Self Censorship: Scared to Think

If you’re scared to speak your mind your voice is irrelevant. In fear of saying the wrong thing, you’re already self policing your own thoughts and mind. Many fail to realize why censorship is so dangerous as they question their own critical thinking in place of conformity bias. Wondering if you might offend some Karen or Nancy holding back your thought process. Whether online or offline society requires self censorship and if you disobey you’re an evil misogynist.

All these movements and marches slicing off junks of the English vocabulary to comfort their accountability. Forced to bite your tongue so some nut bag doesn’t get triggered and throw a temper tantrum. Society being babied and coddled unable to have a debate or conversation without getting emotional. Many topics of interest thrown in the trash to stave of personal responsibility, as the illusion progresses people start to hide from their own reflection in the mirror.

In all aspects of society you’re graded on your ability to turn off critical thinking and go into robot mode. Clinging to the very system that has you depressed and suppressed in some weird Stockholm Syndrome LSD trip. Any new thoughts or ideas are labeled dangerous to your identity kicking off your cognitive dissonance alarm. Quickly reformatting the hard drive back to default so your circuits don’t over load. Freedom of thought is strictly for crazy people and insane asylums as you clock in for your 9 to 5.

Chasing validation and clout on social media and in the workplace your routine becomes programmed to stay inside the conformity bubble. Repeating the same trends and tasks so maybe one day you’ll be rewarded with an employee of the month plaque. Failing to realize your creativity and joy are being sucked out as the mosquitos of censorship buzz around your ears. Living in a state of depression and anxiety all because you’re scared to think for your self.

Relationships and family fall apart as little issues become huge with no ability to critically communicate. Problems get shoved under the carpet in fear of retaliation over feelings and emotions. Psychiatrists tickle your ears to keep you on their payment cycle repeating the same self help quotes as they drive away in their Mercedes Benz. Lawyers circling like sharks to take part in the fiat currency feeding frenzy as the system claps along to the beat of the song.

Censorship is far deeper than just cutting words out of the dictionary. Cancelling ideas and voices from being heard in the name of protecting the masses from using their brain. The system has deemed you’re far too stupid to judge things for yourself and act logically to accept or deny.

These groups of cry babies, Karens, and bureaucrats have taken it upon themselves to decide what you’re allowed to say and hear. They’ve also decided how you have to interpret what is said and how you receive it. Your entire mind being toyed with as a puppet while they take control of the narrative.

Obey Government

It’s not about saying naughty or provocative words on the internet to incite people but rather the freedom to think and say what you want without fear. To express yourself without the thought of being shamed is what leads to true creativity and validation even if you’re not accepted.

The reality is an artist has no creativity if they are worried about getting cancelled for how they paint their art yet so many are willing to sacrifice themselves for a world of black and white. Never painting their own picture as they remain a robot in the face of political correctness life starts to get quite bland.

The only way to fight back against self censorship is to unapologetically be yourself in the face of conformity and disapproval. People willing to sacrifice their social status to speak up and say what needs to be said without caring about cancellation or personal attacks. To stand on your individualism in the wake of the masses running in the opposite direction.

“In the end, there is no hope for freedom if men of the mind are not willing to truly stand for freedom, to make of themselves Gibraltar-like representatives of its attributes no matter what level of rejection, calumny and injustice is heaped upon them. This is the true role of the intellectual in history, his only role – to stand intransigently for truth and its concomitant of freedom, even in face of a vast social herd of academic pedants, poseurs, and media clowns stampeding the other way.” – Nelson Hultberg

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