The Moment You Stop Believing the News

No amount of research, facts, or studies will ever persuade someone to see something they don’t want to see. Certain truths in life have the effect to either change someone or make them create a delusion to cover the truth. Once confronted, they are left with one of the two options.

Those that chose to dig a bit deeper, to discover and figure out whats going on are the ones that will understand what I am saying. The ones that chose to create a delusion to cover this truth will write it off as crazy or ridiculous. Their reaction is predictable. Ours however, is not.

The tip of the iceberg that sank my Titanic was the media. Something was always off about their presentation and the way they would coach or manipulate their interviews and information. That inner gut was saying these people are full of it. When you start to look at what they are saying from a 3rd party perspective, it’s clear they’re pushing an agenda. Noticing that all these media outlets are owned and operated by only a few large corporations it was easy to figure out who’s agenda they’d be pushing.

The moment you start to question the reality we are forced to believe in, is the moment your life starts to change forever. If you manage your way through the maze of cointel pro, disinfo, and deceivers.. you’ll find yourself in the calm of the storm. You’ll start to uncover the lies and manipulation that have been programmed into you since day one. Since the first day of kindergarten to this very moment. Using vehicles like television, statism, religion, materialism, and self worship all to control your mindset and actions.

Never forget this moment in your life. As its evidence that you can easily be deceived and manipulated to believe fact as fiction and vice versa. Let it be a testament to holding to absolute truth and not our own imaginations.

Mainstream Popular Culture Defined

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” – Matthew 7:13-14

Never forget, at one moment in your life you too (as I) were one of those idiots chasing terrorists because a piece of aluminum knocked down a steel and concrete building. Never forget you too (as I) were one of those douche bags saying “survival of the fittest, prophet darwin says evolution is real I’ma monkey”. Never forget you thought Jesus Christ was a religion or works salvation when in fact He preached against it.

Never forget that moment you stopped believing the News.

Television Watching News Believer - Conspiracy Music Guru

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