Online Gang Stalking of “Sovereign Citizens”

Imagine sitting at a computer all day attacking people for having a different mentality than you. Imagine attacking people that want freedom and freedom from government and are willing to fight to protect your freedom as well. Imagine doing this with 500+ different accounts, fake profiles, and constantly trying to gas light your victim into submission. That’s this group. And the many more just like them on YouTube that are paid by corporations / government to attack and defame certain groups of people. It’s called gang stalking, and it’s very real, and almost automated at this point except for a few brain dead ring leaders clicking buttons and copy pasting their approved rebuttal. Stay vigilant, these clowns never stop attacking, lieing, slandering, defaming, and out right sociopathic behavior. It doesn’t stop.

To be clear, I’m not a sovereign citizen nor is anyone that wants to be free from government. A citizen is a SUBJECT / SLAVE of the state. That’s the definition. cit·i·zen ˈsidizən,ˈsidisən/ – a legally recognized subject. sov·er·eign ˈsäv(ə)rən/ – a supreme ruler. I am not the supreme ruler of subjects or slaves. What is a Sovereign Citizen?

This is the message the gang stalking corporations send to the masses:

Anyone that wants
freedom from government is a…

Anyone that questions
authority from government is a…

Here are some fotos from the past 7 years of them attacking me with fake videos, slander, defamation, fake websites, review websites ect. I’m not actually shown in a single video here, they just use other videos to make me look bad. If you search my name on Google or YouTube you will find these strait retarded videos with my details in the description so that this nonsense comes up when someone searches my name. Very creepy..

Virgo Triad

Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking


WTF is this shit? BROOOOO YOU DON’T EVEN NEED INSURANCE OR A LICENSE TO RIDE A MOTORIZED BICYCLE. It’s literal non-sense and broken links. Creepy as fuck and they’ve been at it for over 7 years.. Here are the names of some of the shills and their fake accounts and aliases: Degeneration Nation, Virgo Triad, Talisman Metaphor, Talisman AI, Scam Stingers, Van Balion II, Van the Man, ect. The list goes on an on. They are fake accounts working from one corporation. Most of these people are scum bags themselves with criminal records. (Based on my research). Each one of these shill accounts has hundreds of bot accounts that are used to attack people that are anti government. You can video hop around in this area and see it… it’s actually quite insane and creepy yet society wants to pretend censorship and TI’s aren’t a real thing. Just tinfoil hat conspiracy theories right?

UPDATE: They seem pretty mad that I created a bunch of accounts with similar channel names and video titles to their sovereign citizen compilations to post the truth about these shills.

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