PsyOps: Silent Weapon of Governments Against Their Own People

PsyOps, short for Psychological Operations, are methods used by governments to influence a population’s attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs. Often, these tactics are employed discreetly, operating under the radar of public consciousness. Shedding light on why the government uses PsyOps to manipulate its people, and how this clandestine form of warfare impacts our daily lives is important in this modern age.

Understanding PsyOps – A Psychological Warfare
PsyOps, or Psychological Operations, are sophisticated strategies that leverage deception, propaganda, and psychological manipulation to modify the perceptions and actions of people, organizations, or entire societies. The primary purpose of these operations is to interrupt an enemy’s ability to think clearly, thus undermining their capacity to fight effectively.

Although typically linked with warfare or international espionage, it’s essential to note that governments have been found to use these tactics on home soil against their own populace. At their core, PsyOps are meticulously engineered to infiltrate the public psyche subtly, effectively camouflaging the manipulation taking place. They typically use misinformation to create confusion and doubt, then proceed to manipulate these sentiments to sway public opinion in a direction that supports their objectives.

This form of psychological warfare operates on multiple levels, ranging from individual psychological manipulation to mass media indoctrination. It’s an art of deception and persuasion that often goes unnoticed by its targets, proving its potency in achieving its desired outcomes.

Social Control – The Undeniable Motive
The unambiguous incentive for a government’s deployment of PsyOps lies in its desire to control and direct the conduct of its population. Preserving social stability and ensuring the perpetuation of their authority remains at the heart of these strategies.

By shaping people’s emotions, perspectives, and beliefs, they are able to steer the public sentiment in favor of their political aspirations. The modus operandi of these operations is characterized by subtlety, with the aim of altering public perception quietly, without creating any discernible alarm. The primary focus is to guide the populace in the direction that the government desires, all the while maintaining the façade of free will and autonomy.

Fear – A Powerful Tool for Manipulation
The deliberate cultivation of fear is a vital component in the governmental use of PsyOps. It is a manipulative technique designed to invoke a sense of dread and uncertainty within the populace. Such a climate of fear acts as a catalyst to render citizens more open to relinquishing their personal freedoms, in the hope of receiving security and safety in return.

Examples of such scenarios include the threat of terrorism, the advent of a health crisis like a pandemic, or looming economic collapse. By utilizing these situations, governments can amplify the general sense of fear, thereby strengthening their grip over the populace and reinforcing their control.

It is crucial to understand that the orchestration of fear is not about fostering an atmosphere of terror, but rather it is about strategic maneuvering to consolidate power and influence societal behavior. This strategy forms a critical part of the PsyOps toolset, manipulating the emotional responses of individuals and populations to ensure compliance with government directives.

Influence of Media – Dissemination of Information
The role of media in PsyOps cannot be overstated. As the primary vehicle for information distribution, media has an unparalleled capacity to mold public perception and steer narratives. Media channels, with their extensive reach and influence, can subtly broadcast manipulated data, thereby directly influencing the collective consciousness.

In today’s digital era, social media platforms and online networks have become a hotbed for misinformation, giving rise to mainstream rapid dissemination of fake news. This conducive environment accelerates the spread and influence of PsyOps, embedding them deeper into society. These platforms can be exploited to amplify government propaganda, creating a distorted reality that supports their objectives.

What’s more, the constant bombardment of information, both true and false, can leave the public in a state of confusion and vulnerability, making them more susceptible to psychological manipulation. Therefore, it’s crucial to approach media narratives with a healthy degree of skepticism and verify information from multiple, reliable sources. The power of media in PsyOps is undeniable, underscoring the importance of media literacy in the face of such sophisticated manipulation tactics.

Psyops Silent Weapon Of Governments Against Their Own People Psyops Silent Weapon Of Governments Against Their Own People Psyops Silent Weapon Of Governments Against Their Own People

Legitimacy – Maintaining Power and Control
PsyOps serve a dual purpose, not only do they manipulate, but they also work to preserve the illusion of legitimacy for those who wield power. The narrative is skillfully controlled so that the government is seen as the only viable guardian and benefactor, thereby legitimizing its hold on power and control.

Through this orchestrated perception, a society is created that can see no other option but to acquiesce to the current power structure, effectively quelling opposition and defiance. While the public is led to believe they are free to voice dissent, the reality is a carefully constructed landscape where any protestations fall on deaf ears or are dismissed as fringe ideologies.

