Disagreeability Unwavering Against the Constant Chant of Conformity

The atrocity of vaccine injuries, fake viruses, low IQ plandemics, and the cucked ass mouth diapers, but one thing people failed to pick up on were these temperature guns and machines waiting outside every store or travel station. From airport to Arbys these machines awaited your arrival so that you could be scanned, unaware of the central banks digital currency about to role out through your skin. Everyone knows coronavirus can spread through trees, bees, and even the breeze. What happens when it can spread through paper money and bypass the credit card fees. Removing hand to hand transactions and all it takes is a little incision between the eyes, 01010011 01110101 01100011 01100011 01100101 01110011 01110011, let me scan that CBDC brain wave chip little man.

Mark Of The Beast

My body my choice only applies to the club 304 feminists, regardless of your social credit score and digital brownie points on Reddit. Stepping up to the AI temperature reading machine, searching frantically for your vaccine passport and a letter of your travel’s importance. Stamped and approved by the robo cop judge, security allows you to enter the local Walmart. Never questioning a thing as the prices of bread have doubled since packaging requires a few baths in anti bacterial fungicide herbicidal genocide.

Coronavirus Death GunNew World Order

Standing in line to deepthroat a nurses medical swab just to ride the bus back home, if you resist society claims you’re going to kill another thousand NPCs high on the media’s kool aid. Told to pump your body full of six more booster shots and you might be able to live through the current zombie apocalypse, meanwhile censorship cuts off all blood to the brain. Wrapped up tight in a blanket of emotional bias unable to see behind the curtain as you jiggle around like a wooden puppet on stage.

Onlyfans Girls Love CoronavirusCovid 19 Mask

Yes sir yes maam, what else can we do to appease society’s illusionistic ideologistic conforministic soul sucking regime. Better to get in line now so the system knows who’s obedient to demands regardless of how ridiculous they are. Let’s all pretend that wearing surgical masks will save us from the zombies bite while being fed through chemically infused veins. CDC and big pharma laughing all the way to their new central bank digital currency account. Watching the numbers fly through the roof as they high five to the realization that vaccine injury lawsuits only equal a fraction of the profit. What if I can’t conform to their cult like agenda you might ask?

Exiled from the system as you try to survive, life only gets harder when you deny the psychological operations and attacks on thought waves. “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” – Revelation 13:17-18

Millions willing to cull you for the sake of the medias collective medical mindset. The grindset of same think herding souls in search of acceptance as they go along with the narrative unable to question themselves. Skeptics constantly targeted for questioning the rats and snakes selling poison, cancelled and removed from any social platform for expressing concerns for the fellow citizen.

Forced Vaccines

Not only do they hate you for it but many willing to snitch you out to the local government, asking you to get a mobile app tracking program on your where abouts. Friends become enemies over a fake virus that never existed, chased down by soy boys in gas masks willing to take your freedom in return for perceived illusions of safety with a deposit to their CBDC crypto digital douche wallet. Like a narcissist’s delusions of grandiosity their new age of power has turned them into Hitler 3.0, why use chemical warfare when your subjects are willingly injecting over fear.

Addicted to the opinion of experts, many have no clue they’re being played by paid actors promoting an agenda, parroting cognitive dissonance as they drop canisters of gas lighting. Look man I just needed to buy a few things at the grocery store.. Turning to the black market just to buy a few eggs and oranges without partaking in the chipped up experiment of anti biblical nonsense. Unable to stare down the barrel of another temperature gun rebreathing my stank breath over and over again. Wishing I could just pay the water bill without the threat of arrest because I can’t conform with this normie larp fest.

Nagolpilled Nagolbud Nagolpiller

As the IRL predictive programming continues to crank up it becomes easier and easier to see how they plan to make their agenda effective. Riding the fence only guarantees two things, a sore ass and great view of the apocalyptic destruction of everything you love. Resistance, revolution, a life of depressive misery, it all comes down to who you will choose to be.. puppet, muppet, or a nagolpilled exile..


Dont Be Hitler

Individualism is the Fertilizer

It’s easy for men to get stuck inside the gerbil ball of the red pill loop. Seeing video after video of women acting like narcissists while abusing men can leave your mind tainted with hate. Another politician pocketing your taxes as they destroy the homeland’s heartbeat. As the truth movement slides into sociopathy they parrot emotional psychological operations with a voice that carries no weight. One thing I never understood about MGTOW is how they bash women constantly while claiming to go their own way, some strange beta male obsession with trying to change modern day female nature.

I’ll admit, when I first starting realizing that many modern women are quite cruel and heartless it made me angry. Understanding each relationship and pain suffered because of the trust placed in a women that took advantage of me. Watching society turn politicians into heroes as they robbed them behind the scenes. Young men being sent off to war to fight for the collection of some corporation’s resources and profit.

