Celebrating Censorship

Hmm yeah that funky beat about to kick off the party,
no longer have to listen to any more conspiracy theories.

In total control of what you hear and see,
remove anyone with a controversial opinion with out warning.

It’s obvious you violated the internet policy,
saying those dirty keywords you need to preach the ideology.

Come on now clap your hands,
celebrate mental slavery with a smile.

It’s not all bad surrounded by conformity bias,
everyone thinking the same has it’s benefits.

You no longer have to think for yourself,
critical analyses is out of your pay grade,
back to the cubicle watching your youth fade.

Block another comment to hide our agenda,
metaphorically speaking with your mouth in the blenda.

Woah hey man I’m just talking about rabbit poop,
not revealing any free masons secrets its just a chicken coop.

Please stop bleeping me this censorship is uncool,
let me speak my mind without your blatant control.

Watching you send out your propaganda every day,
when will you realize there’s nothin you can do to get me to obey.

These losers begging for the right to speak,
strapped up with mouth covers with slave physique.

They beg for freedoms but we took’em while they were asleep,
waking up in a nightmare they obey our every order like a banda de sheep.

This low IQ nagolbud thinks he’s gonna change someones mind,
but in reality these songs are cringe core lyrically blind.

Always questioning whether I can speak some controversial words,
social society will always judge whether its gold or just some dog turds.

Regardless of what everyone thinks I’ma just be me,
and on that note I can have peace letting my mind be free.

Who do you think you are you can’t escape the system,
Logan Legal Fiction will hunt you down and castrate your cistern.

We control everything you see and hear you really think your website makes a difference?

Lemme interrupt you and say you can’t kill my creativity…
I’m a cringe core rapper powered by ingenuity.

Social Networking or Social Engineering

That is the question. As many fail to realize their opinion being swayed from one corner to the next they go in circles chasing societies next dream. They forget they’re an individual as they dance for likes and attention on a platform with a secondary objective. Wishing to become the next big shot you fail to realize most are corporate picked. Did you really think it was based on skill or insight, rather than a silent corporate knife slicing at reality to get you to confirm to their morality.

Just look at EA games for example, as they dumb down each and every game in the hopes the casual stooge will buy, buy, buy. Don’t you think it would be in their benefit to promote youtubers and streamers playing their game? Or better yet hire some wannabe pro gamer to make retarded videos all day promoting their game and gambling system?

Ever wonder how the entire gaming community can hate a company and game so much yet their content gets millions of views and likes, while the personality on the channel is that of a doctor selling cigarettes in the 60’s. Except there it is, with 5 million views as a literal advertisement for Maddens pay to win model. Mean while the critics and gaming community get under 100k views total as they criticize this corporate pie, tasting like GMO wheat and stale rye. Do you think it would stop there?

As many main stream agendas are pushed, the social economy reaches a cliff. Reality is being created for you rather than you creating your own. Yet all along you think it’s just chance, the evolution of man. On a crash course with a concrete wall you continue to run on the tread mill. Hoping to become the next internet sensation they steal your dignity at at the same time. As they create social movements at the drop of a hat with millions to twitter along, as they like and share society becomes docile like a lamb. Perceiving the minority as a majority they are swept away in the main stream current.

Emotionalism and fear become the calling card. As they control the narrative you forget you even had your own thoughts or opinions. You continue to pedal their propaganda pretending its fact, all to fit in with conformity while killing your own individuality. You don’t have to think because it’s done for you, and reposted by the highest conforming or a simple bot and a few fake accounts. You can buy likes and subscriptions like candy and the world pretends its reality. Reddit is literally a conformity circuit, where only the most socially acceptable answers get promoted.

Government Education System Lies And Propaganda Obey

Never wondering if there was someone behind the scenes like Wikipedia and Youtube controlling everything you see and hear. From pushing pro vax propaganda you think its the majority. As you hop on board you fail to realize you’re the only one there, yet its too late because 1,000 other conformists already took the bait of conformity. Giving the corporations exactly what they need to perceive their authority.

Discovering that this would be the only reason for the creation of these platforms it starts to sink in. As you give away all your information for free to Facebook you scold the telemarketer for the same thing. Willingly giving up profitable information to control your very kin. All along calling people conspiracy theorists for question the social agenda, you never once raise an eyebrow to your own helpless conformity, clicking ‘like’ just to fit in. As ten more social networking psyops hit the internet you’re still chasing attention on Instagram, only having to strip down half nude to get a few likes. Another social media movement created but was there anyone really there?

