PsyOp Behind the Coronavirus Covid-19

As the entire world shuts down over another main stream media / government psyop you might begin to wonder when the masses will wake up. Not allowed to gather? Forced curfews? $1,000 fines for breaking curfew? Forced quarantine? Forced vaccinations? Social distancing? Self quarantine? People calling the cops on neighbors for having a party? WTF?! Is the coronavirus covid-19 the new 9/11? Instead of spooky evil terrorists in huts half way across the globe has the enemy become viruses? Are we dealing with scary evil terrorists inside our own bodies now? HOW SCARY! SEND THE ARMY, SEND THE GOVERNMENT, SEND THE MEDIA, WE MUST QUARANTINE OURSELVES! Self inflicted medical martial law to save us from the scary viruses.

“The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by it’s victims. The most perfect slaves are therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves.”

Covid 19 Mask

“When persons being held as slaves were accused by their masters of insubordination, or of eating more than their allotment of food, they might expect to be fitted with an iron muzzle.”

To be clear, viruses can’t be spread from human to human or animal to human. It’s only possible through vaccines that a virus can spread because you are literally injecting foreign viruses created by a pig or cow for things like swine flu. Swine flu is literally a virus from a pig that was created inside the pigs system because its lack of proper food and living conditions. This is BASIC fundamental medical FACT. Viruses are created inside the body BY the body in order to remove disease, bacteria, and toxicity, aka flush the system ect. You’re own body creates viruses to HEAL. Viruses are not living, they can’t replicate, they can’t evolve, they can’t mutate. You can question my credentials, but I have nothing to gain.

Religion Of Science

However, the whole life and career of doctors is at stake. The systems agenda is on the line. However, it makes a lot of sense to train top doctors to treat the virus, a symptom, rather than cure the problem itself. There is no money to cure people, but to treat symptoms over and over again. Actually, these backward doctors are trained to fight what is curing your body from disease or bacteria, consequently slowing down or reversing the cure entirely by keeping you sick and on your prescription pill and weekly visit routine. Requiring good health insurance or lots of money… either way you lose; money, time, and your health, all because you trusted the “experts” who make a living off keeping you sick.

Viruses are exosomes, which are excretions of toxic cells. Exosomes are not transmittable. People are looking at exosomes and calling them viruses. The word comes for the ancient Latin which means noxious substance or poison. Exosomes are a response to illness, not the cause of illness. Exosomes facilitate healing by devouring toxic matter.

“When everything Americans believe is false, our misinformation campaign will be complete.”
William Casey, CIA Head under Regan

Doctor Reveals Truth About Viruses

Doctor Refutes Need For Corona-Virus Vaccines [Shadowbanned Video]

Virus Quarantine Camp

Virus Facts You Won’t Hear On TV

• Viruses cannot enter through the skin or eyes. Such vectors do not work because the mucus membranes and the immune system discard small amounts of foreign proteins such as viruses.

• Viruses do not ‘exist’ outside of petri-dish solutions or a living body.

• Viruses cannot function without a host cell that manufactures them and encodes them, and viruses cannot replicate without a host cell.

• Viruses do not ‘infect’ or ‘invade’ cells. They are not alive to do so in the first place. Viruses almost never dissolve living tissue, unless in specific circumstances such as polio and degenerative nervous system diseases where metal toxicity is present.

• Viruses’ primary function is to dissolve dead matter.

• Cells produce different viral strains depending on the condition of the tissue involved.

• There are 320,000 viral strains inherent to the human body, and each cell contains the viral protein makeup to manufacture each strain when the body calls for it.

• Viruses are sequenced/encoded by blood cells via RNA/DNA to break down specific dead and dying tissue and waste. Viruses are very specific protein structures.

• Coughing, sneezing, and spitting is not a vector for the transmission of viruses. Saliva and mucus membranes break down any such particles. Skin is not a vector either because viruses cannot cross dead skin layers.

