The first time it happened I was disgruntled and angry. Spiteful about how many memories I was losing. Looking up wondering why I can’t just speak my mind. Losing years of hard work and personal adventures because I mentioned something someone didn’t like. What I failed to realize at the time however is these self righteous corporations were doing me a favor.
Putting in years of hard work for them to utilize for profits while my creativity was absorbed by collectivity of what get’s the views. Holding out my phone in unique moments to post online without enjoying my moment in the sunshine. Forgetting what was important, now-a-days I rarely even carry my phone in public. A lesson learned as the blessing is revealed just in time.
It’s so easy to get caught up in modern day drama, the media wants you in fear to spin their next psyop. Some dude wants you imitating their words so he can cash in on the red pill manosphere. Another feminist praises misandry after she hit the wall and becomes miserable. The younger generations sucking on the nipple, ready to digest the radiation from the metaphorical 5G towers.
Being banned from social media multiple times has forced me to jump into new hobbies and interactions. Things I’d never have experienced if I was chasing social validation wanting to be e-popular. Building houses out of clay and sand with my autistic man hands. Many forget we live in a plane of opportunity once you turn off the internet. Whether it’s a few hours carving wood, painting, writing, baking, or just chillin’ with your chickens.
Contemplating ideas and thoughts you never would have explored if you were dancing along to social medias pre-determined outcomes. Philosophy and realm wide wonders being the center of imagination during nights offline, wondering what’s out there becomes the beat of the drum. Questioning what you’ve been told since birth, wondering what this life was all about, maybe there was more than the mundane mainstream mix tapes on radio repeat.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a gamer at heart but we forget how real it can be to enjoy a conversation with some random in the street, maybe put away the phone for a little bit of small talkin’ about meats. Let the media larp as we cook up some fish and enjoy some hot dogs in the street. Everyone hiding in their rental agreement with gas prices doubling as we speak. Without community were certainly screwed before your heart drops another beat.
We inject ourselves with the social medias’ hate, divide and conquer is obviously their checkmate. Black vs white, red vs blue, man vs women, hegelian dialectic is their whip in the time of Satan’s seat. Where o’ where are the revolutionaries, freedom fighters, and biblical pastors to get the frogs outa the pot before it over heats. Sensory overload becomes the psychological pain we thought we could beat. Little did we know it was their coals we’ve been burning on with our bare feet.
Time to put down the phone and go for a walk, spark up a conversation with some dude on the block. Everyone so scared of the worst case scenario when in reality you might just get some dank food and a good conversation to boot. With more community the ruling elite really stand no chance against the power of some good grilling and conversation from your buddy down the street. Where o’ where are the revolutionaries, freedom fighters, and biblical pastors.
I speak from experience is all I can say, maybe it’s better to lose the internet for a few days of reality meditation. Embrace your individualism and join in on some local community interactions. Everyone needs a hug and some conversational stimulation, the chances of finding that online only come in forms of big payments to OnlyFans. Maybe here too if you join the militia, but I only send feet pics never the nudes.
All I’m saying is maybe you should log off from Twitter, Facebook, Bitchute, Youtube… drop the Instagram, OnlyFans, and the armpit sex attitude. I don’t know, just saw that was trending on Porn Hub. I might have made that up, you’ll never know. But maybe it’s time to disconnect and find something that really makes you passionate about your life here on this satanic realm we call earth. TLDR: Bitch you needa go outside and touch some grass..
“As the world disappears behind their bubble, the mirror is all they see. As they chase internet approval they forget who there were supposed to be.”
When I’m not trolling the internet I like to go to the beach..