This is not by accident, but rather a key function of PsyOps, to quietly silence dissent while promoting the belief in the inherent validity of those in command. Consequently, this creates a populace that accepts, and even defends, the status quo without question. However, it’s important to remember that these PsyOps driven narratives are meticulously crafted illusions, intended to maintain the status quo and uphold the power structure.

A Call to Awareness – Unmasking the Invisible Control
Awareness is our first line of defense against the silent manipulation of PsyOps. Understanding these tactics and recognizing their presence in our daily lives is crucial. PsyOps can be counteracted with the development of sharp critical thinking skills. Instead of blindly accepting the information that is disseminated, we need to scrutinize the sources, cross-verify the facts, and question the underlying motives. Transparency from the government must be demanded, as it is a critical factor in holding power structures accountable and ensuring our rights and principles remain intact.

PsyOps thrive in an environment of passivity and unchallenged acceptance, so we must actively combat this by fostering a culture of healthy skepticism and informed discourse. By doing so, we can begin to peel back the layers of manipulation and reveal the true face of PsyOps.

It’s only through this individual awakening that we can hope to break free from the invisible chains that seek to control our perceptions and actions. To effectively unmask the control of PsyOps, we must first acknowledge its existence and then actively work to debunk its insidious narratives. Knowledge and vigilance are our greatest weapons in this silent battle against psychological warfare.

Understanding the Normies’ Love for Taxation

It’s often said that the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. However, the latter of these two certainties isn’t viewed with the same dread by all. Surprisingly, many people—referred to as “normies” in this context, seem to willingly and enthusiastically embrace taxation, seeing it as a necessary part of maintaining a functioning society. But why is this the case?

Unpacking the Concept of Taxes (Theft)
To comprehend the varying attitudes towards taxation, it’s crucial to dissect its fundamental principles. The concept of taxation is often equated with government theft, an assertion stemming from the involuntary nature of tax collection. In this view, the government coercively appropriates hard-earned money from its citizens. This perspective sees taxes as an undue imposition on personal liberty and financial freedom, akin to theft.

However, taxation is also seen from a contrasting lens, that of a necessary contribution for communal benefits. Proponents of this perspective argue that taxes are the price citizens pay for a civilized society. They fund vital public goods and services like roads, schools, and healthcare. (Which are mostly privatized and not public.) This interpretation views taxation as a communal duty, a form of social contract that underpins the functioning of a society.

The divergence between these two perspectives—taxation as theft and taxation as societal contribution, shapes individuals’ views on taxes. People’s acceptance or opposition to taxes hinges on which interpretation resonates more with them. The conflict between these perspectives forms a backdrop for further exploration into why some individuals, the normies, seem to willingly accept and even appreciate the role of taxation in society.

Psychological Aspect of Normies’ Acceptance of Taxes
Diving into the cognitive workings of normies’ acceptance of taxes, a notable player is a cognitive bias known as ‘status quo bias’ or ‘conformity bias’. This particular bias reflects a resistance to change and a preference for the familiar, often leading individuals to opt for maintaining current situations over exploring potential changes. Applying this bias to taxation, it’s clear that despite potential disadvantages or systemic flaws within the current tax system, normies tend to favor it.

This bias towards the status quo, even when change might be beneficial, helps explain why some people are less critical of the current tax structure. This acceptance isn’t necessarily grounded in an informed understanding of taxation or a belief that it is fair or efficient, but rather in a psychological tendency to stick with what is familiar.

It’s not so much a love for taxes, but a resistance to the uncertainty that comes with change. The fear of potential chaos or instability that could come from a revamping of the tax system often outweighs any potential benefits, leading to a preference for the devil they know over the devil they don’t.

The Role of Social Conditioning in Accepting Taxes
The power of social conditioning in shaping our beliefs and behaviors cannot be understated, and it significantly influences our views on taxation. The indoctrination often starts early in life, as we’re frequently taught that taxation is a core element of responsible citizenship. The narrative that tax-paying is a fundamental civic obligation is emphasized in various ways, from educational systems to media portrayal. The same educational system that is funded by taxes is the very system that pushes this taxation agenda.

Such continual exposure to the idea of taxes as a societal necessity instills a sense of obligation and normality. These societal narratives and norms have a profound impact on our perceptions, subtly molding our views and attitudes towards taxes. Consequently, taxation isn’t perceived as an imposition but rather a customary and obligatory part of our societal role.

