Decoding the Deception: Reality of Government False Flags and Inside Jobs

In a realm where power and control often drive agendas, the line between truth and fabrication can often blur. This is especially true in the realm of government operations, where misinformation and misdirection can become strategic tools.

What are False Flags and Inside Jobs?
False Flags and Inside Jobs are secretive operations that are typically orchestrated by governments or large corporations. The intention behind these covert activities is to create a deceptive narrative that places the blame on different entities. The term ‘False Flag’ originated from an ancient naval tactic where a ship would display a flag of a different country to mislead others.

In the modern context, this refers to a covert operation designed to deceive in such a way that the activities appear as though they were carried out by another entity. Similarly, ‘Inside Jobs’ are illegal actions that are facilitated and carried out by individuals from within the organization or government itself. These operations are not officially authorized but are made possible due to the individual’s privileged position in the organization. Although these activities are illegal, they are often disguised under layers of secrecy and misinformation to serve a larger strategic objective.

Historical Overview of Government Staged Events
When it comes to examining the history of government-staged incidents, a few instances stand out. In 1933, the Reichstag Fire took place in Germany where a substantial building was deliberately set on fire. This event offered Adolf Hitler an opportunity to suspend civil rights, providing him a path to solidify his grip on power. Moving over to America, we can find Operation Northwoods, a plan proposed by the U.S. Department of Defense.

The operation involved staging acts of terrorism and pinning the blame on Cuba as a pretext to launch a military intervention. This peek into history reveals that the strategic staging of events is not new but has been a tactic used by governments in different parts of the world. It is crucial to remember these instances not as isolated incidents, but as part of a broader pattern of covert operations that have shaped the trajectory of nations.

Motives Behind Staging Such Events
The orchestration of government-staged events is typically rooted in strategic objectives. Some motives may include setting the stage for policy changes that would be controversial under normal circumstances. They may also be utilized to rally public backing for military invasions or conflicts, essentially manipulating the masses into supporting actions they may otherwise oppose.

Other times, these events can be employed to quell opposition or dissent, particularly when it threatens the status quo or those in power. A more insidious use could be to distract the public’s attention away from pressing issues that could provoke criticism or require tough decisions. Often, these deceptive operations are designed to instill fear, prompting an upsurge of nationalist sentiments.

This wave of patriotism can pave the way for governments to push forward laws or initiatives that the public might usually resist or debate. Essentially, the objective behind these operations hinges on creating a narrative that serves a greater, often hidden, agenda. The diverse range of these motives underscores the complexity of such operations and the lengths to which entities might go to achieve their objectives.

Impact on the Public and Freedom
The repercussions of government-staged events can significantly influence public perceptions and the exercise of personal freedoms. Fear is a powerful motivator, and these events often stir up a culture of apprehension and anxiety. The result is an increased acceptance of intrusive surveillance measures, justified under the guise of national security. Gradually, civil liberties may be chipped away, as people might willingly accept more restrictive policies if they believe these measures will ensure their safety.

The impact of these covert operations can ripple through generations, molding a society that is increasingly tolerant of authoritative control, all in the name of perceived security. A potent example of this is the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, which saw a rise in extensive surveillance programs and sparked the War on Terror. Decoding the deception and understanding the true implications of these staged events can empower the public to make informed decisions and protect their rights in the face of such manipulations.

Reality Of Government False Flags And Inside Jobs Reality Of Government False Flags And Inside Jobs Reality Of Government False Flags And Inside Jobs

Uncovering the Evidence and Exposing the Lies
Cracking the code of deception inherent in these operations is a task of Herculean proportions due to their clandestine nature. Nonetheless, relentless investigative journalism, disclosures by whistleblowers, and persistent public demands for transparency can sometimes bring the underlying truth to the surface. The unmasking of Operation Northwoods is a shining example of such endeavors.

A vital component of this process is approaching these probes with a well-balanced skepticism, twinned with a relentless drive to corroborate facts. The objective is to resist the seductive pull of conspiracy theories, while also being cautious of taking the official narrative at face value. The process of unearthing these covert operations is painstaking, often fraught with resistance and obfuscation.

It involves analyzing discrepancies, questioning inconsistencies, and persistently seeking answers, regardless of how elusive they may initially appear. It requires the relentless pursuit of truth, unwavering in the face of setbacks or opposition. It’s a testament to the power of public vigilance and the unwavering spirit of truth seekers. In this way, the twisted fabrications can be unraveled, illuminating the realities concealed within these intricate webs of deception.

