The Link Between Political Hero Worship and Low Intelligence

In today’s political landscape, it is not uncommon to see individuals putting their leaders on a pedestal and blindly following their every word and action. This phenomenon, known as political hero worship, may seem harmless at first glance, but upon closer examination, it reveals a troubling truth. Research suggests that those who engage in this type of behavior tend to have lower levels of intelligence.

Defining Political Hero Worship
Political hero worship is characterized by an intense admiration for a specific political figure, often viewing them as flawless and superior beings. This extreme reverence can take several forms, such as undying support for all actions and decisions taken by the politician, disregarding any criticisms directed towards them, or developing an unwavering belief that the chosen leader is the only one capable of rectifying the country’s predicaments.

This kind of reverence often ignores the reality that politicians, like every human being, are fallible and can make mistakes. Blind loyalty can cloud judgment, obstructing objective assessment of the politician’s actions and policies. In the worst cases, this uncritical adoration can lead to the dismissal of any opposing views or constructive criticism, bolstering the mistaken belief in the politician’s infallibility.

Link Between Politician Worship and Low Intelligence
Drawing a direct correlation between an individual’s intelligence quotient and their propensity to idolize political figures may seem unkind. Nevertheless, a body of research proposes an association between lower cognitive capabilities and extreme political views, including blind devotion to a specific politician. These individuals often see the world in rigid, dichotomous terms, casting their favored political figure as the embodiment of all that is right and virtuous.

Critically evaluating political information and adopting a nuanced view of world events are skills less likely to be demonstrated by these individuals. In essence, their realm is divided into absolutes, with their preferred politician representing the epitome of righteousness. Their inability to view their political hero with a critical eye hampers their understanding of the complexities of governance and decision-making processes, perpetuating their unwavering support.

Idolizing Politicians Is Counterproductive
The practice of elevating political figures to a near-deity status holds numerous disadvantages, making it counterproductive. Firstly, this approach breeds unrealistic expectations. It’s important to remember that politicians, regardless of their competence or charisma, cannot single-handedly resolve every issue faced by a nation. By assuming they can, we set ourselves up for disappointment and the politicians up for inevitable failure.

Secondly, the blinding effect of this hero-worship can hinder supporters from acknowledging and accepting the mistakes and shortcomings of their favored politicians. This creates a protective shield around the political figure, absolving them of any accountability, which can be highly detrimental to societies where leaders should be answerable for their actions.

Lastly, such fervent idolization can contribute to a further divide between supporters of different political figures. This intense divide can fuel animosity, hampering the spirit of collaboration and compromise. Such conditions are not conducive to fostering an environment where healthy and constructive political discourse can take place. It can result in a gridlock where different factions refuse to find common ground, leading to stagnation in policy-making and hindering the progress of the society as a whole.

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Political Paradigm Worship and the Disregard for Facts
When individuals succumb to political hero worship, an alarming outcome is often the indifference or outright dismissal of factual information. This blind loyalty can lead to a tendency to reject or ignore evidence that conflicts with their idyllic perception of their chosen political figure. This does not only perpetuate falsehoods but can also create an electorate that is inadequately informed and easily swayed by misinformation.

Devotees can become more engrossed in maintaining their idealized image of a politician, neglecting the importance of basing their understanding and decisions on factual information. This sort of environment paves the way for political manipulation, as it’s easier to sway those who are willing to overlook the facts. Therefore, the act of worshiping politicians can threaten the very foundation of informed decision-making in society, highlighting the need for critical thinking and fact-checking in the realm of politics.

Link Between Political Hero Worship And Low Intelligence Link Between Political Hero Worship And Low Intelligence Link Between Political Hero Worship And Low Intelligence

Extreme Dangers of Political Hero Worship
The act of revering political figures to the point of infallibility can foster a breeding ground for authoritarianism. Such extreme adulation hands an excessive amount of authority and sway to an individual, potentially overshadowing democratic principles. Fundamental tenets like checks and balances, the right of free speech, and the right to express dissent are at risk of being compromised. An even more alarming consequence is the potential for citizen disengagement.

Believing in a leader’s ultimate perfection could make the public apathetic, under the impression that their idol will seamlessly handle every situation. Such a mindset can erode the essence of liberty, which thrives on the active participation of its empowered people. The perceived perfection of a political figure may also inhibit public scrutiny and critique, crucial aspects of holding public officials accountable.