The same feelings of anger and disdain spread over all aspects of red pill rage. The truth is though, it was a part of me becoming a man. I was wasting way to much time chasing women (even if I got them). Worrying about relationships and if she was cheating, all for my fears to come true. Thinking I could wake up the world to the reality of satanic pedophile elite as they cling to their pride. It was all a waste of time as the world sees what it wants too, hiding behind labels of self defeat.

But what if I had been putting all that time into growing my business or building real networks that would benefit me and my community for years to come. What if I spent all that time practicing a new hobby and becoming an expert at it. What if I stepped outside of society and operated on my own terms to build myself as an individualist, free to think however I please.

That’s where growth and discipline come into play. By making those mistakes and learning from them I was able to find out what was truly important in my life and start focusing on it. To step away from the emotional control arms of the matrix’s spiders and find out who I really was.

The rage and imitation inside the red pill community is what keeps it from growing. When you try and copy another man or put him on a pedestal you’re simply replacing your need for validation from a women onto a man. Or turning a politician into a god as you clap away to the consent of your own community being enslaved.

Militarized police patting you on the shoulder saying ‘good boy’. Spending thousands on MGTOW alpha man’s courses and guru eBooks never taking growth into your own hands. Never picking up a book yourself and reading, a new hobby or daily discipline. The reality is men need to take this emotional rage and turn it into logical direction. Regardless of who’s flinging shit you need to be able to hold up the shield.

Self Sufficiency Mini Farming
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No one is going to be able to tell you exactly what you need to hear to motivate you, only you know where that motivation can come from based on your own stories. If you reject Jesus Christ there certainly ain’t anyone else coming to save you. Yet, imagine rejecting Jesus Christ while embracing the words of a shill, politician, or social media influencer.

It could be as easy as buying some nails, wood, and a saw; to build a new dresser or table in your house. Maybe even a chicken coop as you become more self reliant while food prices skyrocket. Maybe pick up a guitar and play a song for your flock of egg laying hens. Why waste another day trying to copy an internet junkie when you could just be yourself.

When you’re surrounded with other bitter angry men you’ll find your emotions mimicking them. Brain fog surrounding your thoughts as you remain stuck in the mud. Repeating the same propaganda for 80 years without realizing it’s a ruse. All part of their agenda to divide and conquer in some hegelian style.

Mainstream Popular Culture Defined

You might go to the gym and work your 9-5, but mental growth goes unchecked. Never writing a poem or sketching out your dream house. Wasting your nights watching some lame ass pagan Baphomet entertainment. When you let go of the rage you start to see millions of options open up without anything more than your attempt at change; anger and rage being a part of their plan.

The truth is modern women and politicians are not your problem. Why take responsibility for their actions when you have so many possibilities for fulfillment in this short life. Why cry in social media comments about the Jews when you can’t even take care of yourself as you slam down another McDonalds milkshake. Just another Super Bowl with a tranny half time show as you guzzle down a few more Chex Mix and Bud Lights.

That’s one thing many men forget when it comes to the “red pill community” as they strap on the label of this weeks coolaid. Individualism is the most important brick in the foundation of a man’s logical DNA. Labels like MGTOW and red pill are just gatekeepers hiding the key. The JeWs DiD iT rhetoric used to control your mind like hypnosis as you repeat the words of the Pagan priest class clergy.

Getting irrationally emotional over left vs right political rhetoric as their psychological operations fly over head, stuck in the red pill anger cycle of self injected delusions. Most can’t even provide food and water from the land as they cry about politicians larping on CNN. What good is a militia when none of them can live off grid.

The revolutionaries will be searching dumpsters for food as the satanic priest class tighten their grip on societies lively hood. Can’t even sew clothes as the rebels freeze to death eating grasshopper hotpockets trying to take the Capital. What good is a revolution when our keyword commandos outnumber the self sufficient men..

Sigma Male Grindset

Righteous Anger

So badly society wants to entirely remove emotion from the world as it lends a blind eye to the evil being orchestrated. Political correctness and anger control, to bend the very thoughts you create. A mind lost to propaganda and the recent Instagram posts of some random auto tuner singer that sold their soul for a little funny money.

People confuse righteous anger as rude or mean behavior when in reality these people are killing their own children, invading innocent countries for resources, government is robbing it’s own people, banks are propping up fake governments and fiat currency, and society has no one to blame but themselves as they hide behind their political correctness just to fit in. Just to be apart of the illusion society has become.