The Need for Public Vigilance
In an era where mainstream disinformation can easily skew perceptions, public vigilance serves as a crucial countermeasure. This not only involves being aware of the existence of deceptive tactics such as false flags and inside jobs but also extends to the scrutiny of official narratives. A healthy dose of skepticism can prevent the blind acceptance of stories that seem too neatly packaged or overtly manipulative. The power lies in the hands of an informed public, serving as a formidable bulwark against potential governmental overreaches.

Such critical awareness can also foster a robust democratic society, promoting the free flow of ideas and questioning of authority. Encouraging a public culture that values truth-seeking and transparency not only illuminates the darker corners of covert operations but also upholds the tenets of an open and free society. It is through the lens of vigilance that the public can discern the truth, reject manipulation, and protect their civil liberties. In the end, public vigilance represents a potent weapon in the arsenal of democracy, empowering citizens to demand accountability and preserve the integrity of their society.

The Power Play: How Division Maintains Control Over the Normies

The current political, social, and cultural landscapes seem to be fraught with division. It’s as though we are perpetually in a state of ideological warfare, relentlessly pitted against one another in an ongoing struggle for dominance and control. This division is not accidental. It’s a calculated tactic employed by the powerful to maintain their influence over the masses. Whether it’s Left vs Right, Red vs Blue, or White vs Black, the principle of divide and conquer is pervasive. It’s time we understood this ploy and rallied to bridge these artificially created divides.

The Dichotomy of Left vs Right
The rift between the left and the right has been a constant in the political sphere, perpetuated by those who stand to benefit from it. This dichotomy is framed as a choice between two opposing ideologies, leading us to believe that there is no middle ground or room for nuanced thought. It’s a clever manipulation that pressures individuals to identify with one camp, thereby sowing the seeds of discord and animosity toward those who differ in their political leanings.

This results in a deeply divided society, constantly at odds with each other, serving the interests of those who prefer to maintain the status quo. Consequently, the focus shifts from challenging the system that feeds off this division to squabbling over political differences. The left-right divide is less about ideology and more about maintaining control, keeping the populace too preoccupied with their own internal conflicts to question the existing power structures.

Colorful Battlegrounds: Red vs Blue
The politics of color deepens the fissures that already exist within our political climate. The painting of Democrats with the blue brush and Republicans with the red one, only helps to further widen the divide. The bold lines are drawn, and with battle hues designated, the ideological combat intensifies. This system of color-coded politics attempts to distill complex political issues and stances into easily recognizable, yet highly divisive, teams.

This reduces the depth and breadth of political discourse and policy to mere hues. Unfortunately, it often results in the prioritization of party loyalty over consideration of the actual issues that impact our society. The issues become lost in the colorful battleground, with the focus shifting to which color triumphs rather than which policies truly benefit the people.

The politics of color, while seemingly simple, works to fuel the fire of division rather than promote understanding and collaboration. The stakes are high and the consequences real, making it more crucial than ever to look beyond the color divide and consider the wider implications of our political choices. If both sides political leaders are criminals, why do the votes continue?

Unraveling the White vs Black Divide
The divide extends beyond just politics, infiltrating our social fabric and racial relations. One of the most pervasive and damaging divisions we witness today is the “White vs Black” racial divide. It’s a deeply ingrained fault line that exacerbates racism, bolsters stereotypes, and discourages cohesion. Race, despite being a social construct, has been twisted into a mechanism for fragmentation.

It’s manipulated to sustain existing power hierarchies and keep the populace divided. This division serves as a distraction, drawing attention away from the real issues at hand and keeping the populace engaged in a manufactured conflict. This ensures that the masses remain too entangled in their own disputes to recognize and challenge the overarching systems of power that rule them.

The racial divide is not a natural occurrence; it is a product of manipulation with the intent to maintain control over the masses. It’s time to recognize this divisive tactic for what it is and work towards dismantling it. Only by addressing and challenging this deep-seated division can we hope to make progress towards racial unity and societal harmony.

The Art of Division: Divide and Conquer
The tactic of divide and conquer is a masterstroke in the game of control. Its genius lies in its bare simplicity, create discord among the people and rule over the chaos. This strategy entails fabricating a common adversary to disrupt solidarity among the masses. A society battling internal strife rarely has the bandwidth to stand up against its true oppressors.

