e-Brotherhood for Sale Online

You know I always wonder how so many normies can exist. Why do you enjoy having your ears tickled just to fit in, it’s my worst nightmare. An AI bubble of conformists agreeing with your every ideological line of wisdom. Never questioning or throwing out an original idea, just a perfect repeater jumping in line.

When I think of my best friends it’s never the dude that’s too scared to voice his opinion. The man that can’t defend his reaction as he cries into the social media wind. Where are the revolutionaries, the critical thinkers, and philosophers. We used to call them red pill but taking it now just means you lose 3 digits from your bank account. It’s sad seeing weak men trying to justify a man that is willing to die for his opinion when they can’t even create their own original thought.

Every male coach and manosphere artist painting a picture of retardation so you pull out the checkbook. Selling you self help courses with a dose of their alpha male e-book. Men unable to question their own thought process as they become a fish on the hook. Swallowing the narrative as the treble starts to poke in the back of your beta male throat.

Taking the bait you try to escape, only to find out the shit is lodged deep in your personality and fate. Accepting the reality that was created for you, wishing there was some way for it to change. Just one more episode of Netflix and maybe things will metabolize. Hoping for someone to point out the path just so you can take a break from the mundane.

Real brothers will tell you how it is, regardless of your fantasies and anime hoodies. Maybe the truth hurts, or maybe you forgot to wear your armor as you try and fight the spiritual war. Friends come and go, but brotherhood is something that lasts a lifetime in this shallow existence we call life. So where do you see yourself when someone questions your fallacy, cling to destruction or embrace the unique..

How People Manipulate You
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This is the difference between a friend group and a brotherhood, the realities that set in when your boy speaks some truth. Another night out with your Gucci and diamonds hanging from your neck. Fancy watch and car, surrounded by fakes and frauds with no conversation, as the night starts to progress you’re still left feeling empty with no meaning at all.

Walk alone if you must, but there’s no reason to ignore your homies just to jerk off into lust. Obviously many men are drones wrapped in conformity silicone. Societies been completely redesigned, as an original opinion becomes shadow banned into oblivion. Hated for originality the only option is to become a clone, an AI bot, or accept reality as it is.

Speaking with empathy, a real man understands, a world filled with lonely adventures will having you enjoying the pain. Wishing there was more, only to realize it’s a figment of the social construct you’ve been praying for. Real hearts and minds will start to appreciate the individualism you chant for as you remove the hook from your jaw.

That’s when you know it’s a brother, a man you can trust. Whether battlefield or police station it’s a dude you can thrust. (Wait that was kinda gay.) Whether battlefield or police station you know it’s a dude you can no homo with as you fight the patriarchy. Damn hold on let’s just change the subject.

In a fallen world humor becomes the spear on the front line, most unable to laugh at themselves as they become the pillar destroying their own success. A foe on their own battlefield staring them in the eyes, disgruntled hate and projection become their only attack as they collapse in a pile of their own shit. Casting out ideas just so they can feel justified in their illusionary rhythm of ideological success. Identity politics becoming the queen on the chessboard of neglect.

Where o’ where are the revolutionaries, the critical thinkers, and philosophers. The pastors, and preachers, warriors, and tin foil hat wearing adventurers. Our world is starving for a bit of reality as zombies and robots take control. What do you want in your life? Brothers or social circles twerk clapping the floor..

Generation Y 1989

We’re the ones that spawned from the narcissistic baby boomers. The first generation to hit reality while at the same time being the first paramedic on scene. We’re either suicided, drugged out, barely holding on to sanity, or faking it inside the system. We’ve watched everything great, turn into a steaming pile of horse shit. Our childhood could have been amazing if it wasn’t for the shadow hiding behind every thought.

As we grew up we watched people change, society change, social media, internet, faster and faster it went. From beeps and blips of dial-up to modem glitching in Halo 2 multiplayer on the Xbox 360. Never given a choice or solution to the torment we denied beneath. Watching atrocities unfold on the television as they control every aspect of thought. Trying to save the world you just fell for another 9/11 psyop.