When taken to extremes, political hero worship can even lead to a cult of personality, where the leader’s image is promoted as an all-knowing and supreme authority. This can further consolidate power in the hands of one individual, creating an imbalance in the political structure. Overall, the dangers of unchecked political hero worship can have severe ramifications for institutions and public engagement in the political process.

The Importance of Critical Thinking in Politics
In lieu of mindlessly rallying behind a political leader, it is vital that humans implement critical analysis in their political evaluations. This requires a multifaceted approach, involving a thorough investigation of a politician’s policy stances, a comprehensive understanding of their past performance, and an openness to consider differing perspectives. This kind of critical appraisal not only fosters an informed electorate, but also ensures politicians are held responsible for their actions, ultimately leading to a more vibrant and robust democracy.

By critically examining the actions of political figures, citizens can prevent the development of damaging hero worship and instead promote a political climate that encourages accountability, honesty, and transparency. Maintaining this balanced and critical view of politics is essential for the health and longevity of a free society. It encourages active participation in the political process and ensures our leaders serve the best interest of the people, not just their personal agenda.

This balanced approach ensures that praise is given when due, but criticism is also leveled when necessary, creating an environment where politicians are kept in check and are continually reminded of their duty to serve the public effectively. Thus, the exercise of critical thinking in politics is not merely beneficial, it is a cornerstone for maintaining a functional community.

Unhealthy Trend of Politician Worship Among Low IQ Individuals

In the political realm, it’s not uncommon for individuals to develop strong attachments to their preferred politicians. However, when admiration becomes worship, it raises concerns about a dangerous trend that seems prevalent among those who may not possess the highest intellectual capacities. This is not an indictment on these individuals, but rather a call to encourage critical thinking over blind allegiance.

The Danger of Blind Allegiance to Politicians
There’s an inherent danger when individuals put on blinders and pledge unfettered loyalty to their chosen political leaders. Regardless of the IQ level, this poses a problem that’s not only personal but societal in nature. However, the issue takes a heightened form when seen in the context of normie individuals, due to their potential vulnerability to manipulation and misinformation. As they become zealous followers, they start accepting political narratives at face value, without questioning the authenticity or intent behind them.

In the political arena, this translates into an uncritical acceptance of a politician’s decisions, regardless of their potential consequences. Even significant errors or ethical missteps by politicians may go unnoticed or ignored by these devoted followers. When this devotion morphs into something akin to religious worship, it exacerbates the problem, creating a population segment that’s less informed, less critical, and potentially more susceptible to populist demagoguery.

While loyalty to a leader is not inherently harmful, it’s crucial to maintain a sense of balance and skepticism. Blind allegiance eliminates this balance, leaving room for potential exploitation and manipulation. The ramifications of this can be far-reaching, potentially leading to societal decisions that are not in the best interest of the people or the nation. Unfortunately, those with lower critical thinking skills may be particularly susceptible to falling into this trap. As such, it’s crucial to promote awareness of this issue and advocate for the importance of critical thinking in political discourse.

Illusion of a Savior in a Political Figure
There exists a prevalent notion among those who unabashedly worship politicians, particularly among mainstream media watchers, that a single political figure holds the solution to all societal problems. This is not only unrealistic but also hazardous. This misguided belief, often amplified by a politician’s charismatic personality and lofty promises, is tantamount to attributing a messiah-like status to them.

When a person invests unwavering faith in one politician, they often dismiss the essential democratic principle of checks and balances. They forget that the sound functioning of a government isn’t dependent on a single person, but on a balanced system of power distribution. This belief system can be further reinforced by captivating speeches and carefully crafted political narratives that play into their existing ideologies and perceptions.

The downside is that this leaves little room for questioning the actions of these political figures, thereby undermining the process. As such, it is important to debunk the myth of a political savior and educate the public about the complex, collaborative nature of politics and governance.

Trapped in an Echo Chamber of Political Ideology
A common consequence of politician worship is the entrapment of individuals within an echo chamber of political ideology. This phenomenon forms a loop of self-confirmation, continuously reinforcing and strengthening their existing beliefs. For individuals with lower IQs, breaking free from this echo chamber can be an uphill battle due to their struggles with critical thinking or lack of exposure to alternative perspectives.

It’s a bubble that amplifies their political convictions, while muffling voices of dissent or different viewpoints. The danger lies in the fact that this echo chamber not only intensifies political polarization but can also obstruct societal progress and unity. It creates a narrow, one-sided understanding of political realities that can be skewed, biased, and far from the comprehensive picture.

