Online Obsession

When you go offline or live off grid for a period of time whether at your own accord, or by traveling, you start to notice how obsessed people really are with themselves. The simple minded thot posting selfies all day searching for approval is easy to spot, however the rest hide behind a mask of opportunity and kindness. Whether MGTOW, vegan, or a Trump supporter people hide behind these labels to simply put focus on themselves.

They pretend they are pushing something of importance when the reality their movement or idea is seriously retarded, based on logic and common sense. They literally talk out their ass to simply garnish a following. They simply talk with the crowd to lead them into their camp.

These people offer no real insight and are quite dangerous to your own thought process and critical thinking. Being surrounded by like minded people that are self obsessed is a sure fire way to destroy your own critical thinking process. After coming back online after a long walk through the Americas I saw how easily social media could influence your thoughts or actions.

Whether subliminally or in a more transparent way. People will sell you snake oil in hopes of receiving your due diligence as a firm supporter. People begging for donations for simply living their life after pushing a button on a camera, expecting everyone to pay their bills as they claim to be hard working.

When you really start to think about it, it becomes more clear. How entrapping the internet really is and how devastating it is to the soul. When you realize it’s literally called the WORLD WIDE WEB you start to ponder even the creation of the internet itself.

As people from Australia, the UK, and Canada cheer on Trump calling themselves supporters when they live across the world. This is what internet has done as it creeps into the life of everyone on earth. Putting them in a mental prison of bullshit, politics, and propaganda with little to no chance of escape. People chasing likes and follows to validate themselves instead of their ideas.

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Places like YouTube, an online library, literally burned to the ground before our very eyes as most don’t care about the principal behind it as long as they get their AdSense check. They don’t care about the little channels, the channels sharing real knowledge, they simply care about getting a check for “entertaining” people. They only release 10 minute videos and pretend they are some sort of online God as they rehash the same content over and over or literally steal it from people living real.

As everyone on the planet seems to be a content creator these days portraying their life as content when they really do nothing of interest. They simply pedal the same rhetoric as the “in” crowd and jump on the band wagon. I’ve seen dumbass chicks on YouTube from Australia talking about how they are a Trump supporter as if anyone gives a shit. Yet they have 100k subscribers and millions of likes and donations.

Other places like Instagram are literally run by escorts and thots as they post picture after picture of their boobs and ass pretending they have talent or skill and a train of thirsty beta faggots complimenting even the most caked up whore. The reality is a women simply posts pictures of herself and gets famous. Whereas a man would have to perform CPR on a dying child as he rescues a women from a burning building while delivering puppies.

Narcissistic Bubble

And even then he’ll only get 3 likes and a follow. These self obsessed cunts live in a delusional fairy tale land as they walk down the street on their phone. Pretending that society should bend over for them because 5000 dudes from the internet liked their photo. (Most of which are robots, there are hundreds of websites that you can buy likes, follows, and subscriptions.)

People pretend they are so busy and can’t answer a message when the reality is they have nothing to do with their life other than stare at a phone or computer. They literally can’t put it down as they fight for a scrap of attention. Willing to cut the throat of another YouTuber or online persona just to get another subscription. They talk nonsense all day in any way just for that one bit of popularity. Self obsessed with their own celebrity status never even contemplating how delusional they really are.

Society itself is a cancer and it becomes evident in the online world. People of no skill and serious critical thinking problems have become celebrities (in their own mind) while they trash any aspect of real insight and knowledge. These same pussies will talk shit behind your back and when confronted pretend to be your friend.

I’ve seen this play out thousands of times online as people create drama for views or defamation to ruin someone’s career. All of which to simply further their own. These narcissistic cunts have nothing real to offer and that’s why they need to feed off others. They have no real content, they have no real personality, their just an empty hollow shell pretending, stealing content, and rehashing it and the worst part is you cheer it on.

You can’t blame the millennials either, as most adults spend more time on their phone than the kids and certainly spend most of their day at a computer pretending they have some important job, even the dumbest Chimpanzee could accomplish. But please tell us more about how you needed 4 years of college to fill out excel spreadsheets.

