<div id="m_titli">Libro de Legalese</div>
<div id="m_phrase"><strong><em>Government taking God given liberties as idolatry becomes the name of their statist game. Society worshipping politicians as if they have any interest in saving you by providing special privileges. Time to stop pretending the votes count, when in reality each generation of slave masters is hand picked years in advance. Left or right, division and deception are their only pieces on the chess board of this legalese system.</strong></em></div>
<center><img style="max-width:700px;border:1px solid #ffffff;margin-top:7px;border-radius:5px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/lebro/Statism-vs-Liberty.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Statism vs Freedom" /></center>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">Unalienable Rights of ALL Human Beings</div>
<div class="texti" style="text-align:center;">God given unalienable rights are inherent, sovereign, natural rights, that existed before the creation of the state (government), and which, being antecedent to and above the state, can never be taken away, diminished, altered, or levied by the state, except by due process of law. Nor can any unalienable right be fundamentally removed or waived by contract (legal persons), whether by non-disclosure, which is fraud and unenforceable in law, or knowingly by sufferance, which is contrary to the spirit of law and prejudicial sovereignty.</em>"</div>
<div class="texti" style="max-width:700px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><ul><li>The right to life, freedom, health, and the pursuit of happiness.</li>
<li>The right to contract, or not contract, which is unlimited.</li>
<li>The right to earn a living income by being compensated with wages or salary in a fair exchange for one’s work.</li>
<li>The right to travel in the ordinary course of one’s life and business unrestricted.</li>
<li>The right to privacy and confidentiality, free from unwarranted invasion.</li>
<li>The right to own, and hold property, lawfully without trespass.</li>
<li>The right to self-defense when threatened with harm, loss, or deceit.</li>
<li>The right to due process of law, with notice and opportunity to defend.</li>
<li>The right to be presumed innocent, suffering no detention or arrest, no search or seizure, without reasonable cause.</li>
<li>The right to remain silent when accused, to avoid self-incrimination.</li>
<li>The right to equality in the eyes of the law, and to equal representation.</li>
<li>The right to trial by jury, being impartial panel of one’s peers.</li>
<li>The right to appeal in law against conviction or sentence, or both.</li>
<li>The right to expose knowledge necessary to one’s rights and freedoms.</li>
<li>The right to peaceful association, assembly, expression, and protest.</li>
<li>The right to practice a religion or faith, and to have beliefs, of ones choosing.</li>
<li>The right to love, and to consensual marriage and family.</li>
<li>The right to security from abuse, persecution, tyranny, and war.</li>
<li>The right to refuse to kill under command, by reason of conscience.</li>
<li>The right to live in peace and be left alone when not harming others.</li></ul></div>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">Legal Fictions and Statist Contracts</div>
<div class="texti" style="text-align:center;">Surely, the most critical failure of the people is their failure to ensure the teaching and common knowledge of their unalienable rights. If you do not know your rights, you effectively have none. By the path of ignorance, whether by apathy or deception, the people arrive in a state of exploitation, oppression, and tyranny.
<strong>There is only one way to remove a freedom belonging to the people. That is by a YOU knowingly waiving a particular right..</strong> Some of the confusion in our present system has arisen because many millions of people have waived their freedom to travel unrestricted, forage for food, build a home, and other basic fundamental freedoms and opted into the jurisdiction of the state (<em>government legal fictions</em>). Those who have knowingly given up these rights are legally regulated by government verdicts, and must obtain permits, registrations, insurance, etc. State statutes and codes apply only to those who waive their freedom under contracts like the drivers license, social security card, or birth certificate, and consensually contract with the state.
