2D to 3D to Big D

In general, I get pretty excited seeing peoples art and creativity in whatever form they choose to express it in. Many talented humans with their own niche hobbies of dedication and growth willing to share their inner most thoughts, desires, or stories. Getting better each time their brush paints some rhymes or sucking you into their book with some story intertwined. Like a time machine blasting you into the past or exploring a dystopian overlord future where robots and Satanists are using magic to send spells through your television set.

To my surprise, it’s doubley exciting to see this artform take on a Nagolpilled extension of the character’s mindset. It all started with one gamertag and a profile pic. It’s as simple as reading it backwards to dub the name of an OG Halo 2 video gamer king. Dropping out of high school for various reasons I was too young for a workers permit, so I had a year to climb the leaderboards and become a goober gun battle rifle nightmare.

Halo 2 Multiplayer

Gaming became my escape to a creatable atmosphere of manosphere comradery where friends could be silly and goof around without society calling the police. When reality went from school hunting clubs to kids hiding under their desk because of some false flag school shooting events.

Unable to build a shed or go fishing without the governments permission, and even then harassed by some Karens for catching a fish dinner. Spinning in circles men have no idea where their creativity is allowed to flourish. Hiding in the man cave like a bear in hibernation, the system doesn’t like it when they unleash their masculine expressions of joy inside hobbies.

When allowed to chase our thoughts it creates positive additions to the community, whether online or offline it doesn’t really matter. Taxes is in place to rob you of this creativity, stuck in the repetitive 9-5 mindset watching the daily dose of its programming. Whether fear or humor, like a porn addiction your meat is red and swollen. Brain unable to handle the millions of tickles from conformities tentacles as you’re overloaded like a circuit breaker.

Nagolbud 2D

But what do I know I’m just a high school drop out with 7 years of college under his belt. Never even got a degree but ended it all by starting my first company, just some neckbeard living in Mexico ranting and raving on the internet. Smoking weed at the beach staring up at the moon from a bowl earth, as society swirls around like a turd of left vs right political paradigms headed out to the septic tank.

Nagolbud 3D

Time to embrace your inner troll and forgot about social norms, let your mind find the beat to your dreams and ignore what the normies think regardless of social media points. Turn off the Andrew Tate freemason shill loopset and design your personalized sigma male grindset. Unfollow the thots on TikTok and start twerking to your own drum line, where lust doesn’t control your thought process.

Better to teach yourself some new hobbies and adventure out of the narcissism bubble. Think outside the box and you’ll find value in something you never knew could have even existed and all it took was a little imagination to get there. Cutting off limbs of society’s Kraken monster as you explore avenues of an art you excel at, smiling at the hardships doubling your hitpoints with a stamina upgrade.

Nagolbud Nude Exposed Nagolbud Outfit

Never letting someone knock you off your horse, keep riding to freedom with your sword and shield ready for battle. Willing to sacrifice temporary pleasure to hunt the demons haunting the doubts surrounding your goals. Increasing in skill you’ll start to see improvement in the success of your plan, adding points to wisdom and strength go hand in hand. Unlike a video game, Gods the one giving out the quests to test your character, don’t worry if you make a mistake though, doesn’t mean it’s game over.

Coming back to life only to watch the world burning down can be a difficult thing to overcome. Sometimes redpill rage and coping became part of the daily routine. Alcohol or drugs can seep into your compost pile, destroying all the beneficial bacteria you’ve been farming for growth. Better to keep it clean and just smoke some homegrown green, mixing animal manure back in, the best happens to be rabbit poop.

Nagolpilled Nagolbud 2 Nagolpilled Nagolbud

Planting seeds and watching it grow like soldiers standing strong ready to take on the world, even after a storm the flowers come out to shower in some rays of sunshine. Ideas start to foment as old habits die off like weeds as you pull them one by one from the garden soil. Grabbing the bucket to harvest the fruits of your labor, throwing the scraps to the chickens for an organic backyard feast.

A step in the right direction as you become more self reliant with no fear of the current political psyop provisions. Throwing out your portions of the statist delusion to build a high quality homestead, looking back at the main stream societal circus scratching your head. By fate or providence you have found yourself reading this article wondering what path in life you’ll stumble down. At the end of the day it really doesn’t matter as long as your machetes sharp and you’re prepared for the adventure.