The distractions that are artfully woven into the societal fabric successfully steer focus away from more pressing issues, making it easier for the powerholders to retain their grasp. An understanding of this tactic provides an insight into the root cause of many societal divisions.

It sheds light on how ideological, political, and racial divisions, often seen as organic, are in fact carefully engineered to obstruct collective action against oppressive power structures. Consequently, it becomes easier to understand how unity can pose a threat to those in power. A united populace is potent, it’s a force capable of questioning and overthrowing established oppressive systems.

Thus, it’s no surprise that the powerholders prefer a society mired in conflicts, perpetually battling itself, than one united in its quest for justice and equality. This truth brings into sharp focus the urgency to recognize these divisive strategies and work collectively to counteract them. The journey toward unity begins with awareness, and awareness starts with understanding the art of division.

How Division Maintains Control Over The Masses How Division Maintains Control Over The Masses How Division Maintains Control Over The Masses

Unifying for Change: The Power of Solidarity
It’s important to comprehend that, in recognizing the strategies of divide and conquer, we are taking an essential stride towards their dissolution. The potency of these strategies lies in the division they foster; by promoting unity, we can begin to neutralize this power.

Solidarity amongst the masses is not just a noble aspiration; it is a formidable weapon that can stand against, and even dislocate, power structures that rely on our divisions to function. The power of a populace unified in their goals and dreams should not be underestimated.

When we work together towards common objectives, our strength multiplies, enabling us to bring about profound and enduring changes. To realize this, we must first understand the importance of unity, recognize the ways in which we are being manipulated into division, and make a conscious effort to foster solidarity.

It’s about shifting our perspective from focusing on our differences to celebrating our shared goals and commonalities. The power of solidarity can be a force for positive, transformative change. But it requires us to see beyond the divisions that have been artificially sown among us, and find strength in our unity.

The Path Forward: Bridging the Divide
Navigating the path toward unity requires conscious steps toward understanding and cultivating empathy. Rather than giving in to hostility, we must channel our energy into open conversations and respectful dialogues that promote shared understanding and respect.

The key lies in liberating ourselves from the confines of our political, ideological, and racial identities, which have been exploited to create division. We must challenge ourselves to view each other not as competitors, but as allies working towards a common goal.

In doing so, we initiate the process of breaking down the walls erected by the powerful to control and manipulate us. This journey towards unity and commonality isn’t just about overcoming division, it’s about reclaiming our collective power and moving towards a more equitable society.

Why the System Prefers You Stupid and Compliant

Our modern world often leads us down a rabbit hole of compliance and ignorance. The ‘system,’ as we’ll refer to it, often discourages questioning authority or going against the grain. This system has its roots in politics, education, media, and consumer culture. Today, we’re delving into the reasons why the system prefers you to be stupid and compliant.

Manipulation in the Mass Media
The influence wielded by the media in shaping public consciousness is immense. It’s like an omnipresent entity, constantly showering us with a plethora of advertisements, news segments, and various forms of content. But, as it turns out, there’s often an underlying motive—crafting a narrative that aligns with the system’s goals. It’s an art of subtle coercion that employs selective reporting, an overdose of sensationalism, and the cunning use of disinformation.

All these techniques serve as threads in a grand tapestry that weaves the worldview the system wants us to perceive. The effects are insidious, molding us into passive consumers who are more inclined to accept the existing order rather than challenge it. Consequently, our thoughts and emotions are no longer solely ours, they’re manipulated, directed, and heavily influenced by the carefully orchestrated media narrative.

Education System’s Role in Curbing Creativity
Our education system, hailed as the springboard to knowledge and innovation, paradoxically tends to limit creative thinking and stifle out-of-the-box ideas. Instead of promoting intellectual curiosity and nurturing young minds to challenge and question, the emphasis is heavily tilted towards rote learning and performance in standardized testing. This approach creates an environment where students are rewarded for recitation rather than innovative thought.

Such an emphasis on memorization and regurgitation inherently discourages critical thinking, promoting compliance over creativity. The pursuit of grades and academic success overshadows the need for cultivating intellectual curiosity and independent thought. In this scenario, it’s not surprising to find an increasing number of graduates who are excellent at following instructions but struggle to propose or implement disruptive ideas.

By prioritizing obedience and adherence to existing structures, the education system is effectively creating a new generation of conformists. These individuals are adept at maintaining the status quo, but often lack the initiative to introduce change or question the authority.