<em>"It has come to my attention that numerous individuals in our state have <strong>rescinded all of their contracts with the united states federal government, the state of [], and each of its political subdivisions. - I urge you to inform yourself and your personnel of the contractual nature of auto registration and driver's licenses</strong>, it is conceivable that this situation may lead to confrontation between these individuals and law enFORCEment personnel. In so much as this procedure is entirely appropriate"</em></div>
<center><img style="max-width:500px;border:1px solid #ffffff;margin-top:7px;border-radius:5px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/lebro/Contract-with-Government-Legal-Fictions.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Contract with Government Legal Fictions" /></center>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">Basic Law of the Land</div>
<div class="texti" style="text-align:center;">Without a valid "<em>cause of action</em>" there's no corpus delicti. If there's no corpus delicti a case has no standing. There are numerous cases dealing with corpus delicti and all say the same thing. Without a corpus delicti the plaintiff has no standing. In order to have a corpus delicti a case requires a valid "<em>cause of action</em>." A valid cause of action requires three elements.</div>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">The Three Elements</div>
<div class="texti" style="max-width:280px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;font-size:125%;"> <strong>1) <em>violation of a legal right.</em></strong>
<strong>2) <em>damage or injury.</em></strong>
<strong>3) <em>redress-ability by the court.</em></strong></div>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">Layman's Terms (<em>No Victim, No Crime</em>)</div>
<div class="texti" style="text-align:center;">The "<em>government</em>" "<em>state</em>" or "<em>county</em>" cannot be a victim. A policy enforcement officer is actually committing perjury by claiming the "<em>government</em>" "<em>state</em>" or "<em>county</em>" is a victim of a crime especially in instances like a speeding ticket or seat belt ticket, which is actually racketeering and operating as a criminal enterprise under the color of law. To bring about a valid cause of action, the three elements must be met and the only way this can happen is if there is an actual victim. IE: Violence, theft, kidnapping, extortion, racketeering, each one of these have an actual victim.
Not wearing your seat belt has no victim. Spare the Argumentum ad Passiones (<em>Appeal to Passion or Emotion</em>), there is no victim of a crime if I do not wear my seat belt. Therefor any cause of action pushed by a policy enFORCEment officer is a lie, therefor perjury. There is no victim therefor he can NOT meet the 3 elements for the cause of action. He is lying for the "government" "state" or "county" to generate revenue and if you don't comply you are met with force, violence, theft of car (<em>tow</em>), kidnapping (<em>false arrest</em>), ect. By definition, this is perjury, racketeering, extortion ect. A real crime.
<strong><em>These are the main arguments used by your</em> local freemason <em>police, district attorneys, judges, city councils, normies, as well as federal government, to get you to adhere to their codes, regulations, and "authority".</em></strong>
<div style="font-size:115%;max-width:625px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><strong>Argumentum ad Verecundiam (<em>Appeal to Authority</em>)</strong>
Is a logical fallacy that argues that a position is true or more likely to be true because an authority or authorities agree with it.
<strong>Argumentum ad Nauseam (<em>Appeal to Repetition</em>)</strong>
Is the logical fallacy that something becomes true if it is repeated often enough. An <i>ad nauseam</i> argument that can be easily shown to be false leads to the "<em>point refuted a thousand times</em>".
<strong>Argumentum ad Populum (<em>Appeal to the Masses</em>)</strong>
Is a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition is true because many or most people believe it: "<em>If many believe so, it is so.</em>"
<strong>Argumentum ad Baculum (<em>Fear of Force</em>)</strong>
The fallacy committed when one appeals to force or the threat of force to bring about the acceptance of a conclusion.
<strong>Argumentum ad Passiones (<em>Appeal to Passion or Emotion</em>)</strong>
A logical fallacy in which the speaker manipulates the recipient's emotions in order to win an argument, especially in the absence of factual evidence.
<strong>Argumentum ad Temperantiam (<em>Appeal to Middle Ground</em>)</strong>
Is an informal fallacy which asserts that the truth can be found as a compromise between two opposite positions.