Just think about where you’re sitting right now..

Nagolpilled Nagolbud Nagolpiller

Individualism is the Fertilizer

It’s easy for men to get stuck inside the gerbil ball of the red pill loop. Seeing video after video of women acting like narcissists while abusing men can leave your mind tainted with hate. Another politician pocketing your taxes as they destroy the homeland’s heartbeat. As the truth movement slides into sociopathy they parrot emotional psychological operations with a voice that carries no weight. One thing I never understood about MGTOW is how they bash women constantly while claiming to go their own way, some strange beta male obsession with trying to change modern day female nature.

I’ll admit, when I first starting realizing that many modern women are quite cruel and heartless it made me angry. Understanding each relationship and pain suffered because of the trust placed in a women that took advantage of me. Watching society turn politicians into heroes as they robbed them behind the scenes. Young men being sent off to war to fight for the collection of some corporation’s resources and profit.

The same feelings of anger and disdain spread over all aspects of red pill rage. The truth is though, it was a part of me becoming a man. I was wasting way to much time chasing women (even if I got them). Worrying about relationships and if she was cheating, all for my fears to come true. Thinking I could wake up the world to the reality of satanic pedophile elite as they cling to their pride. It was all a waste of time as the world sees what it wants too, hiding behind labels of self defeat.

But what if I had been putting all that time into growing my business or building real networks that would benefit me and my community for years to come. What if I spent all that time practicing a new hobby and becoming an expert at it. What if I stepped outside of society and operated on my own terms to build myself as an individualist, free to think however I please.

That’s where growth and discipline come into play. By making those mistakes and learning from them I was able to find out what was truly important in my life and start focusing on it. To step away from the emotional control arms of the matrix’s spiders and find out who I really was.

The rage and imitation inside the red pill community is what keeps it from growing. When you try and copy another man or put him on a pedestal you’re simply replacing your need for validation from a women onto a man. Or turning a politician into a god as you clap away to the consent of your own community being enslaved.

Militarized police patting you on the shoulder saying ‘good boy’. Spending thousands on MGTOW alpha man’s courses and guru eBooks never taking growth into your own hands. Never picking up a book yourself and reading, a new hobby or daily discipline. The reality is men need to take this emotional rage and turn it into logical direction. Regardless of who’s flinging shit you need to be able to hold up the shield.

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No one is going to be able to tell you exactly what you need to hear to motivate you, only you know where that motivation can come from based on your own stories. If you reject Jesus Christ there certainly ain’t anyone else coming to save you. Yet, imagine rejecting Jesus Christ while embracing the words of a shill, politician, or social media influencer.

It could be as easy as buying some nails, wood, and a saw; to build a new dresser or table in your house. Maybe even a chicken coop as you become more self reliant while food prices skyrocket. Maybe pick up a guitar and play a song for your flock of egg laying hens. Why waste another day trying to copy an internet junkie when you could just be yourself.

When you’re surrounded with other bitter angry men you’ll find your emotions mimicking them. Brain fog surrounding your thoughts as you remain stuck in the mud. Repeating the same propaganda for 80 years without realizing it’s a ruse. All part of their agenda to divide and conquer in some hegelian style.

Mainstream Popular Culture Defined

You might go to the gym and work your 9-5, but mental growth goes unchecked. Never writing a poem or sketching out your dream house. Wasting your nights watching some lame ass pagan Baphomet entertainment. When you let go of the rage you start to see millions of options open up without anything more than your attempt at change; anger and rage being a part of their plan.

The truth is modern women and politicians are not your problem. Why take responsibility for their actions when you have so many possibilities for fulfillment in this short life. Why cry in social media comments about the Jews when you can’t even take care of yourself as you slam down another McDonalds milkshake. Just another Super Bowl with a tranny half time show as you guzzle down a few more Chex Mix and Bud Lights.

