2D to 3D to Big D

In general, I get pretty excited seeing peoples art and creativity in whatever form they choose to express it in. Many talented humans with their own niche hobbies of dedication and growth willing to share their inner most thoughts, desires, or stories. Getting better each time their brush paints some rhymes or sucking you into their book with some story intertwined. Like a time machine blasting you into the past or exploring a dystopian overlord future where robots and Satanists are using magic to send spells through your television set.

To my surprise, it’s doubley exciting to see this artform take on a Nagolpilled extension of the character’s mindset. It all started with one gamertag and a profile pic. It’s as simple as reading it backwards to dub the name of an OG Halo 2 video gamer king. Dropping out of high school for various reasons I was too young for a workers permit, so I had a year to climb the leaderboards and become a goober gun battle rifle nightmare.

Halo 2 Multiplayer

Gaming became my escape to a creatable atmosphere of manosphere comradery where friends could be silly and goof around without society calling the police. When reality went from school hunting clubs to kids hiding under their desk because of some false flag school shooting events.

Unable to build a shed or go fishing without the governments permission, and even then harassed by some Karens for catching a fish dinner. Spinning in circles men have no idea where their creativity is allowed to flourish. Hiding in the man cave like a bear in hibernation, the system doesn’t like it when they unleash their masculine expressions of joy inside hobbies.

When allowed to chase our thoughts it creates positive additions to the community, whether online or offline it doesn’t really matter. Taxes is in place to rob you of this creativity, stuck in the repetitive 9-5 mindset watching the daily dose of its programming. Whether fear or humor, like a porn addiction your meat is red and swollen. Brain unable to handle the millions of tickles from conformities tentacles as you’re overloaded like a circuit breaker.

Nagolbud 2D

But what do I know I’m just a high school drop out with 7 years of college under his belt. Never even got a degree but ended it all by starting my first company, just some neckbeard living in Mexico ranting and raving on the internet. Smoking weed at the beach staring up at the moon from a bowl earth, as society swirls around like a turd of left vs right political paradigms headed out to the septic tank.

Nagolbud 3D

Time to embrace your inner troll and forgot about social norms, let your mind find the beat to your dreams and ignore what the normies think regardless of social media points. Turn off the Andrew Tate freemason shill loopset and design your personalized sigma male grindset. Unfollow the thots on TikTok and start twerking to your own drum line, where lust doesn’t control your thought process.

Better to teach yourself some new hobbies and adventure out of the narcissism bubble. Think outside the box and you’ll find value in something you never knew could have even existed and all it took was a little imagination to get there. Cutting off limbs of society’s Kraken monster as you explore avenues of an art you excel at, smiling at the hardships doubling your hitpoints with a stamina upgrade.

Nagolbud Nude Exposed Nagolbud Outfit

Never letting someone knock you off your horse, keep riding to freedom with your sword and shield ready for battle. Willing to sacrifice temporary pleasure to hunt the demons haunting the doubts surrounding your goals. Increasing in skill you’ll start to see improvement in the success of your plan, adding points to wisdom and strength go hand in hand. Unlike a video game, Gods the one giving out the quests to test your character, don’t worry if you make a mistake though, doesn’t mean it’s game over.

Coming back to life only to watch the world burning down can be a difficult thing to overcome. Sometimes redpill rage and coping became part of the daily routine. Alcohol or drugs can seep into your compost pile, destroying all the beneficial bacteria you’ve been farming for growth. Better to keep it clean and just smoke some homegrown green, mixing animal manure back in, the best happens to be rabbit poop.

Nagolpilled Nagolbud 2 Nagolpilled Nagolbud

Planting seeds and watching it grow like soldiers standing strong ready to take on the world, even after a storm the flowers come out to shower in some rays of sunshine. Ideas start to foment as old habits die off like weeds as you pull them one by one from the garden soil. Grabbing the bucket to harvest the fruits of your labor, throwing the scraps to the chickens for an organic backyard feast.