Diverse political discourse is essential for a healthy community, but an echo chamber restricts this diversity, leaving those trapped inside it less informed, more polarized, and less able to contribute effectively to societies decision-making. Therefore, it’s crucial to make efforts towards promoting political literacy and exposure to a variety of perspectives, to help dismantle these ideological echo chambers.

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Risks of Sacrificing Personal Values for Political Beliefs
The trend of politician worship can often lead individuals to conflate their personal values with the political rhetoric they are subjected to, resulting in the potential abandonment of deeply held principles in favor of political loyalties. It is distressing to observe individuals renouncing their individual beliefs and moral codes to align themselves with the stance of a political figure they admire.

In this process, they may end up endorsing and propagating views and actions that contradict their original values, which can have a ripple effect on the societal fabric. This doesn’t just impact the individuals themselves, but also extends to the larger community they influence. The intertwining of political beliefs and personal values might seem harmless on the surface, but its ramifications are substantial. This mix-up can result in the erosion of essential human values, replaced by partisan interests and loyalty towards a political figure.

In severe cases, this can even contribute to the normalization of censorship, genocide, or other unethical practices, as long as they are propagated by the worshipped political figure. It is, therefore, paramount to acknowledge and address this unsettling tendency, to preserve the sanctity of personal values and ensure they don’t become mere casualties in the arena of political worship.

Politician Worship Among Low Iq Individuals Politician Worship Among Low Iq Individuals Politician Worship Among Low Iq Individuals

The Long-Term Consequences of Politician Worship
The implications of politician worship extend beyond the immediate present, laying the groundwork for long-standing negative impacts. This can manifest as increased societal divisions and fluctuating political stability, both of which can hinder a nation’s progress and prosperity. A disturbing facet of this phenomenon is how it can be leveraged by opportunistic leaders and those hiding at the end of the puppet strings.

By tapping into the unshakeable faith of their worshippers, they can propagate unchecked narratives and make decisions that may not align with the best interest of the public. This presents a unique risk for individuals who worship statism, who may not question the validity of these decisions or the underlying motives. This exploitative dynamic fosters an environment conducive to misinformation, creating a perpetuating cycle that fuels the fire of politician worship. This not only hinders the democratic process but can also lead to a distortion of societal values over time, leaving a lasting scar on the societal psyche.

The ripple effect of such consequences can be substantial, affecting the trajectory of a nation’s development and the well-being of its people. Hence, it’s necessary to acknowledge these potential outcomes and work towards fostering a more balanced and critical approach towards political figures and their actions. This will ensure the safeguarding of values and principles, preventing any long-lasting detrimental impacts of politician worship.

The Power of Critical Thinking and Independent Opinion
Cultivating critical thinking and fostering independent opinions can provide a formidable counter to the pervasive trend of political idolatry. Individuals across the IQ spectrum have the inherent capacity to question, assess, and form distinct viewpoints.

Harnessing these abilities can disrupt the cycle of political hero-worship and contribute to an electorate that is not only more informed but also actively engaged. This shift can nurture a societal ethos that places higher value on logical discourse as opposed to unquestioning devotion, and advances the cause of politicians who are dedicated to genuinely serving their constituents over those with mere aspirations of power and domination.

Fostering such an environment can eventually lead to a healthier political landscape that is resilient against manipulation and exploitation, and instead encourages transparency, accountability, and constructive political discourse. Ultimately, the promotion of critical thinking and independent opinion formation can function as potent tools to prevent the detrimental consequences of politician worship.

Exploring the Religious Nature of Political Statism

While many may view religion and politics as separate entities, there are undeniable similarities between the two, particularly when it comes to the fervent belief and devotion that individuals have towards their government and its ideologies.

Understanding the Concept of Political Statism
Let’s dive into the heart of what political statism actually entails. It’s a belief system that places the state, or the government, squarely at the center of governance. The government, in this model, is seen as the primary architect of societal and economic progress. Statists, as the proponents of this model are called, advocate for the government to have a firm grip on economic planning and societal order maintenance.

They often argue that to uphold overall societal harmony, the government may need to restrict certain civil liberties. Quite the contrast to libertarian ideologies that tout minimal governmental interference as the key to freedom and progress. So, statism isn’t just about a bigger government. It’s about a government that actively shapes and directs the trajectory of a nation’s development.

