Understanding Freedom

Living outside the USA for several years now it becomes even more obvious to the rampant statism on both the left and right of politics. Looking in from the outside it’s easy to see the delusions of both Trump supporters, Clinton supporters, and all the past presidents that people have supported. It’s easy to see how hypocritical and two faced each and every political advocate is.

Twisting facts and emotions to fit their own agenda that was in fact created for them. Conservatives and republicans parade around with their new libertarian friends proclaiming freedom while they advocate prison like public school systems, murder at the border, while ignoring clear indicators that Trump himself is just another puppet.

Liberals and democrats are in the same boat, making them selves into victims as they harp on emotions to feel safe. Both sides are delusional yet they both think they are right. Both sides have had their opinions and thoughts created for them with little to no thought.

Many of these political idiots don’t really even grasp the fundamentals of freedom itself. What freedom actually means, and where it comes from. They love their 1st and 2nd amendment but in reality it offers nothing but a security blanket for the weak minded. All along never realizing that these amendments are privileges granted by a government, as it’s become quite obvious it’s not to “hold” government in check.

They do whatever they want, and since the war powers act the president has had CEO power over the entire corporation. Did it ever occur to you that every human being has the right and power to defend them self? Regardless of what some random pieces of paper say? Did you know every human being has a right to build shelter, forage for food, and survive without permission from a group of douche bags in the city..

Conservatives will tell you how free they are as they go to the local gun store to ask for permission to fish, hunt, or buy a gun. They then jump through 50 loop holes, permits, taxes, stamps, and more permission just to get special types of weapons or a basic suppressor (that can be built with a damn oil filter for 12 bucks). The funniest thing about these conservatives is they don’t even understand the basics of law and government.

They claim to be free while begging for permission to keep their guns. They beg for suppressors, AK’s and AR’s in the voting booth while claiming they live in a republic and their “rights” are secured under the Constitution. If that were truly the case you wouldn’t have to vote, donate to the NRA, or anything like this. If it was truly a republic your “rights” granted by a government, which in reality is a privilege can be taken away by the stroke of a pen by any politician.

What an oxymoron to be a right winger telling everyone to donate to the NRA to keep your gun rights. How stupid can you possibly be? If the NRA is protecting your gun rights what is the point of the 1st and 2nd amendment? If the 2nd amendment protects your gun rights why are you voting and cheering on politicians? The entire thing is a shit show strait off some drama reality TV show. Claiming to be awake these people are just as dumb as the liberals they make fun of.

Modern Day Slavery

They don’t even change up their Hollywood political show either, it’s the same drama year after year. Every time a new president is in office they create drama for the opposite political realm to harp on as they continue the governmental agenda. With Obama it was his birth certificate.

With Trump it was working with Russia. Clinton it was a sex scandal and now we see the same with Trump. It’s all low brow drama to fuel the delusion of left vs right politics. To keep the engine running as they fulfill their agenda with both left and right creating the foundation that will crush both sides.

Complaining about stupid shit like corporation created borders, claiming the need to shoot innocent people in search of shelter and food. Total sociopaths hiding under nationalism while claiming to be conservative. An entire culture founded on murder, invasion, and the theft of resources from innocent people, wants to cut off all other people from “their land”.

To be honest the entire lot of these Euro Americans should head back to Europe. Claiming to be Americans they know little of the ways of freedom let alone how to practice it. Clinging to a story of revolution against the British, the reality is they were conducting their own genocide on the very grounds they claim were theirs. To be a conservative republican in modern days is nothing short of a liberal. Begging for government intervention on every corner, you’re no different than the one you point your fingers at yet you don’t look in the mirror.

“Every human being has the right to build shelter, grow food, and enjoy some creative happiness. So get off [President’s Name Here] dee already and start questioning the narrative as you unravel the truth about freedom and the lie you’ve been sold.”
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