• The only way to get a virus outside of natural means is via direct injection (vaccine) or blood transfusions of a patient who has a virus. However, in such cases, the body only analyzes it as foreign tissue that must be eliminated. Since the virus did not originate within the bodily host, that body does not know the time and place that the virus will be active nor does it have the key to decode it (RNA or DNA encoded by the cell) and cannot find the time of its activity. As such, it is analyzed as a foreign substance that must be eliminated. Protein solvents (viruses) are manufactured of varying strengths to discard this waste if living microbes cannot eliminate it.

• Viruses are a result of internal toxicity caused by the environment. Viruses are cyclical in animals. Viruses feed upon waste products in the blood and tissue. Throughout the year, upon season and climatic/temperature changes, the body will dump mass amounts of toxins into the blood for removal. Some of these toxins are so toxic in nature, such as mercury, formaldehyde, and other chemical byproducts, that living microbes cannot feed upon and eliminate them without dying. Non-living proteins are then manufactured by each cell in the corresponding location of the body where this cleansing is necessary. Those toxic substances are disassembled and broken down by viruses so that the body can eliminate them, restoring homeostasis.

• The only way viruses can be used as biological weapons is via injection, period. It is possible that such man-made viral strains are included in regular existing vaccines, and this should not be ruled out as a possibility, but as previously stated, viral strains from outside the body are not recognized. However, man-made substances that are injected can be designed to provoke extreme reactions in humans via various levels of tissue sterilization and adjuvants.

• Viruses cannot cross-species ie; from animal to mankind. It is impossible for humans to develop animal flus— A. Because viruses are not contagious, and, B. Because animal RNA/DNA is not compatible with human RNA/DNA. The only way animal tissue can be observed in the blood is through injection of animal tissues, which make their way to the blood, bypassing the digestive tract. Only then will swine tissue, or bird tissue, or any such animal tissue appear in the body. When animal meat is consumed by a human, it is converted into human tissue. Human cells cannot produce animal cells or viruses. If we develop viruses, they are human viruses. Even if animal viruses ‘hijacked’ human cells, human cells cannot possibly produce animal viruses.

Coronavirus From 5G Network

To be honest though, those in the left vs right political paradigm can’t figure out how to tie their velcro shoes let alone diagnose social engineering in the main stream media… (Fox included) so I’m just wasting my time here… Not questioning anything the media says as most of the masses strap masks to their face. Considering themselves safe, they fall under another illusion. As you re-breath your own bacteria and humidity, you create the perfect environment for a real bacterial infection like pneumonia. Add that to the symptoms and breathing issues caused with the 5G roll out your asking for self extermination. As they eugenic elite sit back and laugh as many will kill them self in these false flag pandemics. Plausible deniability am I right??

“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and it’s speaker a raving lunatic.”

Someone saying that coronavirus is dangerous is far more reckless considering the consequences being mentioned by governments, like forced quarantines, forced vaccinations, suspension of “rights”, ect. Which they have already done. Not to mention the gun ban they just introduced that would require all gun owners to get a license to have guns or ammo. Not to mention the roll out of 5G which is actually dangerous to health, proven on record as a military weapon. Keep in mind you literally have no source for coronavirus deaths other than mainstream media and government, both of which are corporations owned by the same people and the ban on propaganda against the people was lifted over 20 years ago… it is 100% legal for government and media to lie and create fake news. That is 100% real and killing MILLIONS.

Forced Vaccines

Coronavirus is the New 9/11 for 5G Rollout – Fake Virus, Fake News, New World Order Agenda
Coincidentally enough this could be a simple cover for the 5G roll out, as it will make people sick and brain dead while blaming a silly common cold. All along people sit in their house with their WiFi cranked up feasting on the lies from the main stream media as their “rights” disappear they do nothing but beg for their own enslavement as they inject themselves with some pharmaceutical drug mixture called a vaccine.

Youtube Coronavirus Coverup
According to YouTube, Medical Misinformation: Content that misinforms users about health matters related to COVID-19. Origin or spread of COVID-19 that contradict scientific consensus. Examples of this include: COVID-19 is spread via 5G technology. Content that claims that the pandemic is a hoax, cover-up or deliberate attack.

