2) Spray paint Nagolbud.com on every building and train locally. Set random computer homepage’s to Nagolbud.com every where you go. Spam Nagolbud.com links on every internet platform you use. Post fliers around town with Nagolbud.com and 01010011 01010000 01000001 01001101s. Add Nagolbud.com to your memes before you post them. Put a link to Nagolbud.com in your forum signature. Write Nagolbud.com on the wall with a Sharpie in every bathroom you poop in. (Anything helps really..)

3) Join the PsyMilitia and become a PsyOp Soldier, whether a stoic gamer, anti-vax mgtow, red pill popper, chud star ramdingler, incel pick up artist, flat earthing misogynist, conspiracy statist, or 5G hater tin foil hat wearing loser, embrace your inner troll and help save the realm! (Do it..)