What is an Adventure Traveler #Adventrepeneur

To coin a phrase, adventrepeneur. What is it? Well quite simply it’s an adventurer combined with an entrepreneur. Often times people are set on having an office, a daily 9-5 grind, and focus set on climbing the ladder. The reality is though, most services, jobs, and businesses exist in every country in the world. They may be a little different in come concepts but there are still jobs ranging from plumbing to corporate work. Often times I find more opportunity for careers and jobs in other countries than the United States or the Queen’s lands.

The first story that comes to mind when trying to explain this concept is a time I worked at an internet cafe in Matamoros, Mexico. I worked and helped there for about a month while they gave me a place to relax and catch my breath along with free food and bed. I didn’t get rich working at an internet cafe but the benefit of saving money was the payment. The ability to have a safe place with internet to chill out and eat good food while I built up my strength again. It was a mini miracle ending up at this location but the reality is if I did not have these skills the opportunity would not have presented itself.

This is where adventurer meets entrepreneur, when you begin adding skill sets and hobbies to your arsenal that open up your money making game. Being able to plumb, do electrical, build, do computer work, ect. opens the doors to many more opportunities and I learned all of this in less time than I spent in school and college. If I were allowed to legally skip school I would have been even farther ahead.

If someone would have shown me that college and the school system were a big fat lie when I was 7 or so I’d have so many skills and hobbies under my belt. The education system robbed me of almost 20 years of my life. In less than 5 years I have learned how to do so many different skills and techniques that couldn’t even compare to the minimal knowledge learned in college. Like how to hold my booze.

Not only did I spend all that time and money in the school system but the skills I learned outside college are what actually made me money I was proud of. I didn’t have to sit in an office all day working for another degree holding idiot with no common sense, logic, or creative thinking. I was able to go anywhere and do anything. I could be a plumber in Arkansas for a year. I could be a roofer in Argentina for another. I could do internet marketing and web design in Cancun. It goes on an on. The ability to move and adventure tied together with entrepreneurism.

Just trying to imagine where I would be if I was not forced into the education system. If I had a strong leader and not a bunch of worthless government workers trying to manipulate me. It’s hard to say, it really is a kick in the nuts. Our entire life is forced down our throats and we don’t even question it. We just take everything we are taught as scripture. That it has to be fact because a school taught it.

Overcoming this is the essence of an adventrepeneur. To start collecting knowledge and hobbies instead of money and materialistic items is to really grow and learn. By the time you hit 30 you’d have more life experience than most, while obtaining limitless skills along the way. Imagine your ability to stop and open a business anywhere on the plane after living this way. The ability to make friends and create business where ever you go.

Learning and seeing what works, and what doesn’t in the real world. The local hot dog guy that has sales all night probably makes more than the fancy place next door after paying employees and the bills. Anywhere in the world has bicycle repair shops. Everywhere has growing lawns that need to be trimmed. Most cities have garbage collection. Most people love listening to music as they eat or hang out in the park.

The problem most people make is basing their success on money and profit. By their possessions and goods. Sitting on an ant hill of possessions doesn’t compare to the bumble bee that goes from flower to flower creating rich honey along the way. You do not have to make billions to be a successful or intelligent entrepreneur.

Another misconception people make is that you need tons of money to travel. The reality is if you had a skill set that was ever expanding you wouldn’t have to worry about it. You wouldn’t have to worry about your next job, your next paycheck, because you know that you can go out and find something to pay the bills.

You wouldn’t be afraid to speak your mind because if you got fired you’d simply find another job or create one. I went from the top of the USA to Mexico for very little money helping and working with people along the way. Sometimes with a simply story people felt repaid for helping you along the way.

All these skills come together to be the best possible schooling for a young business owner or future entrepreneur. The ability to make a fool of yourself in another language as you try and communicate. The ability to make small deals and bargains along the way to benefit everyone. The insight of seeing real people doing real things. The knowledge of finding yourself and what really drives you. Accepting yourself for who you are and accepting your faults for what they are. None of which is taught in any school.


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