The Bible is NOT Demanding

Many times atheists and religious make the claim that you have to live up to the law from the Bible in order to be a believer. They make this claim of course out of thin air, based on no scripture or even a logical reason. The reality is the Bible teaches the exact opposite.

Many people make the mistake of thinking the law is a list of demands from God to people. Don’t steal, don’t rob, don’t fornicate, ect. If you don’t live up to this standard you are not a believer and you are headed to hell. This is what religion teaches, a works based salvation. Even buddhism and atheism are works based religions. The atheist believes if he goes to school, gets a degree, gets a good job, invests, he should get his salvation “retirement” when he’s 60+.

The problem is this is not what the Bible teaches. AT ALL. The entire reason God put the commandments and law in the old testament is to show us we can not live up to a basic human moral code. On top of that, God’s standards for perfection and holiness aren’t the same as ours. If we can’t meet basic human moral code requirements, how could we ever reach God’s standards?

This is why it’s in the old testament. To show you that you can’t do it. That if you are left up to your own decisions you make terrible ones. When you rely on your own understanding you do stupid things. If Tom Leykis would have waited for marriage maybe he wouldn’t have had to suffer 4-5 divorces and years of time wasted. It wasn’t a demand that Tom not fornicate. Rather a warning to what happens when you do. I find it awfully contradicting Tom warns men about marriage and women yet bashes the Bible for exactly the same thing. Tom is more condescending towards people that don’t follow his “rules” as well.

Another example is STD’s, or bad pregnancy, or abortion, ect. The list goes on and on. If you didn’t have sex before marriage with some random girl abortion wouldn’t even be a topic. You wouldn’t have that STD that required a prescription or cream to remove. You weren’t forced into a bad marriage by having a baby. God isn’t demanding you not fornicate, he is warning you as to what happens in most cases when you do.

If God knows our hearts and desires he knows we are quite evil. We live in a fallen world cloaked by our own sin. He knows we love to have sex with young women and will do many things to get it. He knows boobs turn us on. He knows women use these things to destroy men. He knows there are some good submissive women out there. He knows you like getting a blow job while drinking scotch with your ankles tied together and Ron watching with a video camera. He knows all of this. Why would he create a list of demands knowing you can’t meet them?

This becomes the obvious truth. That the law is in place not to live up to, rather to show us we can’t do it. Not only does He show us this in the Bible, but our own actions prove it time after time. I have believed in Jesus Christ for 5 years now. I still sin daily. Certain things I wish I could stop but lust and pride are far too powerful for me to control. Once I can admit this and self reflect upon it the truth really come out. That you can’t do it. That you do require help.

Faith Alone Born Again Bible Believer

Leaning on other humans will put you in an even worse position. You will be used and abused for profit and societal gain. This is why God had a plan all along. He knew our hearts, he knows our intentions, he knows our thoughts. He created a plan of salvation for even the worst of the worst. Jesus Christ was God in the flesh. He proved it by the death burial and resurrection. His miracles. His blood being shed was literal payment for our debt. Our sin. It wasn’t the blood of a prophet or buddha, it was God in the flesh. This blood was a payment for your sin, past, present, and future.

This means all sin. Future sin. Past sin. And RIGHT NOW sin. When you believe in Jesus Christ you are saved by faith. You are born again. Your flesh is still just as sinful as it has always been, but now you are cloaked in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Not your good deeds or actions. On judgement day you are saved by what Jesus Christ did, not what you did. Salvation is a free gift and no religion can offer anything similar. The reality is religious people killed Jesus Christ.

Many religious people like to take advantage of this too. They use these “demands” from the Bible to make demands upon people. Like the Pope and government. Like the Pope and taxes and tithes. Like the Pope and the crusades. Like the Pope and the inquisition. Like the Pope and the Bible burnings. All through history the Vatican aka Pagan priest class, has been using the ruse of Christianity to destroy faith in Jesus Christ and truth. They have invented fairy tales like evolution, pushed corporations off as governments, murdered millions by financing both sides of every war for hundreds of years.

In retrospect this is one of the biggest lies in history. That the Bible is making demands upon anyone. The truth of salvation and Jesus Christ sets you free from this. It doesn’t make demands. The truth is though I’d rather follow his demands than my own commands. The decisions in my life have lead me down so many dark paths of self destruction and sabotage. The small decisions have lead to larger ones that continued to leave me in a state of self delusion or reflection.

These phrases and quips are all part of the bigger lie to destroy you as a human being. To turn you into a working zombie debt slave progressing the Vatican’s agenda of a one world government, religion, and world view. These silly world views are literally created for you.

Individualism is the greatest weapon against control and distinguishing yourself from the pack is the starting point for your own adventure and growth. Individualism is not taught in schools, it’s not taught in colleges, and you certainly won’t learn it at a corporation. Individualism is something only you can teach yourself by standing up in the face of a society that shuns truth. The reality is, you only have two real choices in life: whether or not to get off your knees and whether or not to believe in Jesus Christ.

