<div id="s_titli"><strong>Zombormie Invasion</strong></div>
<div id="paperbg"><div id="s_subtitli">Notice de Chudom Donjon</div>
<div id="m_phrase" style="border-bottom:2px dashed #6e6651;padding-bottom:15px;"><strong>How will you survive as the Zombormie horde grows out of control? The only way to make sure you’re one of the living, rather than one of the undead, is to prepare yourself beforehand. Ensure your survival during the most dangerous time in Chudomite history!</strong></div>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">1) They're Coming For Us</div>
<center><img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Zombormie-1.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="The Zombormie Horde is Coming" /></center>
<div class="texti">With our minds preoccupied with Babaalcel attacks, it's easy to forget the Zombormie invasion threat is growing and they're coming for us. The question is, are you PREPARED?</div>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">2) They're Very Fast</div>
<center><img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Zombormie-2.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Fast Moving Zombormie Horde" /></center>
<div class="texti">They’re always hungry and very fast, never satisfied with just one Chud, they want as many as they can get their teeth on. They will keep coming for you until they get what they want, BRAINS!</div>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">3) They're Very Strong</div>
<center><img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Zombormie-3.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Very Strong Zombormie Horde" /></center>
<div class="texti">They can outrun you, they can climb fences, and they’re relentless in their pursuit of any Chudomite. It’s not enough to just be prepared with food and water when Zombormies come at you from all directions, you have to be READY!</div>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">4) They're Relentless</div>
<center><img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Zombormie-4.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Relentless Zombormie Horde" /></center>
<div class="texti">They’re never going away and they’re coming for you, your family, your neighbors, and all of your friends. It’s time to take action and start preparing now before it’s too LATE!</div>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">5) They're Everywhere</div>
<center><img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Zombormie-5.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Zombormie Horde Is Everywhere" /></center>
<div class="texti">I know what you’re thinking, What? Zombormies? Yes, Zombormies. They’re everywhere these days and if you don’t believe me just look at our borders. Zombormies are everywhere! The lands are filled with THEM!</div>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">6) They're Spreading</div>
<center><img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Zombormie-6.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Zombormie Horde Is Spreading Uncontrollably" /></center>
<div class="texti">It seems like they’re spreading uncontrollably. They can be anywhere and come from any direction. If you don’t want to become Zombormie bait (which is totally understandable), then you need to start preparing yourself NOW!</div>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">7) They're Getting Smarter</div>
<center><img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Zombormie-7.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Zombormie Horde Is Getting Smarter" /></center>
<div class="texti">The Zombormies are getting more intelligent and cunning in their plan of attack. They’ll be coming after you with weapons and traps. What’s worse is they have a plan and they know how Chudomites think, they’ll use that against YOU!</div>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">8) They're Horde Advantage</div>
<center><img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Zombormie-8.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Zombormie Horde Has the Advantage" /></center>
<div class="texti">Zombormies are a lot of things: they’re fast, they’re relentless, and they don’t seem to tire out. They have numbers on their side too, which can make them very difficult to deal with if you don’t have a plan for the INVASION!</div>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">9) They're Organized</div>
<center><img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Zombormie-9.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Zombormie Horde is Organized" /></center>
<div class="texti">They’re surprisingly very strategic in their approach and will always attack from behind when possible. Zombormies do not need sleep, so they’ll always be on the lookout even during daylight hours as they plan their ATTACKS!</div>
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">10) They're Leadership</div>
<center><img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Zombormie-10.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Zombormie Horde Leadership" /></center>
<div class="texti">With a strong leader using foidcraft, they are well-organized, coordinated, and efficient. The two biggest reasons why you need to prepare for the Zombormie horde invasion:
<div class="tittexti" style="text-align:center;">. : Sincerely Signed : .