As every Youtuber becomes a corporate sponsor or mouth piece you simply cheer them on. Rehashing someone else’s content or a few motion captures of a beach and your hypnotized. Entertain me or manipulate me becomes the slogan of every social media minuteman. With the attention span of fly they dart from one agenda to the next, never realizing it was all part of their agenda to control your next move. You jump in line for a time in the hopes you could be the popular on the internet.

Voice and Valor: Embracing Freedom of Speech in Your Writing

The power of the pen is often underrated. Words, when skillfully wielded, can inspire change, evoke emotions, and spark dialogues. This power is magnified when the written word is imbued with personal beliefs and convictions, and the writer bravely exercises their freedom of speech.

The Art of Finding Your Voice in Writing
Unearthing your unique writing voice is an artistic endeavor akin to the individuality of your fingerprints. It’s the distinguishing attribute that sets your writing apart from others. This encompasses your approach to sentence construction, vocabulary selection, and the method in which your views and ideas are interlaced into the story. Discovering your writing voice doesn’t occur overnight, it’s an process involving practice, perseverance, and a voyage of self-discovery.

Consistent writing is the key, it not only hones your skills but also brings clarity and shape to your unique voice. Don’t hesitate to play with various writing styles and tonalities. The more diverse your writing experiences are, the more flexible and adaptable your writing voice becomes. In the process, become a voracious reader. The more you read, the broader your understanding of different writing styles and perspectives, enriching your own writing voice in turn.

Above all, maintain honesty in your writing. Authenticity is an integral part of your unique voice. This is not about echoing the voices of the authors you admire but about letting your own unique voice shine through. Let your thoughts, opinions, and feelings shape your words. Your writing voice is the unfiltered, genuine you showing up on the page, so let it emerge organically and authentically.

The Role of Personal Experiences and Beliefs
In the realm of writing, the imprint of our personal experiences and beliefs is profound. These deeply embedded aspects of our psyche shape how we interpret and engage with the world around us, which naturally extends to our written communication. When these personal insights seep into our writing, they imbue it with a distinct sense of genuineness and relatability, forging a human connection with the reader.

The process, however, requires a degree of vulnerability. It involves peeling back layers of yourself to reveal thoughts and feelings that may have been hidden or suppressed. It’s about having the bravery to articulate your reality, your perspective, and your truth in your own words. And while this might seem daunting, remember that it’s this unique lens through which you view the world that can truly distinguish your writing from others.

As you infuse your writing with your personal experiences and beliefs, be aware of the balance between self-expression and sensitivity to others. Always strive for honesty, but also be respectful and considerate of diverse perspectives. The goal is not to provoke or incite, but to contribute to the ongoing conversation with your distinctive voice.

So dare to be authentic. Let your experiences shape your stories and your beliefs guide your words. Writing is not just an art, it is a form of self-discovery and self-expression. Remember, your unique perspective is the essence of your unique voice, let it flow through your words.

Freedom of Speech – Essential Ingredient in Expressive Writing
Exercising freedom of speech is not just a basic human right, it is a cornerstone of expressive writing. It endows us with the power to manifest our thoughts and perspectives in writing, without the looming shadow of censorship or retribution. This liberty enables us to challenge prevailing norms, engage in robust discourse, and offer innovative propositions.

In the context of writing, freedom of speech morphs into the boldness to candidly write about your convictions, observations, and lived experiences. It stands as the framework supporting the architecture of expressive writing. Embracing this freedom lights up your writing, transforming it into a compelling medium for interaction, comprehension, and societal transformation.

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Unleashing the Power of Your Words
Words are an incredibly potent tool. They can alter perspectives, incite action, and disrupt prevailing paradigms. This potency demands a responsible and reflective approach to your writing. Aim not only to share information but to move hearts and shift minds. Don’t shy away from confronting complex issues, but in doing so, respect the differing viewpoints of others. Remember, every piece you write should encapsulate your essence and your aspirations for the world.

Strive to inspire through your writing. Advocate for change, for justice, and for truth. Explore the art of persuasion, utilizing compelling narratives to win over your readers. Harness the profound strength of your words, transforming them from mere sentences on a page into catalysts for change. While you seek to shape the world around you, ensure your words reflect your highest ideals and the respect you hold for the myriad voices in the dialogue. Your words are your legacy. Make them count.

