Paradigm Politics

With fake news and corporate agendas filling the airwaves, it’s difficult to see what’s really going on. Many lie for money and others for fame, they have no guilt or shame in their game. Creating news out of thin air while turning the ridiculous into fact, pedaling their propaganda machine on a realm wide scale. Laws and rules are created based on the demand of these broadcasts, leaving people in an emotional gladiator mindset. Pretending that their vote carries weight, as they decide between the same family candidates to rule over them year after year.

Paradigm Politics Ninjemon

01010 Nagolbud vs The Pope 01010 - 01000010 01001111 01010100: As the world's chaos started to unfold Nagolbud knew his time was running out. With more and more psychological operations being released every day he…
Be You, Not a Pop Culture Puppet - We all live in a world where pop culture constantly surrounds us, be it in the form of movies, music, fashion, or social media trends. It's easy to…
Behind the Scenes of Fake News: Media Manipulation Exposed - Fake news has become a prevalent issue that continues to plague media outlets and manipulate the masses. The spread of false information has the power to shape public…
Beyond Conspiracy: The Truth About Government False Flags - Understanding the complex dynamics that exist between governments and their citizens is no simple task. One aspect of this dynamic, however, often dismissed as mere conspiracy theory, merits…
Black vs White: How the Divide and Conquer Strategy Controls the Masses - In the realm of power politics, a clever tactic has been utilized for centuries to manipulate the masses. The divide and conquer strategy, an artful manipulation of differences,…
Censorship vs Freedom: An Analysis of Society’s Health - While censorship is often seen as a means to "protect individuals" from "harmful" or "offensive content", it can also restrict the free exchange of ideas and hinder progress.…
College Life: A Cycle of Conformity and Repetition - The transition from high school to college is an exciting and daunting experience. It is a time of exploration, self-discovery, and profound personal growth. However, beneath the freedom…
Cost of Expression: Revenue Tactics in User Censorship - In an age where social media platforms have become the digital town squares, the right to express oneself freely has increasingly come under scrutiny. The democratization of content…
Cracking Down on Freedom: The Government’s Stand - Are you concerned about the growing infringement on our civil liberties and individual freedom? If so, you're not alone. Many people are becoming increasingly aware of the government's…
Decoding the Impact of Large Corporations on State Misconduct - In an era where multinational corporations wield unprecedented power, their influence over governmental policies and actions has become a pivotal topic of debate. This influence, while beneficial in…
Dirt Into Dinner: The Benefits of Homesteading and Gardening - In an era where much of our food is mass-produced and processed, injected with chemicals and GMO's, the art of homesteading and gardening may seem antiquated. However, more…
Does Your Vote Truly Count? Unraveling the Statist Ritual - Every election year, we hear the familiar chant: "Your vote counts!" But is that really the case? Does your singular vote truly hold power, or is it merely…
Echoes of Deception: A Tale Unfurled - In a world where truth seems scarce, And falsehoods dance upon the air, With agendas woven into tales, It's hard to discern what's fair. Some speak for profit's…
Exploring the Religious Nature of Political Statism - While many may view religion and politics as separate entities, there are undeniable similarities between the two, particularly when it comes to the fervent belief and devotion that…
Fake News: A Dangerous Love Affair for Your Emotions - In the modern era of rapid information exchange, navigating through the maze of real and fake news is an essential survival skill. However, it is the emotional investment…
From Grass to Groceries: Join the City Farming Movement - Welcome to the revolution in urban living that turns lawns into luscious landscapes of fresh produce. The City Farming Movement is making waves in urban communities across the…
Government Tactics Used by Beta Males Against Self-Sufficient Sigma Males - In today's socio-political landscape, the tension between different male archetypes, especially between the self-sufficient sigma male and the more conformist beta male, has seen a unique battleground, the…
How Conformity Bias Stifles Our Creative Spark - In the quest to fit into societal norms and meet conventional standards, many individuals unknowingly stifle their creative abilities and abandon their unique identities. This phenomenon, often termed…
How Media Manipulation Sows Seeds of Division - From political affiliations to social identities, the media has a powerful influence on how we perceive ourselves and others. By labeling certain groups or individuals, the media creates…