A step in the right direction as you become more self reliant with no fear of the current political psyop provisions. Throwing out your portions of the statist delusion to build a high quality homestead, looking back at the main stream societal circus scratching your head. By fate or providence you have found yourself reading this article wondering what path in life you’ll stumble down. At the end of the day it really doesn’t matter as long as your machetes sharp and you’re prepared for the adventure.

Just think about where you’re sitting right now..

Nagolpilled Nagolbud Nagolpiller

College Educated Work Week

You’re on deck to start your life with over a decade of school under your belt. Unable to discern whether your ideas be theirs or your own. Trying to decipher life’s code the umpire yells batter up! Forced into another 4+ years of schooling education you’ve never had time to figure things out. Forced to read and repeat with no end in sight.

The ball whizzes by and all you hear is strike one! Blinking your eyes you gasp for air as your mind starts to melt. Is this the life I want or is there something else. The pitcher winds up and wings one in, closing your eyes you take one big swing. Strike two!

Slamming down the alarm clock it’s already 5 a.m. Time to go and do my job at the corporate office as another day passes you close in on the hump. The excitement is unbearable barely making it to Friday when the fun can actually start.

After cleaning the house you’re exhausted from such a long week, passing out on the couch it’s already Sunday night and time to get things ready for yet another work week. Enjoying some Netflix programming you relax for one last second before everything hits repeat.

Luckily the last pitch was a ball or you’d already be out, not paying attention at all. The umpire yells the count, noticing you’ve got one more chance to do something at the plate. Taking a step back you take a few practice swings with approval from the stands. Seeing retirement on the horizon you put on your coronavirus mask and jump into the batters box.

A high speed fast ball is coming your way, unable to react in time it pegs you in the leg. Falling over in pain you can’t seem to walk as your bat rolls around on the ground. A las, you’ve reached society’s max height and can do anything at all.

Modern Day Slavery

Your bank account is huge and your wallet is fat. Wincing in pain however you hear the umpire motion to take your base. Cuddling up with your blanket you cry away the pain as a sweet new Netflix series plays over the loudspeaker of your old folk’s home..

Real Reason Reddit Is Popular

Once in a while I’ll make a throwaway account to do a little “marketing” on Reddit and it always amazes me how petty people are for a few internet likes and “awards”. I thought YouTube was bad for this but after making my first Reddit account I was actually blown away by the amount of grown adults seeking any sort of validation online. The word pathetic doesn’t do justice for how low these losers will go to get some likes in the hamster wheel of conformity bias.

Quite literally, the most popular opinions that everyone agrees with gets shoved to the top of the line. Critical thinking are tucked away in the closet as the weakest minds of society get their voice on a pedestal for other zombies to approve. Every beta can hide behind a user name as they use the Pareto principle as a baseball bat to beat conformity into every user that makes an appearance.

Most of my accounts are at -99 karma by the end of the day because I absolutely refuse to a part of the school of fish and their lack of brain activity. Instead of crying like most Reddit users would, I take it as a seal of proof to how successful I’ve become in the act of individualism.

Reddit users are horrified by this word individualism. Scared to death to be themselves, let alone speak on an opinion that isn’t fully supported by societies band of lemmings. Self censorship is in full swing because people lack the balls to speak out let alone stand for something real.

They are guarded online behind the revolving door of repetition as they get full support for their copy / pasted opinions. Even the Anarchist subreddits have become a place of feminist conformity and female privilege where men have cucked themselves in the name of internet validation.

The funny part is there is no way to argue against this considering Reddit is based off complete conformity. The popular opinion will ALWAYS be forced down the throat of every user regardless of the sub Reddit. The top post will always be what you are SUPPOSED to think.

The Pareto principle must be protected at all costs because the society we have today wouldn’t be able to exist if everyone were an individualist and not a mere brainless zombie. It would crumble over night if everyone suddenly became free thinking and there is nothing the elite would be able to do about it.

They can only control your mind so much through 20+ years of public school education and college but now with these types of social media’s like Reddit they’ve gotten people to self-control themselves adhering to every globalist plan. Get your coronavirus vaccines, abort your babies, obey the government seems to be the main idea.

