Communication Without Language

When I first arrived in Mexico I didn’t speak any Spanish. I really didn’t plan on going there and had actually been trying to learn Vietnamese when I made the rash decision to head for Latin America / Central America instead. Checking out Belize was one of the selling points as I could literally just walk there instead of having to fly over a few oceans with my pup. The walk seemed like the logical choice, like Forest Gump but with a lot of weed tea and belly rubs.

I really don’t remember the mentality I had when I headed out for a Spanish speaking country not knowing a lick of espanole. I just knew I’d be fine. When I arrived it all began. How to communicate without language. It was a swift learning curve that required imagination and acting a fool.

Sometimes I had no choice but to act out the word I was trying to describe, and I can tell you how funny this is from both sides. Having a random gringo in your town where there are literally no white people trying to act out words like charades on the corner of a busy intersection leaves your pride behind.

Learning how to read peoples body language and facial expressions was key to my literal survival. When I needed something it was only achieved through one of these methods, whether it be hand gestures, acting, or full on charades. Almost like the dancing of communication. The body and expressions reveal far more than the words themselves and often times I found myself having full on conversations without understanding the language itself. At all. Did I miss some things? Did they? Of course, but these conversations are some of the most potent I’ve ever had.

How could this even be possible? How could you have better conversation without language itself. I’ve noticed when I speak to people in English it’s much easier for them to trail off or put focus on their phone. People have a very short attention span and without a reason to stay in tune they lose interest.

There’s no focus, there’s no understanding, and there is truly a lack of communication skills in society. For example, walking and riding all over you start watching people with more insight, especially in a country you don’t speak the language. You notice little things and big things much easier, and the communication skills of women in both the USA and Mexico is very poor.

Typically the men are communicative, expressive, and easy to speak with. Women however, make all kinds of assumptions, create delusions, have a hard time carrying on basic conversation, can’t express themselves creatively. They receive all this attention online but can’t have a basic friendly conversation with a stranger. It’s quite sad, whether they pretend to use their phone, pretend there is something interesting happening on the ground a foot in front of them, or literally ignore my greeting.

When I found myself having these conversations, with mostly men, we were both in tune to the conversation itself. We wanted to know what the other was saying and had genuine interest in each other and the goals of the conversation. The words them selves become meaningless when you engage in real conversation.

No language requires focus on the gestures, facial expressions, and personality of the person to help solve the puzzle of communication. I think when it comes down to it modern women don’t care to know you or your personality. Only what you can do for them. Often times the first question I was asked by Mexican women is what I did for a living. Other than that the conversation was dead.

This is based on personal experience, and traveling several thousand miles by foot and bus alone. Meeting hundreds and thousands of people along the way in the real world. Communication without language is easy, if you actually care to have the conversation.

As I write this I can imagine all the weird and strange looks I’ve received from women trying to have a basic conversation without language. Whereas very rarely would a Mexican man treat me like this, in fact, would have no problem throwing out his own pride, trying his English with my Spanish to have a decent conversation.

Not one time did they treat me poorly for my communication skills. I actually smile thinking of all the funny times I’ve had with random Mexican men, no homo, their humor and personality, it didn’t even compare to the blood sucking crab in the bucket of their work bicicleta. I seen it! Those hard working Mexican men busting their butt so the fat angry bitter women can ride in the cart.

So the moral of the story is, if you actually care about the people you are conversating with, communication with no language is very easy and quite fun. If you don’t care about other people, it will be very difficult for you to function in that environment, making you feel uncomfortable and out of place. Opening yourself up to this personally, taught me more about body language and communication than four years in college.

Not only that but I am learning another language as well as my body language and communication skills; for free while swimming in beautiful lakes and oceans.. let that sink in while you study for your next exam, or check your Facebook for likes, or turn on another predictive programming tele vision animation.

Best Adventure Traveler Night-Light #Adventrepeneur

I have experimented with this idea quite a bit lately and I was surprised to find out how valuable it really was. Many people have the headlamps, which work great but eventually lose their batteries or charge. Again, many flashlights are the same. They all require a charge or new batteries in the most inconvenient moments.

