The Bible is NOT Demanding

Many times atheists and religious make the claim that you have to live up to the law from the Bible in order to be a believer. They make this claim of course out of thin air, based on no scripture or even a logical reason. The reality is the Bible teaches the exact opposite.

Many people make the mistake of thinking the law is a list of demands from God to people. Don’t steal, don’t rob, don’t fornicate, ect. If you don’t live up to this standard you are not a believer and you are headed to hell. This is what religion teaches, a works based salvation. Even buddhism and atheism are works based religions. The atheist believes if he goes to school, gets a degree, gets a good job, invests, he should get his salvation “retirement” when he’s 60+.

The problem is this is not what the Bible teaches. AT ALL. The entire reason God put the commandments and law in the old testament is to show us we can not live up to a basic human moral code. On top of that, God’s standards for perfection and holiness aren’t the same as ours. If we can’t meet basic human moral code requirements, how could we ever reach God’s standards?

This is why it’s in the old testament. To show you that you can’t do it. That if you are left up to your own decisions you make terrible ones. When you rely on your own understanding you do stupid things. If Tom Leykis would have waited for marriage maybe he wouldn’t have had to suffer 4-5 divorces and years of time wasted. It wasn’t a demand that Tom not fornicate. Rather a warning to what happens when you do. I find it awfully contradicting Tom warns men about marriage and women yet bashes the Bible for exactly the same thing. Tom is more condescending towards people that don’t follow his “rules” as well.

Another example is STD’s, or bad pregnancy, or abortion, ect. The list goes on and on. If you didn’t have sex before marriage with some random girl abortion wouldn’t even be a topic. You wouldn’t have that STD that required a prescription or cream to remove. You weren’t forced into a bad marriage by having a baby. God isn’t demanding you not fornicate, he is warning you as to what happens in most cases when you do.

If God knows our hearts and desires he knows we are quite evil. We live in a fallen world cloaked by our own sin. He knows we love to have sex with young women and will do many things to get it. He knows boobs turn us on. He knows women use these things to destroy men. He knows there are some good submissive women out there. He knows you like getting a blow job while drinking scotch with your ankles tied together and Ron watching with a video camera. He knows all of this. Why would he create a list of demands knowing you can’t meet them?

This becomes the obvious truth. That the law is in place not to live up to, rather to show us we can’t do it. Not only does He show us this in the Bible, but our own actions prove it time after time. I have believed in Jesus Christ for 5 years now. I still sin daily. Certain things I wish I could stop but lust and pride are far too powerful for me to control. Once I can admit this and self reflect upon it the truth really come out. That you can’t do it. That you do require help.

Faith Alone Born Again Bible Believer

Leaning on other humans will put you in an even worse position. You will be used and abused for profit and societal gain. This is why God had a plan all along. He knew our hearts, he knows our intentions, he knows our thoughts. He created a plan of salvation for even the worst of the worst. Jesus Christ was God in the flesh. He proved it by the death burial and resurrection. His miracles. His blood being shed was literal payment for our debt. Our sin. It wasn’t the blood of a prophet or buddha, it was God in the flesh. This blood was a payment for your sin, past, present, and future.

This means all sin. Future sin. Past sin. And RIGHT NOW sin. When you believe in Jesus Christ you are saved by faith. You are born again. Your flesh is still just as sinful as it has always been, but now you are cloaked in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Not your good deeds or actions. On judgement day you are saved by what Jesus Christ did, not what you did. Salvation is a free gift and no religion can offer anything similar. The reality is religious people killed Jesus Christ.

Many religious people like to take advantage of this too. They use these “demands” from the Bible to make demands upon people. Like the Pope and government. Like the Pope and taxes and tithes. Like the Pope and the crusades. Like the Pope and the inquisition. Like the Pope and the Bible burnings. All through history the Vatican aka Pagan priest class, has been using the ruse of Christianity to destroy faith in Jesus Christ and truth. They have invented fairy tales like evolution, pushed corporations off as governments, murdered millions by financing both sides of every war for hundreds of years.

