Oceanic Jungle Homestead

The Building Begins (Again)

Something that has always been an escape from society for me, is homesteading. The joy of growing your own food, raising animals, seeing your hard work pay off, is extremely rewarding in a world that hates responsibility. Off on the land by yourself, doing your own thing, there is nothing quite like designing and implementing your own style of farm while trying to solve daily problems and improve the systems that generate your food and water.

I used to love uploading videos and clips from my daily journey, from unique DIY projects to free-range rabbits, it’s always been fun to join the conversation in these communities. However, after being banned multiple times from places like YouTube, losing years of video and time spent editing, uploading, and building a community, (before the days of easily backed up videos), I realized the internet has become a cesspool of trolling, hate, and censorship.

In an attempt to allow myself this outlet of creativity while maintaining some boundaries from the low IQ internet larping, I decided to setup a “Buy Me a Coffee”. If you’re interested in following along on the adventure and supporting my work, both on the homestead and creatively, I invite you to check out my page.


Oceanic Jungle Homestead 1

Oceanic Jungle Homestead 2

Oceanic Jungle Homestead 3

Oceanic Jungle Homestead 4

Oceanic Jungle Homestead 5