Adventrepeneur Philosopharchist

Navigating the seas of life with a compass forged from personal values and beliefs, autonomy becomes the anthem of self-reliance where the pursuit of mental freedom is not just a right, but a sacred duty. In this tapestry woven with threads of resistance and liberation, the anti-system, pro-creativity, pro-individualism; Nagolpill philosophy, emerges as a shield against the mainstream cerebral psyop onslaughts. Calling upon the non-conformists, challenging them to dance to the rhythm of their own beat and craft unique verses in this extraordinary tale of personal existence.

Adventrepeneur Philosopharchist Nagolbud

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10 Reasons Why You Need to Prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse - How will you survive as the zombie invasion grows out of control? The only way to make sure you’re one of the living, rather than one of the…
2D to 3D to Big D - In general, I get pretty excited seeing peoples art and creativity in whatever form they choose to express it in. Many talented humans with their own niche hobbies…
7 Tips to Avoid Attracting the Modern Women - Often times men are given tips on how to get laid or attract a female but in this guide I am going to give you some advice to…
Afraid To Be Yourself - I never quite understood the mentality of believing or worshiping something that brought you anxiety or fear. I spent my entire childhood doing it but once I learned…
Anti Government Idealist Conspiracy Theorist - As every mind is configured by the system itself, many fail to question a single sentence in the entire government paragraph. Anyone that dares question the main stream…
Assets of Value - In a lot of circles things like bit coin or gold are placed in a position of value. People talk about, "if there were a collapse or financial…
Atheists Hate Free Will - It's funny getting into a "debate" with modern day atheists. Everything they say about religion can literally be applied to their precious theory of evolution as well as…
Average Day Living in Mexico - After living all around Mexico, it's quite funny to read the headlines from the USA in Mexico. The fear mongering and media created delusions become quite obvious. Turning…
Basic Setup for an Adventure Traveler #Adventrepeneur - The definition of a traveler doesn't quite grasp the concept of the type of traveling I like to do. I have never slept in a hotel and in…
Best Adventure Traveler Night-Light #Adventrepeneur - I have experimented with this idea quite a bit lately and I was surprised to find out how valuable it really was. Many people have the headlamps, which…
Beta, Alpha, and the Sigma - The red pill community is filled with talks about beta males and alpha males, from the wannabe alphas spreading their pick up artist techniques and e-books to betas…
Building with Natural Materials - Natural building is probably one of my favorite things to do. The idea of being able to take free supplies from nature and creating something of value from…
Celebrating Censorship - Hmm yeah that funky beat about to kick off the party, no longer have to listen to any more conspiracy theories. In total control of what you hear…
College Educated Work Week - You're on deck to start your life with over a decade of school under your belt. Unable to discern whether your ideas be theirs or your own. Trying…
Communication Without Language - When I first arrived in Mexico I didn't speak any Spanish. I really didn't plan on going there and had actually been trying to learn Vietnamese when I…
Disagreeability Unwavering Against the Constant Chant of Conformity - The atrocity of vaccine injuries, fake viruses, low IQ plandemics, and the cucked ass mouth diapers, but one thing people failed to pick up on were these temperature…
Drugs Never Let Go - To cut the effects of your drug of the night, a cup of water and lime should suffice. Whether it be crack cocaine, heroin, cigarettes, prescription pills, or…
e-Brotherhood for Sale Online - You know I always wonder how so many normies can exist. Why do you enjoy having your ears tickled just to fit in, it's my worst nightmare. An…
Fickle Friendships for the Modern World - Making friends in the modern world is close to impossible unless your a yes man conformist. People have become so fickle and fake they don't even have their…
Generation Y 1989 - We're the ones that spawned from the narcissistic baby boomers. The first generation to hit reality while at the same time being the first paramedic on scene. We're…
Green Pill $ is the New Red Pill - There's nothing worse than listening to some blue haired Twitch feminist talking about how he loves being cucked by his wife, as he rambles on about his self…
Growing Marijuana With Rabbit Poop - When I first stumbled onto this gold mine recipe for the best marijuana plants you could ever grow it was honestly mind blowing. I was standing in the…
Hobbies or Health - When you step back and look at the education system, television, media, colleges, ect. real creativity seems to take a back seat. No where does anyone teach you…
Holding Up the Mirror - Many times in life were faced with difficult situations and choices that will reflect those decisions in the future. Often times we don't stop to actually reflect on…
Homesteading Cures Depression - Everyone gets depressed at some point in their life unless you're a narcissistic sociopath. The reality is we all deal with our own problems, whether mental, physical, or…
