Stop Taking Vacations and Start Traveling

The cliche thing to do now-a-days is travel. To book a cheap flight somewhere, fly there, spend a couple days or week there. Then fly home. This however is not what I would consider traveling. Perhaps a short vacation but traveling requires a bit more of an investment. A bit more time. Traveling is something you do when you’re not sure of the exact destination but you’re going for the adventure itself. You might need to fly over the ocean or something to save 3 months boat travel but maybe hitch hiking, taking a bus, or renting a car would be a bit more of an adventure. Most people work an entire year and take this one to two week vacation and call it traveling.

Now, there is nothing wrong with taking a vacation. Vacations are great. You recharge your battery, get away from work, and maybe even a tan. What I am proposing however is that you are missing out by going on vacations, rather than traveling. Instead of just recharging your battery to go back to another year of work why not save up for a few years and go on a year long vacation. Why not travel for several months at a time with no destination? It can sound scary. Quitting your job, moving your things into storage, or having someone watch the house but in reality there are other jobs out there. You can always find another employer especially with the experience of traveling abroad!

The benefits of traveling over a simple vacation are endless, from personal growth, confidence, and opening your eyes to the realities of the world outside what the media tells you. Most people are very sheltered on their cliche vacations hiding behind the illusion of fancy hotels and beach front condos. How much can you really grow looking at the ocean from the 35th floor of a luxury hotel? How much can you really grow flying over three countries to get there? How much can you really learn about yourself sitting in an airplane seat staring at the clouds?

See the reality is people have been sold this silly idea of vacations. It’s expensive, short, and the same every year. For the amount you spent to stay at a luxury hotel in Miami or Key West you could have hitch hiked to Panama and lived there for six months. Which one is going to bring new experiences? Which one is going to teach you about life and yourself? Which one is going to be riddled with adventures and meeting new people?

I can’t tell you the number of experiences and people I have met in my travels. Looking back on the vacations and family vacations I took this still happened but in such a low number. The percentages are hardly comparable. I’ve met hundreds and thousands of new people throughout my travels. With new stories, ideas, and perceptions of the world around them. From family ideals and philosophy to hobbies and learning new skills.

When you take the time to travel you meet the local farmer, the local hammock maker, the tortilla seller, you hear their stories, their adventures. Along the way you find private beaches and lagoons that you never would have found as a tourist. You meet locals, enjoy local foods, and get to know real people living real lives. Are you going to get this experience at Senor Frogs? Are you going to get that sort of knowledge on a cruise ship?

Traveling On A Budget
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Another aspect of traveling is the therapeutic aw’ness of it all. Having the time to enjoy new environments and explore the things you wish you had the time to explore when you were on a short week long vacation. Not having to worry about a business meeting or getting to work on time with the right shirt on only to deal with some rude disrespectful costumer.

The reality is some of the most peaceful moments in my life have been sitting in the grass, leaning up against my backpack, scratching my dogs belly as we waited for a ride. On a cool summer night I could have laid their for hours, watching the sun go down and thinking to myself, “well I don’t mind if I do”. As I take a short nap.

The reality is traveling offers so much more to the soul of anyone doing it. The peace and joy associated with all of it. People offering food to me or my dog. Offering us rides or even a place to stay. All in the name of good conversation. None of these people would have been in my life if I simply flew to my destination.

None of these experiences would flow through my memory if I had just taken another vacation, another year of working 9-5, and another year of daily boredom at what my life had become. Traveling will change your perspective on life forever. It will change how you see people, and yourself. You’ll learn more about yourself the first night out there than 18 years of public school and college.

When it comes down to it the only thing that stops you from traveling over a vacation, is your mindset. Traveling is by far much cheaper. From hitch hiking, tents in campgrounds to campers and couch surfing, there are ways to travel extremely cheap. You could probably spend an entire month in Mexico for the price of one night at a luxury hotel. These are realities. It’s not the money, it’s not the time, it’s not your job, it’s only your mind set.

I Love You Little Buddy

You were my shadow for over 12 years, and what a blessing it’s been.
All the laughs and smiles you constructed out of thin air.
Your sense of adventure and love bound with intelligence will never be forgotten.
As I try to wash away the pain with bleach and the mop, I notice your blood still staining the floor.
You were a warrior to the very end and even in your final moments you were willing to follow.
Your gentle eyes along with never ending love and affection can attest to your story.

Vamos Ace!

Ready To Go

Ace'S Friend The Pig

Ace And Robin Hood

Enjoying The Breeze

Enjoying The Breeze

Nap With Nagolbud

Nagolbud'S Dog

Why Men Chase Female Validation and Attention

Female validation can be an extremely positive and uplifting thing for a man when used in the correct context. A big hug from a loving grandma or mother can be amazing. However, the majority of the time I see women using it as bait to hook victims and begin to play with their emotions. Many women know how powerful their validation is and use it for their own benefit rather than for the man or boy.