Government Education System Lies And Propaganda Obey

Every atheist using Reddit as their Bible as they bump along to societies musical beat. They can’t even read this paragraph without calling me an anti-vaxxing flat earth sovereign citizen tin foil conspiracy theorist. They’ve been programmed to do so and have society’s approval to back them up so obviously it must be true right?

As creativity, self expression, and individualism are destroyed these brain dead morons sit by an clap to their conformity wearing it like a badge on their government approved T shirt. As their social justice warrior cape blows in the wind they imagine themselves as a super hero in some cheesy ass comic book.

Sacrificing their own opinions, thoughts, and creativity for the mere chance at getting some internet points they bow down to every mainstream idea. They aren’t allowed to be original as it would destroy their self perceived illusion of narcissistic perfection. As they call me names and laugh I can’t help but feel bad as I try to have a conversation with an empty shell.

Green Pill $ is the New Red Pill

There’s nothing worse than listening to some blue haired Twitch feminist talking about how he loves being cucked by his wife, as he rambles on about his self perceived confusions and lack of critical thinking against some self proclaimed red pill guru on some douchey pod cast. Yet this is where the “red pill movement” is in the current stage.

Whether it be some pick me chick regurgitating 20 year old manosphere concepts or the lame grifter applying his beta male mentality to the red pill movement to collect a few coins. Those that think for themselves, focused on self improvement, and generally want to help their community grow, are silenced by shadow bans and censorship while the narcissistic take control of each grass roots movement.

The real concepts behind the original “red pill” are brushed under the rug so these jokers can collect their e-paycheck. Never embracing the ideologies of self reflection required to grow physically or mentally, sucking down another vaccine of conformity mainstream.

The clown space on the other side jumps on board attacking the wanna be red pillars until the entire movement is saturated with bullshit and drama. Each social media video becoming less about questioning society and more about generating views for revenue. There is no more red pill or blue pill, only green pill. Each side barking like dogs in the comments as the shills and crisis actors plant the seeds of division among the ignorant for a few wheels of cheese.

Everyone pretending their words are gospel, never mentioning the Bible in their search for truth among the zombie apocalypse. This is why labels can be quite dangerous, regardless of which one you wear, there’s always someone willing to manipulate it into a cash cow. It doesn’t matter whether your tie is blue or red, whether you voted for one puppet or another, society gets caught up in some low IQ soap opera so they can feel relevant as they dish out insults on [insert podcast name here].

Real critical thinking and conversation are pushed out the door, all so the normies can feel safe in their delusions of obedience. Where oh where are the critical thinkers? The self improvement homemakers? Lost at sea waiting to be gobbled up by psyop Kraken monsters..

There’s no point in mentioning names as these internet celebrities are repeated and recycled over and over again. Like a printing press churning out the same personalities as no one has the ability to stand on their own. Popularity and riches are the main goal over helping another human grow and become someone of value.

Viewers and conversations turned into numbers and money as another man pretends to care. Single women chasing internet clout riding the red pill as she hits 40 chasing her YouTube subscriber count. Ridiculing the very women she has become, another self focused career lackey with no husband or family as her collection of cats starts to grow.

Skeptics unable to upload a video to social media without being banned, the original red pill movement is most certainly dead. Replaced by sensationalism and everyone playing the victim, on all sides of the round table no one able to take responsibility for the things they say. Yet these very same people have the biggest platforms, thousands of millions tune in for their daily dose of programming, never questioning a thing as they larp and defend.

Meanwhile food prices have tripled as the elite dish out their climate crisis non-sense to a crowd of chemically boosted lemmings ready to jump off a bridge. Where oh where are the critical thinkers? The self improvement homemakers? Lost at sea waiting to be gobbled up by psyop Kraken monsters..