In a world where disruption and innovation are key drivers of progress, this educational approach undermines the very skills that are essential to move society forward. Instead of preparing students to become pioneers of change, it conditions them to be passive participants in the existing system, thus further perpetuating the cycle of compliance and acceptance.

The Convenient Consumer Culture
A significant driving force behind the system’s agenda is the culture of consumption. This culture operates under a guise of convenience, persuading us to incessantly crave the newest and trendiest products. It conditions us to value material wealth above all else, causing a relentless pursuit of goods and services, often at the cost of ignoring the critical issues that truly matter.

Consumerism propels us to want more, buy more, and use more, often without considering the implications. Our attention becomes absorbed in this cycle, leaving little room for questioning the system or seeking change. We’re so caught up in this whirlwind of consumerism that we fail to question why we need the things we do, or whether these needs are genuine or carefully manufactured by the system itself.

Moreover, the consumer culture is built on the premise of convenience. It offers us easy access to a wide range of products and services that promise to make our lives easier, more enjoyable, and more comfortable. But in the process, it lures us into a comfort zone where critical thinking and dissent are replaced by complacency and acceptance.

This ceaseless cycle of consumerism, driven by the system, keeps us tethered to the status quo. The more engrossed we become in fulfilling our material desires, the less likely we are to question the system’s motives and machinations. Hence, consumer culture serves as yet another powerful tool used by the system to maintain its hold and keep us compliant.

System Prefers You Stupid And Compliant

Politicization and Divisiveness
In the grand scheme of the system, politicians and governing bodies hold a crucial role. Their power is often utilized to sow seeds of division among the populace, thus furthering the system’s agenda. They masterfully orchestrate a narrative that stokes our emotions, inflates differences, and spins a tale of ‘us versus them.’ This narrative, albeit divisive, is a useful tool that aids their ambitions.

The mechanism is simple yet effective; by dividing the populace, they manage to dilute the potential power of collective opposition. When society is fragmented, it’s more susceptible to control and manipulation. In such a state, individuals are less likely to form a united front against the system, ensuring that the status quo remains unchallenged.

Through tactics like fear mongering, misdirection, and targeted propaganda, politicians craftily manipulate our beliefs and perspectives. By stirring up conflicts and playing off our fears, they steer our focus away from the system’s inherent issues, instead encouraging us to channel our energy into these artificially created divisions.

These divisive strategies serve their interests and further consolidate their power. It’s a cunning game of control and influence that plays out right before our eyes, often without us even realizing it. This level of politicization is yet another cog in the system’s machinery, working tirelessly to maintain the established order and keep us tethered to its agenda.

The Illusion of Choice
The concept of free choice is often bandied about, leaving us with a false sense of autonomy. But a closer look may reveal a different reality. The choices we have, be it the political candidates we vote for, the products we buy, or even the news outlets we rely on, are often pre-selected or influenced by the system. Imagine it as a well-designed maze where every turn, though seemingly a product of our discretion, inevitably leads us to the destinations favored by the system.

This elaborate illusion is more than just a trick, it’s a crafty stratagem that ensures we remain oblivious to the underlying control the system exerts. When we believe we are the authors of our decisions, we are less likely to question or scrutinize them. This belief, however, blinds us to the fact that our choices are often the result of subtle nudges and influences implanted by the system.

The narrative spun by political campaigns, the allure of marketed products, or the biased perspectives propagated by certain media outlets, they all contribute to shaping our choices, often without our conscious realization. The system ensures that the options laid out before us align with its agenda, while maintaining the facade of freedom.

So, as we make choices in our daily lives, it’s crucial to reflect on their origin. Are these choices truly ours, made independently and without bias? Or are we being surreptitiously steered down paths of the system’s choosing? Questioning the authenticity of our choices may be the first step towards breaking free from the illusionary strings of the system.

Social Conditioning for Systemic Conformity
A crucial element in our societal fabric is the early-life training towards adherence to rules and respecting authority figures. While this can be beneficial for maintaining order, it often dissuades us from straying from the path laid before us, inhibiting exploration, innovation, and challenge.

The societal pressure to conform begins in our formative years and continues well into adulthood. From conventional classroom teaching methods to societal norms, we’re subtly conditioned to fit into the mold that the system prescribes. It’s this fear of ostracization or punishment for bucking the trend that keeps us on a leash, limiting our potential to question or change the system.

