To cut the effects of your drug of the night, a cup of water and lime should suffice. Whether it be crack cocaine, heroin, cigarettes, prescription pills, or Instagram. You might be reading this high as a kite or as low as some bottom dwelling ocean creature but just know there is a tomorrow. Another opportunity. Of course its much easier to run to the dealer and grab some more, but you’ll be back here reading this article the next day, just a bit more poor.
It starts with your mentality. Are you going to fight for survival or submit and use the back door. As exhaustion and hunger set in you search for anything you can eat before your reality turns off. You can choose to forget what you really thought right now and continue living in your black market habitat. In a few days however you’ll be searching for a way to make it stop again.
The side effect of fighting for survival will include depression and anxiety, along with some other frightening halloween nights. Don’t look at it as a negative though because in reality it’s just another opportunity in disguise. Even if your bank account is rock bottom and your make up is smeared you could always just go for a run. Hop on your bike and pedal until you can’t feel your bum. Jump in a boat and row until your capsized on an island with only a few coconuts and crabs.
This is your opportunity to go anywhere you want. To be the person you want to be. You just have to be willing to fight. Willing to call out to Jesus Christ in a prayer. Some stubbornness always helps as you get into the ring for a boxing match against yourself, but that can be acquired as you repeat to yourself, NO! No more!
It can seem impossible to say no to depression after coming down but you don’t have to let that be a negative as society would have you believe. You can use your depression as motivation to chase and fight for your survival. In your hunt for a new hobby or career, depression can actually be a good thing. If you’re honest with yourself you can root out the source and chase it down with a big ninja sword.
Use your depression as the foundation to build your new career or hobby, your new direction for life. It’s a good thing to feel depression. It means your alive. You’re not numb to this world but rather hurting from where it’s left you. Don’t stop with the foundation but continue to create and construct. When you look back you’ll realize how strong and smart you’ve become.
When I’m not trolling the internet I like to go to the beach..