That’s one thing many men forget when it comes to the “red pill community” as they strap on the label of this weeks coolaid. Individualism is the most important brick in the foundation of a man’s logical DNA. Labels like MGTOW and red pill are just gatekeepers hiding the key. The JeWs DiD iT rhetoric used to control your mind like hypnosis as you repeat the words of the Pagan priest class clergy.

Getting irrationally emotional over left vs right political rhetoric as their psychological operations fly over head, stuck in the red pill anger cycle of self injected delusions. Most can’t even provide food and water from the land as they cry about politicians larping on CNN. What good is a militia when none of them can live off grid.

The revolutionaries will be searching dumpsters for food as the satanic priest class tighten their grip on societies lively hood. Can’t even sew clothes as the rebels freeze to death eating grasshopper hotpockets trying to take the Capital. What good is a revolution when our keyword commandos outnumber the self sufficient men..

Sigma Male Grindset

Hidden Dangers of Conformity: Creativity and Brain Health at Risk

There’s a hidden danger lurking in our everyday routines and social interactions that’s quietly suffocating our creativity and endangering our brain health. This threat? Conformity. It’s more than just following the crowd, it’s a pervasive force that can profoundly impact our cognitive functions and capacity for innovative thought. In this article, we’ll explore the inherent risks of conformity, the benefits of individuality, and how you can break free from the chains of societal norms to unleash your full creative potential.

Understanding the Concept of Conformity
Conformity is not just a buzzword, it’s a deeply ingrained human behavior. It’s about aligning our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to the expectations of our social group. Think about it: from the clothes we wear to the way we talk, we often mirror those around us.

Yet, conformity is not just about weather-appropriate attire or courteous public behavior. Its reach extends far deeper, permeating our values, beliefs, and even political ideologies. It can act as a social compass, guiding us towards decisions that ensure our acceptance within our community or group.

Indeed, conformity isn’t always harmful. When it comes to societal structures like traffic rules or public safety norms, conformity keeps us safe and ensures a smoothly functioning society. However, it’s when conformity begins to encroach on our individuality and cognitive processes that it becomes a problem. It’s this dark side of conformity — the one that stifles unique perspectives and hampers cognitive growth—that we need to be wary of.

The Impact of Conformity on Creativity
Creativity, the ability to see the world differently, conjure up new ideas, and bring the extraordinary to life, is a victim of conformity’s unyielding grip. As we succumb to conformity, we close the door on curiosity, inhibiting our capacity to challenge the status quo and explore new possibilities. Creativity is fueled by the diversity of thought, a rich tapestry of differing viewpoints, experiences, and insights. But conformity paints over this vibrant tapestry with a monotonous shade of sameness, causing us to abandon our unique perspectives.

With conformity, our thoughts are squeezed into a pre-determined mold, adopting a uniform pattern that leaves little room for innovation or ingenuity. Like a bird trapped in a cage, our creative potential is confined within the bars of societal norms and expectations, unable to spread its wings and soar. The idea of thinking outside the box becomes alien, as we become more accustomed to accepting things as they are without question.

In a world ruled by conformity, the spark of originality often fades, replaced by a robotic adherence to what’s known and accepted. We run the risk of becoming passive consumers of ideas rather than active creators. As we exchange our creative hats for the comfort of fitting in, we inadvertently stifle our intellectual growth. Indeed, when conformity reigns supreme, creativity often becomes its silent casualty.

How Conformity Influences Brain Health
Think of your brain as a muscle that thrives on variety, new experiences, and mental gymnastics. The more you exercise it with novel ideas and situations, the healthier it becomes. Conformity, however, acts as a mental barrier, limiting these essential growth opportunities.

Picture this, if you perform the same physical exercise daily, your body would eventually adapt, and you’d reach a fitness plateau. The same principle applies to our brains. When we give in to conformity, we stick to the same thought patterns and familiar situations. In doing so, we deny our brain the diverse stimuli it needs to grow and strengthen. This cognitive monotony can result in a gradual decline of mental agility, adaptability, and resilience.

Let’s delve a little deeper. Our brains are incredibly dynamic, capable of forming new neural connections and pathways based on our experiences and thought processes. This phenomenon, known as neuroplasticity, is critical for our cognitive development and overall brain health. However, conformity restricts this plasticity. Instead of venturing into uncharted cognitive territory and forging new neural pathways, we trod the well-worn path of accepted norms and conventions. This limits our neuroplastic potential and could have adverse effects on our brain health over time.