This conditioning runs deep in our veins, making us willing participants in a machine that prefers our compliance over our curiosity. As a result, many of us become passive players, our voices muted by the weight of conformity. The key to breaking free from this ingrained obedience is awareness, to recognize and question the social norms that tether us. Only then can we begin to peel back the layers of systemic conditioning, reclaim our autonomy, and challenge the status quo.

Divide and Rule: The Art of Mass Control

The strategy of divide and rule, an age-old tactic used by powers worldwide to maintain control over diverse groups of people, has consistently proven to be effective throughout history. Understanding its machinations is critical in our collective effort to build a united and equitable society. It’s time we dissect the profound impact of this tactic across various facets of life such as politics, color symbolism, race, and socioeconomic disparities.

Political Division: The Power of Left vs Right
Divide and rule is profoundly manifested in the political sphere, specifically through the Left vs Right dichotomy. Globally, political systems often adopt this dualistic paradigm, pushing citizens to align with one side or the other. This approach simplifies individual ideologies into a 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 viewpoint, leading to a dangerous oversimplification of complex political beliefs. This polarization of ‘us’ against ‘them’ is a potent tool for governments seeking to control the narrative and influence public opinion.

It makes rallying support for specific policies or political figures easier, and this manipulation often fosters an environment of unthinking loyalty to party lines rather than promoting thoughtful, constructive dialogue. The result is a political landscape ripe for exploitation, with masses often unwittingly serving the agendas of those in power. This political division is an integral part of the divide and rule strategy, creating a clear delineation that can be leveraged to maintain control and suppress dissent.

The Color Divide: Red vs Blue and Its Impact
The utilization of color symbolism in the strategy of divide and rule is a subtle but powerful force, particularly evident in the United States where the colors Red and Blue represent the Republican and Democrat parties. This seemingly innocuous color-coding serves to widen the gap between party affiliations, deepening the us-versus-them mentality. Beyond the realm of politics, these color associations infiltrate social and cultural spheres, impacting how individuals perceive, react, and align themselves.

The Red vs Blue color association acts as a psychological primer, unknowingly affecting our biases and decisions. It engenders an environment of division and hostility, which in turn, plays right into the hands of those who wish to maintain control. It’s critical to be aware of the implications of such color symbolism and understand that it’s a potent tool utilized in the game of divide and conquer.

Racial Divisions: The Perennial Issue of White vs Black
One of the most deeply rooted divisions manipulated by the strategy of divide and rule is that of race. The Black versus White racial dichotomy has been skillfully utilized throughout history as a means to foster and maintain division. By exploiting this racial divide, it serves as an effective smokescreen.

This strategy further instills a sense of fear, intolerance, and hatred among different racial groups, effectively diverting attention from the shared concerns and mutual objectives that could unite us as a community. Instead of addressing systemic issues, the focus is misdirected, enabling the preservation of power hierarchies. The deep-seated manipulation inherent in the Black vs White narrative serves not only to divide but also to divert attention away from the structural changes that are necessary to foster a healthy society where everyone has a voice.

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Socioeconomic Disparities: How Wealth Divides the Masses
In the realm of socioeconomic disparities, the divide and rule strategy thrives, especially when focusing on the vast gaps between the rich and the poor. The ruling manipulators cleverly use this stark contrast to their advantage, shifting blame from systemic failures to individual struggles. This distraction paints a narrative of financial strife being the result of individual shortcomings, not the result of an inequitable system that allows the concentration of wealth in the hands of a privileged few.

This division turns the masses against each other, sparking class warfare and discord, making it easier for the rulers to further their interests, amass wealth, and consolidate power. The struggles of the many are overlooked, and the blame is shifted to the individual rather than the flawed system that enables such inequalities. Consequently, the socioeconomic divide perpetuates, stoking resentment and conflict among the majority while the puppeteers remain unchallenged.

It’s crucial to recognize this manipulation, understanding that the struggle isn’t against each other but against a system that thrives on inequity. This awareness is the first step toward challenging this divisive narrative, fostering unity, and pushing for systemic change.

Divide And Rule The Art Of Mass Control Divide And Rule The Art Of Mass Control Divide And Rule The Art Of Mass Control

Divide and Conquer: A Strategy for Control
The divide and conquer method functions like a well-oiled machine in the hands of those in power. By skillfully inciting divisions within the masses, they can control the narrative, suppress opposition, and keep a firm grip on authority. The tactic becomes more than a strategy; it evolves into an intricate art form, delicately and subconsciously embedded within societal structures.