The original red pill movement exiled to the dark web, as mainstream platforms prefer division and hate over truth and accountability. Souls being sold on the black market like a modern day slave market as many jump on the bandwagon. “Gimme some more drama and hate so I can make a reaction video to grow my Patreon account. Just one more response video so I can prove to the world I’m the coolest grifter red pill guru dating coach conformity booster piller.”

Social media loving each video of hate you produce, as they collect $millions$ off your cries for social change while the elite brainwash the movement into another agenda. Unable to see past this reality, just to become another fanboy subscribed to red pill guru’s OnlyFans.

The reality is anyone that spends their life on social media is brain dead. Wasting your life away to appease the applause of conformity just to be looked down on like a worm digging in the dirt. Never challenging yourself with new ideas or hobbies as your backbone disappears, unable to stand up for your own opinions or ideas.

As depression and anxiety eat away at your heart like a modern day plague, prescription pills and self induced pain become the normalized cow pie. It’s time you realize that even a worm can turn a pile of shit into a rich mound of compost, fertilizing your crops as you start to grow something of value in your fields of self reflection and discipline. Where oh where are the critical thinkers? The self improvement homemakers? Lost at sea waiting to be gobbled up by psyop Kraken monsters..

Not only do we have these fake traditional women larping the red pill while chasing an internet career but now Only Fans chicks are script reading it as well. Everyone trying to cash in on the collapse of strong men and women..

Pull Back the Curtain

Watchin’ it all unfold I can’t help but wonder how many are even awake,
surrounded by zombies and vampires the world on lockdown as the normies start to suffocate.

Nothing but hate and anger running rampant on the television,
society lost its heart years ago more painful than a jewish circumcision.

Looking back on your life you wish it was different,
squealing in pain looking out your window it’s irrelevant.

Running your mouth on the internet you think your voice is heard,
little did you know those were bots buzzin’ ya like a hummingbird.

Everything you see and hear controlled by high tech computer code,
never searching yourself ya bubble reinforced with an ejaculatory load.

Step up to the plate if you think you can handle it,
all I see is little boys putting memes deep inside their internet clit.

Focused on some bitch when your talents and skill could pick ya up,
divided and conquered the world doesn’t give a fuck time to stand up an put on your nutcup.

What happened to the revolutionaries, freedom fighters, and rebels,
whether guns or code it’s time to step up our game an fight these devils.

Hidin’ behind labels and ideologies your entire mindset has been created for you,
never thinking for yourself just another cattle at the meat market [Moooo]

Just kidding tho im a loser too, most of the time i cant even afford rent in mexico,
eye’n up the wilderness lookin’ at the jungle like its my only goal.

Disappear into the abyss and let the world burn to the ground,
I’ll be eating fresh fruits and eggs deep in the monte never to be found.

Fabricated drama being sold on news networks like a netflix series,
ya watching from your couch unable to figure out the conspiracy theories.

3 years later shootin up Johnson and Johnson like a crack head in a back alley,
the government changing your mouth diapers daily without question as ya nanny.

Beta males searching for validation on the internet,
while they circle jerk conformity bias becomes their bayonet.

Stuck on the tip of the iceberg scared to find out what’s beneath the water,
can’t even tell the difference between you and the average AI botter.

Posting some more low IQ memes to cope with your self reflection,
unable to explore past societies modern day friend zone section.

Clinging to the system as you become more dependent on societies opinion,
attacking those that stray from the crowd ya nothin’ more than a flying monkey minion.

Afraid to do something real you use projection to deflect your insecurities,
soul filled with toxins it’s time to clean yourself from the impurities.

What happened to the revolutionaries, freedom fighters, and rebels,
whether guns or code it’s time to step up our game an fight these devils.

Stuck on repeat doing the same thing over and over takin’ the bait,
wondering when it’ll change jumping in line to obey the omicron mandate.

Don’t worry though the cure has been here the entire time,
embrace your individualism and creativity with this rhyme.

We might not be able to stop them but we can surely troll,
sneak past the guard and disband this modern day parole.

Open your eyes its not hard to figure out for certain,
the worlds a stage just pull back the curtain.