External Validation vs Internal Joy
Many people waste their time chasing societies pre-determined validation escalator, an evolving ladder where each rung seems to present another. Ever reaching for something that can never be achieved, and if it is, it’s never worth the squeeze.
Accomplishing one step just leads to the demands of another, grabbing and pulling into the oblivion of self induced slavery. Wondering when the success or feelings of joy enter, another step is required to get there.
This is the difference between internal joy and external validation, hoping to impress others for some sort of cookie as your own interests get left behind. When confidence and actions are driven by something you value, joy is that feeling received upon hard work and personal values.
This is the eternal trap of society, autonomy and self-expression are lost for the wants of the many. Forgetting who we are, one day waking up with grey hair looking in the mirror. Success doesn’t have to come from years of providing the answers, sometimes it’s as easy as raking a few leaves and starting a fire. Pondering the questions can be more rewarding when we reach deep into the back of our minds, finding conclusions to things we’ve never entertained.
When it comes to the party we call life, sometimes it’s best not to invite the mosquitoes, a little smoke and a raked yard keep the blood suckers away. Today, I think I’ll call that a win, grab my fishing pole and kayak, trying my luck on the ocean. Perhaps a quick picnic with the chickens as we foment a plan to paint that big ol’ table when we have some time.