Online Obsession

When you go offline or live off grid for a period of time whether at your own accord, or by traveling, you start to notice how obsessed people really are with themselves. The simple minded thot posting selfies all day searching for approval is easy to spot, however the rest hide behind a mask of opportunity and kindness. Whether MGTOW, vegan, or a Trump supporter people hide behind these labels to simply put focus on themselves.

They pretend they are pushing something of importance when the reality their movement or idea is seriously retarded, based on logic and common sense. They literally talk out their ass to simply garnish a following. They simply talk with the crowd to lead them into their camp.

These people offer no real insight and are quite dangerous to your own thought process and critical thinking. Being surrounded by like minded people that are self obsessed is a sure fire way to destroy your own critical thinking process. After coming back online after a long walk through the Americas I saw how easily social media could influence your thoughts or actions.

Whether subliminally or in a more transparent way. People will sell you snake oil in hopes of receiving your due diligence as a firm supporter. People begging for donations for simply living their life after pushing a button on a camera, expecting everyone to pay their bills as they claim to be hard working.

When you really start to think about it, it becomes more clear. How entrapping the internet really is and how devastating it is to the soul. When you realize it’s literally called the WORLD WIDE WEB you start to ponder even the creation of the internet itself.

As people from Australia, the UK, and Canada cheer on Trump calling themselves supporters when they live across the world. This is what internet has done as it creeps into the life of everyone on earth. Putting them in a mental prison of bullshit, politics, and propaganda with little to no chance of escape. People chasing likes and follows to validate themselves instead of their ideas.

Places like YouTube, an online library, literally burned to the ground before our very eyes as most don’t care about the principal behind it as long as they get their AdSense check. They don’t care about the little channels, the channels sharing real knowledge, they simply care about getting a check for “entertaining” people. They only release 10 minute videos and pretend they are some sort of online God as they rehash the same content over and over or literally steal it from people living real.

As everyone on the planet seems to be a content creator these days portraying their life as content when they really do nothing of interest. They simply pedal the same rhetoric as the “in” crowd and jump on the band wagon. I’ve seen dumbass chicks on YouTube from Australia talking about how they are a Trump supporter as if anyone gives a shit. Yet they have 100k subscribers and millions of likes and donations.

Other places like Instagram are literally run by escorts and thots as they post picture after picture of their boobs and ass pretending they have talent or skill and a train of thirsty beta faggots complimenting even the most caked up whore. The reality is a women simply posts pictures of herself and gets famous. Whereas a man would have to perform CPR on a dying child as he rescues a women from a burning building while delivering puppies.

Narcissistic Bubble

And even then he’ll only get 3 likes and a follow. These self obsessed cunts live in a delusional fairy tale land as they walk down the street on their phone. Pretending that society should bend over for them because 5000 dudes from the internet liked their photo. (Most of which are robots, there are hundreds of websites that you can buy likes, follows, and subscriptions.)

People pretend they are so busy and can’t answer a message when the reality is they have nothing to do with their life other than stare at a phone or computer. They literally can’t put it down as they fight for a scrap of attention. Willing to cut the throat of another YouTuber or online persona just to get another subscription. They talk nonsense all day in any way just for that one bit of popularity. Self obsessed with their own celebrity status never even contemplating how delusional they really are.

Society itself is a cancer and it becomes evident in the online world. People of no skill and serious critical thinking problems have become celebrities (in their own mind) while they trash any aspect of real insight and knowledge. These same pussies will talk shit behind your back and when confronted pretend to be your friend.

I’ve seen this play out thousands of times online as people create drama for views or defamation to ruin someone’s career. All of which to simply further their own. These narcissistic cunts have nothing real to offer and that’s why they need to feed off others. They have no real content, they have no real personality, their just an empty hollow shell pretending, stealing content, and rehashing it and the worst part is you cheer it on.

You can’t blame the millennials either, as most adults spend more time on their phone than the kids and certainly spend most of their day at a computer pretending they have some important job, even the dumbest Chimpanzee could accomplish. But please tell us more about how you needed 4 years of college to fill out excel spreadsheets.

As the world disappears behind their bubble, the mirror is all they see. As they chase internet approval they forget who there were supposed to be.

