Social Media Repeat Ban Blessings

The first time it happened I was disgruntled and angry. Spiteful about how many memories I was losing. Looking up wondering why I can’t just speak my mind. Losing years of hard work and personal adventures because I mentioned something someone didn’t like. What I failed to realize at the time however is these self righteous corporations were doing me a favor.

Putting in years of hard work for them to utilize for profits while my creativity was absorbed by collectivity of what get’s the views. Holding out my phone in unique moments to post online without enjoying my moment in the sunshine. Forgetting what was important, now-a-days I rarely even carry my phone in public. A lesson learned as the blessing is revealed just in time.

It’s so easy to get caught up in modern day drama, the media wants you in fear to spin their next psyop. Some dude wants you imitating their words so he can cash in on the red pill manosphere. Another feminist praises misandry after she hit the wall and becomes miserable. The younger generations sucking on the nipple, ready to digest the radiation from the metaphorical 5G towers.

Being banned from social media multiple times has forced me to jump into new hobbies and interactions. Things I’d never have experienced if I was chasing social validation wanting to be e-popular. Building houses out of clay and sand with my autistic man hands. Many forget we live in a plane of opportunity once you turn off the internet. Whether it’s a few hours carving wood, painting, writing, baking, or just chillin’ with your chickens.

Contemplating ideas and thoughts you never would have explored if you were dancing along to social medias pre-determined outcomes. Philosophy and realm wide wonders being the center of imagination during nights offline, wondering what’s out there becomes the beat of the drum. Questioning what you’ve been told since birth, wondering what this life was all about, maybe there was more than the mundane mainstream mix tapes on radio repeat.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a gamer at heart but we forget how real it can be to enjoy a conversation with some random in the street, maybe put away the phone for a little bit of small talkin’ about meats. Let the media larp as we cook up some fish and enjoy some hot dogs in the street. Everyone hiding in their rental agreement with gas prices doubling as we speak. Without community were certainly screwed before your heart drops another beat.

We inject ourselves with the social medias’ hate, divide and conquer is obviously their checkmate. Black vs white, red vs blue, man vs women, hegelian dialectic is their whip in the time of Satan’s seat. Where o’ where are the revolutionaries, freedom fighters, and biblical pastors to get the frogs outa the pot before it over heats. Sensory overload becomes the psychological pain we thought we could beat. Little did we know it was their coals we’ve been burning on with our bare feet.

Narcissistic Bubble

Time to put down the phone and go for a walk, spark up a conversation with some dude on the block. Everyone so scared of the worst case scenario when in reality you might just get some dank food and a good conversation to boot. With more community the ruling elite really stand no chance against the power of some good grilling and conversation from your buddy down the street. Where o’ where are the revolutionaries, freedom fighters, and biblical pastors.

I speak from experience is all I can say, maybe it’s better to lose the internet for a few days of reality meditation. Embrace your individualism and join in on some local community interactions. Everyone needs a hug and some conversational stimulation, the chances of finding that online only come in forms of big payments to OnlyFans. Maybe here too if you join the militia, but I only send feet pics never the nudes.

All I’m saying is maybe you should log off from Twitter, Facebook, Bitchute, Youtube… drop the Instagram, OnlyFans, and the armpit sex attitude. I don’t know, just saw that was trending on Porn Hub. I might have made that up, you’ll never know. But maybe it’s time to disconnect and find something that really makes you passionate about your life here on this satanic realm we call earth. TLDR: Bitch you needa go outside and touch some grass..

“As the world disappears behind their bubble, the mirror is all they see. As they chase internet approval they forget who there were supposed to be.”

Green Pill $ is the New Red Pill

There’s nothing worse than listening to some blue haired Twitch feminist talking about how he loves being cucked by his wife, as he rambles on about his self perceived confusions and lack of critical thinking against some self proclaimed red pill guru on some douchey pod cast. Yet this is where the “red pill movement” is in the current stage.

Whether it be some pick me chick regurgitating 20 year old manosphere concepts or the lame grifter applying his beta male mentality to the red pill movement to collect a few coins. Those that think for themselves, focused on self improvement, and generally want to help their community grow, are silenced by shadow bans and censorship while the narcissistic take control of each grass roots movement.