How Dare You Disagree with Me - I've noticed a trend in society within the last few years where you are not allowed to disagree with anyone. If you disagree and it turns into a…
How Hydrogen Peroxide Heals the Realm - When looking at the phenomena known as H2O2, it's hard to over look the extreme benefits from bacteria cleaning cuts, to cleaning household goods, mouth wash, or even…
I Love You Little Buddy - You were my shadow for over 12 years, and what a blessing it's been. All the laughs and smiles you constructed out of thin air. Your sense of…
If You Could Have Only One Meal - Many times throughout my travels I would have to go hungry because of the situation, choosing to take a certain path but missing out on the opportunity to…
Individualism is the Fertilizer - It's easy for men to get stuck inside the gerbil ball of the red pill loop. Seeing video after video of women acting like narcissists while abusing men…
Individualist Among Conformists - I can still remember forcing myself to get up early every morning, take a shower, get dressed, maybe have a pastry or pop-tart if there was something around.…
It’s Never Too Late - Often times people let the lie itself become bigger than the evil that was done. This can be a trick used to keep you inside the cage. Fighting…
Label Maker Society - Are you tired of it? I'm tired of it. I'm so tired of the ism's and the abbreviations. I'm so sick and tired of the endless creation of…
Learning How to Grow After Red Pill Rage - Getting hit with a sledgehammer hurts. Just dropping one on your toe can be painful. Now imagine having 5 large men come into your home and hit everything…
Living Outside the Box - Looking back on the time before I left, many friends and family were the opposite of supportive. Many had tall tales of my death at the hands of…
Lost At Sea - Setting sail on a beautiful new journey, From the top of a wave I realize I'm never returning, The world around me shrinks down to what's present, As…
Man’s Greatest Weakness: Lust - You can't really shut off lust. You can't really control it per say. What you can do though, is learn and realize the consequences that come from lust…
Manly Emotional Support - Contrary to what society says life as a modern day man is extremely difficult with no real support systems in place. There's no shelters for men, suicide rates…
Materialism – The Root of Unhappiness - Finding yourself as a pawn of materialism can be quite easy. Corporations literally throttle human actions and reactions by simply offering a sale on T.V.'s or VCR's. Look…
Modern Video Games Suck – Old School Favorites - I see these lists all over the internet and it's always the same thing. Call of Duty.. League of Legends.. Counter Strike... blah blah blah. Video games today…
Most Common Reason People Reject Jesus Christ - Facebook, instagram, twitter, myspace, ect. The list goes on an on. The popularity alone is enough to tell you self worship is alive an well in most of…
Most Important Pack Item for the Adventure Traveler #Adventrepeneur - The wool blanket. Need I say more? Well I will because it's by far one of my favorite items in my pack. It enables me to do many…
My First Buck – Why Hunting is Important - Walking out to the stand early in the morning after a light snow is one of the most relaxing things on the planet. Everything is dead quiet, a…
Natural Food the EASY Way - When we look at our modern day lifestyle it's easy to poke holes in the sustainability of it. 99% of people have no idea how to generate their…
Nihilism, Black Pill, or Self Promotion - I've been working on this website for about 10 years now. It was always my place to escape. My safe space. I could write, say, post, draw, design,…
Online Obsession - When you go offline or live off grid for a period of time whether at your own accord, or by traveling, you start to notice how obsessed people…
OnlyFans: The Pinnacle of Success for Modern Women - For a while I thought about making a website that teaches women how to create and run an OnlyFans with affiliate links / referrals. Was just going to…
Passion in Hobbies - Real people find them selves in real situations and sometimes that includes having a hard time finding work, providing food and shelter, and other basic needs every human…
People In Costumes - Food for thought.... most think the Constitution is the foundation of the USA. Those people clearly didn't read it very well because inside that document it clearly states…
People That Correct You’re Grammar - Whenever you find someone correcting the grammar of others, rest assured they are the ultimate goblin. They have nothing real to say, nor do they have any idea…
Public School Doesn’t Fill Your Belly - Often times society, family, and friends will exclaim, that college and school is the only way to learn, They never mention the topics you'll retain, that studying and…
Pull Back the Curtain - Watchin' it all unfold I can't help but wonder how many are even awake, surrounded by zombies and vampires the world on lockdown as the normies start to…
Raising Free Range Rabbits - Not often do you hear or see the words together “free range” and “rabbits”. It wouldn’t be feasible in a city environment or even a suburban area but…
Real Reason Reddit Is Popular - Once in a while I'll make a throwaway account to do a little "marketing" on Reddit and it always amazes me how petty people are for a few…
Red Pill Rage Porn - A lot of men try to attach their stigma's of having to be this or that to be MGTOW. The reality is there is a huge diversity of…