This tends to create a self-perpetuating cycle of acceptance, taxes are accepted because they have “always” been part of our societal structure, and this acceptance is then passed on to future generations. This continual reinforcement of the tax-paying norm significantly contributes to its widespread acceptance among normies.

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Examining the Fallacy of “Fair Share” Taxation
“Fair share” taxation is a widely used argument in support of the taxation system. It holds that each individual should bear a fiscal burden that aligns with their income or wealth, ensuring that everyone contributes to public resources proportionally. Nevertheless, this argument is often seen as flawed in the face of real-world practice, where the wealthier strata of society exploit legal gaps to minimize their tax liability.

Despite the criticism and visible disparities in the distribution of tax burdens, a significant number of normies continue to regard taxation as a fair and crucial process. This viewpoint underscores the potent influence of societal norms and ingrained cognitive biases on our perception and understanding of complex systems like taxation. The belief in “fair share” taxation also reinforces the earlier discussed status quo bias, where the inclination towards the known and familiar often overshadows the consideration for change.

It’s also tied into the social conditioning that paints tax-paying as a civic responsibility, which in turn contributes to the acceptance and perpetuation of the current tax system, despite its flaws. It’s noteworthy to mention that acceptance of “fair share” taxation, in many cases, is not a result of an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of tax laws and regulations, but rather a manifestation of the interplay between psychological tendencies, societal norms, and accepted narratives.

Understanding The Normies Love For Taxation Understanding The Normies Love For Taxation Understanding The Normies Love For Taxation

Illusion of Government Services in Exchange for Taxes
The idea of receiving government services in return for taxes often serves as a compelling reason for accepting taxation. This concept is deeply ingrained in the minds of normies, fostering the belief that without the mechanism of taxation, critical public services such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure would cease to function effectively. (Even though these sectors have mostly been privatized.)

This perspective allows taxes to be perceived as a necessary exchange, despite the possibility that the value of these services might not equate to the taxes paid. The perception of receiving something in return helps soften the blow of parting with a portion of one’s income. It’s the notion of a tangible return on investment that makes the bitter pill of taxation somewhat easier to swallow.

However, the actual cost of these services and their perceived value might not always align. It’s crucial to question if the public services we receive truly justify the level of taxation, or if this is another manifestation of societal conditioning and cognitive bias. While this belief system eases the acceptance of taxes, it’s essential to dig deeper to comprehend the true cost and benefits ratio, moving beyond the illusion created by the seeming exchange of government services for taxes.

Normies Fear of Arrest Factors the Tax Compliance
The fear of punishment for tax evasion also contributes significantly to normies’ acceptance and compliance with taxation. The possible repercussions of tax evasion, such as heavy fines, imprisonment, or even the societal stigma associated with being labeled a tax evader, act as compelling deterrents. The risk associated with non-compliance tends to outweigh any potential benefits of tax evasion, leading many to comply, albeit reluctantly.

This adherence is not necessarily an endorsement of the tax system but more a response to potential adverse outcomes. Coupled with the aspects of social conditioning and cognitive biases discussed earlier, the fear factor forms a powerful triumvirate that drives many people to not just tolerate taxation but also adhere to it, sometimes even in the face of perceived injustices or inefficiencies within the system.

While fear of punishment is an effective tool for ensuring compliance, it also masks the need for a more comprehensive understanding and engagement with the concept and application of taxation. Thus, it’s important to recognize this dynamic in order to foster more informed discussions about taxation policies and their impact. Is taxation theft by threat of violence?

Government, Conformity, and the Resistance Against Mainstream Fake Narratives

In a society where conformity often reigns supreme, the government’s distaste for those who question the mainstream fake narrative is evident. The pressure to adhere to societal norms and beliefs can be overwhelming, but what happens when individuals dare to challenge the status quo?

The Role of Conformity in Maintaining Governmental Power
At its core, conformity operates as a silent enforcer of governmental dominance. It functions on the unspoken premise that aligning with collective norms and ideologies is not only expected but necessary for societal acceptance. This inherent expectation to conform underpins the government’s ability to wield power unchallenged, creating a compliant citizenry reluctant to disrupt the prevailing narrative. The mechanism of conformity subtly conditions individuals to embrace societal norms as their own, effectively sidelining dissenting voices and perspectives that diverge from the official line.