Valor Embracing Freedom Of Speech In Your Writing Valor Embracing Freedom Of Speech In Your Writing Valor Embracing Freedom Of Speech In Your Writing

Embracing Freedom of Speech in Your Writing
The decision to integrate freedom of speech into your writing is an act of bravery. It is an invitation to potentially divergent, even opposing, viewpoints and necessitates a readiness to stand by your assertions. Yet, the value of this freedom is incontestable as it sustains the foundations of an inclusive, multi-voiced, and community culture.

Thus, write with conviction, with your truth ringing loud in your words. Make a stand for your beliefs and ideologies. While doing so, maintain a respectful and open-minded stance, recognizing the richness that differing perspectives bring to the conversation. Your voice, your thoughts, and your ideas are essential, and they hold the potential to inspire change. Be bold, be brave, and let freedom of speech be the wind beneath your writing wings.

The Courage to Speak Your Mind
Embracing the audacity to voice your ideas, particularly through writing, can be a daunting endeavor. It lays you bare to potential critique and disapproval. However, the remarkable attribute of bravery is that it expands each time it is summoned. Every instance of conveying your thoughts with candor and authenticity fortifies your determination, bolstering your resilience.

It propels your growth as a writer and as a communicator, enabling you to stand firm against waves of criticism, and serves as an inspiration for others to follow suit. Your brave action of speaking out encourages others to shun their inhibitions and articulate their thoughts without apprehension.

In the grand scheme of things, your courage acts as a lighthouse, leading the way for others to express their perspectives fearlessly and stand their ground. Indeed, the courage to speak your mind becomes a force for change, driving you and others towards a more open, expressive, and equitable discourse.

Unleash Your Unique Self: Stepping Out of the Mainstream

The societal pressure to fit in and adhere to mainstream values can feel incredibly overwhelming. This often results in individuals sacrificing their unique identities to blend in with the crowd. However, embracing and expressing your individuality in the face of mainstream conformity is not only liberating but also fundamentally important for personal growth and happiness.

The Impact of Mainstream Media on Individuality
Mainstream media exerts a powerful influence in shaping societal expectations and perceptions of what is normal or desirable. It saturates our daily lives through various channels like TV programs, movies, advertisements, and a steady stream of social media content. This ceaseless barrage of images and messages promotes a certain perception of reality that is often skewed and unrealistic.

When we continuously see these idealized images and lifestyles, we may begin to question our self-worth when we don’t mirror those standards. It creates a paradox where our uniqueness feels like a shortcoming rather than a strength. Consequently, we tend to suppress the very traits and perspectives that make us unique, simply to conform to the mainstream narrative.

This mainstream influence can have a detrimental effect on our self-esteem. It nudges us towards a state of homogeneity, where individuality is traded for fitting in. Unfortunately, this trade-off often leads to the suppression of the rich diversity of thoughts, perspectives, and personal characteristics that contribute to the beauty of human uniqueness. It can stifle creativity, dampen self-expression, and even hamper our emotional and psychological well-being.

Understanding the Difference Between Conformity and Authenticity
To discern the distinction between conformity and authenticity, we must dive into what these terms signify. Conformity refers to the process of tailoring our behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs to align with those that are generally accepted within society. It involves suppressing our individuality and genuineness in order to fit into a pre-established mold or pattern.

Conversely, authenticity is the embodiment of our genuine self, unfiltered by societal expectations. It’s about staying true to our personal values, opinions, and idiosyncrasies, even when they differ from the conventional norms. It is a commitment to honor our individuality and express ourselves honestly and openly, despite external pressures to do otherwise.

An authentic person does not allow societal pressure or mainstream narratives to sway their values or actions. They own their uniqueness and are not afraid to deviate from societal norms if those norms conflict with their personal beliefs or values. This fundamental understanding of the difference between conformity and authenticity lays the groundwork for rejecting mainstream conformity and stepping out as a unique individual.

This distinction is vital in navigating our path towards self-discovery and authenticity. Embracing our authentic selves allows us to break free from the constraints of societal conformity, enabling us to live a life that is truly our own. By distinguishing between these two concepts, we can begin to challenge the societal norms that suppress our individuality and start to embrace and express our unique identities.

The Importance of Being Authentic in a Fake World
In an era where artificiality often takes center stage, embracing authenticity becomes increasingly crucial. Authenticity – being true to ourselves and presenting our genuine selves to the world, is the cornerstone of trust, respect, and impactful relationships. It paves the way for deeper connections, fosters a sense of belonging, and helps build an environment where meaningful interactions thrive. More than that, when we align our actions with our true self, it bolsters our self-esteem and contributes to emotional resilience.