In retrospect this is one of the biggest lies in history. That the Bible is making demands upon anyone. The truth of salvation and Jesus Christ sets you free from this. It doesn’t make demands. The truth is though I’d rather follow his demands than my own commands. The decisions in my life have lead me down so many dark paths of self destruction and sabotage. The small decisions have lead to larger ones that continued to leave me in a state of self delusion or reflection.

These phrases and quips are all part of the bigger lie to destroy you as a human being. To turn you into a working zombie debt slave progressing the Vatican’s agenda of a one world government, religion, and world view. These silly world views are literally created for you.

Individualism is the greatest weapon against control and distinguishing yourself from the pack is the starting point for your own adventure and growth. Individualism is not taught in schools, it’s not taught in colleges, and you certainly won’t learn it at a corporation. Individualism is something only you can teach yourself by standing up in the face of a society that shuns truth. The reality is, you only have two real choices in life: whether or not to get off your knees and whether or not to believe in Jesus Christ.

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Structured Anarchy vs Government Ordained Society

Often times when people hear the word anarchy they associate it with chaos, disorder, and violence. This isn’t always true however and often times organized anarchy is the best option for survival and freedom of the individual. Forced to take responsibility for your own actions structured anarchy is what a republic or democratic society claim to be. However, both are a simple ruse to mask the truth behind consensual slavery and turn anarchy into a chaos cult.

absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

an organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity.

Society itself is nothing more than a figment of the imagination, a large culture created for control, as it’s self evident you do not have absolute freedom in society. You’re not even allowed to catch a fish without permission, build your house without permission and taxes, essentially all the basics of fundamental freedom and survival require permission from an authority figure or government. This in no way represents freedom in any way and actually is counter to freedom itself. If you can’t even survive with out societies created illusions, freedom is nothing but an imaginary friend.

People base their entire existence on this illusion never stopping to ask why they have to work all day every day just to survive, and in most cases can’t even survive in the climate that was created for them. Society itself is detrimental to the success of the individual, whereas organized anarchy offers unlimited possibilities for growth and advancement within a tribe.

Even when looking at public services and goods, throughout history it is self evident that people themselves without government or authority have the capability to build roads, educate their youth, provide proper water and housing, ect. It wasn’t until government, society, and fraudulent authority began flexing that people started starving, losing their families and farms, genocide, and more.

Prior to government survival was something you could provide for yourself. Freedom was something you could actually fight for. Modern day slaves beg for government intervention whether republican or democrat, kissing the ass of corporations and politicians just to keep their “gun rights”. Never asking the question why a free man would need permission to defend himself or build his own home.

A Case Against Statism Refuting Government
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The reality is society itself isn’t a group of people coming together, rather a dream propped up on propaganda to sell you on consensual slavery. To sign over your own children to the state and banks as they print out another birth certificate. Wondering why you can barely afford food and rent when you put in over 40 hours a week. Questioning your own life simply because you fell for the lie of society. The image. The hope of being “successful” according to their standards.

Organized anarchy removes all of the fraud and relies on honesty and taking responsibility for your actions, regardless of your operation or business. When a corporation sprays chemicals in the air or in the rivers so you have to buy water rather than collect your own, no authority should stand in the way of you burning down their buildings and robbing them blind.

Crimes against humanity are protected by the very organizations that claim to be protecting you. Politicians sign rules and codes that protect their investments while building new ones in the military industrial complex as they crusade across the plane.

Imagine for a moment if the USA was an organized anarchy rather than a corporation pretending to be a democratic republic. Imagine if the people actually stood up for their families, friends, and communities by actually fighting back against those that have proven to want to do harm in exchange for control and profits. The fields of Monsanto would be burned to the ground. Their operating facilities completely destroyed in an effort to prove we will not eat their test tube food.

