Learning How to Grow After Red Pill Rage

Getting hit with a sledgehammer hurts. Just dropping one on your toe can be painful. Now imagine having 5 large men come into your home and hit everything in your house with a sledgehammer and boomeranging them at your head before they leave. This is about the equivalent to waking up. Taking the red pill will change your life forever. The moment your delusions come crashing down and reality hits you can be devastating. It can also be extremely liberating. It’s hard to describe this exact feeling. As if you’ve been wearing blinders your entire life and someone rips them off and your left seeing everything you had been ignoring for so long.

Most of the people reading this article will know this feeling. They will know the anger, the frustration, the anxiety, the emotional roller coaster of seeing our reality. All of these feelings are justified. Being angry at corruption and evil is righteous. Getting angry about liars, manipulators, and game players is nothing short of reasonable. It becomes a problem when you get stuck on these emotions though. When you get hung up on these realities.

When you dwell on these things it simply eats you up from the inside out. Slowly you become more and more angry taking out frustrations on innocent people. Understanding how and when to step back and look at yourself is key to growing as a human being. Changing your behavior or reading a self help book won’t work. The reality is you need to understand why you do something in order to stop doing it and grow. You wanting to quit smoking will be extremely difficult if you don’t understand the reasons that cause you to want a cigarette.

I wish I could give you a list of things to do to grow. With plants it’s easy. I simply have to water them and give them some rabbit poop / fertilizer and put them in the sun. Simple. Effective. Humans however, it’s not that easy. Wanting to grow comes with the reality of taking responsibility for your actions, reflecting on yourself and how you treat people, and analyzing your goals.

It comes from looking at your past, present, and future while being able to confront yourself and search out truths that may or may not contradict your entire reality. If you can’t question what you believe without getting emotional perhaps there’s a reason for that. Perhaps there’s a reason you get emotional before questioning your belief system. Perhaps there’s a reason you feel hot, angry, and tempered over certain topics of politics, religion, or Jesus Christ. Have you ever asked yourself WHY?

Skillsets And Hobbies
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Looking at yourself in the mirror is not an easy thing to do. To question your motives for why you help someone or why you were willing to do something for them. Was it for your own gain? Was it simply to help them? Was it to get one over on them so they owe you a favor? See, most people will help others in a hard spot, but most people aren’t doing it simply to help. Most people have an agenda. I’ve noticed this in myself as well.

I often say there are no good people in this world, and the best of the bunch simply have good intentions. Example: If I pull over to help someone change a tire it might be because I simply want to help. When I notice that she’s a beautiful, curvy, foreign real estate agent my motives my sway from helping to getting a phone number. What started as me wanting to help ended in me going after some tail. We have good intentions but our human nature gets in the way.

Another thing you will learn about yourself when you look in the mirror is that you are not much different from the people you dislike. It’s often your own qualities that you find yourself hating in other people. When you take the time to self reflect it humbles you. It brings you back to the reality that you aren’t much different than the blue piller. They are simply one truth behind you. You’ve paid the same illegal taxes, you’ve supported the same corrupt military industrial complex, you’ve voted the same slave masters, you both clap when a grown man throws a rubber sphere into a basket. We are all guilty of these things. The thing to remember though is even a plant can’t grow in the dark.

Seeing things as they are and reflecting on yourself creates a peace and joy in your life. You don’t get as angry about others faults or mistakes. Just like a plant, we need food; we need truth and red pills. We also need sunshine. Hiding who we are or what we are stops growth. Analyze yourself in full light and see how much faster you will grow. You can’t self reflect when you’re hiding your worst traits. Most people get stuck in their emotional red pill rage because they expect the world to change. They expect things around them to change because they woke up.

The reality is that it’s not going to. That it will only get worse and being angry about it only hurts you. It only stops YOU from growing. The hot girl next door riding the cock carousel getting a free dinner every night doesn’t care that you woke up. She doesn’t care about red pills. Neither does the Vatican or their fake jew bankers. Like a freight train slowing down for a kitten on the tracks, it’s not going to happen. Accepting this gives you peace and the desire to want to grow yourself.

The Government Died for Your Sins

Having a conversation with a statist can be quite difficult. Most of their responses and cliche “just follow the rules” rhetoric has been created for them. Their opinions, thoughts, and actions: all controlled by statist propaganda burned into their skull as a child in government schools. They continuously pop out ridiculous statements about how they are a perfect law abiding citizen and that anyone that breaks a rule or regulation is now a full blown criminal that deserves to die, get tazed, or slammed to the ground by 6 sociopaths in costumes.