In this way, conformity acts as a buffer, safeguarding the government from scrutiny and potential upheaval by minimizing the number of individuals willing to question its actions and policies. This mass adherence to a shared set of beliefs simplifies the government’s task of promoting and propagating its narrative, allowing it to shape public perception with relative ease. As individuals internalize these norms, the fabric of society becomes intertwined with the government’s agenda, blurring the lines between individual thought and state-sponsored ideology.

In this environment, those who challenge the mainstream narrative or propose alternative viewpoints are not merely dissenters; they become outliers, often marginalized and deemed as disruptive elements. This marginalization serves a dual purpose: it reinforces the desirability of conformity while simultaneously deterring others from expressing dissent. Thus, conformity is not a passive state but an active force that perpetuates governmental power by dissuading deviation and promoting a homogeneous societal perspective.

Fear of Losing Control: Government’s Nightmare
The specter of losing grip over the masses looms large over government entities. The emergence of voices that dare to critique and dissect the established narrative threatens to unravel the tapestry of control that authorities have meticulously woven. This trepidation stems from a concern that dissent could catalyze a broader awakening, encouraging a collective questioning of policies and decisions that have been portrayed as unquestionable truths. In response, the government often resorts to tactics designed to quell these burgeoning challenges. These tactics range from discrediting dissenters to employing sophisticated propaganda techniques aimed at reasserting the dominance of the mainstream narrative.

Such strategies reveal an underlying fear: that once the floodgates of questioning are opened, maintaining the facade of unanimity and consent will become an insurmountable task. The prospect of an informed and questioning populace represents an existential threat to the status quo, as it implies a scenario where the government must continually justify its actions and decisions in the face of skeptical scrutiny.

This dynamic fundamentally alters the power relationship between the state and its citizens, shifting from a model of passive acceptance to one of active engagement and debate. It is this fear of a paradigm shift, away from conformity and towards a more interrogative citizenry, that haunts those in power, driving their efforts to maintain a veneer of control in the face of potential dissent.

The Danger in Diverse Thought and Questioning Authority
Encouraging a diversity of ideas and the scrutiny of those in power is fundamental to the functioning of a intelligent society. However, when these principles are undermined, it signals a troubling shift towards authoritarianism. By discouraging the questioning of authority and the exploration of varying perspectives, governments can erode the very pillars of freedom and liberty. This environment stifles the kind of vibrant debate and innovation that drive societal advancement and protect against tyranny. Without the freedom to challenge and critique, societies risk falling into a state of intellectual stagnation, where progress is halted, and the same old ideas are recycled without examination.

The suppression of diverse thought and the penalization of questioning authority are tactics employed to maintain a veneer of unity and control. Yet, this false unity is built on the suppression of dissenting voices, which are crucial for exposing flaws in reasoning, policy, and governance. When authorities demonize dissent and label alternative viewpoints as dangerous, they not only betray a fear of being challenged but also undermine the trust and engagement of the populace.

This breakdown in the social contract between the government and the governed can lead to widespread disillusionment and disengagement, further destabilizing the fabric of society. In essence, the real danger lies not in the presence of diverse thought and the questioning of authority, but in the suppression of these principles. By embracing a wide array of perspectives and fostering a culture of critical inquiry, societies can guard against the encroachment of authoritarian tendencies and ensure a vibrant, dynamic, and free process.

“Fake Narratives” and the Battle for Truth
The proliferation of “fake narratives” by government entities represents a concerted effort to mold public perception and fortify their hold on power. These narratives, often laced with half-truths and outright falsehoods, serve to legitimize actions and policies that might otherwise be met with widespread opposition. In the battle for truth, the role of the individual in questioning and critically examining these narratives becomes paramount. Without the active engagement of a skeptical citizenry, these deceptive narratives can go unchallenged, shaping public opinion in ways that benefit those in authority at the expense of morals and values.

The pursuit of truth in this context is not just an intellectual exercise; it is an act of resistance against attempts to manipulate and control the narrative. By actively seeking out and considering diverse sources of information, individuals can counteract the influence of fake narratives. This process involves recognizing the techniques used to disseminate misinformation, such as appealing to emotions, creating false dichotomies, and relying on authoritative figures to lend credence to dubious claims.

