CASE ‘legal fiction’.

Info – Should they continue to pester you, you can bill them for £/$1,000,000.00 for each time they have used your name, plus all the other charges. Send a copy of the signed and sealed Copyright Notice with letter 1 and letter 3.

The letters open as a Microsoft Word Document, however if you do not have a Word installed, get a copy of OpenOffice for Windows users, or LibreOffice if you are using a Mac.


Copyright Letter 1

Download Copyright Letter 1

Copyright Letter 2

Follow up Letter 1 ten days later with Letter 2 which starts the formation of the tacit agreement.

Download Copyright Letter 2

Copyright Letter 3

Finally follow up ten days after sending Letter 2 with Letter 3, the third and final letter to the debt collector, which forms the tacit agreement.

Download Copyright Letter 3


Estoppel Notice

Info – The Estoppel Notice or to give it it’s full title, Notice of Irrevocable Estoppel by Acquiescence, is sent around 30 days after the third letter if you have not heard anything from them.

Download Estoppel Notice



Info – If you do hear anything, from them, send a Bill as per the fee schedule charges in letter 3. If they do not pay the Bill within the time limit stated, send them a warning, then make a claim against them.

Download Bill Document


Hints and Tips

Keep Organised! Very important- make copies of everything that you send out. Clip the registered mail receipt to the copy letter and put all your letters in chronological order in a file. If you are dealing with more than one company at a time, it is a good idea to put your letters into a folder.

Make a note of the dates to send your letters out at 10 day intervals, in your diary or on your calendar, so that you do not forget to send the follow up letters out on time.

Double Check all details in the letter, especially reference or account numbers and check for typos and grammatical errors. Don’t forget to sign the letter. Ensure that you have all the name and address fields filled out. If you have received a recent letter from them, you can always acknowledge it in the first sentence with something like, thank you for your letter dated… then use the standard paragraphs. Check you use the correct complimentary close e.g. Dear Sir or Madam ends with Yours faithfully.

Mark the letter ‘Private and Confidential’ and send it recorded delivery so it has to be signed for on receipt..

Always sign you name in RED INK, this signifies that you are the living breathing soul and NOT a corporate entity.
Banks Phone Calls

How to deal with calls effectively…

Banks and Credit Card companies tend to phone you every day, sometimes up to 5 times a day, once you default on them, however they do not tend to leave messages. Some use automated calls to ask you to contact customer services and they may also text you and call you at work.
Warning – Do NOT deal with the Banks by phone!

The first time they phone up, explain to them that: ‘I wish to deal with this matter in writing only, and should I continue to receive calls from you or your company, then this may constitute harassment’ in which case I will be forced to take further action. Thank you and good bye!

Second time they phone up:

When they ask for you, just say: ‘Who is it?; hold on a minute’ (as if you are just about to get that person) and then leave the phone off the hook!
They normally hold on for around 4-5 minutes, but after a while they will get the drift.

OR you may wish to try:

‘Could you please hold on a minute whilst I log this call, as I believe these calls may now constitute harassment’…

OR my current favorite:

Ask them security questions, like their full name, their job title, direct number and the name of their line manager. Also inform them that the conversation may be recorded for training purposes. Most mobile phones have a sound recording function. When they ask you a security question, simply say that you do not disclose your personal details on the phone for security reasons!


Tip – If you’re really getting tired of all the calls, you can ask the service provider to block the number. You may not always be able to use this option as often they withhold their number unless your network provider will block calls from all withheld numbers.

Either way it’s great fun! And you do not give in to their intimidation! If they feel they are intimidating you, they are far more likely to continue. I have had companies give up after three phone calls because they didn’t like giving me the security information I was requesting…


Don’t let them harass you- Harass them!

Info – Decide on your strategy before they phone up. You may wish to print some notes to put by the phone so that you will know exactly what to say when they phone up. Remember, if what they were doing was completely lawful, why do they harass us with loads of calls? Why do they not follow the legal process every time?

It’s far easier and cheaper to harass and intimidate those people who do not know the truth and get them to pay up, than it is to extort money out of those who are aware of their fraud.

> Download Free Program with Letter Templates and More Info <

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