Did you just do 56 in a 55? Well than it’s YOUR fault the cop used his emergency lights in a non-emergency to collect revenue, it’s YOUR fault he pulled you out, and it’s YOUR fault he tazed you for asking questions. Don’t break the “rules” if you don’t wanna get tazed and kidnapped. <- This is the type of logic these people have. These are the types of arguments they make. There is no reasoning with this type of person.

They sole heartedly believe the government is their savior. Their actions and words portray the government as the reason they can survive. They act as if the government died for the sins and paid the penalty for them on the cross. Forget Jesus Christ and the truth, government and the pope died for my sins. No matter what they do, no matter how many people they kill and hurt, the statist will blindly follow. Look at ANY genocide in history. Pick just one out of the thousands and thousands of government sanctioned murder of their own people. Was Hitler really the bad guy? I doubt he personally gassed a single Jew. He may have ordered it, but a bunch of statist idiots carried out those orders…

Why? The belief in government. I’m just doing my job. I’m just following orders.

These people have no empathy. They have no human emotions. They can’t feel joy or happiness. Their entire lives are wrapped around themselves. They feed off the discomfort and misfortune of others and literally get off on harassing others or bringing them down. Any position of power is a constant train of this supply as they can use it to hurt others. This is the constant onslaught of non-sense, delusional mentalities, and narcissistic supply grabs statist use in any conversation. Let me guess? I’m racist. ><

A Case Against Statism Refuting Government
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I remember asking myself a few years ago, how on earth could an entire country rise up and do something as horrid as kill their own people. Kill innocent people for living their lives. How could this be possible?

It becomes so painstakingly obvious how it does happen. How it continues to happen. How it never really stopped happening and simply moves to another location. People have a blind faith in government. They worship at the feet of government. Disobeying “authority” is not even an option for these people. Instead of saying “no” they choose to carry out these acts on innocent human beings. Whether the excuse be fighting for freedom, democracy, or officer safety the results are the same. Freedom is slavery and slavery is freedom to the statist. Let me guess? I’m anti-American. ><

Obey Government

The reality is America was free at one point. There was peace between Europeans running from catholic crusaders and natives offering them a home. There was community. Personal responsibility. Freedom to worship Jesus Christ. Then the pope sent a bunch Jesuits over and had a constitution ritual, creating a corporation known as the United States of America. British statist then began indoctrinating the public into this new religion of government. The “militia” were run by Washington and the likes, all working for the pope. A lot of real soldiers diaries have comments tuned to stories showing how the real free Americans showed up to these events only to leave knowing they were shills for the pope. Most of these stories of the founding fathers, or prophets as the statist would say, are make believe. They were not about freedom. They were about control.

The best slaves are the ones that think they are free.

Thinking a constitution or piece of paper gives you rights or protections is delusional. And thinking it’s going to limit or stop a government that created the ritual from invading your personal freedom is down right insane.

Afraid To Be Yourself

I never quite understood the mentality of believing or worshiping something that brought you anxiety or fear. I spent my entire childhood doing it but once I learned where mine was coming from I was able to start eliminating those things from my life. For example, even if evolution was true, it leaves many with a world view with them selves as a mere cripple trying to survive. Their lives and world is over run with anxiety because they are stuck believing they have no real purpose or reason to be here.

Anxiety itself stems from the unknown. Thinking you have to know everything because society has created the demand for perfection. This anxiety plagues us because we are trying to predict the future when there’s really no way of doing so. This leads to excessive thoughts and an overwhelming feeling of not being able to do what you have created in your mind as required for you to do. These are obstacles you, yourself, have placed in your own path that lead to your own anxiety.

Depression follows this when you can’t live up to your own expectations. You might wonder how someone so intelligent as yourself fell for some silly propaganda like eating dead grass soaked in corporate corn syrup as healthy. You might wonder how you became so obsessed with a relationship you forget who you were yourself. There are ample reasons as to why we would create this anxiety and depression for our selves that keeps us from being who we really are.

Left in a room to wallow in pity as we try and figure out this anxiety never looking at the foundation of where the depression came from. Trying to find solutions and band aids only leaves you further in this state of depression. Thinking that if you get that job or degree you will actually be happy. Maybe when you’re making big money with that degree you’ll be happy. Or perhaps when you buy the boat in 20 years after saving up. Maybe you’ve created a ridiculous list of requirements for a relationship.