This behavior is often times learned as a child. The young boy grows up with a mother who does exactly this. She uses her validation, time, and energy as cookies for the unsuspecting child. Abruptly cutting off this validation leaves the child in a state of confusion and terror as they try to grasp why their mother no longer gives them any attention. The mother is usually doing this to create an unhealthy dependency from the child onto her. Like locking down a victim for future infinite narcissistic supply.

If there are many children they will be used as pawn in this game of female validation. Like clock work the mother will rotate the children dealing out psychological trauma to each one as she builds her army of supply wagons. Young girls see their mother doing this to not only the children, but the husband and father as well. She starts to see how she can use her attention and validation to get what she wants rather than supporting her siblings and father. She begins having temper tantrums, pouting, and acting like a princess to get her way. This is all learned behavior.

The father has already been beaten down for the last 25 years so he is no match of defense for the children so the games continue. For years and years attention and female validation are used as a whipping stick for control and the mothers own personal need for attention and drama. Young boys are left in a psychological thunderstorm as they try to figure out why they feel the need to chase this validation.

How People Manipulate You
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Wondering why their mom doesn’t actually give a shit about them at all. This all carries over into dating and relationships obviously, along with a mess of other psychological issues that can cause self destruction and rage without dealing with it personally.

Often times young men are trained to be wild dogs on the hunt for this validation. As boys, they are caught in the crossfire of their own moms hunt for narcissistic supply. They have been in so many situations where the love, validation, and attention was cut off without notice. A young boy left to wonder why his mother only loves him when it’s convenient or when it suites her needs. He begins chasing this validation. Trying harder and harder to get his mothers attention only to fall short.

Men find them selves chasing this same validation in the dating game. They try and try and it never seems good enough. They chase this validation wondering why their wife, girlfriend, or date doesn’t care about them at all. It’s the same cycle repeating itself. Men chase girl after girl trying to find this validation that never seems to reveal itself. Often times these same princesses carry out the same tricks your mother used creating an easy cycle of abuse.

If Feminists Controlled Board Games

They will lie, manipulate, monkey branch, and do anything they can to get you completely hooked on their validation and attention. Like they are the only cook in the world and you’d starve without them. This is their goal. To have you crawling back time after time for a small cookie. This leaves you hooked in their world. It leaves you chasing their dreams and desires. It robs you of your own personality, soul, and life as you chase this validation.

Looking at your own child hood and self reflecting on it can have an enormous impact on how you view dating and women in general. Seeing the games and tricks they use keeps it from effecting you as much as it could if you were still chasing that validation in full force. Break the cycle and start validating yourself through personal growth and hobbies. Don’t allow these women to carry out the same cycle of abuse your parents did, and start your own personal journey without needing their validation in any way.

Disagreeability Unwavering Against the Constant Chant of Conformity

The atrocity of vaccine injuries, fake viruses, low IQ plandemics, and the cucked ass mouth diapers, but one thing people failed to pick up on were these temperature guns and machines waiting outside every store or travel station. From airport to Arbys these machines awaited your arrival so that you could be scanned, unaware of the central banks digital currency about to role out through your skin. Everyone knows coronavirus can spread through trees, bees, and even the breeze. What happens when it can spread through paper money and bypass the credit card fees. Removing hand to hand transactions and all it takes is a little incision between the eyes, 01010011 01110101 01100011 01100011 01100101 01110011 01110011, let me scan that CBDC brain wave chip little man.

Mark Of The Beast

My body my choice only applies to the club 304 feminists, regardless of your social credit score and digital brownie points on Reddit. Stepping up to the AI temperature reading machine, searching frantically for your vaccine passport and a letter of your travel’s importance. Stamped and approved by the robo cop judge, security allows you to enter the local Walmart. Never questioning a thing as the prices of bread have doubled since packaging requires a few baths in anti bacterial fungicide herbicidal genocide.

Coronavirus Death GunNew World Order

Standing in line to deepthroat a nurses medical swab just to ride the bus back home, if you resist society claims you’re going to kill another thousand NPCs high on the media’s kool aid. Told to pump your body full of six more booster shots and you might be able to live through the current zombie apocalypse, meanwhile censorship cuts off all blood to the brain. Wrapped up tight in a blanket of emotional bias unable to see behind the curtain as you jiggle around like a wooden puppet on stage.

Onlyfans Girls Love CoronavirusCovid 19 Mask

Yes sir yes maam, what else can we do to appease society’s illusionistic ideologistic conforministic soul sucking regime. Better to get in line now so the system knows who’s obedient to demands regardless of how ridiculous they are. Let’s all pretend that wearing surgical masks will save us from the zombies bite while being fed through chemically infused veins. CDC and big pharma laughing all the way to their new central bank digital currency account. Watching the numbers fly through the roof as they high five to the realization that vaccine injury lawsuits only equal a fraction of the profit. What if I can’t conform to their cult like agenda you might ask?