The real concepts behind the original “red pill” are brushed under the rug so these jokers can collect their e-paycheck. Never embracing the ideologies of self reflection required to grow physically or mentally, sucking down another vaccine of conformity mainstream.

The clown space on the other side jumps on board attacking the wanna be red pillars until the entire movement is saturated with bullshit and drama. Each social media video becoming less about questioning society and more about generating views for revenue. There is no more red pill or blue pill, only green pill. Each side barking like dogs in the comments as the shills and crisis actors plant the seeds of division among the ignorant for a few wheels of cheese.

Everyone pretending their words are gospel, never mentioning the Bible in their search for truth among the zombie apocalypse. This is why labels can be quite dangerous, regardless of which one you wear, there’s always someone willing to manipulate it into a cash cow. It doesn’t matter whether your tie is blue or red, whether you voted for one puppet or another, society gets caught up in some low IQ soap opera so they can feel relevant as they dish out insults on [insert podcast name here].

Real critical thinking and conversation are pushed out the door, all so the normies can feel safe in their delusions of obedience. Where oh where are the critical thinkers? The self improvement homemakers? Lost at sea waiting to be gobbled up by psyop Kraken monsters..

How People Manipulate You
> Check Current Book Prices <

There’s no point in mentioning names as these internet celebrities are repeated and recycled over and over again. Like a printing press churning out the same personalities as no one has the ability to stand on their own. Popularity and riches are the main goal over helping another human grow and become someone of value.

Viewers and conversations turned into numbers and money as another man pretends to care. Single women chasing internet clout riding the red pill as she hits 40 chasing her YouTube subscriber count. Ridiculing the very women she has become, another self focused career lackey with no husband or family as her collection of cats starts to grow.

Skeptics unable to upload a video to social media without being banned, the original red pill movement is most certainly dead. Replaced by sensationalism and everyone playing the victim, on all sides of the round table no one able to take responsibility for the things they say. Yet these very same people have the biggest platforms, thousands of millions tune in for their daily dose of programming, never questioning a thing as they larp and defend.

Meanwhile food prices have tripled as the elite dish out their climate crisis non-sense to a crowd of chemically boosted lemmings ready to jump off a bridge. Where oh where are the critical thinkers? The self improvement homemakers? Lost at sea waiting to be gobbled up by psyop Kraken monsters..

The original red pill movement exiled to the dark web, as mainstream platforms prefer division and hate over truth and accountability. Souls being sold on the black market like a modern day slave market as many jump on the bandwagon. “Gimme some more drama and hate so I can make a reaction video to grow my Patreon account. Just one more response video so I can prove to the world I’m the coolest grifter red pill guru dating coach conformity booster piller.”

Social media loving each video of hate you produce, as they collect $millions$ off your cries for social change while the elite brainwash the movement into another agenda. Unable to see past this reality, just to become another fanboy subscribed to red pill guru’s OnlyFans.

The reality is anyone that spends their life on social media is brain dead. Wasting your life away to appease the applause of conformity just to be looked down on like a worm digging in the dirt. Never challenging yourself with new ideas or hobbies as your backbone disappears, unable to stand up for your own opinions or ideas.

As depression and anxiety eat away at your heart like a modern day plague, prescription pills and self induced pain become the normalized cow pie. It’s time you realize that even a worm can turn a pile of shit into a rich mound of compost, fertilizing your crops as you start to grow something of value in your fields of self reflection and discipline. Where oh where are the critical thinkers? The self improvement homemakers? Lost at sea waiting to be gobbled up by psyop Kraken monsters..

Not only do we have these fake traditional women larping the red pill while chasing an internet career but now Only Fans chicks are script reading it as well. Everyone trying to cash in on the collapse of strong men and women..

Social Media Celebrities

I haven’t had Instagram but a couple months and it’s already obvious how thirsty these new age women are. Begging for attention, likes, and follows they are willing to put in hard labor just for the idea of being social media famous. Posting naked picture after picture in hopes of achieving that “status” of celebrity, when in reality the term celebrity is quite meaningless in the illusion of society for everyone but the yuppies.

Especially in today’s age, where there is 500+ social media websites with millions of people thinking they are celebrities because they entertain random internet people. On twitch people think they are famous because they babysit a bunch of little kids. On Instagram everyone’s a celebrity singer, model, actress. Facebook has the most famous political speakers in all of history. You get the idea.

