Trial Through the Machete of Fire
Attaching yourself to the negative outcome of a mistake, struggling to reflect, trying to grow out of the situation while watching nothing but weeds and cockroaches weave through your garden..
The cardboard cutout, feeling bad about personal fault, falling on pity as a false reality; a matrix of lies as the wheelbarrow rolls around the yard carrying piles of shit, contrary to word tricks, this helps establish new fertile ground for the fruits of yearning..
Burning away the mentality of obsessive focus on perfection from old mistakes, forgetting the past and moving forward with two plants in each hand ready to take root. Entering the time machine of remembrance, not just a mirrored shadow of the creature it’s become, a farmer in the making regardless of city regulations..
It’s easy to become apathetically jaded by the lie of regret, without self-reflection it becomes a cycle of torment. Even with self-reflection, it’s torment, but deciding to get off that bicycle, or on the bicycle in my case, is where every pirate can dig up the seeded booty of sun powered opportunity..
Reaching deep within the heart of knowing, pushing towards that goal of soul to achieve the philosophy wanted from an inspired dream. Hacking and slashing with the machete to discover the richness that darkness can bring, soil ready to unleash the fruits of yearning..
P.S. Next letter will include an update on the orange trees, cherry tomatoes, and butter avocado tree; always plant the seeds from the fruits and veggies you eat!