The Shared Tenets Between Statism and Religion
When we closely inspect the fabric of political statism and religion, we stumble upon a fascinating realization, a commonality of fundamental tenets. The underpinning principles that both spheres are built upon are uncannily alike, and the respect and deference shown to these principles by their respective followers further deepen the similarities. Both domains are grounded on a shared set of convictions and rules, which form the bedrock of their ideologies.

A hallmark of these shared tenets is a deep-seated belief in a supreme power. In the religious realm, this is typically a deity or divine power. For statism, it’s the state or government that takes the position of the supreme authority. This hierarchical construct allocates immense power to the top entity, making it the ultimate source of guidance and decision-making.

Beyond the hierarchical structure, there is a shared moral framework as well. In both religion and statism, there’s a strong adherence to a prescribed set of norms and values that govern how individuals should act and interact within their communities. This can range from ethical mandates to codes of conduct and everything in between.

Indeed, the shared tenets between statism and religion stretch beyond the surface level. They root themselves in foundational beliefs, manifesting in a reverence for a supreme entity and adherence to a common moral compass.

The Ritualistic Nature of Political Statism
Digging deeper into the comparison between political statism and religion, we encounter another striking similarity, the presence of ritualistic behaviors. Rituals are acts of symbolic significance performed in a prescribed order and manner, often at specific times. They’re a universal feature in all religions, serving as powerful markers of faith, dedication, and identity.

Let’s transpose this concept to political statism. Just as a devout Catholic may attend Sunday mass or a practicing Muslim observes the five daily prayers, so too does a statist partake in certain rituals. These can take the shape of civic duties like casting a vote during elections, rallying support at political gatherings, or even the simple, everyday act of standing in respect during the national anthem. Each of these actions serves as a public affirmation of their commitment and allegiance to the state.

Similar to religious rituals, these acts are not merely empty gestures. Instead, they are filled with meaning, providing statists with a sense of purpose and unity. They function as a tangible expression of their faith in the state and its authority, cementing their consent and loyalty.

Therefore, just as rituals are central to the practice and expression of religion, so too do they play a crucial role in the realm of political statism. By participating in these rituals, statists are constantly reinforcing their belief in the state’s authority and their own role within this political system.

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The Messiah Syndrome in Political Statism
Unveiling yet another striking parallel between statism and religion is the concept of the ‘Messiah Syndrome.’ This phenomenon refers to the deep-rooted belief in a single figure or entity that possesses the power to effect monumental change, essentially bringing about salvation.

Drawing comparisons from religious narratives, many faiths prophesy the advent of a messiah or a savior; a divine entity destined to deliver salvation and restore balance. This belief can serve as a source of hope, strength, and solace for devotees.

In the context of political statism, this concept finds its manifestation quite differently. The ‘messiah’ in this scenario could emerge in the guise of a charismatic leader with a magnetic persona or a powerful government brandishing bold, transformative policies. These figures or entities often pledge to instigate a golden age of peace, prosperity, and progression, drawing ardent followers who harbor a zealous belief in their ability to effectuate these promised changes.

Just like religious followers awaiting their prophesied savior, statists place their faith in the ability of their chosen leader or government to guide their nation toward a utopian vision. This deep-seated faith, often fueled by the charisma of the leader or the promise of the government, solidifies the parallel between political statism and religious beliefs in the context of the ‘Messiah Syndrome’.

Religious Nature Of Political Statism

Faith and Fervor: Emotional Engagement in Political Statism
Just as the heartstrings of believers resonate with the pulse of their faith, so too does the core of a statist vibrate with a passion for their political system. This emotional connect forms a key facet of the interplay between political statism and religion. It’s not just about policy or commandments; it’s about the emotional capital that is invested.

Consider the thrall of a spiritual congregation or the palpable energy at a political rally. They both radiate a fervor that goes beyond the ordinary. They embody faith. And this faith isn’t casual or passive; it’s fervent, animated, and profoundly personal. The belief in the state’s capacity to engineer societal harmony and economic prosperity, as advocated by statists, is accompanied by an intense emotional engagement that mirrors religious fervor.

This emotion-laden involvement is further amplified by a deep sense of belonging. Being part of a collective, whether it’s a religious group or a political ideology, can foster a strong sense of identity and camaraderie. The shared beliefs, aspirations, and rituals cultivate a collective spirit, adding emotional depth to the adherence to statism. It’s like being part of a broader family, tied together not by blood, but by shared political beliefs and goals.