Coronavirus Lies

Are you starting to connect the dots? I’ve wondered myself if those giant cities in China with 6 lane highways that are held vacant as of now aren’t just propaganda centers. If all those coffins you saw in the martial law videos 5 years ago weren’t for this event… if the main stream people see coffins and deaths inside fake cities what would they think? They can’t control a sickness outbreak, however they can control a psyop of a sickness outbreak… think about it. Here in Mexico they are doing a 40 day ban on beer as of this Friday. Why not Coco Cola? Why not bread? Why not Doritos? What happens when coronavirus can “spread” in food too. One thing I want to mention as well as all these shills on YouTube are running their fear campaigns to get views.. but none of them are telling you to plant food, potatoes in plastic buckets, rabbits in cages, chickens, eggs, it’s time to get real. Your Ramon Noodles aren’t going to last long.

ΦΕΜΑ ΦΕΡΕΤΡΑ. Fema coffins.

China's Ghost Cities

It’s ALL Fake…. Face it. You were lied to by the system, you believed it, and now you have the opportunity to do something about it OR ignore it.

Covid-19 Policemen

Quarantine Agenda Exposed
How BlackRock exploited the COVID-19 pandemic

UN's "Outside Threat" Will Be A Virus, NOT ALIENS!

UN's World Wide Quarantine Camps: The "Next" Virus

Put your Beer Goggles on...It's CORONA time!

Coronavirus and Kobe Bryant’s Death Predictive Programming
Predictive Programming Cartoon Chamberlain Heights In 2017 Showed Kobe Bryant's Death by Helicopter

Predictive Programming: Tv Movie Shows Riots, Quarantines, Mass Graves for Pandemic Flu Part 6

2006 U.S. patent /predictive programing

Why the 5G Rollout Is So Secret

So I asked myself what the fuck can we do? How can we wake people up? How can we reach more people… How can we do something without open violence.. Among other things, you can OPEN your guest network on your router… it’s separate from your internet and you can limit bandwidth if you want. Leave the password open and change the name to “Coronavirus is FAKE!” add at the end if you want to be a cool cat. If you all share one internet not only is it less deadly but far cheaper. Use wired lines when you can. Think outside the box. Not only does this spread truth but it gives you opportunity to talk with your community, your neighbors, ect. Right now everyone should be turning off their television, planting tons of food, buying chickens, turkeys, quail, planting fruit shrubs and trees, all of these things are THE MOST important thing right now and it keeps your mind at ease. Fuck the fear, plant some seeds, mentally and in the ground.

Corona Virus

Fighting Back With Words
Tirania CoronavirusCoronavirus False Flag

Crazy Taxi Driver In Mexico
Taxi Loco Mexico

No Amount of Evidence (will ever persuade an idiot) - Conspiracy Music Guru

Androgyne Religion of the World’s Politicians and Celebrities

According to the Vatican and world leaders, androgyne creation can be found in Genesis and Leviticus. The Kabbalist fake Jews, Jesuits, Vatican, aka Pagan priest class aka Synagogue of Satan, wonder whether a verse from Psalms offers insight into creation, indicating that Adam was actually a hermaphrodite with two faces of male and female.

After one has gone through the stages of putrefaction and purification, separating opposing qualities, those qualities are united once more in what is sometimes described as the divine hermaphrodite or divine androgyne, a reconciliation of spirit and matter, a being of both male and female qualities as indicated by the male and female head within a single body.

The sun and moon correspond to the male and female halves. This might sound silly but this is just the beginning of the rabbit hole into the religion of the world’s celebrities, politicians, and Vatican shills. Just look at Baphomet’s silly little titties..

Androgyne Religion

For centuries this was the practice of the famous and global leaders yet it’s gone unnoticed and hidden the entire time. From the castratos of the Catholic Church to the Greeks partaking in transexual orgies. Creating young eunuchs was the ideal method with which to harness the pitch and power of an adult voice without compromising the feminine notes from the youth. This doesn’t even get into the crossdressing androgyne kings and queens throughout history..

Italian boys with gifted voices were taken to back-alley surgeons who would heavily sedate their subjects with opium before placing them in a hot bath. The surgeon would then snip the ducts leading to the testicles, leaving them to wither over time, and leaving the subjected children in a state of perpetual boyhood. By the early 1700’s, over 4,000 young men received the operation each year, with many fatalities along the way. The average age of a castration subject was eight, and while the practice was extremely common, it was technically illegal.