Societies Demand for Perfection

Wherever you go on in life you will be meet with people that hold this mentality. Whether driven from jealousy, no confidence, or their inability to take responsibility for their own actions. These characteristics are exemplified on social media. Someone could perform a beautiful song or do some neat juggling tricks and there will be comments about their appearance, from teeth to hand size. People will make comments that have nothing to do with the video itself exclaiming some imperfection and that somehow negates the entire video.

This mentality is seen all throughout society whether it be online or off. This is especially obvious for women when it comes to their own personal appearance. Make up is the attempt at perfecting the face to some delusion of what society deems. Most men lifting weights are doing it for the same reasons.

Walking around with tooth pick legs and one arm bulge looking ridiculous. I see videos of the strange work outs they are doing wondering how it would ever benefit in the real world and how strange they actually look. Women are just as bad with that too, having some truly bizarre looking bodies being cheered on by the feminist empowerment #MeToo community.

Now there is a difference between shooting for perfection when creating a product especially in things like knives. An almost perfectly sharpened blade will cut much better and far more safely than a dull blade. A self defense blade with quality bearings is less likely to fail you in a bad situation.

A Hi Point handgun, while usable, isn’t the best choice for a self defense gun compared to a Beretta. Most people mistake this with their own personal appearance and achievements. That it has to be perfect to be successful or quality. Never realizing that this attempt at perfection is a lie to keep you jumping through hoops your entire life. Even the best made knife or firearm has imperfections, stovepipes, and jams.

People chase this perfection only to fall short every time. They never realize that the idea of perfection that was created for them is not achievable. Sometimes this is used as a form of control by parents to keep the child jumping through their narcissistic supply hoola hoops.

Each time you make the attempt they turn on the fire as you get burned in the attempt. Personally, many times I could get stuck in this mode, where perfection was the only option. Perfect hair, perfect car, perfect house, perfect outfit, perfect shoes, perfect watch, perfect job, perfect college, perfect degree, perfect perfect perfect.

Modern Day Slavery

People lose sight of their own individualism, what makes them different, they toss it all in the trash just to fit in with society, to chase the idea of perfect, to chase what they’re told is perfect. When it comes to things like make up I often asked myself what the point was.

When I had girlfriends I would tell them to not wear any because it’s much cuter to see a natural girl and I’m a sloppy kisser; I hate the taste of make up. They would disregard my opinion and request and wear it anyway. Whether they were trying to monkey branch by attracting another man or just had confidence issues from society making this demand, I do not know.

Things like working out were always a difficult task for me. Not because of the reasons you may think either. For me I only have so much energy, calories, and food to intake. I would rather spend that time “working out” digging a hole for clay or laying bricks, doing something that brings me actual value.

Working out is something that literally makes no sense, and is only practical for people that don’t do any real work in their life. It’s not a hobby because you can achieve the same thing in a real hobby while actually accomplishing something other than a societal appearance upgrade; which often times looks far more silly than the natural form itself.

This idea of perfection creeps its way into every aspect of life. The demand by society at large to mold you into what they want. To mold you into what they want you to be. To make you say what they want you to say. Meanwhile you are left as an empty shell with no real individualism or uniqueness as you follow a label or political position with the promise of perfection. A perfect society where we have no more problems. A society of conformists that must chip away at every thing they see unique or different.

“The demand for perfection requires your conformity and it literally sucks you dry of everything that actually makes you, YOU.”

Pull Back the Curtain

Watchin’ it all unfold I can’t help but wonder how many are even awake,
surrounded by zombies and vampires the world on lockdown as the normies start to suffocate.

Nothing but hate and anger running rampant on the television,
society lost its heart years ago more painful than a jewish circumcision.

Looking back on your life you wish it was different,
squealing in pain looking out your window it’s irrelevant.

Running your mouth on the internet you think your voice is heard,
little did you know those were bots buzzin’ ya like a hummingbird.

Everything you see and hear controlled by high tech computer code,
never searching yourself ya bubble reinforced with an ejaculatory load.

Step up to the plate if you think you can handle it,
all I see is little boys putting memes deep inside their internet clit.