Statism 3

The big banks would have lawyers and CEO’s hanging from light fixtures as they swindled the world in the largest ever international housing market fix leaving thousands without homes. As they gave themselves millions only to force the government to bail them out under threat of inflation from the corporate owned federal reserve. (Nothing federal about it.)

Imagine people defending themselves against the national guard when they invaded Kent State University shooting down over 10 unarmed students protesting the Vietnam war. Imagine if they had pulled out their own weapons and defended themselves followed with a community backlash of red necks and liberals working together to plow through their genocide. This is the difference between a society and organized anarchy.

Instead of watching Vicky get gunned down in Ruby Ridge or an entire church society burned to the ground in Waco Texas the organized anarchy militia would have shown up and shot down all those douche bags in costumes hiding in the grass with their dreams of murdering for money. Instead the politically correct society watches on television murmuring stupid memes to themselves as they prepare for another day of office work or post on social media as they pretend to make a difference.

Organized anarchy is total freedom for everyone. Total freedom to pick and choose where you spend your time, effort, and money. Need roads? Lets build them. Need hospitals? Lets build them. Instead of making them government or corporate owned mega facilities hell bent on the destruction of health for their own profit, control, and gain, the people would have power over their own health.

Rather than allowing a corporate mafia to pump you and your children full of unknown chemical soups that are known to contain things like mercury, formaldehyde, MSG, as well as random metals like aluminum. Rather than allowing one group to control all banks, hospitals, and food, organized anarchy would force variety and honesty in the market.

After a few bankers get hung in town square for fraud, theft, and deception they will think twice before trying it again. That is the difference between a statist and a free thinker. I don’t require government or authority to tell me what’s right or wrong, especially when the individual is far more capable of success without intervention from a bunch idiots in costumes.

Roots of Voting: The Paradox of Voluntary Submission

Have you ever wondered why societies have always had rulers? Why do we, as humans, voluntarily submit to a higher authority and give them the power to govern us? This paradox of voluntary submission has been a topic of discussion for centuries, and one aspect of it is evident in the act of voting. Despite the long and arduous history of political oppression and slavery, we still choose to participate in a system where we have a ruler.

Decoding the Phenomenon of Political Statism
Political statism is a concept that may seem perplexing at first glance. It elicits the question, why do we persistently seek to create rulers over us? This compelling curiosity unfurls when we delve into the intricate web of factors entwined in our instinctual predispositions and societal constructs. It’s an interesting dance between our human needs and the shaping force of our societal contexts.

It is a curious inquiry, and the understanding lies in our primal needs, our cultural influences, and our psychological inclinations. The phenomenon of political statism is a jigsaw puzzle, the pieces of which are the very fabric of our human experience and societal interplays. And it’s the attempt to put these puzzle pieces together that helps us unravel the enigma that is political statism.

The Desire for Security and Order
At the heart of human nature is an inherent longing for safety and regularity. This quest for a secure environment where we can predict outcomes and navigate life with some level of certainty often propels us towards the shelter of a governing authority. The concept of having a leading force, a body that makes key decisions, establishes structures and upholds law and order can instill a sense of comfort.

This can be equated to a lighthouse in a stormy sea, a beacon that guides us and promises a safe passage through life’s unpredictable waters. It’s this potent craving for assurance and the sense of calm it brings that feeds our attachment to the concept of political statism. Notably, it nudges us into the voting booths, casting our ballots in hopes of securing an environment of certainty and tranquility.

Social Conditioning and the Influence of Education
How we are raised and the lessons we acquire in our formative years leave an indelible imprint on our attitudes toward political statism. From our earliest years, societal norms and educational systems shape our perceptions about the necessity of authority in maintaining societal harmony. In classrooms, we absorb lessons about the vital role of governance and the rule of law. We learn about iconic leaders who have steered the course of history and the impact of their decisions on societal evolution.