As the world disappears behind their bubble, the mirror is all they see. As they chase internet approval they forget who there were supposed to be.

How Content Creators’ Earnings Are Stolen By Lazy Management Firms

In the digital age, content creators are the heartbeat of online entertainment, education, and information. From YouTube videos to podcasts, these creative minds work tirelessly to produce engaging content that captures our collective imagination. However, as the digital landscape has expanded, so too has the emergence of management firms promising to propel creators into stardom while handling the business side of their operations. While some of these firms operate with integrity, a concerning trend of lazy management firms exploiting content creators has surfaced, leaving many to question the true cost of their partnership.

Misleading Contracts and Legal Jargon
A significant tactic employed by exploitative management firms lies in their crafty use of contracts that are drenched in perplexing legal terminology. These documents, often extensive and complicated, are presented to creators who are typically more focused on their craft than the nuances of legal agreements. In their eagerness to advance their careers and expand their audience, creators may inadvertently agree to conditions that are heavily skewed in favor of the management firm.

Such agreements might commit a disproportionate share of the creator’s revenues to the firm in exchange for vague promises of services and support. The complexity of these contracts extends to the terms surrounding termination, which are frequently so labyrinthine and burdensome that content creators feel shackled to these firms long past the point of deriving any actual benefit. This ensnarement not only jeopardizes their current income but also limits their freedom to make autonomous decisions regarding their future endeavors and partnerships.

The obscurity of legal language and the imbalance of power in these negotiations place creators at a significant disadvantage, one that can have long-term implications on their financial stability and creative autonomy. This exploitation underscores the importance of creators seeking independent legal advice before entering into any contractual agreements, to ensure their interests are safeguarded and their creative futures remain in their own hands.

The Illusion of Marketing and Exposure
The allure of expanded visibility and audience growth is a major selling point used by management firms to attract content creators. However, this promise often falls short in reality. Many of these firms, prioritizing quantity over quality, resort to generic marketing tactics that fail to consider the distinctiveness of each creator’s brand and audience. This lack of customization in promotional efforts frequently results in ineffective exposure that barely moves the needle in terms of audience engagement or revenue increase for the creator.

Additionally, the pledge of exclusive networking opportunities and strategic collaborations is a common enticement used by these firms. Creators are often lured with the prospect of working alongside well-established names in the industry or being featured on prominent platforms. Sadly, more often than not, these opportunities evaporate into thin air, leaving creators disillusioned and feeling undervalued. The gap between the promises of personalized marketing support and the reality of a one-size-fits-all strategy not only misleads creators but can also tarnish their brand integrity by associating them with ill-suited partnerships or promotional channels.

This approach not only fails to deliver the promised growth and exposure but can also inadvertently isolate creators from their core audience, damaging the trust and authenticity they’ve worked hard to build. As such, the discrepancy between the marketing promises and the actual support provided by these management firms reveals a concerning trend of overpromise and underdeliver, impacting creators’ potential to thrive independently.

Unfulfilled Promises and Lack of Support
Upon entering agreements with management firms, content creators often do so with a high level of optimism, buoyed by the firm’s pledges of comprehensive support, ranging from branding assistance to administrative tasks. Yet, the reality that unfolds is starkly different. Many creators quickly discover that the robust support they were promised is superficial at best. The excitement of having a team to handle the nitty-gritty details of their business fades as they find themselves lost in a sea of clients, struggling to capture the attention of their assigned managers. This neglect is not just disappointing; it actively hinders a creator’s ability to grow and evolve in their field.

The minimal assistance provided is often generic, lacking the personalized touch needed to genuinely elevate a creator’s brand or effectively manage their workload. Instead of finding their administrative burdens lightened, creators realize they are navigating the same challenges as before—only now, a portion of their hard-earned revenue is redirected to a firm that is not delivering on its commitments. This scenario is especially frustrating for creators who had hoped to leverage professional management to focus more on their creative output.

