Nihilism, Black Pill, or Self Promotion

I’ve been working on this website for about 10 years now. It was always my place to escape. My safe space. I could write, say, post, draw, design, larp, idk, anything I want. I’ve been banned from mainstream platforms hundreds.. if you include my fake accounts for trolling, thousands of times. It’s almost like wanting to disappear but you put that energy into disrupting the brainwaves of your normie e-neighbors. You really don’t care what happens, because the reality is society has always been dead.

I can work a job, with my hands whether carpenter or SEO specialist. Had my first salary career after dropping out of community college. Self taught in basic internet code and charisma I had a high paying job. Honestly though my only comfort zone was – with a mask on I used to train police science to be on a SWAT team. Got busted by some fag cop and decided to change my routine to hippy professor studying animal enzymes. Only to discover evolution and the system are the only dimes.

Dropped out of college 5 times in 3 years, 12 degrees, still searching for answers.’ Said fuck it all and sold the Audi’s for a propane powered van. Headed to the forest gonna construct me a homestead. Hey bitch, don’t you know you need special permissions to build with on property materials. Adobe house and log cabin ready only to be attacked by badges dick licking authority for pesos.

Shovel in hand evicted for not promoting the right house registration. With the power of the state at hand, violence and weapons ready to apprehend. What do you mean you don’t have a mortgage for 250 grand. You built a house in 2 years off the land? We can’t allow that because our bosses demand. I’ve gotta reach a quota or else I’ll be in big trouble by the sergeant. Fags in costumes dictating my life, what are you gonna do when the douches come for you about it.

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Normies don’t care as they prance around in mouth diapers. Shit spilling off their lips as they parrot the main stream media. Corona virus gonna eat you and it spreads through butterflies, running to your room ya hypnotized. I guess today they’ve got elections but I’m in Mexico laughing at the patreons. Signed up monthly for their income tax never second guessing their government wax. Ass hairs plucked clean their masculinity looking like a 7 year old baby boy.

What else is there to say, we live in a broken society. Normies propping it up to maintain their endless supply of cool aide. Don’t question a thing as you watch the screen. Sometimes the crazies understand but your too busy gassing yourself up in the mirror. Narcissists and atheists eating societies cock for a little respect in mainstream context. Who are we kidding they won’t challenge the media made narrative without engaging their gag reflex.

Andrew Tate Psyop Saga Continues

It’s concerning how many normies buy into the Tate brothers Netflix series. With poor acting, obvious planned events, promotions throughout the internet while being “cancelled”; all calling signs of a psyop in progress. As he throws up Freemason hand signs and claims the matrix is attacking him the fan boys eat it up. As he waddles onto every main stream program on television, Twitch, and every short video on YouTube and TikTok they clap along to the beat.

20 years ago Americans were willing to kill men in huts half way across the earth over Islam 9/11 psyop and now they are cheering it on because some dude in tight pants and designer clothes with a Bugatti told them too. People like Sneako shilling the agenda into oblivion. It’s honestly mind blowing how many people actually buy into this retarded ass show. Andrew Tate gonna save the world because he repeats the same topics the manosphere has been saying for 20 years, gimme a break.

Not only are all of Andrew Tates businesses geared at taking advantage of men, from nude shows on the internet to casinos, and now his hustler pyramid scam, these fuck boys continue promoting his nonsense. Coronavirus proved how easy it is to manipulate the masses into doing anything, including taking untested vaccines and wearing mouth diapers to buy food. The world is in for a real treat when they turn up the heat on these psyops.

Bunch of men being taken for fools as they jump on board to promote the agenda because their too cowardly to stand on their own two feet. Clinging to any dude that tickles their ears in hopes they can achieve materialistic success in a broken world. Willing to sell their soul for a few shekels in the matrix they claim to be escaping. Complete and utter horse poop for low IQ men with no real solution other than putting a band aid on the wounds society has created for them.

“But omg Andrew Tate saved my life” “He told me to work out and build a business” Bro men having been telling other men this stuff since the dawn of mankind. Andrew Tate has done nothing but tickle ears for income while the system promotes him and the agenda he’s been told to carry out. He’s not saying anything new, he’s simply being promoted by the system with psyops ready to shoot.

Literally every shill has come out of the woodworks to promote the Tate brothers with secret content and “omg” events. Every podcast, alternative news network, and red pill channel jumping on board to fuel the agenda while the average man absorbs the psyop like a modern day vaccine. Never questioning their “hero” as he leads them to the pit of fire, in reality just another shit show for the masses.

You probably don’t care though as you clap for the Jake Paul vs Andrew Tate fag fest boxing match. Where two Freemason boy brides fight for the approval of their masters and the chance to take it up the ass. Oh but they stared into each others eyes with intensity so it must be a real beef. I’ve seen better movies by amateur film makers with more believable stories for fuck sake. Not a big enough bag of popcorn to watch the fall of society while the normies clap for their own destruction. “But Nagolbud oMg Greta Thunberg got Andrew Tate busted because of a pizza box.” Go ahead soy boy, imiTATE the top G with your 33 cars.

Andrew Tate Freemason Freemason Andrew Tate Andrew Tate Is A Freemason
Tate Brothers Are Freemasons