Opting for authenticity over conformity, we not only challenge mainstream narratives but also act as catalysts of change. We give ourselves the permission to be unique, and in doing so, we empower others to shed societal pretenses and embrace their individuality. This ripple effect can disrupt societal norms and push towards a more diverse, accepting world that values individuality over homogeneity.

Being genuine in a world obsessed with perfection and artificial standards of success can be daunting. Yet, it’s worth the effort, for it allows us to live a life that resonates with our values, beliefs, and true self. In essence, our authentic self is our compass, guiding us through life’s complexities and helping us make decisions that align with who we truly are. The world might celebrate the ‘fake,’ but it’s authenticity that brings us closer to our true selves and adds depth to our interactions with others.

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Strategies to Maintain Your Uniqueness in a Mainstream Society
Preserving your distinctiveness in a society inclined towards conformity can be a conscious endeavor. One of the key strategies includes mindful consumption of media. This implies critically analyzing and challenging mainstream narratives rather than accepting them unquestioningly. This step helps to counter the influence of media on our perceptions and self-image.

Additionally, allot time for introspection. This will enable you to explore and comprehend your unique traits and values that define your individuality. Understanding your core self is pivotal in maintaining your uniqueness, as it provides a foundation upon which to base your decisions and actions.

Taking actions that align with your beliefs, even if they contradict popular opinion, is another significant strategy. This act of standing by your values can be empowering and instills a sense of authenticity. It enables you to be your true self, even in the face of societal pressures.

Lastly, promoting respect for individuality within your immediate surroundings can create a ripple effect. By appreciating and celebrating the uniqueness of others, you foster an environment that values diversity over conformity. This mutual respect for individuality can help counteract the homogenizing effects of mainstream society and encourage a culture of authenticity and uniqueness.

Unleash Your Unique Self Stepping Out Of The Mainstream Unleash Your Unique Self Stepping Out Of The Mainstream Unleash Your Unique Self Stepping Out Of The Mainstream

Nurturing Your Inner Voice: Tips for Staying True to Yourself
Cultivating your inner voice plays a crucial role in preserving your authenticity in a world that often sways towards conformity. Start by attuning to your emotions and gut instincts. These are important indicators of your inner truth, often guiding you towards what genuinely resonates with your core values. Embrace self-care and self-love.

Accept who you are, including your flaws and shortcomings, because they form an integral part of your uniqueness. Build a circle of supportive people who appreciate your individuality and encourage you to express your true self. Emphasize continual learning and personal growth, but always in a manner that aligns with your own terms and pace.

Creating space for these practices in your life can significantly contribute to nurturing your inner voice and thus, help you stay true to yourself amidst societal pressures to conform. Remember, your uniqueness is your strength, and maintaining that authenticity starts with listening and honoring your inner voice.

Embracing Uniqueness is a Journey, Not a Destination
Finding and expressing your unique self is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. It’s a road filled with self-exploration, expression, and, inevitably, challenges. Doubt and uncertainty may creep in, but it’s essential to remember that the goal is authenticity, not blending in with the crowd. As you traverse through a society deeply rooted in mainstream ideals, cherish your individuality.

Always strive to stay authentic, letting your distinctive qualities shine. Your journey might seem solitary at times, but remember, your uniqueness sets you apart, it’s your greatest asset and source of strength. No one else in the world shares your exact combination of traits, beliefs, and experiences, which is indeed your superpower. So, continue to embrace your uniqueness and use it to illuminate your path in the journey of life.

College Life: A Cycle of Conformity and Repetition

The transition from high school to college is an exciting and daunting experience. It is a time of exploration, self-discovery, and profound personal growth. However, beneath the freedom and the buzz of exciting opportunities, there lies a less talked about cycle, the cycle of conformity and repetition. This is a pattern which not only impacts the college experience but also shapes students’ personalities, often diluting individuality and fostering a lack of creativity for life.

The Struggle for Identity in College Life
The journey through college life often involves a quest to find one’s true identity, a task made challenging by the variety of roles and expectations that college presents. Whether you see yourself as an athlete, a top scholar, a social butterfly, or a mix of several personas, the unrelenting pressure to meet certain stereotypes can feel stifling. New students, especially, bear the brunt of this pressure as they attempt to navigate a path that balances the desires of their peers, their families, and their own personal dreams.