How People Manipulate You
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Spending your time surrounded by this will make it worse as well. Logging into Facebook every day will literally compile your anxiety and depression as thousands of people of social media put on a show of how great their life is. Never admitting they spend insane amounts of time for a simple Instagram picture. Then you look at it wondering why you can’t be “this beautiful” or this “buff” or anything else based on appearance when in reality some of these people live very sad lives. If not most of them. They spend their time jumping through social media hoops just to remain relevant. How depressing, yet viewers from the outside see popularity, success, and money.

When it boils down to it anxiety and depression are based on the foundation of lies. Delusions. And once you begin building on a bad foundation everything else is going to be off as well. There will be cracks letting in water and bugs. The roof will crack at the seems as the foundation sinks letting in rain and other wildlife. The wood will start rotting form the inside and you’re left with a collapsing casa.

Public School Education System

Slapping on a few shingles or filling in the cracks with concrete might work as a temporary solution but eventually it will succumb to natural collection. This is what most people try and do in their real lives. They subscribe to a “life coach”, or join a new group, perhaps even create their identity out of politics or the newest #hashtag movement. These people turn their anxiety and depression into rage and anger simply masking their intentions as they march and attack anyone with a differing opinion even if they belong to the same group.

The end result is collectivism. A society of conformist people so afraid to be themselves they’d rather live in anxiety and depression just to fit in. They absorb the qualities of others only to fit in. Their foundation, essence, and idea of who they really are comes from the media or their college classmates. They’d rather live in this state of frustration than walk individually. This is what I don’t understand. The want to fit in at the expense of your own soul and mind. Is it really worth it in the end?

Individualist Among Conformists

I can still remember forcing myself to get up early every morning, take a shower, get dressed, maybe have a pastry or pop-tart if there was something around. I’d collect my things and grab my fully charged Gameboy and head for the garage. There I’d boot it up playing a bit while I waited for the bus. My neighbor would greet me with a smile because he thought his Pokemon was about to whoop on mine.

Little did we know this would be the highlight of our day. That these few minutes of battling Pokemon with a buddy on the bus would be the best part of the day. Where I’d use my brain the most to outsmart him with a quick attack from Squirtle. As we got off the bus after arriving at our Demon mascot school (literally) we parted ways and headed for classes.

I was a smart kid, and so were my buddies. School work was extremely easy but when it came to homework I would simply not do it. No matter the subject it was very easy, math problems I could do in my head and other subjects just seemed like a total waste of time. Only to be graded on my ability to repeat what I had read.

I couldn’t quite figure it all out at the time, why I never could fit in. The only way I seemed to have an impact was to become the class clown, because in reality I didn’t care at all deep down. Every day I was met with repetition and attack. The teachers had the ego of a mastodon.

I still remember being singled out quite often, whether it be for “writing the wrong essay” or “not doing it like this”. Everything I tried to do in school was met with anger or forced re-learning. If I could do a math problem faster my own way why force me to do it your way? If I want to write about something real why force me to write about a forced topic?

One of the only times I actually remember having fun in school was the art classes, some of the only useful knowledge I learned were in the cooking and sewing classes. I was able to be free in the art classes, making pipes inside pottery and other gizmos. Which is pretty intelligent for a young man!

Only to be stifled in every other class. Funny enough, these are the classes they removed from most schools. I won’t admit it very often but I even played the Viola for a year. So many aspects of the public school system rob us of our individuality. An individualist among conformity.

Teachers are willing idiots and usually sociopaths themselves more than willing to sacrifice the mind of a child for a little paycheck. My own mother would trade her soul for her masters degree in education yet has remained a debt slave to the bank her entire life, living single and alone in her feminist delusion. Many of the teachers in my life carried these same characteristics, willing and able to destroy a child. Offering no hope in these environments. An individualist among conformity.

Only to be taught evolution and alienism. To be told I’m all alone and this is all there is, leaves a young boy to be quite disillusioned. An individualist among conformity.

Public School Education System

At 15 I finally had enough of it. By 16 I had dropped out in the face of my mothers “dreams” for my future of becoming a doctor or lawyer. In fact it was just an act of rebellion, in the face of conformity I had no choice left. It was either suicide or rebellion. With no real hope left with my delusioned understanding of science and my belief in the religion of evolution rebellion seemed fruitless. What was the point? An individualist among conformity.