Righteous Anger - So badly society wants to entirely remove emotion from the world as it lends a blind eye to the evil being orchestrated. Political correctness and anger control, to…
Self Censorship: Scared to Think - If you're scared to speak your mind your voice is irrelevant. In fear of saying the wrong thing, you're already self policing your own thoughts and mind. Many…
Social Media Celebrities - I haven't had Instagram but a couple months and it's already obvious how thirsty these new age women are. Begging for attention, likes, and follows they are willing…
Social Media Repeat Ban Blessings - The first time it happened I was disgruntled and angry. Spiteful about how many memories I was losing. Looking up wondering why I can't just speak my mind.…
Social Networking or Social Engineering - That is the question. As many fail to realize their opinion being swayed from one corner to the next they go in circles chasing societies next dream. They…
Societies Demand for Perfection - Wherever you go on in life you will be meet with people that hold this mentality. Whether driven from jealousy, no confidence, or their inability to take responsibility…
Societies Ultimate Troll - Being a biblical pastor is the ultimate troll to government and society, In a time where people have the ability to search out anything they want, From learning…
Stop Taking Vacations and Start Traveling - The cliche thing to do now-a-days is travel. To book a cheap flight somewhere, fly there, spend a couple days or week there. Then fly home. This however…
Structured Anarchy vs Government Ordained Society - Often times when people hear the word anarchy they associate it with chaos, disorder, and violence. This isn't always true however and often times organized anarchy is the…
The Battle of a Man’s Heart - The reality is most of us have been in a bad relationship. Most of us have been in a terrible relationship. Let's face it, most of us have…
The Bible Does NOT Say Obey Government - Over and over again the fake christian loves to rub Romans 13 in your face about obeying government. The reality is however they reveal themselves for the frauds…
The Bible is NOT Demanding - Many times atheists and religious make the claim that you have to live up to the law from the Bible in order to be a believer. They make…
The Fairy Tale of Evolution - It seems like no matter what genre or niche you jump into most people base their entire world view and life off of evolution. They have no problem…
The Government Died for Your Sins - Having a conversation with a statist can be quite difficult. Most of their responses and cliche "just follow the rules" rhetoric has been created for them. Their opinions,…
The Internet Killed Video Games - Once in a while I get fed up with a certain game or the game designers alternative motive and throw it down. Often times it's another DLC money…
The Moment You Stop Believing the News - No amount of research, facts, or studies will ever persuade someone to see something they don't want to see. Certain truths in life have the effect to either…
The Normal Citizen - It's understandable why so many live in fear, as they listen to the main stream media and fake news their normalcy is adjusted to ludicrousy. They don't question…
Travel Cheap as an Adventure Traveler #Adventrepeneur - Many times people make the mistake of thinking you need to be rich in order to travel, but often times that's not the case. For some people this…
Truth Behind Mass Animal Die Offs - After listening to delusional vegans and ignorant environmentalists push their agendas I started to begin wondering about some of the current problems with nature. From mass animal die…
Understanding Freedom - Living outside the USA for several years now it becomes even more obvious to the rampant statism on both the left and right of politics. Looking in from…
We Were All Blue Pill at One Time - Humility is a difficult concept to understand. Even once you understand it the principles you've learned can be swept under the rug in a heart beat letting your…
What is an Adventure Traveler #Adventrepeneur - To coin a phrase, adventrepeneur. What is it? Well quite simply it's an adventurer combined with an entrepreneur. Often times people are set on having an office, a…
Why Men Chase Female Validation and Attention - Female validation can be an extremely positive and uplifting thing for a man when used in the correct context. A big hug from a loving grandma or mother…
Why Vanilla WoW Was So Good - As many gamers anticipate the return of vanilla World of Warcraft, many have forgotten what made it such a good game. It wasn't the graphics, it wasn't dungeon…
Why Women are Manipulative in Relationships - When in confrontation with most women you'll always start to question the narrative about half way through. This is because they will have tried to gas light you…
Why You Should Have a Motorized Bicycle - Looking back on all the different vehicles I've owned in my life, the Audi A4, TT, A6, Propane Powered GMC Van, Triumph TR7, Jeep, Motorcycles, Dirt Bikes, Go-Carts…
WiFi and Phone Frequencies Cause Depression - Have you ever felt like you just couldn't sleep? How many times have you stayed up late with insomnia wishing you could just fall asleep? This used to…
World Wide Web is Complete and You’re Not the Spider - Whether you want to admit it or not, Coronavirus Covid-19 changed your life to some degree. Whether you think it was all a hoax, a Chinese bio-lab virus,…