<strong>Ignoratio Elenchi (<em>Appeal to Deception Delusions</em>)</strong>
Is an informal fallacy of presenting an argument that may or may not be logically valid, but fails nonetheless to address the issue in question. More colloquially, it is also known as missing the point.</div>
<center><img style="max-width:700px;border:1px solid #ffffff;margin-top:7px;border-radius:5px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/lebro/Government-is-a-Religion.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Government is a Religion" /></center>
<div style="font-size:105%;text-align:center;"><em>"In the end, there is no hope for freedom if men of the mind are not willing to truly stand for freedom, to make of themselves Gibraltar-like representatives of its attributes <b>no matter what level of rejection, calumny and injustice is heaped upon them</b>. This is the true role of the intellectual in history, his only role – to stand intransigently for truth and its concomitant of freedom, even in face of a vast social herd of academic pedants, poseurs, and media clowns stampeding the other way." <small>- Nelson Hultberg</small></em></div></div>
<center>>>> [[Rhythm of Obedience->Rhythm of Obedience]] <<<</center>
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<center><a style="font-size:14px;color:#222222;" href="https://nagolbud.com/console/" target="_blank">®2©</a></center><div id="m_titli">Rhythm of Obedience</div>
<div id="m2_phrase"><strong><em>Standing outside the local big box store unable to enter, I watch as the zombormies march along, covering their mouth with cubre bocas and plastic shields. Pretending this mystical thing is going to protect them from the evil realm wide virus. They look at me funny and all I can do is smile, imagining their frown it becomes far more comical. Unable to contain myself as they squirt another kilo of hand sanitizer on their face and hands, pondering myself in a giant garbage bag with eye holes I can't help but curl over in pain as tears of laugter come to my eyes.
Can't even argue one world government because it's too obvious, however many blind-folding themselves to the statist reality we live in. Under the spell of telephone screens and media frenzy series, constantly checking their socials while updating their latest mouth cover design. My laughter turns to sadness as I realize this is the future going forward, a society of pain, misery, and depression; all self induced from ignorance and conformity of the zombormie plague.</strong></em></div>
<center><img style="max-width:515px;border:1px solid #ffffff;margin-top:7px;border-radius:5px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/lebro/Mask-of-Slavery.gif" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Mask of Obedience" /></a></center>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">It's Just..</div>
<div class="texti" style="text-align:center;font-size:115%;">It’s just a mask.
It’s just six feet.
It’s just two weeks.
It’s just non-essential businesses.
It’s just non-essential workers.
It’s just a bar.
It’s just a restaurant.
It’s just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals.
It’s just until the cases go down.
It’s just to flatten the curve.
It’s just a few inmates.
It’s just to keep others from being scared.
It’s just for a few more weeks.
It’s just church. You could still pray.
It’s just prayer.
It’s just until we get a vaccine.
It’s just a bracelet.
It’s just an app.
It’s just for tracing.
It’s just to let people know you’re safe to be around.
It’s just to let others know who you’ve been in contact with.
It’s just a few more months.
It’s just some more inmates.
It’s just a video.
It’s just a post.
<center><img style="max-width:515px;border:1px solid #ffffff;margin-top:7px;border-radius:5px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/lebro/Good-Boy-Statist.gif" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Good Boy Statist" /></a></center>
It’s just an email account.
It’s just for protecting other from hate speech.
It’s just for protecting others from hurt feelings.
It’s just a large gathering but for protests.
It’s just a little micro chip.
It’s just a blood test.
It’s just a test.
It’s just a scan.
It’s just for medical information.
It’s just to store a vaccination certificate.
It’s just like a credit card.
It’s just a few places that don’t take cash.
It’s just so you can travel.
It’s just so you can get your driver’s license.
It’s just so you can vote.
It’s just a few more years.
It’s just a piece of cloth.
It’s just a clump of cells.
It’s just a fetus.
It's just your freedoms....gone forever.
And "it's just" the way they planned it..</div>
<center>>>> [[Unalienable Rights->Libro de Legalese]] <<<</center>
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