On my own travels I have used flashlights in their traditional role to see things at night, but also as a beacon, a signal, and other random things like this. Each night it would be used to unpack my bag, get cook and sleep gear out, and set up for the night. Night after night it would slowly drain my batteries. I tried carrying rechargeable batteries with a small solar panel and that worked pretty good, but was extremely heavy. I tried crank handle lights and those worked pretty good for a while, but eventually crapped out from moisture or were too expensive to make it worth it.

Backpack Setup

I’ve lost waterproof headlamps to moisture as well when the rubber grip breaks off that protects the internals. I’ve ran out of battery juice in the worst times. I literally tried several ways to solve this problem of having light when I needed it while maintaining a light pack. No matter how I tried to do it, I was always left with a lot of weight, or something that didn’t work when I needed it too.

Recently I started used cheap solar garden lights for my quail and chickens to keep them laying eggs almost year round. In my smaller quail cages I simply bent the wire and locked one on the top of the cage. Bugs come in all night and they eat for free while having a bit of comfort and safety from the light itself. All at the same time it provides some extra light to keep them laying.

This is when it dawned on me how useful these little lights are. I stuck one on my pack and tried it out. When out hitch hiking or traveling all day this little puppy gets fulled charged. Then, as soon as the sun is going down it clicks on right when I need it. Whether I be on the side of the road looking for a ride or searching through my pack to set up for the night. The light was perfect. I put a little wire on it so I can hang it from my pack, a tree, or anywhere else I need.

Backpacking Solar Lights
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For me, it was like a portable free lantern and it completely solved my problem. The funny thing was it was only 20 pesos! In my life I’ve probably spent $100-300 USD searching for a light to fill this role. From battery packs and solar panels to cranking flashlights and headlamps. This simple 20 peso light solved my problem.

Not only did it solve my problem but it worked better than any of the other options. It was working and I didn’t have to do anything. It was light weight, cheap, waterproof, and if need be it could be taken apart and used for many other applications. Often times we are consumed by materialism in search of the best product, when the best product is often times a product not made for the application we use it for.

Bushcraft Survival Skills Skillsets And Hobbies Sas Survival Handbook
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Hobbies or Health

When you step back and look at the education system, television, media, colleges, ect. real creativity seems to take a back seat. No where does anyone teach you to acquire hobbies or learn NEW things in the main stream. Most people get home from work and sit down by the television for the night or literally sit in front of it all day. If you ask someone what their hobbies are you usually get a very shallow answer like buying guns, getting coffee, or “facebook”. Now don’t get me wrong, I love buying guns but buying guns itself is not really a hobby. Shooting your gun a few times a year is not really a hobby either. Investing long term time, energy, and skill into a skill like reloading or target practice however is a great hobby. This is how I define a hobby and you will see why.

You might be a little confused on why I separate short term fun of buying a gun and shooting it once in a while against reloading or regular target practice. The difference between the two seems tiny but the results can be quite different for your mind. At least mine. For example, if I go out shooting every weekend just for fun blasting holes in fruits and water jugs I’m not building a skill set. I’m not pushing myself to become better or grow in any way.

Another example for me is getting into a buy craze. I didn’t spend a lot of money but I was constantly trading guns and shooting and trying new ones. I had a few I kept long term but a lot of them I traded and just kept shooting different guns. At the end of it I didn’t grow or obtain any new skills other than perhaps minimal knowledge on shooting a variety of weapons in a standard situation. Not that valuable compared to the mental enjoyment of seeing yourself grow each time you go out for target practice to get better. I don’t really look at it as a competition with myself either, but rather seeing myself improve from dedication of time and hard work. Whether it be at the reloading table or the shooting bench.

Creative Homesteading Book
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When I get caught up in the fake version of what hobbies have become I find myself less happy. I’m not learning anything new of value and it can’t really be applied to my life to benefit me in anyway. It simply drains me or my bank account. Real hobbies however, can be quite beneficial financially and mentally. There’s a simple joy in feeding your chickens or quail every day. Collecting some eggs and perhaps even butchering a few for a good meal.