These people live in a bubble where they think they are actually celebrities. Their narcissism in full swing. Half the time it’s obvious they paid for followers anyway while fronting their “status”. If I saw Pew Die Pie in the street I wouldn’t even recognize him yet these people fronting like they are celebrities for a few videos on YouTube. Give me a break.

It cost less than $10 to purchase 500 followers on most social networks and even YouTube subscriptions is quite cheap. It’s not hard to purchase status and to run in the hamster wheel trying to achieve status or popularity as your life goal is quite pathetic. At the end of the day no one is going to remember your user name or the picture perfect photos you posted in the same filter and Snapchat face as everyone else.

Narcissistic Bubble

The entire concept of of chasing status leaves people as empty voids and zombies gurgling for their next meal. Some of these girls will literally like and follow hundreds of dudes a day and wait for the “follow back”. Once receiving they swiftly unfollow and move on to the next.

It’s really quite pathetic what these people are willing do to just to achieve the illusion of popularity. Like they are still in high school with their mentality hoping they can be the most popular cheerleader in school. They will send messages and pretend to care just fishing for that follow.

They will post butt picture after butt picture in hopes of a few followers and attention. These are the same girls you see in the streets with their eyes glued to their phone. Unable to have a regular real life conversation without staring at the ground awkwardly or acting like a crazy attention *****. Social skills of any kind have been lost with the illusion of social media celebrities.

Artificial Attention

I laugh quite often at the fact that people without social media, or for example, Instagram, have no idea who this “singer, actress, model” is yet they act like celebrities. Wait, who are you again? Haha. They have such an inflated ego when it’s based on nothing at all. They pretend they have accomplished something spectacular because they have $30 worth of followers chasing them for attention. The reality remains the same, outside your bubble you’re just like everyone else. Deal with it.

Behind the Scenes of Fake News: Media Manipulation Exposed

Fake news has become a prevalent issue that continues to plague media outlets and manipulate the masses. The spread of false information has the power to shape public opinion, influence elections, and sow division among communities. But have you ever wondered how these fake news stories are created and disseminated?

Motivations Behind Producing Fake News
The drivers behind the creation of fake news stories are multifaceted, touching on everything from the pursuit of higher viewership figures to the desire to influence political landscapes. Additionally, certain media entities might propagate false information to advance specific political ideologies or support particular candidates, thereby wielding considerable influence over public discourse and election outcomes. This manipulation not only serves to polarize communities but also to fulfill the agendas of those in power or seeking it.

The financial incentives cannot be understated, as sensational and fabricated stories tend to attract more clicks and shares than straightforward, factual reporting. In this click-driven economy, the temptation to fabricate or exaggerate news can be overwhelming for outlets under financial pressure. The lure of viral content, regardless of its veracity, can lead to a disregard for journalistic integrity in favor of stories that promise widespread dissemination and engagement.

Furthermore, the creation of chaos and confusion is another dark motivation. By muddying the waters and blurring the lines between truth and fiction, certain players in the media landscape aim to undermine public trust in reliable sources, thereby asserting control over the narrative and shaping public perception according to their whims. This strategy of disorientation makes it challenging for individuals to discern truth, thereby increasing dependency on the very sources that deceive them.

How Media Outlets Craft Convincing Fake News Stories
Creating convincing fake news stories is an art form that hinges on the manipulation of emotions and perceptions. To fabricate news that resonates, media outlets often combine a sliver of truth with a heavy dose of sensationalism, resulting in a story that feels plausible yet is deeply misleading. These stories frequently employ clickbait headlines that provoke strong emotional responses, urging readers to engage without skepticism. The selective omission or exaggeration of facts is a common tactic, designed to steer the narrative in a direction that aligns with the outlet’s objectives.

Moreover, the use of biased framing plays a crucial role. Through this technique, stories are presented from a skewed perspective, subtly guiding readers to draw specific conclusions. Imagery and language are carefully chosen for their emotional impact, with the goal of reinforcing the outlet’s agenda. For instance, emotionally charged words and images can be used to amplify fear, anger, or sympathy, thereby making the fake narrative more compelling.

Another key strategy involves exploiting the familiarity and trust associated with known brands or individuals by fabricating quotes or attributing false actions to them. This not only lends an air of credibility to the story but also exploits the audience’s trust in those entities. Through these methods, media outlets craft stories that, while lacking in truth, are tailored to captivate and persuade, making them effective tools for manipulation. This deliberate crafting process underscores the importance of critical engagement with news sources and the need for a discerning approach to media consumption.