Manipulating Psalms in the Bible gave moral validation to those participating in these crimes not only castrating little boys but turning them into sexual objects for pleasure. Castrati were biological men who appeared female and often acted like such. They lived outside the scope of normal gender, much to the sexual confusion of those around them; castrati, seen as neither female nor male, were a sexual temptation for both men and women who fantasized about unconventional ways to find pleasure. Now being normalized in modern day society in every aspect from television, music, to your child’s kindergarten classroom.

The Vatican of course wouldn’t be the first religion to feminize their young men, as the Hindu and Greeks did it for many years and it seems these pagan cultures carried into the creation of the Vatican from the very start. The Phoenician pagan priest class having a hard time covering up God walking the earth as Jesus Christ, it required a ruse for the entirety of the future. To manipulate and control the minds of the normies so they’d never be able to figure out the truth. All throughout history women were not allowed on stage to act in plays or art, so men always played these parts. Common knowledge seems to verify the modern day results.

Androgyne Hindu Androgyne Hindu Trannies

Through inventions like the girdle, makeup, and high heels, men were able to pass as females to play their part on stage. (None of these were originally invented for women). This is why you see women chasing make up and workout guides presented by magazine cover trannies, yet never able to achieve the skinny man body complexion. Men like Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift creating the personality and look of 10 more generations.

Perversion and control were always at the heart of the game. Those that questioned these satanic rituals often found themselves in dungeons of torture and murder, especially during the reign of the Catholic Inquisition where they burnt bibles and believers all in the same. This practice isn’t just held to the Western cultures but even soldiers in imperial China also engaged in voluntary castration, although not for vocal purposes. Before signing up for service, soldiers in 17th century China were castrated and employed to serve the emperor.

White Royalty Androgynes White Royalty Androgynes White Royalty Androgynes

The invasive procedure of castration in the name of art was banned in the early 19th century; however, Italian doctors continued to create castrati until 1870 for revered performances at the Sistine Chapel. Forced castration was finally banned in the early 1900s but like abortion and circumcisions the practices merely went underground. Looking at modern politicians and celebrities it’s easy to say the practice is still being performed on some of your favorite musicians.

It all ties into the worship of plane-T’s like Saturn as god, stemming from the Baphomet androgyne worship of sun and moon found in past religions of paganism. The black cube or black box is revered through these religions and present all over the world. Found in many logo’s and gaming systems and even out in the open with religions like Islam. Where they literally gather around a giant black cube and pray at specific times of the day. Most people will deny reality, turn off critical thinking skills, never realizing the reality of what “space” worship is and what the lie of the sphere earth really means.

Clinging to public school education never understanding how their books were all edited and printed by a Catholic organizational team. When people say all religions are different and all sects of Christianity prove different interpretations of the Bible they’ve bit down on the lie, when the reality is all world wide religions stem back to these androgyne Baal, Baphomet, and Saturn worshiping buffoons.

Black Cube Black Cube Saturn Saturn Cube Religon

It’s Time to Wake Up

God Hates Homosexuals! Or Does He?

As the media portrays every Bible thumper as a homosexual hating crusader most preachers turn their back on what the word actually says.. When we jump into this topic its easy to see the hatred on both sides. We see persecution and name calling followed by unintelligent qwips with a little ranting and raving. The problem becomes, no one seems to be looking at what scripture actually says.

When we actually look at what the Bible says its quite clear. The fact remains, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16

We also need to take a look at what Jesus Christ does indeed hate: “These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.” – Proverbs 6:16-19

“But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate.” – “So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.” – Revelation 2:6,15

Its easy to see the difference between what is being preached in America vs what scripture actually says. This is the problem when we let media and government interpret the Bible for us. This is the doctrine of statism, nicolatians, religion. This is exactly what Jesus Christ is claiming to hate. Using religion to control or persecute people.