Focused on some bitch when your talents and skill could pick ya up,
divided and conquered the world doesn’t give a fuck time to stand up an put on your nutcup.

What happened to the revolutionaries, freedom fighters, and rebels,
whether guns or code it’s time to step up our game an fight these devils.

Hidin’ behind labels and ideologies your entire mindset has been created for you,
never thinking for yourself just another cattle at the meat market [Moooo]

Just kidding tho im a loser too, most of the time i cant even afford rent in mexico,
eye’n up the wilderness lookin’ at the jungle like its my only goal.

Disappear into the abyss and let the world burn to the ground,
I’ll be eating fresh fruits and eggs deep in the monte never to be found.

Fabricated drama being sold on news networks like a netflix series,
ya watching from your couch unable to figure out the conspiracy theories.

3 years later shootin up Johnson and Johnson like a crack head in a back alley,
the government changing your mouth diapers daily without question as ya nanny.

Beta males searching for validation on the internet,
while they circle jerk conformity bias becomes their bayonet.

Stuck on the tip of the iceberg scared to find out what’s beneath the water,
can’t even tell the difference between you and the average AI botter.

Posting some more low IQ memes to cope with your self reflection,
unable to explore past societies modern day friend zone section.

Clinging to the system as you become more dependent on societies opinion,
attacking those that stray from the crowd ya nothin’ more than a flying monkey minion.

Afraid to do something real you use projection to deflect your insecurities,
soul filled with toxins it’s time to clean yourself from the impurities.

What happened to the revolutionaries, freedom fighters, and rebels,
whether guns or code it’s time to step up our game an fight these devils.

Stuck on repeat doing the same thing over and over takin’ the bait,
wondering when it’ll change jumping in line to obey the omicron mandate.

Don’t worry though the cure has been here the entire time,
embrace your individualism and creativity with this rhyme.

We might not be able to stop them but we can surely troll,
sneak past the guard and disband this modern day parole.

Open your eyes its not hard to figure out for certain,
the worlds a stage just pull back the curtain.

Materialism – The Root of Unhappiness

Finding yourself as a pawn of materialism can be quite easy. Corporations literally throttle human actions and reactions by simply offering a sale on T.V.’s or VCR’s. Look at black Friday for instance, where people are willing to fight and yell over plastic gizmo’s made in china on a day picked by the corporation. Statistically the prices are lower a month later near New Years without the lines or commotion, but because the corporation said so, millions storm the stores after that “big savings”.

Materialism itself isn’t that dangerous. The religion of materialism, however, is. When people begin to worship and idolize their possessions their reality becomes distorted by those very objects. YouTube is a great case study of this as you can literally watch how materialism manipulates how you act and react. People show off their cash, cars, and lavish life style putting on a fake smile to garnish views and monetization. This all fuels this same materialistic / narcissistic cycle. It’s funny to hear these people claim love for their “fans”.


If you haven’t realized by now, they are putting on a show. It’s all an act. Materialism has consumed their entire lifestyle and personality to the point where real issues and concerns are of no avail, the only thing that matters is getting that cash, car, or other shiny object because someone said it had value.

I myself have lived it. Letting possessions define who I am and what I’m about instead of my actual personality. When you let your possessions define you you’re left with no choice but to feel empty. Objects have no soul or personality. Humans do.

The feeling of being excited or happy when showing off what you have is not truly happiness or joy. It’s an allusion you’ve created for yourself. From the outside people look in thinking, what a douche bag. The feeling you interpret as excitement and joy is nothing more than anxiety based on the underlining cringey-ness of what you’re actually doing. The real world doesn’t care how shiny your watch is, nor do they care how many horse powers your custom ferrari has. If they do, there caught in the same materialistic trap of douche-baggy-ness as you.

The materialistic cycle is hard to break. From their angle they have two choices. Look in the mirror or keep buying shit. The cycle breaks when you stop buying senseless crap. Feeding off that fake excitement or happiness fades with each object. It’s only fun to brag about your car for so long; You either have to buy another one, paint the one you have, or go find something else to buy to show off. You’re left with only two options.

Most people just continue buying crap to brag about. New cars, new gizmos, new this and thats and watchamadoodles. They never stop and question what they are doing.. they just keep doing it. This is the religion of materialism and its cult like following.