~ Unknown Ancient Chudarisee ~
<center><img style="max-width:200px;margin-top:4px;margin-bottom:-11px;opacity:.9;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Ancient-Chudarisee-Hand.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Ancient Chudarisee Handprint" /></center></div></div>
<center><strong>>>> [[Chudericho Chudarisee Prophecy->Chudericho Chudarisee Prophecy]] <<<</strong></center>
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<center><a style="font-family: Georgia, serif;color:#1b1607;font-size:13px;text-decoration:none;" href="https://nagolbud.com/psyrus/" target="_blank">® o ©</a></center><div id="chud_titli"><strong>Chudericho Chudarisee Prophecy</strong></div>
<div id="chudbg"><div id="chud_subtitli">Discovering the RoC</div>
<div id="chud_phrase" style="border-bottom:2px dashed #6e6651;padding-bottom:15px;"><strong>As the world's chaos was unfolding, a feral man started to lose his mind. With more and more psyops being released every day he knew he couldn't remain in hiding any longer. As society held to emotional propaganda their aura of cognitive dissonance reflected all efforts to reverse the brainwashing. Becomming more dangerous there would be no choice but to run from the mental cage being held from within. With one last idea he packed his bag and hit the road ready to chop off the head of the snake, if he could find out who, or what it was..</strong></div>
<div class="chudtittexti" style="text-align:center;margin-top:10px;">The Search for Truth</div>
<center><img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Feralbud.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Feralbud Searching for Truth" /></center>
<div class="chudtexti">With an army of spies, assassins, and lost souls standing in the way it would be near impossible to figure out the reality. A soyboi would turn back but this feral was ready with a blunt in hand. From coast to country he searched for the truth behind the chaos and evil. Confronted by those wishing it remain a secret and others trying to profit, taking out each adversary with a puff of smoke, he would extract information from them along the way. Starting to understand the history behind the curtain, the dots connecting as the puzzle became visible.
<center><img style="max-width:150px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Connecting-the-Dots-1.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Connecting the Dots" /> <img style="max-width:150px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Connecting-the-Dots-2.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Connecting the Dots" /> <img style="max-width:150px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Connecting-the-Dots-3.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Connecting the Dots" /> <img style="max-width:150px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Connecting-the-Dots-4.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Connecting the Dots" /></center></div>
<div class="chudtittexti" style="text-align:center;margin-top:10px;">Arriving to the JoC</div>
<div class="chudtexti">Slipping onto a cargo ship this feral man was off for the Junglas of Chudericho. Spending most of his time staring into the ocean's abyss while smoking a blunt, his plan started to come together. A few days at sea as strange creatures started to appear on the horizon, wandering through the dense foliage uncovering an ancient warzone of shredded tribes and people. He would stumble upon a glowing text in the deepest thicket, this was no ordinary book, but one packed with wisdom and understanding of the quest he was about to undertake. Several days of hiking and reading, his journey would lead him to a new zone, leaving the Junglas of Chudericho looking out onto a field of toxic despair.
<center><img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Cargo-Ship-JoC.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Cargo Ship to the Junglas of Chudericho" /> <img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Book-of-Chuderisee.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Discovering the Book of Chuderisee" /></center></div>
<div class="chudtittexti" style="text-align:center;margin-top:10px;">Chudom Donjon Under Siege</div>
<div class="chudtexti">Death watching the perimeter with some sorta witches and devil dogs guarding the entrance, a sword would do no good here. The only chance he would have is to reveal them with smoke and throw some newly acquired Chuderisee scripture on em'. The gate keepers didn't see it coming as this feral man crept up and unleashed a cloud that left them dazed, only to wake up handcuffed and gagged. The more he smoked and read the more powerful he became, as the remaining evil-doers watched in horror, some started to turn and run. A demon thing standing in the courtyard, staring him down as they both reached for their weapons. With one large puff this feral lept into the air covering the beast in smoke like a fire extinguisher. Avoiding the blade as he scrolled through the texts looking for a weakness. Trying to slow him down, just as the demon's sword cut off the tip of his perfectly rolled blunt. With no cover he wouldn't be able to keep dodging as he searched his pocket for a spark. Attempting to light up, he realized the weakness, shouting out a line only old realm Chudomites would interpret, "you must be born again!" As the demon thing fell to his knees frozen like a statue, it's armor began to crack.
