Critter Casas and Serpent Attacks
The thing I like most about homesteading will always be the outlet of fun and creativity that comes along with trying to grow your own food, raise animals, and provide proper setups for everyone along the way. The challenge always presents itself when you least expect it..
Mowing the lawn is usually quite relaxing, enjoying the breeze walking along, until you hear a squwaccck from the edge of the jungle. Running over, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Sure enough, a giant boa lay on the fence line wrapped around my helpless little chicken. Eyes giant as she looked up at me wondering what the heck was going on.
With no choice but to run for my machete, I started swinging at the snake without hesitation. Being careful not to hit the little lady, the snake finally let go and she was able to run off with her life. Angry at this attempt to kill one of my critters, I started slashing until the nasty thing slithered off into the jungle. Not sure if I killed it, but if I had gotten it on the spot, it would have been dinner for me and the dogs.
Here are some pictures from around the farm this week, designing and setting up a nice little rabbit house and a chicken ladder to provide a nice safe habitat for my buddies. Enjoy the pictures!