Using manipulation and guilt to shame anyone that stands up in righteous anger, as it’s turned into terrorist actions for simply stating your opinion. People arrested in the UK for making jokes or political thoughts public. Everyone in this country should have a pitch fork on the steps of every politician ready to gut him like a pig, but they sit by and watch it on television saying “oh my”. Pretending it’s okay for some random thug in a costume to take away someone’s freedom for simply stating some politically incorrect words.

Becoming cowards in mass, righteous anger is secretly hated because it shines a light on all the cowardliness and evil. All those hiding in the shadows just trying to make it whether or not they have to step on the backs of others. They create fake relationships and personalities just to obtain another social media follower or google Adsense paycheck. Selling bullshit to their populace as they hypocritically dance to the same tune.

Whipping out their phone to record their next YouTube sensation they forget the man getting beat down by 4 people in costumes has a family and kids. As they laugh and point a man loses his life to some MMA wannabe with a shiny shield. He get’s off Scott-free with a paid pension, sipping margaritas on an island as they have the funeral service. All along protecting those that created the unlawful rules they cater to for a paycheck, rather than actually upholding real law.

I’m sure those in the temple didn’t like Jesus Christ either, as he smashed their money making tables and yelled at them to leave. Turning a place of worship into a way to steal and thieve people. Those dealing in darkness hated these actions but couldn’t openly say anything, going to the shadows is required for cowards unless the legal system itself is changed to protect it.

And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves. – Matthew 21 12-13

Cowards would hide or stand down in the face of righteous anger, afraid to put them selves on the line in fear of being seen publicly as not a societal norm. Our system is ass backwards and the majority will jump through hoops of fire to escape any truth from collapsing their illusion. Turning to passive aggressive manipulation is their only means of attack, as they stand behind you, you feel a knife in your back.

Of course they will say your “anger” is crazy or bad, when they are in the wrong it exposes them for what they are. Like bro chill out I only shot her to steal her purse its cool. This is the attitude of society at large. An emotionless zombie apocalypse filled with self loving frauds. You have a right to be mad, just make sure it’s directed in the correct direction, and not another divide and conquer Hegelian Dialectic main stream media cow pie.

Often times the accusation of anger itself is an over exaggeration. Anger is a word assigned to those that need to be dispelled as crazy because their actions are righteous, and they reveal the truth that is hiding behind the accusation of anger. Is a man really angry for defending his family against an intruder? Is a man angry for defending his home and life from an invasive government corporation?

Is a man angry for having boundaries and freedoms that no other man should cross and upholding those boundaries to provide for his own and family? Many people assign anger because they are cowards themselves. When in reality it’s nothing but their ill advised delusions crashing down.

How Dare You Disagree with Me

I’ve noticed a trend in society within the last few years where you are not allowed to disagree with anyone. If you disagree and it turns into a debate or argument, after the argument one person blocks the other on social media, Whatsapp, and removes their phone number. A disagreement leads to the termination of the friendship or relationship. People have the attitude that if you disagree with them you hate them, that you want them dead, that you are their enemy. Simply put, you are not ALLOWED to disagree with anyone anymore. Or this is just the attitude they maintain to up hold their life in the bubble.

The reality is people today get so emotional when talking about politics, religion, or anything in between. They have no real understanding of these concepts, merely what they’ve heard in the media and on cartoons like American Dad or Rick and Morty. (Another cartoon that isn’t even funny but becomes popular by this same social popularity bubble. Bandwagon people jump on and recite Rick and Morty scripture like its funny to look cool.)

I’ve even had vegans jumping down my throat about how being vegan is so super awesome as they gleam at me with their discolored eyes, pale skin, and bucket of supplements. Meanwhile I’m grilling up a home grown free range chicken, getting my daily nutrients from one bite. Between the media fear mongering and college liberalism being a requirement for graduation, these people have no ability to have a debate or argue without getting emotional or cutting all ties with someone that does disagree.

One of the biggest problems with this is the bubble you create it for yourself. When you cut all ties with everyone that disagrees because they simply disagree, you leave yourself with a group that thinks exactly like you. This is one of the most dangerous things for critical thinking and individualism. If you aren’t being exposed to new ideas and concepts you will never grow or learn new things. You will never invent your own devices to accomplish unique tasks. You will stay inside the box, surrounded by other people inside the exact same box.

You will leave yourself with mundane daily conversation with people that agree with everything you say, from politics to religion, your mind is never challenged. You leave it up to the television or Netflix to do your creating for you. Your jokes, your humor, your personality starts to become that of the people you see on TV. Removing anyone and everything that disagrees with the simple block button. Your Facebook feed is left with reinforcing news and propaganda of your beliefs. Your entire friends list believes exactly as you. Your YouTube subscriptions are all people that believe exactly like you. That are doing the things you do.

