Is Earth Really a Spinning Ball?

Growing up I used to fly to Florida for family vacations all the time. We would do the typical Midwest family vacation and head back home. Often times I would be sitting in the window seat looking out at the horizon wondering about life. One thing that consistently remained in my mind was there was no real logical connection between what I was being taught in school and what I was living in reality.

It’s hard for most people to even have a discussion about this concept without getting emotional or calling names. This is another red flag I’ve noticed about this topic. Even talking about it gets you labeled as a crazy stupid moron that has to be totally ignorant and stupid. How could you ever believe the earth is anything but a spinning ball when there is a globe in every classroom in the world. How could you possibly think the earth is not spinning?

Sphere Earth Religion Flat Earth

My first concern with a spinning ball is the fact there is no historical or present day occurrence of a jolt or slow down of the spin speed. There is no recorded instance of everyone in the world falling down because the earth slowed down, there is no modern day phenomena where the earth speeds up and everyone flies back 20 feet.

Biblical Flat Earth Biblical Flat Earth

Biblical Flat Earth Biblical Flat Earth

According to “science” and your public school, the speed of the earth has been perfectly spinning at the exact same speed for billions of years. Let’s break it down a little more and look at just the last 500 years. There is no record of the earth’s speed changing, there is no indication of the earth’s speed changing. Therefor the earth would either spinning at the exact same speed never changing even the slightest or not moving at all.

If the speed of rotation changed even in the slightest degree we would feel it all over earth. If it suddenly stopped or slowed down we would all go flying. What happens when someone get’s into a car accident and they aren’t wearing their seat belt? Exactly. The fact is nothing like this has ever occurred. This leaves you with the question, how did the entire universe start from nothing and expand into something only to perfectly rotate and spin in the perfect cycle for billions of years? You either believe the earth has a perfect spin speed or it’s all a big fat lie. There is no middle ground.

Biblical Flat Earth Biblical Flat Earth

Biblical Flat Earth

I’m not an expert in math but the probability of the earth spinning at a perfect constant speed forever is unlikely. The chances of it always being a gradual transcendence into a new spin speed is also unlikely. Even a slow change to a new spin speed would be felt or noticed in some way. People make claims like “The rate at which the Earth rotates is also slowing down, ever so slowly. The Earth’s rotation rate slows at a rate of 0.005 seconds per year.”

This however makes no logical sense. So all throughout history it has been a perfect slow down of .005 seconds per year? It has never changed and sped up or slowed down more drastically? It’s just been conveniently slowing down at .005 seconds per year? Come on now. This is just utter nonsense. Of course they have no real sources for this information either. Just quotes and rhetoric from their government issued college text books.

Flat Earth Flat Earth

Biblical Flat Earth

It really becomes laughable when you start to poke holes in the spinning ball narrative. All of the religions that stem from the heliocentric model like alienism and space worship. All the Bible bashing and God hating that stems from the heliocentric model. Not to mention a perfect cover for a huge government organization like NASA. Who spends over 50 million a day on who knows what… Oh they discovered two more planets in Photoshop today. Here’s another 50 mil.

I mean seriously even the Vatican’s Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) is named Lucifer. Do you really think it’s a coincidence the earth’s tilt is 66.6 degrees? Have we really become so shallow and retarded in our basic critical thinking skills and common sense we can’t address facts as facts? Do I just make all of this up? Am I the worlds greatest story teller? Or is this the reality we live in. Why don’t you walk outside and let me know when the earth changes speed.

Pictures From My Farm in Wisconsin to Central America – The Sun is Local

Flat Earth Banner
Flat Earth Banner

Maps and Evidence

Biblical Flat Earth
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Bible Map