Geneva Bible
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Drugs Never Let Go

To cut the effects of your drug of the night, a cup of water and lime should suffice. Whether it be crack cocaine, heroin, cigarettes, prescription pills, or Instagram. You might be reading this high as a kite or as low as some bottom dwelling ocean creature but just know there is a tomorrow. Another opportunity. Of course its much easier to run to the dealer and grab some more, but you’ll be back here reading this article the next day, just a bit more poor.

It starts with your mentality. Are you going to fight for survival or submit and use the back door. As exhaustion and hunger set in you search for anything you can eat before your reality turns off. You can choose to forget what you really thought right now and continue living in your black market habitat. In a few days however you’ll be searching for a way to make it stop again.

The side effect of fighting for survival will include depression and anxiety, along with some other frightening halloween nights. Don’t look at it as a negative though because in reality it’s just another opportunity in disguise. Even if your bank account is rock bottom and your make up is smeared you could always just go for a run. Hop on your bike and pedal until you can’t feel your bum. Jump in a boat and row until your capsized on an island with only a few coconuts and crabs.

This is your opportunity to go anywhere you want. To be the person you want to be. You just have to be willing to fight. Willing to call out to Jesus Christ in a prayer. Some stubbornness always helps as you get into the ring for a boxing match against yourself, but that can be acquired as you repeat to yourself, NO! No more!

It can seem impossible to say no to depression after coming down but you don’t have to let that be a negative as society would have you believe. You can use your depression as motivation to chase and fight for your survival. In your hunt for a new hobby or career, depression can actually be a good thing. If you’re honest with yourself you can root out the source and chase it down with a big ninja sword.

Use your depression as the foundation to build your new career or hobby, your new direction for life. It’s a good thing to feel depression. It means your alive. You’re not numb to this world but rather hurting from where it’s left you. Don’t stop with the foundation but continue to create and construct. When you look back you’ll realize how strong and smart you’ve become.

And always remember it’s impossible to do drugs if you’re running, pedaling, or rowing while shouting NO MORE!

Geneva Bible
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Social Media Celebrities

I haven’t had Instagram but a couple months and it’s already obvious how thirsty these new age women are. Begging for attention, likes, and follows they are willing to put in hard labor just for the idea of being social media famous. Posting naked picture after picture in hopes of achieving that “status” of celebrity, when in reality the term celebrity is quite meaningless in the illusion of society for everyone but the yuppies.

Especially in today’s age, where there is 500+ social media websites with millions of people thinking they are celebrities because they entertain random internet people. On twitch people think they are famous because they babysit a bunch of little kids. On Instagram everyone’s a celebrity singer, model, actress. Facebook has the most famous political speakers in all of history. You get the idea.

These people live in a bubble where they think they are actually celebrities. Their narcissism in full swing. Half the time it’s obvious they paid for followers anyway while fronting their “status”. If I saw Pew Die Pie in the street I wouldn’t even recognize him yet these people fronting like they are celebrities for a few videos on YouTube. Give me a break.

It cost less than $10 to purchase 500 followers on most social networks and even YouTube subscriptions is quite cheap. It’s not hard to purchase status and to run in the hamster wheel trying to achieve status or popularity as your life goal is quite pathetic. At the end of the day no one is going to remember your user name or the picture perfect photos you posted in the same filter and Snapchat face as everyone else.

Narcissistic Bubble

The entire concept of of chasing status leaves people as empty voids and zombies gurgling for their next meal. Some of these girls will literally like and follow hundreds of dudes a day and wait for the “follow back”. Once receiving they swiftly unfollow and move on to the next.

It’s really quite pathetic what these people are willing do to just to achieve the illusion of popularity. Like they are still in high school with their mentality hoping they can be the most popular cheerleader in school. They will send messages and pretend to care just fishing for that follow.

They will post butt picture after butt picture in hopes of a few followers and attention. These are the same girls you see in the streets with their eyes glued to their phone. Unable to have a regular real life conversation without staring at the ground awkwardly or acting like a crazy attention *****. Social skills of any kind have been lost with the illusion of social media celebrities.

Artificial Attention

I laugh quite often at the fact that people without social media, or for example, Instagram, have no idea who this “singer, actress, model” is yet they act like celebrities. Wait, who are you again? Haha. They have such an inflated ego when it’s based on nothing at all. They pretend they have accomplished something spectacular because they have $30 worth of followers chasing them for attention. The reality remains the same, outside your bubble you’re just like everyone else. Deal with it.

We Were All Blue Pill at One Time

Humility is a difficult concept to understand. Even once you understand it the principles you’ve learned can be swept under the rug in a heart beat letting your pride take the drivers seat. We’re all guilty of this on different levels and reminding yourself of where you came from will always bring you back down to reality.

No matter how monk you are, no matter how MGTOW, we were all blue pill at some point in our life. For most of us is was a large portion of our life that we were blue pill. Some men take 40 years to figure it out. Others learn more quickly from others mistakes or their own. The reality remains the same though, we were all blue pill at some time in our life. We were that poor sucker SIMP who tried to make our girl happy. Who tried to do more and more to get her approval. We were that guy.

