When in confrontation with most women you’ll always start to question the narrative about half way through. This is because they will have tried to gas light you three or four times in just a few short minutes. This is an all out barrage on your brain that leaves you exhausted and bewildered. You often ask yourself WHY?! Why on earth do you feel the need to continue manipulating reality, why do you continue lying about the situation, why can’t you simply take responsibility for your actions.. These are all thoughts that generally come to mind in most relationships I’ve seen first hand or personally been in myself.
We ask ourselves why? We can’t comprehend why they continue to lie and manipulate even when confronted. They just keep trying. I have pondered this several times and competition always seems to be one of the biggest roots stemming into the war on your mental health. Women have been told their entire life that they are equal to men. That they can be independent, career driven, AND happy. In the work place, at home, in school, they are in constant competition with men, their boyfriends, and their husbands. Mentally, physically, and who wears the pants in the household.
It’s a constant battle in every family because what exactly is EQUAL?! Should the women chop and stack wood 50% of the time? Should the husband mop the floor while the wife builds the new barn? See the reality is yes, of course a women can do those things. But the average man is going to accomplish the task at a much higher rate than the average female. This is not equality. Women can give birth, nurse their babies, and look good doing it. Men can not give birth, nurse a baby, and we certainly would not look good doing it.
The biggest lie both women and men have been told by society is that we are equal. We are not, and we never will be. Equality is just a fairy tale for liberalism and socialism to spread its wings and indoctrinate everyone with it’s kind words; but it’s not true. Not only is it not true but it creates total chaos in the family unit. Inside the man and women’s own mental thinking and life. A women wastes her entire life in a career to find out she can’t have children anymore and dies alone. What’s the point? Especially when all dogs go to heaven, not cats.
Men are told they are equal to women, that they should be submissive, passive, and non-expressive of male emotions. How can a man be a man if he can’t get manly every once in a while.. but to a feminist modern typical women this is the death of the marriage or relationship. Or soon to be the death after a war for power ensues the entire thing. Equality in any relationship is impossible. It’s a constant conflict of trying to balance the weights on each side of the scale. Peace comes from accepting your role in the relationship and learning how to thrive in it. Not fight it.
This seems to be one of the big reasons women feel the need to lie, manipulate, and control a situation. They are in a power struggle they can’t win. They have to use shame, guilt, lies, and control to gain the power. The reality is the average man could man handle the average women. I don’t condone violence it’s just an example. The man has the raw power. He wields the ability to create, build, and destroy with his bare hands. The women can not compete with this raw power. Her only way is through this manipulation, breaking you down, getting you to her level.
The reality is if a women accepted her role in the family and embraced it, there would be no lying, no manipulation, no games, and no control. There would be no fight for dominance, no fight for power, no fight for leadership. In reality that would be the equal relationship. The fair and healthy relationship. This is non-existent in today’s culture. Looking at any married couple is evidence enough that the women’s softball team wears the nut cups. Married men have become docile and beat down and those that run are shamed, stolen from, or worse, robbed of their children. All because they said “NO”.
When I’m not trolling the internet I like to go to the beach..