<center><img style="max-width:150px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Ninjemon-Reborn-1.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Ninjemon Reborn" /> <img style="max-width:150px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Castle-Chudom-Donjon.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Castle Chudom Donjon Sieged by Evil" /> <img style="max-width:150px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Ninjemon-Reborn-2.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Ninjemon Reborn" /></center></div>
<div class="chudtittexti" style="text-align:center;margin-top:10px;">The Pharisee Leader</div>
<div class="chudtexti">With no time to waste, the feral man took off to confront the leader before he could escape. With a stick of bambo and his book ready to go, he tucked the blunt behind his ear. The hairs on the back of his neck started to peak as he could sense the demonic with every step. Chasing him to through the castle walls until the Pharisee had no where else to run, the feral studying his every move, ready to battle to the death with no ego left on his belt. The thunder rattled the panes of glass in Chudom Donjon as a flash of light followed the lightning striking near by. Before he could charge, Molochoss opened up with something to say..
<center><img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Pharisee-Leader.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Pharisee Leader Sieging Chudom Donjon" /> <img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Pharisee-Leader-Helicopter.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Helicopter Approaching to Pickup Pharisee Leader" /></center></div>
<div class="chudtexti" style="text-align:left;font-size:98%;font-style:italic;"><img style="max-width:50px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Pharisee-Avatar.png" width="50px" height"auto" alt="Pharisee Leader Avatar" /> I'm surprised you made it this far, but this is where your journey comes to an end. If my propaganda and psyops couldn't fool you, the sword of the Babaalcels will surely end the debate.
<img style="max-width:50px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Feralbud-Avatar.png" width="50px" height"auto" alt="Feral Man Avatar" /> I'd never let some Pharisee in a dress beat me in a fight! Your ruses will soon come to an end and the entire realm will know the truth about your centuries of deception!
<img style="max-width:50px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Pharisee-Avatar.png" width="50px" height"auto" alt="Pharisee Leader Avatar" /> Hahahaha poor little feral man, do you really think they will care!? As long as they have entertainment, sex, and drugs, left vs right political paradigms, no one will bat an eye. Our hierarchy has control over each corner of the earth with millions willing to die in the name of the shining glory of Baphobaal. Many more will do the bidding without even realizing he's the one in control.
<img style="max-width:50px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Feralbud-Avatar.png" width="50px" height"auto" alt="Feral Man Avatar" /> Once they know who you things are, what you are, where you came from, they will no longer stand by your side! There will always be more like me, willing to stand up against the darkness and whoever takes your place will meet the same fate as you..</div>
<div class="chudtittexti" style="text-align:center;margin-top:10px;">Molochoss's Escape</div>
<div class="chudtexti">Hearing footsteps as he was being surrounded by hundreds of devil-doers, each with their very own swords and spells. All escapes ready to be kicked in before the feral could take a swing for Molochoss's head. Just as the mob began charging in, a rope dropped down from above. "Grab on!" shouted something from the sky. Running to escape, he thanked the feral man for defending him against his own self-destruction, now they were even, and with a nod he disappeared into the night like a ninja of hellish origin. Little did they know, it was the start of a brotherhood that would last for centuries to come..
<center><img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Evil-Doers-1.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Evil Doers Surrounding Feral Man" /> <img style="max-width:250px;border:1px solid #726b56;border-radius:2px;" src="https://nagolbud.com/roctas/Evil-Doers-2.png" width="100%" height"auto" alt="Evil Doers Surrounding Feral Man" /></center></div></div>
<center><strong>>>> [[Zombormie Horde Invasion->Zombormie Horde Invasion]] <<<</strong></center>
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