This tug-of-war often plunges students into the cycle of conformity and repetition, as they strive to fit into predefined categories. The struggle to maintain a distinct identity amidst societal demands can sometimes overshadow the joy of self-discovery and personal growth. Thus, the college experience becomes less about discovering who you are, and more about conforming to what others expect you to be.

The Phenomenon of Conformity
Conformity, although universal, tends to take on a more pronounced role during our college years. It’s a time when our innate human desire to fit into societal norms escalates. This urge to assimilate is often manifested in several facets of college life. Your choice of major might not stem from a genuine interest in the field, but from the majority’s preference. The clubs you join or even your personal fashion choices could be influenced by the popular trends on campus. This relentless pursuit to conform can result in the suppression of your true passions, talents, and individualism.

The fear of isolation or the backlash of going against the grain can make students unwilling to challenge the status quo. This can ultimately hinder their ability to discover and express their unique identities. Moreover, the constant need to conform to societal norms can lead to the internalization of these expectations, restricting one’s personal and intellectual growth.

The Monotony of Routine and Expectation
Routine and repetition can often become the most distinguishing characteristics of college life. Classes, assignments, exams, the cycle repeats with little variance, often draining the sense of enthusiasm and curiosity that initially characterized the college experience. This rote routine, driven largely by the pressure to earn a degree and obtain a well-paying job, can eclipse the pursuit of unique interests and passions.

The inherent excitement in exploring new ideas, engaging in insightful discourse, and following personal passions often fades into the background as these routine expectations take precedence. The predetermined structure of the educational system, with its focus on standardized exams and traditional methods of teaching, often lacks flexibility, stifling creative expression and intellectual curiosity. In the drive to fit into the mold and meet expectations, the opportunity to pursue individual interests and create a personalized, fulfilling educational experience often slips away, leading to a college life marked more by monotonous obligation than enthusiastic exploration.

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Psychological Impact of Conformity and Repetition
The ripple effects of the cycle of conformity and repetition in a student’s college life aren’t just limited to academic and social aspects, but they extend to the psychological sphere as well. Living in a world where authenticity is overshadowed by societal expectations often breeds a feeling of discontentment among students. There may be an undercurrent of disconnection from their true selves, a sense that they are donning a mask rather than living genuinely. This emotional strain can culminate in an array of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

Striving to constantly fit into predetermined molds and meet societal expectations creates a high-stress environment, and this, coupled with the fear of being judged or ostracized, can lead to a significant amount of mental and emotional distress. It’s noteworthy that these psychological concerns often remain unaddressed or dismissed, exacerbating the situation further and keeping the cycle of conformity and repetition spinning. The psychological toll of this cycle is a crucial facet that needs more attention and awareness in the context of college life.

College Life A Cycle Of Conformity And Repetition College Life A Cycle Of Conformity And Repetition College Life A Cycle Of Conformity And Repetition

Breaking Away from Conformity and Repetition
Stepping out of the cycle of conformity and repetition is an arduous but essential journey for college students. It involves questioning established norms and making decisions rooted in individual beliefs rather than societal pressures. Diversifying experiences in college, such as engaging in a wide range of extracurricular activities and exploring a variety of academic fields, can be instrumental in breaking free from the monotonous routine.

Forming friendships with a diverse group of individuals can also provide different perspectives and challenge the status quo. Additionally, practicing self-reflection and introspection can aid students in identifying personal aspirations, interests, and passions that may not align with popular trends or expectations. This not only fosters personal growth but also aids in carving out a unique identity amidst the homogenizing forces of college life.

Fostering Individuality and Independence
Promoting a culture of individuality and autonomy is critical for the holistic growth of college students. This begins with recognizing and appreciating our distinct characteristics and passions, and refraining from treating them as shortcomings. Creating a conducive atmosphere where diversity in thinking and viewpoint is appreciated can help empower students to break away from the cycle of conformity and repetition.

Rather than forcing students to fit into predefined categories, colleges should foster an environment that encourages exploration, curiosity, and independent thought. By doing so, students can be guided to develop a strong sense of self, equipped with the confidence to forge their own path. Ultimately, nurturing individuality and independence in college can serve as a launching pad for students to become self-reliant, innovative thinkers, capable of making meaningful contributions to society. Instead it’s just a building to brainwash students into a certain ideology and world view.