Invisible Strings: The Mainstream Media’s Puppetry of the Masses - In this age of information, mainstream media possesses an undeniably powerful influence over the masses. Its invisible strings shape perceptions, drive public opinion, and often determine social norms.…
Manipulation Through Dichotomy: Crisis Actors and Control - In the sphere of societal dynamics, the manipulation of thought and control of narrative has been used as a powerful tool to shape public opinion and behavior. One…
Media Manipulation: The Destruction of Love and Trust Within Local Communities - The mainstream media plays a powerful role in shaping our perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes. Unfortunately, this power is often used to control and manipulate the narrative, leading to…
Politics of Autonomy: Why Government Can’t Control the Self-Sufficient - In today's society, we are often told that the government is here to protect and provide for us. We are encouraged to rely on government assistance and programs…
Roots of Voting: The Paradox of Voluntary Submission - Have you ever wondered why societies have always had rulers? Why do we, as humans, voluntarily submit to a higher authority and give them the power to govern…
Television Set: A Tool for Manipulation and Mind Control - Television has been a staple in households around the world for decades, providing entertainment and information at the touch of a button. However, what many fail to realize…
The Cult of Politics: A Close Look at Statism - In the world of politics, there is a group of individuals who believe in the supremacy of the state. They revere the state with religious fervor, finding solace…
The Disconnect Between Citizens and Wealthy Politicians - In the world of American politics, the gap between citizens and wealthy politicians continues to widen. The increasing influence of wealth on policy decisions has created a discord…
The Impact of Political Correctness on Video Game Development - Video games have always been a medium that connects players from all over the realm through shared digital experiences. With this form of interactive storytelling, creators have the…
The Intriguing Story of How Television Was Built to Brainwash You - Have you ever questioned why television was created or pondered over its primary purpose? The answer might startle you. You could say, in a very real sense, that…
The Link Between Political Hero Worship and Low Intelligence - In today's political landscape, it is not uncommon to see individuals putting their leaders on a pedestal and blindly following their every word and action. This phenomenon, known…
Top 10 Reasons Feminists Love Misandry and Hate All Men - Ah, the sweet aroma of misandry fills the air as we delve into the twisted realm of feminist ideology. In this article, we will explore the dark motivations…
TV and Subliminal Programming: Understanding the Subtle PsyOps - Today we live in a world saturated with screens, and with them, powerful influences that can subtly shape our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The television has been a…
Unhealthy Trend of Politician Worship Among Low IQ Individuals - In the political realm, it’s not uncommon for individuals to develop strong attachments to their preferred politicians. However, when admiration becomes worship, it raises concerns about a dangerous…
United States Leading the World in Political Corruption - It's no secret that politics and corruption often go hand in hand. But when it comes to the United States, it seems that the two have become inseparable.…
Unleash Your Unique Self: Stepping Out of the Mainstream - The societal pressure to fit in and adhere to mainstream values can feel incredibly overwhelming. This often results in individuals sacrificing their unique identities to blend in with…
Unraveling Political Motives: Legal Shields for Personal Business - In the world of politics, there's often more than what meets the eye. One intriguing aspect of this field involves politicians creating laws to protect their personal finances…
Unraveling the Paradox: Why Bureaucrats Destroy Freedom for Power - Navigating the complex world of bureaucracy can feel like navigating a labyrinth, designed to obfuscate, confuse, and ultimately control. It's an often paradoxical landscape, where freedom is reduced…
Voice and Valor: Embracing Freedom of Speech in Your Writing - The power of the pen is often underrated. Words, when skillfully wielded, can inspire change, evoke emotions, and spark dialogues. This power is magnified when the written word…
Why Chuds Choose to Stay Away from Politics and Statism - Often we hear about various groups that engage in politics. However, there are also many who choose to abstain. Among those are the Chuds, a group that is…
Why the Left vs Right Political Paradigm Is Failing Us - The political landscape has long been divided into the left and right spectrum by design. This is a deeply ingrained paradigm that shapes our understanding of politics, dictating…