Modern Day Slavery

Just the way people look at you and treat you in our society varies on your car. When I drove any of my Audi’s I was looked at and treated far different in society than driving my orange propane van. Just another example of how fake and materialistic we’ve become as a people, myself included. We put possessions and random crap before human life and real joy. We cast aside living breathing people for hunks of metal that move fast. We discard human emotion because we need that next quick buck.

We treat differently people based upon their materialistic status in society whether it be chosen or forced. This cycle has created a community disconnect where everyone is after their own gain. Just doing a job is just that. No emotion. No human conversation. Living entire lives to impress random people with non-sense. The American dream, they call it that because you have to be asleep to believe it.

Fickle Friendships for the Modern World

Making friends in the modern world is close to impossible unless your a yes man conformist. People have become so fickle and fake they don’t even have their own personality or opinion. They repeat everything they hear in the main stream and absorb their programming without question. You’re not allowed to disagree or voice a unique opinion without being shunned and attacked or passive aggressively ignored.

It’s quite pathetic when you really think about it but that’s the world we now live in. Everyone in mouth covers and fickle over every little detail in life. You must adhere to their political ideology, their government worship ideology, their vaccine ideology, their sport worship ideology, how tall the earth is ideology, the speed the earth spins ideology, what color your shoes are ideology, how long your pubic hair is ideology. <– Not really but it’s pretty much gotten to that point. If you don’t agree with everyone someone says you are blocked and unfriended.

Society and it’s gang of narcissistic flying monkeys can’t handle real friendship. It would destroy the mask they pretend to wear in front of their peers in society. They feel the need to attack with passive aggressive nonsense, calling you a Karen when in reality they meet the description. Getting emotional and stupid over vaccines or some other retarded topic defeated with common sense. Just because I don’t want to inject myself, or future kids, with random chemicals from a corporation that’s been caught in court lying and causing medical problems.

I mean, you seriously gotta be stupid and brainwashed to think 50+ injections of chemicals for a small baby is normal or okay…. call me your programmed “anti vaxer” line or call me whatever you want, you’re a fucking moron if you think it’s a good idea to inject 50+ chemicals into a baby before its a year old. But yeah, block me and call me names because society told you vaccines are good. Berate and attack people because they don’t wear an ineffective piece of paper over their mouth. Attack me because I didn’t vote for the “lesser of two evils”. Fuck maybe you’re just stupid as fuck for thinking a politician is going to save you. I’m sorry I’ll stop being sexist and racist.

Now a days we have SIMPs calling real men Karen’s and Karen’s calling real men SIMPs. For standing on truth and fighting back with it you will be attacked by all aspects of the delusional systematical zombie horde. It’s enough to drive a crazy man sane, the world we live in is so fucking dull and boring with these types of people. They claw and cling to the system that destroys them only to be given a tiny crumb, as they watch their slave master shovel down the entire cake.

It becomes impossible to build real friendships and relationships in a society run in this fashion, like a slave ship as we all are being told to row. Conformity is king and you better bow down. I must be nuts though right? Cuz you didn’t hear the conformity gospel from TikTok approving your right to your opinion to think this. If you don’t agree with every letter in every word of every sentence we can’t be friends.

Conform To Society

What’s funny is I’ve never blocked anyone in my life. I’ve never removed someone from my life because of something they said or thought. Repetitive disrespect however is a different subject all together, but if you think the politicians are lizard people from the center of the spinning earth ball that were injected into the lava by the semen of a distant dinosaur god man beast with 3 wings and 4 sexual reproductive organs I wouldn’t disband you.

I’d probably ask you to make a video game with me. People these days are too fucking fickle with all their ridiculous opinions that weren’t even created by them. Their entire identity was forged by the programming of society. Their software’s been hacked and they can no longer function as a human being with any empathy. Compile this with social distancing and literally no social skills our society is left in loneliness as each member straps on their face mask and hides in their room.

Self inflicted depression while attacking those that teach a different way of thinking. What would I know though, I’m just a sexist, racist, homophobic, women hating, delusionalistic, conspiracy theoristy, anti vaxing, flat earther terrorist living in my mom’s closet.