The gap between the promised support and the actual lackluster engagement from the firm can leave creators feeling both isolated in their endeavors and cynical about the value of such partnerships. This disillusionment is compounded by the realization that any potential for growth and development is being stifled, not by a lack of talent or effort on their part, but by the unmet promises of a management firm that was supposed to champion their success.

Lazy Cookie Cutter Approach to Affiliate Marketing
In the realm of affiliate marketing, a tailored strategy that resonates with a creator’s unique brand and audience is key to maximizing revenue. However, a disturbing pattern has emerged among some management firms, which opt for a simplistic, one-size-fits-all strategy that starkly contrasts with the nuanced needs of individual content creators. This approach often involves indiscriminately pairing creators with a broad array of affiliate programs, without consideration for the creator’s niche or the interests of their audience. This mismatch not only risks alienating followers but also significantly diminishes the potential earnings from affiliate marketing efforts.

Further exacerbating the issue, these firms may exhibit a clear preference for affiliate programs offering higher commissions to the firm itself, rather than focusing on those that would be most lucrative or appropriate for the content creator. This prioritization misaligns the firm’s incentives with the creator’s goals, potentially leading to partnerships that offer little value to the creator while eroding the authenticity of their brand.

This lackadaisical approach not only fails to leverage the full potential of affiliate marketing but also places creators in a precarious position where their brand integrity is compromised for the sake of uninspired, profit-driven decisions. The necessity for content creators to be discerning in their affiliate partnerships becomes clear, underscoring the importance of a more engaged, personalized strategy in management practices to truly benefit from the vast opportunities within affiliate marketing.

How Content Creators Earnings Are Stolen By Lazy Management Firms How Content Creators Earnings Are Stolen By Lazy Management Firms How Content Creators Earnings Are Stolen By Lazy Management Firms

Strategies for Content Creators to Protect Their Earnings
Navigating the complex landscape of content creation and management requires vigilance and proactive measures from creators to safeguard their financial interests. One critical step is seeking independent legal counsel to review any contractual agreements before signing. Legal professionals can demystify the jargon, ensuring that terms are equitable and do not disproportionately favor the management firm. Additionally, it’s vital for creators to demand transparency regarding the services and support promised by a management company. Asking for specific examples of how the firm has supported similar creators can provide insight into their efficacy and commitment.

Creators should also insist on regular, detailed reports on earnings, audience growth, and the impact of marketing efforts. This level of accountability helps identify whether the partnership is yielding the expected benefits. Establishing clear, measurable objectives for what the creator wants to achieve with the firm’s support is equally important. These goals should be revisited and revised regularly to ensure the partnership remains aligned with the creator’s evolving aspirations.

Finally, creators must retain autonomy over their creative output and affiliate relationships. By directly engaging with brands and platforms, creators can build meaningful partnerships that resonate with their audience and enhance their brand’s integrity. It’s essential to remember that a management firm should be a facilitator of a creator’s vision, not a barrier to their success. Taking these steps empowers content creators to navigate their partnerships with management firms confidently, ensuring their creative and financial prosperity remains at the forefront.

Importance of a Learning Affiliate Marketing Yourself
The digital landscape provides a fertile ground for content creators to directly monetize their passion, particularly through affiliate marketing. However, to truly capitalize on this opportunity, creators must take the initiative to understand the ins and outs of affiliate marketing themselves. By gaining firsthand knowledge, creators can make informed decisions about which affiliate programs align best with their brand and audience, thereby optimizing their earning potential.

Learning the ropes of affiliate marketing empowers creators to maintain control over their brand’s integrity. It allows them to select partnerships that not only promise financial rewards but also enhance their content and resonate with their followers. This discernment is crucial, as the authenticity of these partnerships can significantly impact audience trust and long-term engagement.

Moreover, self-education in affiliate marketing enables creators to negotiate better terms directly with affiliate programs. Armed with knowledge and confidence, they can advocate for themselves, securing more favorable commission rates and partnership conditions. This proactive approach contrasts sharply with relying on management firms, which may prioritize their interests over those of the creators they represent.

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