On top of that you can sell chicks or meat as well. Learning how to raise these animals is the challenge and the feeling of success when you accomplish this is much more rewarding. You learn many skills along the way that can be applied to many areas of your life. Not to mention there’s a nice reward for winning a shooting competition if your aim get’s good enough. Or perhaps even a trick shot artist. These types of hobbies bring joy as you get better and improve. It brings a joy to your self and builds self confidence.

Government Hates Free Food

I have felt a direct correlation to my own health. If I ever stopped participating in my favorite hobbies I would slowly become more depressed. If I stopped learning and growing in my hobbies it really starts to set in. This would happen quite a bit in past relationships. A lot of women would get jealous or angry about me having quality hobbies and try and distance me from them. Girlfriends would shame me about things I enjoy just so I would stop. Once I saw what they where doing I never looked back! Never let anyone keep you from this growth and discovering new hobbies because it does impact your mental health.

There’s many times when I’d be out filling water bowls, carving wood, working on the food forest, or building animal houses and I would have total mental clarity. I would find myself in a total peace and find joy in what I was doing. The scripture I had been reading would be clear and obvious to my situation and the realities we face on this plane. My problems would find answers and things would simplify themselves. Stress would disappear with growth in it’s place.

This is why hobbies, or lack there of, can be dangerous without growth. You’ll start to find fake or materialistic ways to satisfy your depression. You’ll allow yourself to make poor decisions over and over again stuck in the hamster wheel. A real problem in the MGTOW movement is this depression that stems from lack of real hobbies and growth. A lot of men are stuck in a red pill rage unable to find themselves again after several brutal divorce’s or relationships.

Unable to move past the women bashing and anger. I don’t blame them at all because I’ve been there myself. That’s why I share this because this is how I have always found myself and my peace. How I have always found my individualism and my identity. My hobbies are what define me. Not my job, not my career, not my relationships, not my social life. My hobbies are where I draw my joy in life. My solitude and energy. Without them I’d be miserable, still stuck in a place of real anger and rage.

Why Vanilla WoW Was So Good

As many gamers anticipate the return of vanilla World of Warcraft, many have forgotten what made it such a good game. It wasn’t the graphics, it wasn’t dungeon raids, or boss kills, but rather the community that each realm became. There was a real atmosphere to each realm you played on from top guilds to PVP battles. To raid a dungeon actually required communication skills and a little bit of work to build a good party. Raiding horde / alliance cities were actually something of value as it was how you could talk smack to the enemies after a world PVP encounter or world boss wipe.

The entire atmosphere of the realm was dictated by the people themselves, a story created inside the realm of World of Warcraft. Where players were held accountable for ninja looting, being toxic, or having terrible communication skills. In most modern games this goes unchecked or they implement some retarded automated ban system that causes total chaos on unsuspecting players.

Vanilla WoW hit the nail on the head with this concept because the toxic players were removed from guilds, parties, and replaced. When the player realized he no longer could hop in any party and raid because he had the label of a ninja looter or dick head there was a reason to hold back your toxic’ness and try and work things out instead. Vanilla WoW not only required you to treat others with respect, but also removed the toxic players or at least limit them to how toxic they would be.

This in essence is what made World of Warcraft so popular. The ability to enjoy an awesome game with real people. People you got to know in the dungeons because you had to work together to actually complete the dungeon. Everyone had to communicate and help each other out to complete a dungeon.

I remember once getting angry about some stupid player doing stupid things and I realized that by doing a short explanation of each boss before charging in actually decreased the amount of deaths in a dungeon. Helping out your fellow horde or alliance actually had real benefit to your pals and you. Then you’d see these same names in barrens chat, world PVP, the battlegrounds, there was real time friendship created on horde vs alliance.

This doesn’t take into account the world PVP and helping those around you. So many stories of fighting for a quest and getting ganked, only to have a friendly run out of the bushes and jump into the fight. You thought you were toast but a friendly priest tosses you a bubble and a heal from the bushes. It’s good game as the rogue sits in your frozen trap as you unload a barrage of arrows from 20 meters.