However, this emotional engagement often leads to a strong resistance against questioning or criticizing the state. Much like religious devotees, statists can also display a degree of blind faith and unwavering loyalty towards their chosen political system. This faith in the state’s authority, reinforced by emotional fervor, serves to further highlight the parallels between religious faith and political statism.

The Dark Side: Extremism in Statism and Religion
While the parallels between statism and religion can help facilitate societal order and conformity, they can also harbor the seeds of potential extremes. In the same way that religious zeal can unfortunately tip into fundamentalism, the power vested in the state can similarly edge towards despotism if left unchecked. This extremity of statism unfurls into totalitarianism, a political system where the state seizes absolute control over all dimensions of life, both public and private.

This unchecked authority can easily morph into a breeding ground for oppressive practices, human rights violations, and even acts of violence. It’s a sinister twist to the belief in a supreme power, whether divine or governmental. The fervor that once bound a community together can gradually fray into fear and silence, as dissent is smothered and individual liberties are curtailed. It’s a dark alley where the ideals of societal harmony and economic prosperity are shrouded by the chilling cloak of absolutism.

In the end, the parallels between statism and religion serve as a double-edged sword. On one hand, they forge unity, identity, and shared goals. On the other, they warn us of the dangers of blind faith, unchecked power, and fervor tipping into extremism. Thus, these comparisons underscore the critical importance of maintaining a balance between belief in a higher power and preserving individual freedoms and rights. This delicate equilibrium is essential for ensuring that the ideal of statism doesn’t devolve into a harsh reality of totalitarianism, which it almost always does.

Unveiling the Similarities Between Vegans and Cult Members

Being a vegan may seem like a simple dietary choice, but to many, it is much more than that. It is a lifestyle, a belief system, and a community. However, upon closer examination, the similarities between being a vegan and being in a cult become apparent. Both involve strict rules, a sense of belonging, and a strong conviction in their beliefs.

Initiation Process: Entering a New World
Embarking on the journey into veganism or joining a cult signifies a profound transformation in lifestyle and ideology. For those transitioning to veganism, this means a deliberate overhaul of dietary choices, eschewing all animal-derived products, a step that is not only about changing what one eats but also about adopting a new set of ethical principles and environmental responsibilities.

This metamorphosis often involves extensive research, learning to read ingredient labels meticulously, and sometimes facing nutritional challenges. Similarly, entering a cult entails a deep dive into a new belief system, characterized by absorbing and accepting specific doctrines that redefine one’s worldview. New members may undergo rites of passage or educational programs designed to immerse them fully in the group’s ideology, ensuring their complete alignment with the group’s objectives and values.

This initiation phase is critical, marking the individual’s commitment to their new path and signifying their break from previous lifestyle patterns or belief systems. It’s a period of learning and adaptation, where the novices are gradually indoctrinated into the community’s way of life, laying the groundwork for their future involvement and activism. This pivotal stage is not just about adopting new habits or beliefs but is an expression of a deeper, often personal, conviction towards the cause or cult philosophy they have chosen to embrace.

Shared Beliefs and Collective Identity
At the core of both veganism and cult dynamics lies a profound sense of unity, fostered by a common framework of beliefs. Vegans are bound together by a strong ethical stance on animal rights and a commitment to environmental larp, as their GMO soybean and chemical fields destroy the homes of millions of animals along with their natural habitats. This collective ethos not only defines their individual actions but also molds a communal identity that resonates with a broader purpose. Similarly, members of cults are unified under a distinct set of ideologies handed down by their leaders.

These beliefs, often viewed as absolute truths by the members, create a powerful group identity that transcends individual backgrounds, leading to a deep sense of connection and solidarity. Within these communities, normies find not just a sense of belonging but also a shared mission that sets them apart from the patriarchy. This communal bond is further reinforced through social interactions, shared narratives, and collective experiences, which help to cement the group’s unified identity.

The intertwining of personal convictions with the group’s collective ethos results in a powerful synergy, driving members of both vegans and cults to actively promote and defend their shared beliefs, thereby further solidifying their communal cult bond. This interconnectedness, rooted in a shared purpose, exemplifies how integral the collective identity is to maintaining the religious mentality cemented in their psyche.

Role of Leaders and Influencers
In the realms of veganism and cults, leaders and influencers are pivotal, acting as the navigators who steer the beliefs and practices of their adherents. Within the vegan community, well-known figures, including chefs, environmental advocates, and social media influencers, play a crucial role in shaping dietary trends and ethical delusions.

