Man’s Greatest Weakness: Lust

You can’t really shut off lust. You can’t really control it per say. What you can do though, is learn and realize the consequences that come from lust and where it will lead you. You can look at a beautiful women with a great body and think to yourself, children, loss of house, loss of assets, rape accusations, stalking accusations, drama, verbal abuse, physical abuse, loss of money, expensive dinner dates, nagging, control, manipulation, ect. Using your logic to fight back allows you a moment of clarity. A moment of AH HAH!

The reality is everyone lusts. Everyone on this planet has looked at another person with lust. There is no exception. We all struggle with this. Many times in my life the emotions of lust have led me to do things I later regretted, saw no value in, or saw the consequences that could have come from that situation later on. In the moment it was fantastic of course, only to realize these things later on.

The problem when I was younger is I had no shield against that lust. I had no way of putting those emotions into something more positive and valuable. The lust took over and prepared me for the blue pill life. The blue pill life of lusting over women non-stop. Doing everything they want, stressing, working, and living all for the women and the lust that fueled her engines.

Our society uses every chance it gets to hammer us with advertising, music, and movies that portray extreme lust as normal and ok. No one stops to think about the damage it does to a man and his life. The reality is lust can only benefit the women in the long run. In the long run lust can consume and control a man. Whereas, lust for a women usually only brings benefits. Women can use lust to their advantage, from free drinks to free houses. For a man, it leaves him in a state of cognitive dissonance, wondering how to win in a lose lose situation.

There are exceptions obviously, lusting after your biblical, submissive, caring, compassionate, empathetic wife or husband is hot. The biblical marriage itself is something notable and worthy. A man guiding and leading his household under the authority of Jesus Christ with a supportive loving women at his side; wanting to make more children, growing his family and mind all at the same time. This is the .000000001% though. Most modern women despise the bible and what it teaches. They hate being submissive to Jesus Christ, let alone a MAN!

Our society and women have created an environment where lust thrives like bacteria in the jungle. They have created a legal system that leeches off the lust of men. No where is this evident for women or their lust. Can a women get pregnant from her lust? Sure. But she also can get an abortion or take the father to court for payments. Only benefits for her lust. Whereas for a man, mostly deadly traps. When comparing lust of men and women the only notable similarity is the risk of STD’s. Which is a risk anyone takes in any sexual intercourse.

Waking up to this is difficult to do. Especially when women are walking around in skin tight yoga pants and cleavage hanging out at every corner. Logic and truth are your best weapons though. Recognizing the realities you are dealing with is critical to combating unhealthy lust. Not only on a big picture but on a smaller scale.

Lust can be extremely dangerous even in harmless situations. For example, you might be siting at the bar after a long week of work. Stopped in for just a beer or two and then headed home. While sitting there you notice a cute girl at the jukebox and she happens to look up as you look over. She gives you a nice smile and you smile back.

You continue drinking your beer watching a baseball game on the TV thinking about the weekend and your week when she slides up and sits down next too you. After a few minutes of nice conversation and flirty facial expressions you look over and notice some angry troll sitting at the end of the bar mean mugging you. You soon realize it’s her husband / boyfriend and she’s using you to make him jealous or to provoke some drama.

If you didn’t realize what she was doing you might believe the lie she told you about him being a stalker or angry ex. You might fall for the trap and play right into her games only to realize your hands are tide together with web and you’re being bit by a giant black widow. That could very well end in a disastrous night for you including a fight, police, tickets, or even jail time. All because you didn’t recognize your lust and where it was about to lead you.

Another example of dangerous lust stems from a build up of lust. Watching porn and constantly lusting after women on social media creates a bottleneck of emotions that become uncontrollable. You start making hasty and poor decisions based on this build up of lust; doing things you probably wouldn’t do in a clear state of mind, in a logical state of mind. You start going to the bar on Friday nights because you are interested in finding a little tail.

You decide to go to a random party or rave in hopes of petting some cats. You decide to spend your hard earned money on a scort just to hold down the lust for another month. All of these are a disadvantage for YOU. They all benefit the WOMEN. Your lust growing into a monster can be more destructive than the hulk in a glass manufacturing plant.

The last example I wanted to share with you comes from the Bible. The story of David. David saw his commanders wife and lusted after her. He sent his commander into battle and withdrew his army and let him get killed all so he could have his wife. David is known as a man after God’s own heart and what brought him down? LUST.

Big picture to little picture, unhealthy lust itself is the framework of destruction for any artist. You’ll be left with nothing but a hard crusty paintbrush and a canvas smeared with tears and blood. Understanding the consequences can help you through the battle. Understanding the consequences reminds you of why you shouldn’t be doing something. In a lot of cases though these young men don’t understand the consequences of their actions until it’s too late.

For a women it doesn’t matter, society has created a safety blanket so they never have to take responsibility for their actions in any way. A man is left with no choice but to take responsibility for his own actions and also the womens, either that or let society collapse on it’s own feminist delusions.

The Kinsey Syndrome ~ Manipulation of the Sexual Revolution & The Moral Destruction of Society

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