Role of Social Media in Amplifying Fake News
Social media platforms have become a fertile ground for the rapid spread of fake news, exacerbating its reach and impact on society. The architecture of these platforms, with their emphasis on shareability and engagement, unwittingly favors sensational and controversial content, inadvertently making it simpler for false information to proliferate.

Users, often guided by complex algorithms, find themselves exposed to an echo chamber of misleading stories that affirm their biases, further entrenching false beliefs. This virality is not just a byproduct of user behavior; it is also fueled by the design of social media networks that prioritize content likely to generate interaction, irrespective of its truthfulness.

Moreover, the speed at which information travels on these platforms means that fake news can spread worldwide before fact-checkers have the chance to debunk it, embedding misconceptions in the public psyche. Social media not only amplifies the reach of fake news but also lends it an unwarranted veneer of legitimacy, as seeing friends or family share a story can make it seem more credible.

This dynamic plays directly into the hands of those seeking to manipulate public opinion, allowing them to exploit social media’s network effects to magnify their influence. In this landscape, the role of social media as a conduit for misinformation underscores the challenges of curtailing fake news and highlights the pressing need for platforms to actively counteract its spread.

Fake News and the Manipulation of Public Opinion
Through the deliberate dissemination of fake news, media outlets have a profound ability to warp the public’s perception of reality. This manipulation extends beyond merely presenting false information—it influences attitudes, sways decision-making processes, and can even alter the course of elections and social policies. The tactics utilized to engage in this form of manipulation are sophisticated, leveraging psychological principles to tap into the human psyche. By playing on fears, biases, and desires, fake news creators craft narratives that resonate on a personal level, making them more likely to be believed and shared.

These manipulated narratives often serve to amplify divisions within society, creating echo chambers where only similar viewpoints are echoed back, reinforcing pre-existing beliefs and making individuals more susceptible to further manipulation. The impact is a polarized public, less able to engage in constructive dialogue or understand opposing viewpoints. The role of social media in this process cannot be overstated, as it provides the perfect platform for the rapid and widespread dissemination of these false narratives, reaching vast audiences with unprecedented speed.

The use of fake news to manipulate public opinion is not just a challenge to individual discernment; it represents a direct threat to democratic processes and societal cohesion. By distorting the public’s understanding of key issues, these fabricated stories undermine the foundation of informed decision-making, which is critical for a functioning society. As these narratives continue to influence public opinion, the need for critical media literacy and robust fact-checking mechanisms becomes increasingly vital to ensure the public can make decisions based on accurate information.

Behind The Scenes Of Fake News Media Manipulation Exposed Behind The Scenes Of Fake News Media Manipulation Exposed Behind The Scenes Of Fake News Media Manipulation Exposed

Dangers of False Narratives in Modern Journalism
The rise of false narratives within modern journalism represents a critical challenge to the media’s role as a pillar of democracy. These narratives not only compromise the credibility of the press but also contribute to a more fragmented society, where the truth becomes a matter of perspective rather than fact.

This erosion of trust makes it increasingly difficult for the public to engage with genuine news sources, leading to a climate where misinformation thrives unchallenged. The consequences extend beyond mere misinterpretation of facts; they disrupt the very foundation of informed public discourse, essential for the healthy functioning of any democratic society.

By undermining the public’s ability to discern truth from falsehood, false narratives jeopardize the principles of transparency and accountability that journalism seeks to uphold. In doing so, they not only mislead individuals but also impair collective decision-making processes, affecting everything from public policy to personal choices. This represents a profound danger to the societal fabric, emphasizing the need for journalism to adhere to rigorous standards of truthfulness and integrity.

Identifying and Combating Fake News
Addressing the issue of fake news is a multifaceted challenge that demands proactive involvement from both media professionals and the public at large. For media companies, this means committing to high standards of journalism that emphasize fact-based reporting, ethical sourcing, and a clear delineation between opinion and factual content. It’s imperative for these organizations to invest in rigorous fact-checking procedures and to cultivate a culture of accountability and correction of errors.