The reality remains we are ALL sinners. Claiming that God hates homosexuals while fronting like your own sin is God ordained. This is hypocritical religion. Which is hated by Jesus Christ. “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” – 1 John 1:8

No where in scripture can it be found that Jesus Christ hates homosexuals. In fact quite the contrary. He loves them. So much so that He payed the penalty for them on the cross. His death burial and resurrection prove He was God. And proves He can beat death. Best of all, His blood being shed literally pays the debt for your sin. Sexual, violent, evil, manipulative, ect. All sin, past, present, and future. What kind of God would Jesus Christ be if His death only payed for certain sins? What kind of believer thinks only his sin is forgiven and not others?

Faith Alone Born Again Bible Believer

This is exactly why Jesus Christ continuously warns us about wolves. Men and women claiming to be Children of God while persecuting those He loves. Jesus Christ preached the truth to sinners. The pharisees couldn’t handle these truths because of their own self righteous pride. Thinking their good works and good deeds where their ticket into heaven. – Source Matthew 23 KJV Also, “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.” – Isaiah 64:6

This is exactly what’s happening in America. Preachers have tossed aside the word of God to float their own boat. They lie and manipulate the word of God to push their own agenda or pick up their own egos. Ask any one of these so called preachers to poop in a bucket in their living room for a week and tell me whether or not it stinks. *SPOILER* It does.

The reality is we as Americans need to stop believing what is shoved down our throats because it fuels an emotional battle. One community against another. Who wins? Those in control. They use both sides to propose and push agendas on freedom of speech and real freedom on both sides. Meanwhile you are too emotional to think critical or actually challenge what you’re being told. You simply pick a side and start clapping for your team. Not once looking up whether or not these media “preachers” were being honest.

Geneva Bible
> Check Current Book Prices <

Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Trafficking

When will people connect the dots? When will they stop calling me a conspiracy theorist and actually ask some honest questions? Even those fighting child trafficking and human trafficking don’t want to connect the dots as they beg for funding from politicians directly responsible for these disgusting acts world wide. As they wait for permission from a judge or prosecutor that is involved in sexual abusing children, trafficking them, or putting them in the center of their satanic rituals they wonder why their raid was cancelled.

The reality is this has been going on for thousands of years by the Pagan priest class and the politicians they control. The circle of elite businessman and freemasons around the world have been doing this in style as society claps them on. They pretend to bust a few pedophiles locally and claim they are fighting the war on child trafficking when it’s just another publicity stunt to calm the masses.

The reality is however, behind the scenes, children are taken from countries all around the world. Countries like Belize were literally stolen and developed to traffic children and drugs out of Latin America. I’ve seen it first hand in my travels for many years.


Many living in fear that the local politicians or corrupt military forces will simply kill them leaving them in a ditch. Experiencing all of this first hand it enrages me when I’m called a conspiracy theorist, tin foil hat, blah blah blah by people so cowardly they wouldn’t dare do a single thing in defense of children or people in their life. As they sit in an office pretending they’re normal working hard for the man.

They watch a few Netflix shows and pretend they are experts on child trafficking with their feminist rhetoric hating on men. The reality is in satanic ritual abuse and child trafficking it is far more common to have a mother or female family member line up their abuse. I’ve personally seen thousands of boys and girls sold by their mother in Mexico for a few pesos.

The hierarchy of the Pagan priest class makes it all too easy to hide the satanic games they play. Secret passages, tunnels, and secret cities aiding them along the way. Using presidents as mere puppets as they hook them up on an island of boys for their pedophilic dreams. Who dare speak out when they will reveal your past to the public as you get slaughtered in jail. No one bats an eye when another whistleblower gets “suicided”.

How dumb do you have to be to continue believing the news and their propaganda as they normalize, sexualize, and protect pedophiles and their sex with children. I’m not talking about your uncle Steve who molested a few children in your family but rather an entire system created and devoted to satanic ritual abuse of children world wide.

Many fighting child trafficking claim its for money. HA. Are you really that stupid? Why would a billionaire, trillionaire, or head of state risk his entire reputation and freedom for a few dollars to traffic a child? No you silly yuppy it’s far more sinister and satanic whether you want to believe in Jesus Christ, Satan, or God is literally irrelevant.