Without a doubt any type of dungeon or raid finder in vanilla WoW would completely destroy it. The reason I no longer play World of Warcraft is because of what the game became, not that I don’t like video games or have any extra time. The reality is the new WoW sucks ass. The achievement system is a joke, the PVP system is a joke, the world PVP system is a joke, the raiding is a joke, the looking for raid or group system totally breaks the entire essence of what made World of Warcraft such a fun MMO game.

The idea you can hop on for an hour and get geared up is a total joke. I remember when the Panda expansion came out and it literally took me less than a day to level up a healing priest to max level. By my self. There was no reason to group or party as they had made the game so easy that a healing priest could solo level. What a joke! Fortunetly they did give me a refund after complaining, because who wants to spend that kind of money for a dumbed down RPG that a blind 75 year old man could beat in his sleep.

The idea that vanilla took time, energy, and actual thought process to complete was what made it so fun. The idea that you had to have friends and help to complete some missions and raids and they were all part of your realm family. There was a close community of players that really got to know each other from Barrens chat to their main city.

The new WoW’s have so many bells and whistles that literally just destroy the entire concept of the game. To be immersed into the World of Warcraft was one of the most exciting things as a gamer, yet the new WoW’s totally destroyed that. The new WoW’s have catered to little kids and streamers failing to realize that most of the WoW players are neither!

How many video gamers even use twitch? I certainly don’t. Only on rare occasions will I hop on and see what’s going on. I don’t want to watch people play video games, I want to play them. They aren’t movies, and creating a game to appeal to a non video game playing audience is just stupid. To create or alter a game just because of streamers totally negates the entire concept.

Especially considering the player base has been in the millions, even the top streamer with 20-30k viewers is only .00000001% of the gamer base, and those tend to be little kids anyway. Twitch is really just a glorified babysitter. Regardless of what the narcissistic streamers say, they should have no influence on game creation or ideas for games. They literally ruin it. They’re after money and more views for twitch, so they want games that look super special for their stream.

For example, someone like Sodapoppin who clearly never even played Vanilla, thinks he understands Vanilla by hopping in a 12 year old private server. He thinks he has some profound knowledge of Vanilla when he didn’t even play it. He makes all kinds of claims about what the game was, that totally contradict the truth of what Vanilla WoW was. He states over and over again that the game should be catered to streamers and thus removing many of the concepts that made WoW great to begin with.

Streamers have seriously ruined gaming in many ways, all the while they beg for money and baby sit little kids. Gaming companies, please stop asking them for advice about your game. Why would you change your game to appease someone that uses it to solicit donations and entertain a bunch of little kids that don’t even play the game themselves.. they watch it! Pretty dumb on the developers part.

My next complaint is about players stating they want “no changes”. They want bugs to remain, they want all the stupid shit to remain, but why? To “re live” that nostalgia? Yeah it’s not really fun to have your Blackwing Layer raid bug out leaving you on the first boss for an entire week with no way to advance. Why would anyone in their right mind want to keep bugs in the game? That’s just dumb.

Many players are limiting the classic WoW developers when in reality they could make vanilla WoW into what WoW was supposed to be. By using vanilla WoW as the true foundation and building a game around that. To have everything vanilla, with ZG, BWL, and Nax, but followed by new content and new dungeons. Building on top of vanilla while maintaining the essence of the community realm.

Gear itself in modern WoW has become a numbers joke. By removing all these tiers and random junk mythic heroic, blah blah blah, keep it simple. Gear doesn’t have to be 10x better to make it worth it but rather add variety in gear. New weapons with new stats but perhaps just barely better than the last, or even the same.

I know many times I have gone for a cape or piece of gear that was exactly the same as what I had, it just looked cooler or provided a unique addition like a one time bubble for 20 damage, or something else small. It made me as a character feel unique and it was always fun to pop off something they weren’t expecting. Even if it was small it was still fun and unique. Rather than all these transmogs and crappy upgrades to confuse everyone giving them a reward for walking around in a dungeon rather than having to communicate, try, and actually win.