Divisions based on political ideologies, color symbolism, racial identities, and socioeconomic status provide the perfect breeding ground for implementing this strategy. It serves to fracture unity, deterring collective action against injustices and inequities. Consequently, existing power hierarchies continue to flourish, unabated and unchallenged. This strategy’s efficacy lies in its subtlety, often making it challenging to discern its influence and effects. The masses, distracted by the divisions, remain oblivious to the true power structures at play, ensuring the status quo remains unscathed.

Hence, divide and conquer isn’t just about creating divisions; it’s about maintaining them, nurturing them, and using them as tools to control and manipulate the narrative. It’s about strategically guiding the focus away from systemic issues to individual differences and conflicts. It’s about keeping the masses preoccupied while the few retain the power. This understanding is critical, for it equips us with the insight needed to discern the manipulation and challenge the status quo.

Unity: A Path to Overcoming Divide and Rule
To dismantle the structure of divide and rule, awareness and understanding are only the beginning. We need to focus on unity, collective efforts, and shared aspirations. These principles can help us bridge the chasms artificially created and perpetuated over centuries. Embracing diversity and fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding is vital.

Actively challenging divisive narratives and stances is equally crucial. By promoting empathy over division, and shared understanding over isolation, we can begin to counteract the tactics of divide and conquer. Unity doesn’t require uniformity; it simply calls for respect and understanding despite our differences. As we begin to recognize our shared struggles and aspirations, we weaken the divisions that have been so meticulously crafted.

A united stand, not against each other, but against the system that thrives on division, is our most potent weapon. Through unity, we can initiate the process of dismantling these ingrained structures and pave the way for an inclusive and fair society. Let us challenge the status quo together, advocating for equity and equality, and defy the art of divide and rule.

God Already Proved He’s God

God already proved He’s God and if He is ever lasting and ever living, there is not start or stop to His time. You however have but a brief whisper of time called about 70-80 years if you’re lucky because or code has worn down over the years. Especially after adding so many chemicals and bio altercations to food, water, and medicine; not to mention the environment as well with chemtrails and herbicide. Yet society has themselves propped up as ever living idols to their own falsified perfection when each dies at the end of their life after living as a slave, a mockery, a fake, a fraud, a sell out or a normie.

Imagine being an Instagram model, 9-5 financial analyst, or working at a computer your entire life and pretending you’re a God. As many live in depression and misery they pretend they are happy and healthy as they continue injecting the masses with chemicals they clap in conformity.

Imagine chasing likes and internet validation for a living, or being a hot tub streamer on twitch wearing your narcissism as a bikini. People pretend their government schools are a church as they worship and obey every word. Down to a sphere earth, blind obedience to authority, and feminist evolution.

Imagine working at a bank like BlackRock where you launder money for international pedo rings and mercenary corps like BlackWater, all while the masses wave their flags and clap for the green beret commando. At the end of your day your life is your life and it’s not a video game, you’ve only got one.

You could be a cool guy and maybe you help in your community. Maybe you treat people with respect and work hard. Maybe you donate money to the local church and do some good deeds. The problem was however you never put any focus on the one that created you. Only yourself, at best your family, friends, and neighbors. At best.

The Bible says God is not only ever living and ever lasting but Just and Loving. He knew you weren’t perfect. He knew you’d make mistakes. He programmed your DNA after all but without this you wouldn’t have *Free Will*. As many blame God for the tragedy and problems plane wide they forget their own sin as they’re clapping for the next Presidential slave master. They forget genocide has claimed more casualties than Noah’s flood itself.

Faith Alone Born Again Bible Believer

The very governments they pay taxes too as their sons sign up for war. Every country in the world now has an IMF or international bank thanks to the Vatican and it’s success using countries like the USA as simple military fiefdoms. At the end of the day God came to earth as a man we call Jesus Christ. I’m sure you’ve heard the story at least once but many fail to realize the reality of it all. Incredible one story could be heard by most of the population’s throughout mankind.

Through time and tribulations this one story has stood the same for roughly 2,000 years as God made a promise to everyone who would hear. Believe in what Jesus Christ did on the cross. Have faith that Jesus Christ did in fact pay the penalty for all sin, for every man, women, and child. His resurrection proved he was God and that the debt had been paid in full.

He had proven that with the Blood of Jesus Christ He was His blood literally paid the debt to the ultimate accuser many fail to recollect. Satan himself stands silenced by God himself as He took the sacrifice for each one, you and I.

“Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” – John 11:25-26 [INSERT YOUR QUESTION HERE] “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

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