It is in this questioning and pursuit of diverse viewpoints that society can begin to dismantle the power structures that rely on the perpetuation of fake narratives. This effort is critical not only for the preservation of values but also for the fostering of a more informed and engaged populace. In navigating the complex landscape of modern information, the ability to discern truth from falsehood becomes a crucial tool in the arsenal of those committed to upholding the ideals of accountability.

Government, Conformity, And The Resistance Against Mainstream Fake Narratives Government, Conformity, And The Resistance Against Mainstream Fake Narratives Government, Conformity, And The Resistance Against Mainstream Fake Narratives

The Consequences of Suppressing Dissent
When dissent is stifled, the ramifications permeate every layer of society, eroding the bedrock of quality principles. In an environment where questioning and criticism are met with suppression, a chilling effect takes hold, paralyzing the potential for growth and innovation. This climate of silence breeds a passive citizenry, disinclined to engage in the political process or advocate for change, thereby consolidating power in the hands of a few.

The suppression of dissent not only diminishes freedom of expression, a fundamental human right, but also jeopardizes the checks and balances essential for the healthy functioning of a community. Without the freedom to challenge governmental policies and practices, accountability diminishes, allowing for unchecked authority and the potential for systemic abuse. Such conditions pave the way for authoritarianism, where power is maintained through fear rather than respect.

Moreover, the absence of dissent stifles diversity of thought, leading to a homogenized society where innovation and creativity are casualties of conformity. The suppression of diverse voices hampers the exchange of ideas necessary for societal advancement and problem-solving. It is through the robust debate and exchange of differing viewpoints that societies find resilient and adaptive solutions to complex challenges.

Ultimately, the suppression of dissent sows the seeds of distrust and disconnection among the populace. When individuals feel their voices are unheard or irrelevant, the social fabric begins to fray, leading to alienation and a loss of communal solidarity. This disintegration of social bonds undermines the very foundations of a cohesive, dynamic, and engaged society.

Fostering a Culture of Questioning: Pathway to Critical Thinking
Cultivating an environment where inquiry is not just accepted but encouraged is vital for the development of a critically thinking society. By promoting the practice of challenging prevailing narratives, we enable individuals to engage in independent thought and rigorous examination of information. Such a culture does more than merely resist conformity; it actively propels the quest for knowledge and truth. Encouraging questioning fosters a mindset that seeks diverse viewpoints, enhancing the collective understanding and preventing the stagnation of ideas.

This approach not only bolsters morals and values but also equips people with the tools needed to navigate the complex landscape of modern information critically. In doing so, we lay the groundwork for a society that values evidence over dogma, inquiry over acceptance, and innovation over stagnation. By prioritizing these principles, we nurture a community that is resilient against misinformation and manipulation, ensuring a healthier process and a more informed, engaged populace.

Decoding the Deception: Reality of Government False Flags and Inside Jobs

In a realm where power and control often drive agendas, the line between truth and fabrication can often blur. This is especially true in the realm of government operations, where misinformation and misdirection can become strategic tools.

What are False Flags and Inside Jobs?
False Flags and Inside Jobs are secretive operations that are typically orchestrated by governments or large corporations. The intention behind these covert activities is to create a deceptive narrative that places the blame on different entities. The term ‘False Flag’ originated from an ancient naval tactic where a ship would display a flag of a different country to mislead others.

In the modern context, this refers to a covert operation designed to deceive in such a way that the activities appear as though they were carried out by another entity. Similarly, ‘Inside Jobs’ are illegal actions that are facilitated and carried out by individuals from within the organization or government itself. These operations are not officially authorized but are made possible due to the individual’s privileged position in the organization. Although these activities are illegal, they are often disguised under layers of secrecy and misinformation to serve a larger strategic objective.

Historical Overview of Government Staged Events
When it comes to examining the history of government-staged incidents, a few instances stand out. In 1933, the Reichstag Fire took place in Germany where a substantial building was deliberately set on fire. This event offered Adolf Hitler an opportunity to suspend civil rights, providing him a path to solidify his grip on power. Moving over to America, we can find Operation Northwoods, a plan proposed by the U.S. Department of Defense.

The operation involved staging acts of terrorism and pinning the blame on Cuba as a pretext to launch a military intervention. This peek into history reveals that the strategic staging of events is not new but has been a tactic used by governments in different parts of the world. It is crucial to remember these instances not as isolated incidents, but as part of a broader pattern of covert operations that have shaped the trajectory of nations.