Balancing vanilla WoW is as simple as adding gear for everyone. New dungeons and raids would create the vanilla atmosphere while bringing in new content. To create a video game people truly enjoy based off something we know we enjoy. Modern WoW destroyed itself by catering to streamers and easy reward systems.

As far as leveling goes in vanilla it shouldn’t be changed at all. The most fun I had in a lot of my vanilla game play was leveling itself. The stories of helping and being helped by random players and fighting to the death with the alliance was always fun. Then to fight those same players in the battleground where I could woop on them some more. The community aspect of each realm really made it what it was. The leveling was fun. The PVP was fun. The world PVP was fun. The PVE was fun. Even the professions were fun, simple yet demanding, and rewarding.

Arena for PVP is a bit of a joke, I always laughed when people said it was competitive or skill based when they’d stack the same classes over and over. They’d create silly little tricks on the gay little fighting arenas and pretend it took skills and hard work to grind arena points all week. The reality is this is not World of Warcraft. It’s not PVP how it should be done in World of Warcraft. The idea of a 2v2 or 3v3 team going at it is just cheezy. Go to the open world for that. What would be cool is a solo PVP system and a pre-made / guild pvp system.

Queuing up with 3 or less for solo and pre-made with full groups. This would eliminate the farming of players in the PVP system making it more competitive for both sides. As a pre-made group it’s not really that fun to smash a bunch of un-geared noobs. Some may find enjoyment in that, but I don’t. I want to fight others with similar gear so I know it’s my sneaky tricks that led me to victory rather than just some zombie grinded gear. The orignal AV, WSG, or AB were so much fun and people actually fought for hours.

They didn’t run passed each other in hopes of racing to victory. Seriously, you know your game is broken when PVP is a race from one side of the map to the other. What a joke. WoW is made for intense battles of all classes doing what they do. Not some 3 on 3 gay circle jerk in a confined arena where everyone does the same moves with the same builds just to get some arena points and free gear. Skill based? Hahaha yeah right. You could probably build a macro and win most games as a bot. Same thing over and over again.

The PVE system in vanilla WoW was also a lot of fun. The way the dungeons were setup and the requirement of having to work together, prepare, and grind out potions or gold for your fellow guild mates. Players were known for having water and food ready, soul shards, all this stuff. It made each player feel important and needed in a raid. Every class was sought after because variety was always better in vanilla. Even the boomkin was good in raids with his spell buffs. (Only one though ;) )

To get into good raids you actually had to be a decent person or damn good at your class. To be helpful or willing to fight with your buddies. The reality of growing these friendships as you wipe 30 times over the same error on the same boss for a month strait. It becomes a real challenge, and overcoming that with the same friends you started with is something most video games never achieve.

From my point of view vanilla WoW was one of the best games created, and using it as a foundation to create more content inside this realm would be the dream of many gamers, rather than just reliving the original WoW, why not build a game from that? Why limit yourself to vanilla when we could have a brand new game with something of real value and merit.

That’s where I’d like to see vanilla go, and where I wished modern WoW would have went, rather than this lack luster, boring, repetitive, reward based non-sense it has become. For Blizzard, the best thing they could ever do is relaunch and re-build vanilla World of Warcraft, and my guess would be, it would be more popular than modern WoW in just a few short months.

Label Maker Society

Are you tired of it? I’m tired of it. I’m so tired of the ism’s and the abbreviations. I’m so sick and tired of the endless creation of these retarded concepts that are then taken and criticized by some other abbreviation. Then that abbreviation changes to a new one with a new label. Then someone else’s ism contradicts it. Then a new ism creates a new abbreviation and I don’t even know how to speak. Half the alphabet has been replaced with alternative meanings and definitions and if I say this I say that and if I don’t do this I can’t be this abbreviation or ism. ENOUGH!

SHUT UP! Why do people feel the need to label themselves. To put themselves inside a group only to be handcuffing your own growth and thought to one playing field. Why limit yourself with a label when you can simply BE YOURSELF. I like shooting guns. I like smoking weed. I hate government. I love growing vegetables. I think you’re a douche bag if you want me to pay for things in your life. I don’t mind donating to someone in need. I think religious people are hypocritical idiots. I think atheists are religious people. I think taxes are theft.

