Materialism – The Root of Unhappiness

Finding yourself as a pawn of materialism can be quite easy. Corporations literally throttle human actions and reactions by simply offering a sale on T.V.’s or VCR’s. Look at black Friday for instance, where people are willing to fight and yell over plastic gizmo’s made in china on a day picked by the corporation. Statistically the prices are lower a month later near New Years without the lines or commotion, but because the corporation said so, millions storm the stores after that “big savings”.

Materialism itself isn’t that dangerous. The religion of materialism, however, is. When people begin to worship and idolize their possessions their reality becomes distorted by those very objects. YouTube is a great case study of this as you can literally watch how materialism manipulates how you act and react. People show off their cash, cars, and lavish life style putting on a fake smile to garnish views and monetization. This all fuels this same materialistic / narcissistic cycle. It’s funny to hear these people claim love for their “fans”.


If you haven’t realized by now, they are putting on a show. It’s all an act. Materialism has consumed their entire lifestyle and personality to the point where real issues and concerns are of no avail, the only thing that matters is getting that cash, car, or other shiny object because someone said it had value.

I myself have lived it. Letting possessions define who I am and what I’m about instead of my actual personality. When you let your possessions define you you’re left with no choice but to feel empty. Objects have no soul or personality. Humans do.

The feeling of being excited or happy when showing off what you have is not truly happiness or joy. It’s an allusion you’ve created for yourself. From the outside people look in thinking, what a douche bag. The feeling you interpret as excitement and joy is nothing more than anxiety based on the underlining cringey-ness of what you’re actually doing. The real world doesn’t care how shiny your watch is, nor do they care how many horse powers your custom ferrari has. If they do, there caught in the same materialistic trap of douche-baggy-ness as you.

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The materialistic cycle is hard to break. From their angle they have two choices. Look in the mirror or keep buying shit. The cycle breaks when you stop buying senseless crap. Feeding off that fake excitement or happiness fades with each object. It’s only fun to brag about your car for so long; You either have to buy another one, paint the one you have, or go find something else to buy to show off. You’re left with only two options.

Most people just continue buying crap to brag about. New cars, new gizmos, new this and thats and watchamadoodles. They never stop and question what they are doing.. they just keep doing it. This is the religion of materialism and its cult like following.

Modern Day Slavery

Just the way people look at you and treat you in our society varies on your car. When I drove any of my Audi’s I was looked at and treated far different in society than driving my orange propane van. Just another example of how fake and materialistic we’ve become as a people, myself included. We put possessions and random crap before human life and real joy. We cast aside living breathing people for hunks of metal that move fast. We discard human emotion because we need that next quick buck.

We treat differently people based upon their materialistic status in society whether it be chosen or forced. This cycle has created a community disconnect where everyone is after their own gain. Just doing a job is just that. No emotion. No human conversation. Living entire lives to impress random people with non-sense. The American dream, they call it that because you have to be asleep to believe it.

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