Inevitably, this social conditioning cultivates within us a sense of reverence for authority figures, embedding the notion that effective leadership is essential for societal order and progress. Hence, our childhood teachings and societal norms play a pivotal role in driving our adult acceptance and even an eagerness for leadership. This acceptance seeps into our behavior, manifesting itself in our engagement with political statism and our participation in voting, reinforcing the notion of voluntary submission to authority.

To put it another way, the seeds of our acceptance of political statism are sown during our upbringing and nurtured by our education. The lessons we learn and the norms we abide by frame our perspective, guiding our actions as we engage in the “democratic” process and navigate the landscape of political statism. The influence of our social conditioning and education is subtle yet significant, shaping not just our attitudes but our participation in the political process as well.

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The Role of Cultural Values and Historical Context
Cultural ethos and the historical backdrop of a society significantly sway our perspectives towards authority and political statism. We often find that communities with a track record of consistent and compassionate governance tend to have a more positive predisposition towards the idea of authority. On the flip side, societies that have borne the brunt of erratic or tyrannical rule may harbor skepticism or even outright resistance to the concept of statism.

It’s not just history, though. The cultural fiber that binds a society also plays a substantial role in shaping this viewpoint. Values such as deference to authority, the importance of communal harmony, or an emphasis on social order are cultural markers that influence our perceptions and acceptance of political statism.

Our cultural values and historical experiences, in essence, serve as a lens through which we view and engage with political statism. They define the context in which we understand and interact with authority figures, influencing how we vote and our attitudes towards the very idea of voluntary submission to a ruling body.

Each culture, each society, and each historical era bring a unique set of values and experiences to the table. These factors, collectively, play a considerable part in molding our views towards authority and the system of governance, further entrenching the paradox of political statism.

Voting Paradox Voluntary Submission Voting Paradox Voluntary Submission Voting Paradox Voluntary Submission

The Psychological Appeal of Leadership
There is an undeniable allure associated with leadership that speaks to our psychological inclinations. The concept of leadership embodies power, stability, and progress, enticing traits that are hard to ignore. This allure is not simply about the tangible benefits leaders promise. On a more subconscious level, leaders provide us with figures to emulate, individuals who illuminate the path of possibilities and encourage us to tread on it.

They represent the potential of what could be and guide us towards actualizing that potential. It is this inherent psychological attraction towards leadership that explains our readiness to forfeit some of our independence. We are wired to seek out and follow those who showcase strong leadership, drawn in by the promise of direction and the hope for a better tomorrow.

Thus, the psychological draw of leadership is an intrinsic part of why we find ourselves drawn to the idea of political statism, despite its paradoxical nature of surrendering personal autonomy for communal leadership. The allure of leadership, with its associated symbols of power and promise of progress, is a potent driving force behind our willing participation.

Political Statism and the Illusion of Control
Engaging in political statism can feel empowering. Through voting, we can cast our hopes and expectations onto a ballot, feeling a sense of ownership in the direction our society is heading. It’s as if we are holding the reins of our collective future, steering it with each ticked box or circled candidate. However, this power can sometimes be more of a mirage than a reality.

Even though we participate in the process, we often have limited influence over the actions of those in power once they are elected. The decisions made may not always mirror the electorate’s individual desires or expectations. Nevertheless, our belief in this control—illusory or not—acts as a powerful motivator, encouraging us to actively participate in the political process.

This illusion of control can be a captivating aspect of political statism, making us feel involved, responsible, and invested in the trajectory of our society. It fosters an atmosphere of collective agency and community participation, despite the realities of power distribution.

In this way, our yearning for control feeds into the larger paradox of political statism. We willingly submit our individual autonomy to the collective decision-making of the masses and the authority of our elected officials, all in the hope of creating a society we wish to live in. The illusion of control in political statism, therefore, not only entices us into the voting booths but also perpetuates our complex relationship with voluntary submission.