I think a traffic tickets are inland piracy (legally it is). I think abortion is wrong but I don’t stand in the way of someone doing it. (Education about health effects and mental effects after abortion are extremely hidden and secretive and very detrimental to a women). I think I should not have to pay for planned parenthood in any way. Not a single penny. If we have any form of government, locally or state, I think if you support a tax you can check it off on your tax form and pay it.

If you opt out, you opt out. I think that government should not regulate money in any way. I think that government should not be a corporation pretending to be a government. I think the liberals are brainwashed. I think republicans are bought out. I think democrats are delusional. I think anarchists are unrealistic. I think NASA is 100% propaganda in every way.

Where is my label? What do you call me? How do you openly respond with real conversation and not a rehearsed rhetoric given to you by the media? Why would I have to pay taxes on things I do not support? Why am I forced to take up a label? Why am I forced to decide between two presidential candidates with no real world experience that are actually related. Oh you didn’t know? Hilary and Trump are distant cousins. Just like Obama and Bush.

Look through history, why is it we have the same families and choices over and over again? Yet I’m forced to vote for one side or the other or I’m not an American? If I don’t choose a side I’m somehow a terrorist. If I want to live my life out on my own away from all civilization I can’t. I am harassed by building code inspectors creeping on my property when I’m at work. I’m harassed by neighbors telling me to get permits for an adobe structure. Built completely off the land from rough cut lumber and HAND DUG CLAY FROM MY OWN PROPERTY.

Why do I have to take up your stupid labels? Why am I jumping through hoops to adhere to some abbreviations “laws”. These aren’t clubs. They are cults. Every last one of them including politics. This is where some dumbass says “what about the roads” “what about the blah blah blah”. I PAY FOR THE ROADS IN THE GASOLINE TAX. You know, the thing that’s about 50% of every gallon of gas you put in your car. ALL of that is what pays for your roads.

I never even knew this until I drove a propane van for a farm van that ran on propane and didn’t have to pay the tax. So tell me again why I’m paying half my income so other people can sponge and live more vibrant than myself. So we can bomb innocent people in random countries all over the place. Over 75 countries in 100 years. Treating men like disposable tampons all so the elite can accomplish their agenda. Leaving strong men in a state of crisis upon return to no love and only hate. No help, no way to pay taxes towards help, no mens shelters. Nothing. Giving up everything only to be turned into a terrorist.

Mainstream Popular Culture Defined

This finally boiled into a mental explosion for me. I see this everywhere. I see constant label making, and then the opposed will grab that label and spin off in 20 minutes of nonsense against that abbreviation or label. You’re THIS, so you MUST BE THAT. Over and over and over and over. I can’t imagine this mental process of having to deal with this personally. Having to jump into labels and meet criteria and please the opinions of others just to fit in. How is that individualism? How is that freedom?

Why is it necessary to be apart of some group or organization to actively participate in goals and achieve them? You can work in a group without a label. You can achieve goals without a label. Not only this but it is very easy to de-rail a movement by it’s own label. The media completely disarmed ANY militia movement with the Oklahoma Bombing. Which had nothing to do with the militia. How many militias where active after that bombing? Not many. Why? They where terrorists to the public and media. By labeling yourself you simply make yourself a hog roast for a hungry lion.

Jumping from one mental prison to another is hardly the answer. When you finally catch that moment of realization that none of that is going to do what you need it too. It will always leave you in the same boat with no paddle. It’s time to put away the label maker. Better yet, carve it into a prison shank. Shank that nasty label maker guard and take the keys. (Liberals: Don’t actually stab anyone…)

Let yourself out and see what’s like to have true mental freedom. Freedom to walk your path whichever way that may be. It’s your choice. You have free will. Travel, start a business, work hard and save some money, scrub toilets while you plan it out. It doesn’t matter. Throw on some classic hip pop and sit back with a realistic plan and a few goals. See how far you are compared to your last 3 months of label making and arguing null points with no reward.

Classified - High School Behavior