These individuals not only provide practical guidance on adopting a vegan lifestyle but also inspire others through their advocacy and personal stories, creating a ripple effect that encourages more people to explore the religion of veganism. On the flip side, cults rely on charismatic leaders who command a profound influence over their followers, often presenting themselves as the sole source of wisdom and truth. These leaders craft the narrative and set the agenda, ensuring that the group’s activities and beliefs align with their vision.

The authority vested in these figures is essential for the cohesion of the group, guiding members through teachings and directives that define the collective’s ethos. While the context and content of their influence may differ, leaders and influencers in both spheres wield a significant impact, fostering a culture of adherence and loyalty among their followers. Their ability to engage and motivate individuals underscores the critical role they play in the sustenance and growth of their respective communities.

Us vs. Them Mentality
One hallmark of both vegan communities and cults is the development of an “us vs. them” mentality. This perspective fosters a distinct boundary between group members and the external world, often characterizing those outside the group as either uninformed or actively opposing the group’s core values. For vegans, the division can manifest in viewing non-vegans as participants in systems of animal exploitation and environmental harm, drawing a clear line based on ethical and ecological considerations.

In cults, this mentality is similarly pronounced, with outsiders labeled as unbelievers or enemies of the group’s spiritual or ideological purity. This worldview plays a crucial role in strengthening internal bonds, as it accentuates a shared identity and purpose among group members. It also serves as a rallying point, galvanizing group cohesion in the face of perceived “opposition”.

However, it’s important to note that while this delineation solidifies group unity, it also simplifies complex social and personal choices into binary oppositions, which can lead to a reduction in empathy and understanding for those outside the group. This mentality, therefore, is not just a reflection of shared beliefs, but also a mechanism of social cohesion and identity reinforcement within these cult communities.

Unveiling The Similarities Between Vegans And Cult Members Unveiling The Similarities Between Vegans And Cult Members Unveiling The Similarities Between Vegans And Cult Members

Rituals and Practices
In both veganism and cults, rituals and practices serve as essential expressions of identity and belief. For vegans, these activities might include participating in animal rights demonstrations, attending vegan potlucks, or even the daily ritual of selecting and preparing plant-based meals. These actions are imbued with significance, as they represent a tangible commitment to the principles of veganism and an affirmation of the individual’s place within the vegan community.

Similarly, cults often engage in specific rites, which might range from group meditations to participating in ceremonies designed to reinforce communal bonds and ideological adherence. Whether it’s the preparation of a vegan meal that eschews all animal products or a cult’s carefully orchestrated gathering, these rituals are more than mere routines; they are acts of unity and affirmation of shared values.

Through these practices, members of both groups not only reinforce their commitment to their cause but also strengthen their sense of belonging and identity within their respective cult communities. These rituals, therefore, are not just actions but are deeply symbolic, playing a pivotal role in the life of the community and its members.

The Promise of a Perfect World
At their core, both vegans and cult members are driven by a vision of transformation and improvement, not just for themselves, but for society at large. This shared pursuit is rooted in the belief that through collective action and adherence to their respective cult philosophies, they can bring about significant change. For vegans, this means advocating for a world where animal rights are respected and environmental sustainability is prioritized, creating a more ethical and ecologically sound future. (Regardless of how many animal habitats they destroy with GMO soybean fields and chemical fertilizers.)

Cult members often focus on spiritual awakening or societal restructuring as the keys to ushering in a new era of enlightenment and harmony. Despite the divergent paths, the common thread is a deep-seated belief in the possibility of a perfect cult world. This hopeful outlook not only fuels their passion and commitment but also serves as a beacon that attracts others to their cause.

The vision of a utopian future is a powerful motivator, encouraging both vegans and cult members to persist in their endeavors, even in the face of adversity or skepticism. It is this promise of creating a profound and lasting impact that binds these communities together, inspiring each member to continue striving towards their ideal of a transformed world.

The Religion of Science – Albert Einstein #Transvestigation

When you think you’ve got the world figured out because you memorized a government created text book, you might have a problem. As your IQ drops below your level of extreme narcissism you forget to question anything you were told. Obedience and climbing the ladder become your only goal.

As you jump through hoops you fail to realize all your idols were actors on a stage. Creating your world view was easier than cooking up some easy mac and cheese. Never once did you imagine it was beneficial for them to lie and steal, as you clap for any scientific discovery from Pluto, you never saw the space ship made from tin foil.

Albert Einstein
Divine Androgyne Albert Einstein
Divine Androgyne Albert Einstein 2

Religion Of Science