As every mind is configured by the system itself, many fail to question a single sentence in the entire government paragraph. Anyone that dares question the main stream narrative is immediately labeled a crazy person with TNT in their shorts. A terrorist with crazy person ideas and crazy person thoughts. You’re not allowed to think outside the box without being labeled a loose cannon to all the college kid sorts. Many cheer on violence as a way to keep those stupid idiotic conspiracy theorists down. How dare they question what the popular deem truth. Get out the tazer these people are just clowns..
Philosophizing and critical thinking aren’t allowed in a system of conformity, depression and doubt rule the town. Like a group of corrupt sheriffs guarding the bank vault your values disappear under the guise of safety and security. Never questioning a thing as the deputy rolls up in a brand new stage coach you start to question it’s purity. Only to be reminded that thinking is not a trait of the citizen but only an evil conspiracy theorist. Living in a television created reality is where you feel the warm blanket of government keeping you nice and warm.
With over 12 years in government school education your left with little mental acquisitions. Jumping through hoops to get into a college you memorize and repeat like a parrot singing for a cracker. Questioning your god and provider is absurd to the dependent Stockholm syndrome survivor. With little purpose in life the system becomes the umbrella for all participants chasing the ladder. Their slavery is unseen and denied by even the most observant deep sea pearl diver.
In the new modern world created by television, corporations, and government; it’s safe to say it’s only going to get worse. Generations being forced like brain dead zombie cattle into their education camp after their injections. Ready for retirement pre meat harvest the work carries on.
A freedom so basic it’s fundamental in principal yet the ability to control this subliminally feeds the pandemic in critical thought. The truth is, only cowards and rats attack those for using a basic human right like idealistic imagination. However, it seems to be the norm in today’s illusion of-ah utopian paradigm we call society.
A society so scared of social confrontation their willing to live their entire life in a lie. Instead of chasing imagination and life their stuck in this Orwellian illusion of happiness. Sold out on their own soul for a house mortgage and car payment they pretend their living the dream.
Only to wake up like a crackhead after a 2 week binge, in a reality they couldn’t have foreseen, wishing they had once stopped for a minute before running in to proceed. Blinded by their own faith in government and the system they can only collapse like a puppet loosing all of it’s strings.
Unable to dance for Geppetto your heart starts to lose it’s song. You blame depression however it was your choices all along. Never taking responsibility depression becomes your avenue to victim-hood. A narcissist living under the camouflage of depression the cycle never stops as your role in society clocks in for the hamster run on the wheel.
Like an old school game of Chutes and Ladders you’re stuck dangling as it quickly becomes a cage like Mouse Trap. All this because you’re scared of what reality truly is, scared to admit who you really are, and hiding behind who you wish you were. Instead of just being yourself and thinking however you want.
When I’m not trolling the internet I like to go to the beach..