THEY DO worship Lucifer. THEY DO sacrifice children for reasons you will never understand unless you seek out the truth for yourself. Using these children for their blood or sexual gratification is only a piece of the puzzle as they chant for devils in demons in the backwoods. It’s very real and you shrugging it off is exactly what they want.

(UNCUT) Anneke Lucas: Sold by my mother into a pedophile network at 6

The Man Hunting Satanic Cults | Wilfred Wong | KONCRETE Podcast #69

Hell to pay: Revisiting the Martensville satanic sex scandal (2003) - The Fifth Estate

Is Earth Really a Spinning Ball?

Growing up I used to fly to Florida for family vacations all the time. We would do the typical Midwest family vacation and head back home. Often times I would be sitting in the window seat looking out at the horizon wondering about life. One thing that consistently remained in my mind was there was no real logical connection between what I was being taught in school and what I was living in reality.

It’s hard for most people to even have a discussion about this concept without getting emotional or calling names. This is another red flag I’ve noticed about this topic. Even talking about it gets you labeled as a crazy stupid moron that has to be totally ignorant and stupid. How could you ever believe the earth is anything but a spinning ball when there is a globe in every classroom in the world. How could you possibly think the earth is not spinning?

Sphere Earth Religion Flat Earth

My first concern with a spinning ball is the fact there is no historical or present day occurrence of a jolt or slow down of the spin speed. There is no recorded instance of everyone in the world falling down because the earth slowed down, there is no modern day phenomena where the earth speeds up and everyone flies back 20 feet.

Biblical Flat Earth Biblical Flat Earth

Biblical Flat Earth Biblical Flat Earth

According to “science” and your public school, the speed of the earth has been perfectly spinning at the exact same speed for billions of years. Let’s break it down a little more and look at just the last 500 years. There is no record of the earth’s speed changing, there is no indication of the earth’s speed changing. Therefor the earth would either spinning at the exact same speed never changing even the slightest or not moving at all.

If the speed of rotation changed even in the slightest degree we would feel it all over earth. If it suddenly stopped or slowed down we would all go flying. What happens when someone get’s into a car accident and they aren’t wearing their seat belt? Exactly. The fact is nothing like this has ever occurred. This leaves you with the question, how did the entire universe start from nothing and expand into something only to perfectly rotate and spin in the perfect cycle for billions of years? You either believe the earth has a perfect spin speed or it’s all a big fat lie. There is no middle ground.

Biblical Flat Earth Biblical Flat Earth

Biblical Flat Earth

I’m not an expert in math but the probability of the earth spinning at a perfect constant speed forever is unlikely. The chances of it always being a gradual transcendence into a new spin speed is also unlikely. Even a slow change to a new spin speed would be felt or noticed in some way. People make claims like “The rate at which the Earth rotates is also slowing down, ever so slowly. The Earth’s rotation rate slows at a rate of 0.005 seconds per year.”

This however makes no logical sense. So all throughout history it has been a perfect slow down of .005 seconds per year? It has never changed and sped up or slowed down more drastically? It’s just been conveniently slowing down at .005 seconds per year? Come on now. This is just utter nonsense. Of course they have no real sources for this information either. Just quotes and rhetoric from their government issued college text books.

Flat Earth Flat Earth

Biblical Flat Earth

It really becomes laughable when you start to poke holes in the spinning ball narrative. All of the religions that stem from the heliocentric model like alienism and space worship. All the Bible bashing and God hating that stems from the heliocentric model. Not to mention a perfect cover for a huge government organization like NASA. Who spends over 50 million a day on who knows what… Oh they discovered two more planets in Photoshop today. Here’s another 50 mil.

I mean seriously even the Vatican’s Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) is named Lucifer. Do you really think it’s a coincidence the earth’s tilt is 66.6 degrees? Have we really become so shallow and retarded in our basic critical thinking skills and common sense we can’t address facts as facts? Do I just make all of this up? Am I the worlds greatest story teller? Or is this the reality we live in. Why don’t you walk outside and let me know when the earth changes speed.

Pictures From My Farm in Wisconsin to Central America – The Sun is Local

Flat Earth Banner
Flat Earth Banner

Maps and Evidence

Biblical Flat Earth
Antarctica Ice WallAntarctica Ice Wall

Bible Map