Not many people allow themselves to be subject to new ideas and concepts and this bubble just gets bigger and bigger. People slowly become delusional in their belief that everyone is like that. That everyone believes the same as they do. All along these small ideas start to become the norm. Ideologies like feminism become the reality and any backlash is labeled misogynist and women hating. Many people have no problem living inside this bubble. Blocking and removing anyone that disagrees with them; but this is a very dangerous place to be as an individual, and even greater to a society.

A society that does not have the ability to entertain rational conversation questioning their own beliefs as to whether or not they are realistic, or whether or not they are even THEIR beliefs. Most people will fight to the death for beliefs that aren’t even their own, and that is a sad state to be in as a human being. At least come up with your own opinions, rather than letting those in power control that too. Often times I will hear people say exact quotes from Family Guy or the Daily Show with Jon Stewart thinking they have a clue. This is the foundation of their entire political and religious system. Dumbass quotes they heard on the television or saw in their Facebook feed. As this little social bubble continues to grow and grow….

Understanding Freedom

Living outside the USA for several years now it becomes even more obvious to the rampant statism on both the left and right of politics. Looking in from the outside it’s easy to see the delusions of both Trump supporters, Clinton supporters, and all the past presidents that people have supported. It’s easy to see how hypocritical and two faced each and every political advocate is.

Twisting facts and emotions to fit their own agenda that was in fact created for them. Conservatives and republicans parade around with their new libertarian friends proclaiming freedom while they advocate prison like public school systems, murder at the border, while ignoring clear indicators that Trump himself is just another puppet.

Liberals and democrats are in the same boat, making them selves into victims as they harp on emotions to feel safe. Both sides are delusional yet they both think they are right. Both sides have had their opinions and thoughts created for them with little to no thought.

Many of these political idiots don’t really even grasp the fundamentals of freedom itself. What freedom actually means, and where it comes from. They love their 1st and 2nd amendment but in reality it offers nothing but a security blanket for the weak minded. All along never realizing that these amendments are privileges granted by a government, as it’s become quite obvious it’s not to “hold” government in check.

They do whatever they want, and since the war powers act the president has had CEO power over the entire corporation. Did it ever occur to you that every human being has the right and power to defend them self? Regardless of what some random pieces of paper say? Did you know every human being has a right to build shelter, forage for food, and survive without permission from a group of douche bags in the city..

A Case Against Statism Refuting Government
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Conservatives will tell you how free they are as they go to the local gun store to ask for permission to fish, hunt, or buy a gun. They then jump through 50 loop holes, permits, taxes, stamps, and more permission just to get special types of weapons or a basic suppressor (that can be built with a damn oil filter for 12 bucks). The funniest thing about these conservatives is they don’t even understand the basics of law and government.

They claim to be free while begging for permission to keep their guns. They beg for suppressors, AK’s and AR’s in the voting booth while claiming they live in a republic and their “rights” are secured under the Constitution. If that were truly the case you wouldn’t have to vote, donate to the NRA, or anything like this. If it was truly a republic your “rights” granted by a government, which in reality is a privilege can be taken away by the stroke of a pen by any politician.

What an oxymoron to be a right winger telling everyone to donate to the NRA to keep your gun rights. How stupid can you possibly be? If the NRA is protecting your gun rights what is the point of the 1st and 2nd amendment? If the 2nd amendment protects your gun rights why are you voting and cheering on politicians? The entire thing is a shit show strait off some drama reality TV show. Claiming to be awake these people are just as dumb as the liberals they make fun of.

Modern Day Slavery

They don’t even change up their Hollywood political show either, it’s the same drama year after year. Every time a new president is in office they create drama for the opposite political realm to harp on as they continue the governmental agenda. With Obama it was his birth certificate.

With Trump it was working with Russia. Clinton it was a sex scandal and now we see the same with Trump. It’s all low brow drama to fuel the delusion of left vs right politics. To keep the engine running as they fulfill their agenda with both left and right creating the foundation that will crush both sides.

Complaining about stupid shit like corporation created borders, claiming the need to shoot innocent people in search of shelter and food. Total sociopaths hiding under nationalism while claiming to be conservative. An entire culture founded on murder, invasion, and the theft of resources from innocent people, wants to cut off all other people from “their land”.

To be honest the entire lot of these Euro Americans should head back to Europe. Claiming to be Americans they know little of the ways of freedom let alone how to practice it. Clinging to a story of revolution against the British, the reality is they were conducting their own genocide on the very grounds they claim were theirs. To be a conservative republican in modern days is nothing short of a liberal. Begging for government intervention on every corner, you’re no different than the one you point your fingers at yet you don’t look in the mirror.

“Every human being has the right to build shelter, grow food, and enjoy some creative happiness. So get off [President’s Name Here] dee already and start questioning the narrative as you unravel the truth about freedom and the lie you’ve been sold.”