I used to look at myself in the mirror as a kid and just wonder why. Why did I have so much pain. I just couldn’t figure it out. There was no safe place. The only time I could be alone was when hiding outside in the woods or running away. Having to maintain the smile was the hardest part of it all.

As people would compliment deep down you knew it was a lie. No matter how white it was I was still living in denial. The very system I was told to believe in was the one hell bent on my destruction. With a family of conformity and feminist female teacher mothers and grandmothers there was only fuel for the fire. An individualist among conformity.

Seeing every aspect of it reflecting on myself as I looked in the mirror. Tears in my eyes as I sat next to my good friends. Blowing in the wind of the osculating fan they danced and smiled. Reminding me of harvest I maintained a little hope. It wasn’t until that moment I realized I just couldn’t do it.

I asked Jesus Christ why I would want to go to heaven with a bunch of religious idiots and not hell. He gave me both answers. I put my faith in Jesus Christ and believed in what He did. I was saved in the moment, born again by what Jesus Christ did. My pain, lifted from my shoulders. The weight was gone, I could finally walk again.

Starting to learn about myself for the first time in life, I saw new options and paths I never knew existed. Doors were opened and my escape was made. I sold my blacked out, limo tint, Audi TT and bought a propane powered, orange / yellow, GMC Vandura and headed for the woods. This would be the beginning of my life, my adventure, and my growth.

“Rebellion became my antidote, and rebellion breeds individualism, and individualism maintains freedom, and freedom comes by faith.”
Henry Rollins ~ I know you

How Hydrogen Peroxide Heals the Realm

When looking at the phenomena known as H2O2, it’s hard to over look the extreme benefits from bacteria cleaning cuts, to cleaning household goods, mouth wash, or even tooth paste. For centuries it’s been unknowingly used as a way to heal the body and remove toxicity as well. Now a days whenever I find something I really like or find useful I always research a way to create, grow, or find it naturally.

When it comes to H202 it can be quite the process to create in a lab. However in nature it seems, this process was already being carried out. From the sky to the floor H202 is being created and used in ways I never imagined. Behind the scenes the very rivers and lakes we enjoy were being cleaned every time it rained. That small amounts of this H202 were being created in the atmosphere and deposited through rain. [Cloud and Rain-water Measurements of Hydrogen Peroxide]

Hydrogen peroxide is a water molecule with an extra oxygen atom. Our upper atmosphere contains an ozone layer. Unstable ozone gives up its extra atom of oxygen to falling rainwater to form hydrogen peroxide or H202. Hydrogen peroxide is a naturally occurring compound found in nature (oceans, lakes, rivers, rain, snow, and plants) and in all life forms. The human body creates and uses hydrogen peroxide to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Ozone is created when radiation (ultraviolet light) from the sun interacts with oxygen in the atmosphere. O3 is heavier than O2 and falls toward the earth. In the lower atmosphere, ozone encounters water vapor and forms hydrogen peroxide or H2O2. Rain water and snow contain a small percentage of hydrogen peroxide which acts as a natural disinfectant in lakes, rivers and oceans. Hydrogen peroxide, ozone and ultraviolet light are a simple and effective combinations for drinking water sanitation.

I won’t bore you with all the statistics but under different conditions the H202 levels varied providing natural H202 in a way that would have been used to clean the body as well. As most would naturally drink lake, river, and rain water if it were not for corporations forcing bottled water through river and lake contamination or policies. For thousands of years it was quite common to drink water this way and considering the state of modern day health there is a clear connection to drinking acidic – no H202 water, versus alkaline – H202 water.
[Common Water Brands Selling Acid Water]

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
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Essentially, simply drinking natural water, especially rain water, will provide your body with a healthy amount of natural H202. Many people have taken it upon themselves to create their own food grade H202 from store bought scenarios and this works, however this might not always be an option.

Another place this process takes place is in plants. In a study done hydrogen peroxide concentrations were found in leaves under natural conditions. [Study] Leaf tissue and signaling components are explained to be where these deposits of H202 exist. Sort of like the nervous system of a plant or perhaps the communication behind it. This would explain how plant eating animals maintain health in the wild (in most cases) without falling to cancer or other diseases. It would also explain the ability to eat certain meats close to raw, if not raw, when they thrive in high H202 environments and bad bacteria requires acidic environments like those created by man made sugars, GMO’s, and vegan diets.

When looking at things like this in place it’s unreal to see how it was created to maintain a healthy eco-system. The problem today however is greed, pride, and self obsession have destroyed this system and replaced it with that of some new age religion that requires full allegiance to stupidity.