Motives Behind Staging Such Events
The orchestration of government-staged events is typically rooted in strategic objectives. Some motives may include setting the stage for policy changes that would be controversial under normal circumstances. They may also be utilized to rally public backing for military invasions or conflicts, essentially manipulating the masses into supporting actions they may otherwise oppose.

Other times, these events can be employed to quell opposition or dissent, particularly when it threatens the status quo or those in power. A more insidious use could be to distract the public’s attention away from pressing issues that could provoke criticism or require tough decisions. Often, these deceptive operations are designed to instill fear, prompting an upsurge of nationalist sentiments.

This wave of patriotism can pave the way for governments to push forward laws or initiatives that the public might usually resist or debate. Essentially, the objective behind these operations hinges on creating a narrative that serves a greater, often hidden, agenda. The diverse range of these motives underscores the complexity of such operations and the lengths to which entities might go to achieve their objectives.

Impact on the Public and Freedom
The repercussions of government-staged events can significantly influence public perceptions and the exercise of personal freedoms. Fear is a powerful motivator, and these events often stir up a culture of apprehension and anxiety. The result is an increased acceptance of intrusive surveillance measures, justified under the guise of national security. Gradually, civil liberties may be chipped away, as people might willingly accept more restrictive policies if they believe these measures will ensure their safety.

The impact of these covert operations can ripple through generations, molding a society that is increasingly tolerant of authoritative control, all in the name of perceived security. A potent example of this is the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, which saw a rise in extensive surveillance programs and sparked the War on Terror. Decoding the deception and understanding the true implications of these staged events can empower the public to make informed decisions and protect their rights in the face of such manipulations.

Reality Of Government False Flags And Inside Jobs Reality Of Government False Flags And Inside Jobs Reality Of Government False Flags And Inside Jobs

Uncovering the Evidence and Exposing the Lies
Cracking the code of deception inherent in these operations is a task of Herculean proportions due to their clandestine nature. Nonetheless, relentless investigative journalism, disclosures by whistleblowers, and persistent public demands for transparency can sometimes bring the underlying truth to the surface. The unmasking of Operation Northwoods is a shining example of such endeavors.

A vital component of this process is approaching these probes with a well-balanced skepticism, twinned with a relentless drive to corroborate facts. The objective is to resist the seductive pull of conspiracy theories, while also being cautious of taking the official narrative at face value. The process of unearthing these covert operations is painstaking, often fraught with resistance and obfuscation.

It involves analyzing discrepancies, questioning inconsistencies, and persistently seeking answers, regardless of how elusive they may initially appear. It requires the relentless pursuit of truth, unwavering in the face of setbacks or opposition. It’s a testament to the power of public vigilance and the unwavering spirit of truth seekers. In this way, the twisted fabrications can be unraveled, illuminating the realities concealed within these intricate webs of deception.

The Need for Public Vigilance
In an era where mainstream disinformation can easily skew perceptions, public vigilance serves as a crucial countermeasure. This not only involves being aware of the existence of deceptive tactics such as false flags and inside jobs but also extends to the scrutiny of official narratives. A healthy dose of skepticism can prevent the blind acceptance of stories that seem too neatly packaged or overtly manipulative. The power lies in the hands of an informed public, serving as a formidable bulwark against potential governmental overreaches.

Such critical awareness can also foster a robust democratic society, promoting the free flow of ideas and questioning of authority. Encouraging a public culture that values truth-seeking and transparency not only illuminates the darker corners of covert operations but also upholds the tenets of an open and free society. It is through the lens of vigilance that the public can discern the truth, reject manipulation, and protect their civil liberties. In the end, public vigilance represents a potent weapon in the arsenal of democracy, empowering citizens to demand accountability and preserve the integrity of their society.

The Religion of Science – Albert Einstein #Transvestigation

When you think you’ve got the world figured out because you memorized a government created text book, you might have a problem. As your IQ drops below your level of extreme narcissism you forget to question anything you were told. Obedience and climbing the ladder become your only goal.

As you jump through hoops you fail to realize all your idols were actors on a stage. Creating your world view was easier than cooking up some easy mac and cheese. Never once did you imagine it was beneficial for them to lie and steal, as you clap for any scientific discovery from Pluto, you never saw the space ship made from tin foil.

Albert Einstein
Divine Androgyne Albert Einstein
Divine Androgyne Albert Einstein 2

Religion Of Science