A Fight to the Death
It’s always interesting to see how others react when you have to kill something to protect your homestead animals. Some will say “well it’s the food chain” while others say “just re-locate the animal” and on and on the zombormie excuses go..
The reality is however, on my homestead, I am at the top of said “food chain” and my job is literally to protect my animals. Re-locating a pest predator is one of the worst things you can do as a responsible caretaker of the land, as you simply make the problem someone else’s. At the end of the day, it’s better to take care of the issue and utilize it for what you can. It’s just part of this lifestyle and taking responsibility for yourself and your own.
In this case, a nice meaty meal for the dogs, and a cool skin to remember the experience. This time, the boa had my rooster in a death hug, luckily I was doing yard work at the time and heard the commotion, running over with my machete I grabbed the vile beast and chucked it out from the brush and with a swift slice removed it’s head.
Later that day I walked outside and found another smaller one hanging out by the house, and in many cases, these snakes can hold venom. It’s not worth the risk for me or my dogs to lose a life over a stupid snake who will most likely try and eat my rabbits, chickens, ect. That same night, I spotted a coral snake as well, which is extremely venomous, heart racing, I decided to avoid that one for the night. All in all, 3 snakes in 48 hours with only a machete to decide the fate of us all. Until next time..