Exiled from the system as you try to survive, life only gets harder when you deny the psychological operations and attacks on thought waves. “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” – Revelation 13:17-18

Millions willing to cull you for the sake of the medias collective medical mindset. The grindset of same think herding souls in search of acceptance as they go along with the narrative unable to question themselves. Skeptics constantly targeted for questioning the rats and snakes selling poison, cancelled and removed from any social platform for expressing concerns for the fellow citizen.

Forced Vaccines

Not only do they hate you for it but many willing to snitch you out to the local government, asking you to get a mobile app tracking program on your where abouts. Friends become enemies over a fake virus that never existed, chased down by soy boys in gas masks willing to take your freedom in return for perceived illusions of safety with a deposit to their CBDC crypto digital douche wallet. Like a narcissist’s delusions of grandiosity their new age of power has turned them into Hitler 3.0, why use chemical warfare when your subjects are willingly injecting over fear.

Addicted to the opinion of experts, many have no clue they’re being played by paid actors promoting an agenda, parroting cognitive dissonance as they drop canisters of gas lighting. Look man I just needed to buy a few things at the grocery store.. Turning to the black market just to buy a few eggs and oranges without partaking in the chipped up experiment of anti biblical nonsense. Unable to stare down the barrel of another temperature gun rebreathing my stank breath over and over again. Wishing I could just pay the water bill without the threat of arrest because I can’t conform with this normie larp fest.

Nagolpilled Nagolbud Nagolpiller

As the IRL predictive programming continues to crank up it becomes easier and easier to see how they plan to make their agenda effective. Riding the fence only guarantees two things, a sore ass and great view of the apocalyptic destruction of everything you love. Resistance, revolution, a life of depressive misery, it all comes down to who you will choose to be.. puppet, muppet, or a nagolpilled exile..


Dont Be Hitler

People That Correct You’re Grammar

Whenever you find someone correcting the grammar of others, rest assured they are the ultimate goblin. They have nothing real to say, nor do they have any idea about the subject at hand, but they feel the need to inject they’re narcissism into the conversation by correcting a typo or a dyslexic mistake typing in their instead of there or they’re. Or perhaps you added a h when you simply meant were. Most intelligent people can figure out what you where trying to say and understand no one is perfect. However, these low level troll narcissists think they’re grammar correction gives them a place of moral superiority.

Of course dude, let me retype my entire message on a cell phone because I misclicked auto correct and it changed the word from thier to they’re because I have big hands and a small phone. Let me retype this entire conversation because I made a misclick just to appease the grammar goblin. Let me spend even more time on social media spell checking and re-wording a post to appease the masses. You’re so smart because you used the proper their in a social media post when the browser has spell check built in, you’are like the narcissistic gremlin goblin of perfect grammar and speaking to the world. You should be a professor on grammar policing and run seminars at the local community college.

These people pretend that just because you typed in the wrong word that literally sounds the same and has similar meaning, completely negates everything you’ve said. Miss a comma in a 25 page fact based study? That missing comma now negates the entire report and all studies in the eyes of the grammar goblin. Usually these types have no real cognitive function or ability to critically think outside there media created opinion so they have to find a way to emotionally remove what you’ve said making you into the “idiot” that can’t use ingles grammar properly.

It’s as if their narcissistic bubble doesn’t expand outside they’re view, they can’t fathom the idea people in other parts of the world don’t speak there (last one) babylon english language. That these people attempting to speak english to communicate their ideas don’t spend 20 years in government schools having grammar policies pounded into their skulls. When you really think about it grammar goblins display their lack of intelligence every time they correct grammar rather than addressing the statement or concern by the other person. A type of manipulation to puff up their head as they take the moral high ground beating you with a club.

Government Education System Lies And Propaganda Obey

Similar to the movie Gremlins, once these fiends find a spelling mistake they turn into a monster. They will devour and kill any statement, idea, and anyone in their path all in the name of proper grammar. Do thou art realize that the english language itself has many variations? That thou may spell a word in many ways and still be considered proper english, when the same grammar goblin is using abbreviations like LOL and LMAO they sit around correcting others not even understanding the basis of the english language on any level.

Most grammar goblins would scoff as they hither, wondering why the weir is overflowing, hoping to find a withy to replace the lost stick. They’d jump on their trumpets of grammar forswear, as their face wizened they’d hold up their trumpery, wondering why their brodor doesn’t even associate. They’d look to the left, then the riht, wondering why their grammar focus has become the norm, pushing away any intelligent conversation as they ride away on their high horse.

The motive for these goblins remains the same, their ego and pride can’t handle the truth that was revealed so the only option is to fight dirty. Finding any and all mistakes in the relayed information so the messenger feels stupid when in reality they hold the heavy weight belt. These grammar goblins have nothing of value to offer though, and don’t forget that.