The red pill community is filled with talks about beta males and alpha males, from the wannabe alphas spreading their pick up artist techniques and e-books to betas pretending to be alpha by slinging out insults to sex workers on their podcast. These men are constantly chasing societies validation or trying to mimic social cues to elevate their social status.
What goes unmentioned in many of these talks is the sigma male. The reality is the sigma male is just label given to men that put their individualism first. They maintain their own critical thinking and talking points regardless of what people say around them. They create their own confidence through their skills and hobbies rather than relying on others around them.
A true sigma male doesn’t call himself one, nor does he hold himself above others in the societal hierarchy. He doesn’t need labels or a crowd to validate his thoughts. He is free in his own thought process and individualism which is where his confidence actually derives from. Instead of trying to mimic wannabe red pill men on the internet, instead of watching clips of men putting down sex workers, instead of trying to grift money off their viewers, they simply speak their mind unapologetically.
A real sigma male will never turn to an alpha or a beta for their purpose. They look at the current manosphere as a total joke, which it is. Men using labels to generate an income while making fun of the “sigma” male label, while at they same time promoting their patreon and goofy ass pick up techniques. They don’t understand how a man could actually be an individualist as their own identity is derived from how others perceive them.
This is the biggest difference between these labels, is those that fit the criteria of a sigma male are often lone wolves. They require no feedback from weak men, wannabe alphas, the red pill community, or the pick up artists. A real men is focused on his purpose, his hobbies, his skillsets, and this is where his validation comes from. Weak men need validation from society, so put whatever labels you want on it, in the strong males eyes, beta and alpha are the same, both are weak men that require constant validation from society to prop up his fragile ego.
In many ways the alpha is just a loud mouthed beta, running on emotion and getting offended when someone doesn’t validate his hierarchy. This is why the sigma label is constantly belittled and made fun of, because these men have no idea how to actually be a strong man. They require other weak men to prop them up on a pedestal like the very women they make fun of. All the while these men are begging for donations and patreon subs, you pay for their lambo while the sigma is building real businesses and promoting others to find their own individualism.
Status to a sigma is irrelevant, how you perceive him is irrelevant, and that’s what weak men hate. This is why they constantly ignore freedom in thought and replace it for an echo chamber of worship. Alphas want betas to worship them and betas want to feel power through the loud mouthed alpha, mean while the sigma is sitting on the sidelines laughing, if he’s even watching. Many strong men just don’t have the time for these petty boring repeatable red pill conversations.
The entire community taken over by boring nonsense that promotes destruction rather than growth. Why would a manosphere redpill podcast want you to grow when your stuck in their $50 dollar a month program where you can learn basic business or pick up techniques, whereas the sigma is watching and growing through free content from other strong men that have an abundance of thought and critical thinking.
There are plenty of examples of wannabe alphas shouting into the wind, using the same red pill rhetoric from the manosphere 20 years ago, all to generate an income. Whether it be Fresh and Fit or Andrew Tate, their entire existence requires weak men to prop them up. Bragging about driving expensive cars, expensive watches, their $1000 dollar skinny boy jeans, or having a rented women on their arms. All bought by taking advantage of weak men, from internet porn businesses, to casinos, pick up artists techniques, to goofy basic business courses that come with a fee.
A real man looks at this and laughs, a man like, Bruce Lee, Fiore dei Liberi, Erich Fromm, Alan Kay, Chuck Palahniuk, Ansel Adams, Michael Bassey Johnson, Jakub Bozydar Wisniewski, all of which offer insight and growth for free rather than the same ear tickling for profit like the current red pill manosphere.
Here are a few quotes from those mentioned to prove this point:
“Only the self-sufficient stand alone, most people follow the crowd and imitate.” – Bruce Lee
“Be audacious in violence and young at heart. Have no fear in your mind; only then can you perform.” – Fiore dei Liberi
“The real opposition is that between the ego-bound man, whose existence is structured by the principle of having, and the free man, who has overcome his egocentricity.” – Erich Fromm
“Stop looking for validation at the quality of your results and instead feel pride at the quality of your effort.” – Alan Kay
“The things you own end up owning you. It’s only after you lose everything that you’re free to do anything.” – Chuck Palahniuk
“No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.” – Ansel Adams
“Always remember that you were once alone, and the crowd you see in your life today are just as unnecessary as when you were alone.” – Michael Bassey Johnson
“The uniqueness of every soul is not a theme that our current culture, obsessed with group identities, cares to assert.” – Dean Koontz
“Individualism turns a band into a community. Collectivism turns society into a mob.” – Jakub Bozydar Wisniewski
You can see how cleverly they promote their ideas and critical thinking in a way that promotes your own, rather than trying to cash in on ideas that have been around for decades, they stand on their own individualism while promoting yours. This is the real difference between strong men and weak men, betas and alphas versus sigmas, regardless of the labels, it’s easy to see the difference in character between these men.
A man that cares what others think of him, or a man that is willing to stand on his own morals and principles regardless of what people say about him. These are defining characteristics of a sigma male, a strong man, an individualist. A man that cares about his community, family, and the people around him, a man that wants to see others succeed rather than tax them into a repeatable profit loop.
The idea behind the sigma male is made into a joke because these men don’t want you to think for yourself, society and government certainly don’t want you to either. A strong man that relies on his own wing span is far more dangerous than a man fronting with the matrix as he brags about his Bugatti and Rolex. A man far more dangerous is the one that doesn’t rely on society or it’s conformity to succeed, a man that laughs in the face of materialism and embraces his very own individualism.
When I’m not trolling the internet I like to go to the beach..