On the side of news consumers, critical thinking plays a vital role. Individuals should adopt a skeptical stance towards sensational headlines and seek out information from multiple reputable sources before forming an opinion. Learning to recognize the hallmarks of reputable journalism, such as citing credible sources and providing balanced viewpoints, is crucial. Engaging in media literacy education can further empower individuals to discern credible information from false reports. Together, through a commitment to journalistic integrity and informed skepticism, it’s possible to build resilience against the tide of fake news and ensure a well-informed populace.

Cost of Expression: Revenue Tactics in User Censorship

In an age where social media platforms have become the digital town squares, the right to express oneself freely has increasingly come under scrutiny. The democratization of content creation brought about by these platforms has given rise to a new challenge: the subtle, yet pervasive, influence of revenue tactics on user censorship. As social media giants wield the dual swords of revenue generation and community guidelines, users find themselves navigating a complex web of self-expression and self-censorship.

Understanding the Revenue Model of Social Media Platforms
Central to the operation of most social media platforms is an ad-supported revenue framework. These entities accrue income through the sale of promotional spaces to businesses aiming to tap into the vast, diverse audience these platforms host. The foundational principle here is simple: the more captivating and widespread the content, the larger the audience it draws. This, in turn, increases the platform’s attractiveness to potential advertisers seeking to maximize their visibility.

Such a model intrinsically influences the kind of content that gets prioritized by the platform’s algorithms, favoring pieces that encourage prolonged engagement and interaction. This prolonged user engagement translates into increased ad exposure, boosting the platform’s revenue. Consequently, content that aligns with these engagement-centric goals is more likely to receive promotion, whereas content that doesn’t align is often less visible or even suppressed.

This prioritization mechanism subtly dictates the nature of content that flourishes, directing creators towards producing what is deemed more ‘advertiser-friendly’, thereby shaping the landscape of online discourse without an overt dictation of content parameters. This environment sets the stage for an intricate dance between content creation and the platform’s revenue imperatives, highlighting a complex interplay where economic motivations subtly influence the digital expression arena.

The Role of Algorithms in Content Moderation
To sift through the immense volume of content generated every second, social media platforms deploy algorithms designed with efficiency in mind. These automated systems are tasked with the monumental job of content moderation, filtering through posts to identify and remove those that breach the platforms’ community guidelines or are considered unsuitable for advertising partners. While this system of moderation is crucial for maintaining a user-friendly environment, it operates within a veil of opacity. The exact workings of these algorithms, the criteria they use to judge content appropriateness, how they determine what gets promoted or demoted—are often shrouded in mystery, leaving content creators guessing about what might trigger a negative response.

This lack of transparency leads to a cautious approach among users, who may preemptively alter or withhold their content to avoid potential flags or sanctions from the platform. The fear of having one’s content demonetized, shadow-banned, or outright removed can significantly influence the nature of what is shared online. In an environment where visibility and engagement are key to creator success, the uncertainty surrounding content moderation practices can discourage users from exploring contentious topics or expressing opinions that might be perceived as fringe or controversial.

As a result, the indirect guidance provided by these algorithms shapes not only the content landscape but also the boundaries within which users feel safe to express themselves. The reliance on algorithmic moderation, while practical for managing vast amounts of data, inadvertently pressures users towards a narrower path of expression, guided by an unseen hand that prioritizes platform and advertiser interests.

Advertising Dollars and Anti Freedom of Expression
Advertisers’ preference for associating their brands with content deemed “safe” and uncontroversial exerts a profound influence on the operational policies of social media platforms. This dynamic introduces a complex layer of indirect censorship, as platforms navigate the tightrope between facilitating open expression and attracting lucrative advertising contracts.

The crux of this issue lies in the implicit demand for content environments that do not risk the advertiser’s image, leading to the implementation of content guidelines and moderation policies that disproportionately favor non-controversial subject matter. In practice, this results in a subtle yet significant shift in the content ecosystem towards narratives and discussions that align with a broadly acceptable norm, sidelining more divisive or challenging viewpoints.

This advertiser-driven content curation model poses unique challenges to the principle of free expression. Platforms, in their bid to remain appealing to advertisers, may adopt an overly cautious approach in content moderation, sidelining material that, while not unlawful or fundamentally harmful, diverges from mainstream or advertiser-approved narratives. The effect of this is twofold: firstly, it places an undue burden on creators to self-regulate or sanitize their content, lest they fall out of favor with the platform’s content promotion mechanisms; secondly, it cultivates an environment where the diversity of thought and the robustness of public discourse are compromised for commercial gain.

