Pool Noodling to Success

Finding Free Meat in the Net

Morning routines always make for a successful day, starting off with a cup of hot joe and a small fire to keep the insects at bay. Sitting down in a chair to read a few chapters of the Bible, the day always begins slowly trying to wipe the crusties from my eyes.

Heading down to the ocean, hop in the Kayak, check to see if I’ve got any free meat for the stomach. Followed by a nice dip in the ocean to clean away the nights dreams, planning for the morning, with all the rain, I think it’s a good time to plant some donated seeds.

With many of my buddies already coming in, I’ll have a food forest refrigerator in no time awaiting my harvest. Nothing better than collecting a variety of free nutrients to fill the growling pit that requires fuel so often. Until next time..


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