Pride can be a dangerous weapon. It leads to poor decision making and aggressive behavior. Unfounded aggression and unrealistic conversation become the norm for someone letting their pride run their life. When someone forgets where they came from or what made them the person they are today it’s easy to go into this mode. When you forget all the mistakes and stupid things you did for a women it’s easy to repeat those mistakes while thinking you’re not.

It’s a deep cycle that lends itself to the collapse of true conversation and learning. When you’re pride is in the drivers seat it’s almost impossible to explore and learn new concepts. To put aside old belief systems that obviously don’t work. To take the time to discover what the truth is behind the system.

How People Manipulate You
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Most men know an awful lot about female nature, but do they know where female nature came from? Do they really understand the underlining principles of “female nature” that seems to be global and historically un-ending. All the way back to the garden it seems the serpent has used “women’s rights and feminist” to lure the women away from her role and turning her against it.

When you cast aside your pride while looking at your own past walking down the blue brick road it’s easy to bring yourself back down to earth. You don’t feel the need to attack new members of MGTOW because they aren’t the perfect example following all the laws of MGTOW. You don’t feel the need to attack new ideas and concepts presented by other MGTOW. There’s peace in your heart as you look around and realize you were just as blue pill as this guy, if not worse!

A lot of men get on their high horse and lord around their personal accomplishments as if it’s a badge of honor. It’s not. It’s pride. Step back and really look at yourself and how blue pill you were in your life. Be honest with yourself and stop putting on a masculine show, egg heading with other men that might understand things a bit better than you. Unfortunately with pride goggles on it’s hard to see anything clearly.

Natural Food the EASY Way

When we look at our modern day lifestyle it’s easy to poke holes in the sustainability of it. 99% of people have no idea how to generate their own food, let alone the work or tools required to do so. The problem with this is the mentality that one of the most required substances on the planet is being hand fed to you by corporations. In most cases they have proven to give little care at the health of their products while the generate profits.

This is a double edged sword and not having the knowledge or tools to create your own food can be devastating as proven by history. In many cases I was surprised to find out that raising my own or buying natural products from local farms was actually far cheaper than buying the corporate made crap.

When I first started raising my own animals I had the mentality that the only way to do it was to raise it yourself but the reality is I could trade some of my other skills or time for their product. I wouldn’t need to raise goats or cows if I could find the product I wanted. Purchasing raw milk from a local ranch turned out to actually be much cheaper than store bought milk and far healthier. The taste alone is amazing but what really blew me away is the fact it was only 70% of the price of store bought milk. Real natural food was often cheaper than store bought in many ways.

When it comes to raising animals yourself there are quite a few that require little to no time and almost no investment. From free eggs to rabbit stew it’s quite possible to provide you and your family with natural food almost all year and the only thing required is a change in mindset. The thought process of doing it yourself rather than relying on government, a corporation, or anyone else for YOUR families food and health.

Self Sufficiency Mini Farming
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I can’t imagine being a father in the great depression, unable to find work, unable to create food, watching my family suffer. When the reality is with a little effort we could have been eating eggs, fresh rabbit, quail, and more as we traded extras to other farmers.

I’ve heard people say, well yeah but you need a chicken coop, or fencing, or this, or that… and the truth is you don’t really need those things. There are ways around it, or within that change of mindset, you can realize that these items you need are free, laying all over the place. I recently turned a broken refrigerator into a chicken coop and it works amazingly. It’s even insulated with a rooster or egg box! How much? Free!!! I simply cut out some wood branches as perches and slid them in where the shelves used to rest. I simply sweep it out with an old broom and it’s good to good.

Raising rabbits in cages is quite do-able almost anywhere in the world. As long as they have some shade, food, and water they are good to go. Another alternative to this, if you have some land, is free range rabbits. When provided habitat including food and shelter they will surely stick around and breed out.

Government Hates Free Food

You will have completely free food in a matter of years all at little to no expense from you. Creating a habitat for free range rabbits also benefits local wildlife as well as any free range game birds you raise. I have had wild pheasants come in and live near my chickens and actually mate with them.

The benefits of raising them natural is quite obvious. Nutrient dense food at little to no cost. Eating raw real food completely changed my health and my reliance on corporations and government. There are endless benefits to this from your pocket book and bank account to your families health. I find it crazy it’s literally illegal to “sell” raw milk in the USA. I could even fight news articles of the government raiding farms for selling it.

I have been drinking it for several months now and feel amazing when I drink it. It taste amazing, I feel the benefits. There is a very evil reason why this has been banned in the USA and why I’m thankful Mexico offers it for 10 pesos a liter. That’s right, been drinking Mexican raw milk for almost a year now and my teeth are white as snow, my bones are of steel, and my stomach problems have all but disappeared. My next project, fish in giant water tanks!