The alignment of content moderation policies with advertiser preferences, therefore, not only influences the visibility and viability of diverse voices but also subtly reshapes the contours of online free expression, prioritizing commercial interests over a truly open digital public square.

Manipulative Strategies Used by Social Media Platforms
Social media platforms deploy a variety of subtle mechanisms designed to regulate user behavior and content without overt censorship. A notable technique is the implementation of the shadow ban, a method where a user’s content is silently restricted, severely limiting its reach and engagement without any notification to the user. This creates an environment where users are left to wonder why their content fails to achieve the expected interaction, leading to self-censorship in an attempt to align more closely with the platform’s undeclared preferences.

Another tactic involves the systematic demotion of content or profiles that challenge the platform’s or advertisers’ definitions of acceptable discourse. By reducing the visibility and impact of such content, social media entities can effectively control the narrative without the need for explicit content removal. This not only discourages users from addressing controversial or divisive subjects but also fosters a culture of conformity, as creators adjust their content to ensure it meets the opaque criteria set by these platforms.

Additionally, the use of ambiguous community guidelines contributes to this landscape of uncertainty. These guidelines often provide broad definitions of what is considered unacceptable, giving platforms considerable leeway in determining what content is subject to restriction. The vagueness of these policies places an additional onus on creators to navigate these blurred lines carefully, encouraging a cautious approach to content creation.

Through these strategies, social media companies subtly influence the ecosystem of online discourse, guiding users towards a narrow path of expression that aligns with the platforms’ commercial interests and operational policies, without the need for direct intervention.

Revenue Tactics In User Censorship Revenue Tactics In User Censorship Revenue Tactics In User Censorship

Pressure to Conform: Social Media’s Influence on User Behavior
The intricate web woven by social media platforms—through the balancing act of adhering to advertiser preferences while curating content—casts a significant shadow over user behavior. Creators and users alike face an invisible yet palpable pressure to mold their expressions within an unofficial framework of acceptability. This phenomenon is not born out of direct censorship but emerges from the anticipation of potential repercussions such as reduced visibility, diminished engagement, or the loss of monetization opportunities.

Such an environment subtly nudges users towards a form of expression that is less likely to rock the boat, steering clear of topics or opinions that might be deemed contentious or unpalatable to the platforms’ commercial partners. This self-imposed moderation is driven by an understandable desire to maintain or grow one’s presence on these digital platforms, where visibility equates to influence and, potentially, income.

The ripple effect of this pressure is a subtle but noticeable uniformity in the digital discourse, where the diversity of thought and the vibrancy of debate are pared down. Content creators, in their quest for platform compatibility, may inadvertently contribute to a landscape where challenging conversations are sidelined in favor of more universally palatable content. This scenario not only affects the creators’ authentic expression but also limits the audience’s exposure to a broader spectrum of ideas, effectively narrowing the scope of public discourse in our digital town squares.

How Revenue Tactics Foster Self-Censorship
Social media’s economic model is intricately designed to influence the content landscape, leading creators and users to engage in self-censorship to align with platform and advertiser expectations. At the heart of this phenomenon is the prioritization of content that is deemed advertiser-friendly, a criteria that often sidelines challenging or nuanced viewpoints in favor of more universally palatable narratives. The algorithms, serving as the gatekeepers of visibility, play a pivotal role in this process. They are programmed to promote content that maximizes user engagement, which directly correlates to increased ad revenue. This creates a feedback loop where creators, aware of the opaque yet impactful nature of these algorithms, adjust their content to fit within the unwritten rules that govern platform success.

This economic incentive structure naturally discourages the exploration of contentious topics, pushing users towards a safer, more homogenized form of expression. The fear of demonetization, shadow banning, or other forms of content suppression acts as a powerful deterrent against straying too far from the accepted norms. Consequently, the digital public square becomes dominated by a narrower range of voices and perspectives, as users internalize these economic pressures and preemptively filter their own content. This self-regulation, while not overtly mandated by the platforms, effectively reduces the richness of online discourse, as the vast potential for diverse expression is curtailed by the underlying imperative to conform to advertiser-friendly standards.