Holding Up the Mirror

Many times in life were faced with difficult situations and choices that will reflect those decisions in the future. Often times we don’t stop to actually reflect on where these choices, in these situations, will lead too in the future. Many times we don’t even stop to think about it at all. We carry on our show as if nothing happened, never realizing who we hurt or the repercussions from our actions.

Most people are sold into an alternative reality involving social media, television, and the small bubble that they live in. Most people don’t take the time to get to know the strange person and the uniqueness goes unnoticed in day to day life. People look them selves in the mirror many times a day, some people several times a day snapping photo after photo, but none of these people stop to reflect.

This can be one of the most difficult things for anyone to do. To set aside your bags of pride, to let down your shield of ego, to forget about the wounds, to wash away the tears, and to reflect on yourself. To look yourself in the mirror and ask your self the real questions. What the fuck are you doing?! What are you doing with your life?! Why the fuck are you hurting people just to get some fake ass money?! Or just to grab some damn attention?! What are you taking all these photos for? Why are you lying to everyone around you to maintain an image?! Is what I believe about life, science, the earth, space, is it even real?! Do I even fucking know?!

Learning how to hold up the mirror is one of the most valuable skills you could ever imagine yet so many are scared to walk into the fun house. To see yourself for who you really are. To admit to yourself, and everyone else who you really are. To accept it. To let it out. At this point, and only at this point, will you be able to move on. Only then will you be able to start to see your faults, accept them, and stop being so afraid to show them at the expense of fitting in. People make the mistake of taking my writings as the rants of someone of real anger but the reality is the sarcasm is heavier than a megalodon. I’ve already come to the reality I’m a douche a bag. A troll. But I’m an honest troll. I don’t mind admitting I live under the bridge. I don’t mind showing off my neck beard. The reality is the trolls delete their own comments off my content.

Coming to the reality that I’m nothing but a douche bag came from looking in the mirror. Admitting and accepting this reality was a bitter pill to swallow. I was nothing but a narcissistic cunt chasing my own ego in a circular jerk motion of never ending evolutionary bullshit. A lot of people mock the things I say or the ideas I express and if I hadn’t held up the mirror to myself years ago, and to this day, I wouldn’t have the courage to stand my ground against all these poor content trolls. To be honest with you the feminist crowd doesn’t stand a chance because they know they are miserable. Deep down they know feminism has fucked them harder than Ron Jeremy in the 80’s. Deep down they have no real fight. The real cowardly haters I get come from nearby, those that claim to be apart of the same group.

As you can see the consequences from avoiding the mirror come in on both sides. People hide behind masks and lies avoiding the truth at every expense. People will curse and kick when the reality is it’s usually directly their fault. They blame everyone and everything around them and most men won’t hold up the mirror to a women, let alone themselves. So around we go in the societal whirlwind, never stopping to look in the mirror. Never stopping to question our motives, our agenda, what we stand for, who we would stand for. We walk around as empty voids, having no soul or essence, just a character or clown putting on a show, juggling a few pins with a smile, looking for the next quarter in the cup.

Where does it all lead? What’s the point? So you get millions, then what? So you get all the pussy? So you get all the attention? So you get all likes on facebook? So you’re followed by millions on instagram? Then what? OOO soo popular. Soo cool. You know I didn’t even have an instagram until about 2 weeks ago when I transfered my photos over so it was easier to upload. I didn’t care about your stupid ass on instagram posting boob selfies all day and I still don’t! It’s pathetic to see how many millions of women do this shit on all social media just for some likes. You ain’t even making money!!!!!!! 3 million followers? Hahaha you don’t make anything on instagram and youtube pays like a gum ball machine. Pew Die Pie has like 50 trillion subscribers yet I don’t know who he is. I don’t watch him. Don’t care. All this nonsense, chasing and playing games just for a few likes. These women come on my instagram, follow me, like a few photos, but it’s all just a trick, if you follow them back they unfollow you and move on. Bing bang, next! They have no conscious, like a robot crawling your page for any search juice. They probe and prick any ounce of attention from you and your profile and move on. Faster than a google bot shes on to the next dude and dick.

What the fuck are we doing it for?! Day after day we continue the same circus show putting on fake smiles with clown paint and a thumbs up for .00013 seconds of entertainment. We already live in a society that’s mocked by 10 year old movies like Idiocracy. We live in a world where people pull out their phone to record instead of beating down that douche bag in a costume using his badge as an excuse to unleash his narcissistic rage on some unsuspecting victim. We live in a world where every action we take is to build the subscriber count or bring in more followers. Fuck man it’s so pathetic the lives we live. Chasing these pennies thrown down by a corporation that milks our content for everything it’s worth tossing a few bones. Mean while most are willing to jump on the shoulders of others grinding their fingers into the eyes of those around them just to get a few more gum balls.

Society Is Fake Dont Conform Zombie Apocalypse

People use eachother for the moment just to make an ex jealous or fill the void temporarly while they line up their next victim. So many claim to live such a great life and will never stop to admit any of this is true while claiming I’m crazy. These are the people that can’t stand the mirror. They hate the truth. They hate anything and everything that shines light on these realities and like the vultures they are will scrape and claw at any available meat.

I’m sick of this bullshit and I’m here to hold up the mirror,
when your left sitting in your room holding back a tear,
just remember these words and know you can be a douche bag too,
and that even the douche bag has an important role in life,
here to clean out all that nasty shit that finds it’s way through,

take a moment to see yourself for who you really are,
walking around on earth living in nasa made galaxy,
thinking you’re free when asking for permission is your luxury,
paying a few dollars to get your scott lawn fertilizer,
just to impress your neighbors, grass standing in attention to the kaiser,

putting on a mask anytime you enter our modern society,
treating people as if they were dirt unless a piety,
just another day walking down the sidewalk, whistling a tune,
20 followers on instagram and you only had to give up the poon,
thinking your girdle makeup and purse make you a celebrity,

live in this lie we call reality, most put on a show,
casting off their true self living in the shadow,
i spend my weekends sitting here writing poems like Edgar Allan Poe,
i guess there’s nothing left for me to do but take a nice long walk through the meadow.

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