Moreover, conformity also impacts our emotional health. In trying to fit in, we often suppress our authentic selves, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression. These negative emotional states can further compound the harmful effects of conformity on our brain health. Indeed, the psychological toll of conformity is a critical facet of its impact on our cognitive well-being.

Dangers Of Conformity

The Psychological Aspect of Conformity
Conformity’s psychological implications are deeply rooted in our fear of social exclusion. This dread of isolation can coerce us into sidelining our authentic selves to fulfill others’ expectations. The cost of this self-suppression? A rising tide of stress, anxiety, and even depression, which only amplifies the adverse impacts of conformity on our brain health.

Often, we find ourselves conforming out of a desire for acceptance, fearing the social repercussions of standing out from the crowd. However, this fear-driven conformity can induce a state of constant pressure, as we’re constantly on guard, ensuring our actions and beliefs align with those of our social group.

Psychologically, this continual stress of fitting in can have profound effects. It puts us in a state of constant tension, as we’re always trying to gauge others’ expectations and adjust ourselves accordingly. The fear of being ostracized or criticized for our true selves can cause immense stress and anxiety, which can take a toll on our mental health over time.

Worse still, the suppression of our authentic selves to adhere to societal norms can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and depression. When we lose touch with our true selves, we may feel lost, disconnected, and unfulfilled. This emotional turmoil compounds the negative impacts on our cognitive health, highlighting the psychological danger of excessive conformity.

Remember, while some level of conformity helps us coexist peacefully in society, over-conformity, driven by fear and self-suppression, can have serious psychological implications. To truly thrive, we must balance societal norms with the authenticity of our individuality.

Breaking Free from the Chains of Conformity
Venturing beyond the realms of conformity demands a blend of bravery, self-exploration, and an unwavering dedication to personal progression. It’s about standing on the edge of established conventions and taking the leap into uncharted territories of thought and expression. But remember, breaking free from conformity doesn’t mean disregarding societal norms altogether. Rather, it’s about scrutinizing them with a discerning eye and choosing to adopt those that resonate with your core values and goals.

By nurturing an environment conducive to independent thinking, you not only give wings to your creativity but also set the stage for a society that’s more accepting, diverse, and innovative. Fostering this mindset isn’t a solitary journey. Reach out to like-minded individuals, form alliances, and create safe spaces where ideas and viewpoints can be shared freely without fear of judgement or exclusion.

Standing up to conformity isn’t a one-time event—it’s a lifelong commitment to personal authenticity. It’s about staying true to your individual journey, even in the face of criticism or rejection. Take small steps each day towards this goal, whether it’s expressing an unpopular opinion, exploring a new hobby, or challenging a widely accepted belief.

Breaking free from conformity is like embarking on a voyage of self-discovery. It’s not always going to be smooth sailing, but the rewards—unleashing your creative potential, promoting mental agility, and leading a more fulfilling life—are worth the journey. After all, in the grand tapestry of human experience, it’s our unique threads that add color, depth, and richness. So, dare to be different. Dare to be you.

Promoting Individuality for Better Brain Health and Creativity
Encouraging individuality is a proactive approach towards enhancing your cognitive health and sparking creativity. This involves embracing and cultivating your unique interests and passions, as well as recognizing and respecting your distinct viewpoint. Take a stand for what makes you different, and invite others to do the same. By doing so, you free your mind from the shackles of conformity and give others the courage to embark on their own journey of self-discovery. It’s a shared transformation—one that nurtures creativity, encourages diversity, and fosters intellectual growth.

This shift from focusing on societal norms to acknowledging individuality is the key to unlocking our cognitive and creative potential. It’s time we reconsidered our priorities—for the health of our minds, the vigor of our creative abilities, and the betterment of our collective future. So, celebrate your individuality and dare to be yourself. Because in the end, it’s our individual threads that create the vibrant and intricate tapestry of human experience. Embrace your uniqueness, because you are the change you’ve been waiting for.