Creating Trump’s Red Hat Army

It might seem like an odd topic but the reality is armies have been created and destroyed all throughout history. Some with the intention of self defense, others with the intention of invasion and theft of resources. There really is no other reason for an army to be created other than those few reasons.

If I wanted to build an army out of the populace of the USA similar to how Hitler, Stalin, or any other genocidal general I would most likely follow a few guidelines to corrupt the local population into my agenda. The first thing I would do is arm my army. I would create propaganda and false flags to create a ruse of governmental invasion for the guns. I would stage crisis actors in all places, including the gun community on YouTube. I would glorify guns, violence, and death.

At the same time I would create racial division, gender division, political division, as well as create an enemy for my new army to practice on. Who better than those that choose to disarm themselves and dress in funny outfits. Similar to Hitler or Stalin’s army, their foes were unarmed, and in this case, most liberals, minorities, and college kids would have no defense at all. For me, creating my army and this mixture of delusion would create the perfect storm for a take over.

I would then put the first black president into office to create even more racial tension, division, while at the same time handing out freebies to anyone I could. I would get everyone on board with my free hand outs as possible while funding terrorism, bombing other countries, and giving weapons to all enemies on or near the border. Followed by a rich white narcissistic president that would take all those freebies away while creating this class as the enemy. The free loading foreigners, the liberal college kids, and the evil homosexuals. I would disarm these groups through propaganda and delusions of safety as I turn their safety blanket into the boogey monster.

I would then start pushing more false flags to arm up my army. The conservatives, the gun lovers, the patriots, because in the long run these are the people I want to get rid of. Any future threat of revolution or rebellion would be squashed with my future plan. Fake mass shooting after fake bombing I would create a culture of guns and death among the people. I would fuel the anger, rage, and hate among society pushing every ideological button I could. From social justice warrior hashtag to the next I would foam at the mouth as I pumped society full of this hate and rage through social media, television, and movies.

At this point I would start to setup easy avenues for enlistment in volunteer armies or militias. Under the guise of freedom and patriotism like the founding fathers I would harness this energy and anger and fling it full force on anyone that dare look at me wrong. It would start small on the borders, then small gang towns, followed by cartel and larger cities creating a real war; thanks to the previous president arming them. From here I would get the people themselves to vote in more just like me as I build my cabinet of war mongers and sadistic generals preparing for the real invasion. Knowing full well the legal system is ripe for contractual violence.

The final nail in the coffin would be a false flag, perhaps an assassination or planned take over. As I hit the switch on the timed demolition all pieces would fall into place. I’d have my loyal army, geared to the teeth, already proven and capable of their statist agenda. As they beg for armed guards to protect their children in government created and operated schools I’d continue force feeding them delusions like evolution and life doesn’t matter. I would create an army of death with no morals or reason to be here, other than the pay check and sadistic joy of hurting others.

Some may call me a liberal, others a socialist, some would called me a right wing extremist as others would simply call me their leader, many would call me the best ever, as I bulldoze over my competitor. Leaving millions in graves the young population has already been force fed the anti gun agenda. After witnessing the true power of guns in a populace of pop tart patriot wizards, they will beg for the UN after a few years of no power.

As the world watches the USA pop tart patriot army crumbles after a swift expansion into the Americas. No aid will be sent as the Americano has made himself the enemy to the world through conquest and sorrow. Those remaining will be gunned down by a free mason ally as China takes their promise of land through USA debt. Now all that’s left are the liberal survivors running to the UN, as they promise to do anything to keep guns out of the hands of any future society.

All along my army thought they were fighting for freedom, the 2nd amendment, but in reality they were my useful idiots creating my gun free future. The fact they helped me eliminate the misfits from society is merely a benefit as all hopes of freedom dwindle in the light.

– Your Future Dictator

Video link because Vimeo is now cloudfare faggots too..

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