We’re the generation no one talks about, black sheep of the family no one gives a fuck about. Speak some truth and even your family beats you down with a hockey stick. We were on OG Myspace trolling the streets before WiFi became a reason for you to cry when the power goes out. The war on consciousness you’ve never thought about, biting down on your retainer of propaganda cool aide and head gear never questioning your reality ya left in the freezer like an icey pop.

Boomers, zoomers, and normies on rotation as the gen y’s take the invasion of internet hate. Thinking for ourselves and questioning your modern day mindset, as your dancing on TikTok trying to get laid by some Instagram thot. Questioning reality as your barking in the comments about the left vs right paradigm. Wake up zaboomer if voting mattered they wouldn’t even let you do it. Decades of life devoted to statism as you spit bars for your presidential savior.

Generation Y is forced to sit back and watch, raising our voice only to be called crazy for the hundredth time. Beta males ruling the system as feminists cheer them on, we have no choice but to hide as the system takes your hand. Turning up PartyBoi69 so the beat can take back our mind, questioning reality as the normies collect their jabs for jobs and cheeseburger voucher collabs.

Wishing we were born in another time period to build a farm with a beautiful feminine lady, snapping back to reality so we can be solicited by empowered women for their Only Fans. The pinnacle of modern women’s success is going viral on social media and selling lewd pictures on the internet or working in an office paying taxes like a man. What a world we live in where the wheel of society is broken yet it keeps going round n’ round.

Everyone needing constant validation for throwing ping pong balls in a cup as their IQ drains out from the 5G microwaves. Running back to their bubble of narcissism so their feelings don’t get hurt. Wondering to myself where is the social contract I’m forced to abide by, meanwhile all my accounts are banned for speaking up about the agenda at hand.

Schizo Meme

It’s amazing how many people prance around this place with no real skill sets or intelligence yet have no problem running their mouth as an expert. Big titties and ass will give you a platform to speak from, as simps line up like minions, only to watch her drag ass across the carpet like a dog with worms. Pathetic cowards giving up critical thinking for a women living on easy mode.

Never forget it was Gen Y that brought you back from the dead, from a zombie larping an ideological pre-made mindset. Downloaded from Netflix or Facebook as you harp some monologue mainstream bullshit. You forgot how to think for yourself silly slave where’s your mind at?

If you can’t question your beliefs with out cognitive dissonance maybe the delusions you believe aren’t true. After spending decades in government run schools how can you even trust your instincts as you take another chemical jab from Johnson and Johnson. Blaming the neighbors you never seem to truly uncover the propaganda that’s been laid out.

Green Pill $ is the New Red Pill

There’s nothing worse than listening to some blue haired Twitch feminist talking about how he loves being cucked by his wife, as he rambles on about his self perceived confusions and lack of critical thinking against some self proclaimed red pill guru on some douchey pod cast. Yet this is where the “red pill movement” is in the current stage.

Whether it be some pick me chick regurgitating 20 year old manosphere concepts or the lame grifter applying his beta male mentality to the red pill movement to collect a few coins. Those that think for themselves, focused on self improvement, and generally want to help their community grow, are silenced by shadow bans and censorship while the narcissistic take control of each grass roots movement.

The real concepts behind the original “red pill” are brushed under the rug so these jokers can collect their e-paycheck. Never embracing the ideologies of self reflection required to grow physically or mentally, sucking down another vaccine of conformity mainstream.

The clown space on the other side jumps on board attacking the wanna be red pillars until the entire movement is saturated with bullshit and drama. Each social media video becoming less about questioning society and more about generating views for revenue. There is no more red pill or blue pill, only green pill. Each side barking like dogs in the comments as the shills and crisis actors plant the seeds of division among the ignorant for a few wheels of cheese.

Everyone pretending their words are gospel, never mentioning the Bible in their search for truth among the zombie apocalypse. This is why labels can be quite dangerous, regardless of which one you wear, there’s always someone willing to manipulate it into a cash cow. It doesn’t matter whether your tie is blue or red, whether you voted for one puppet or another, society gets caught up in some low IQ soap opera so they can feel relevant as they dish out insults on [insert podcast name here].

Real critical thinking and conversation are pushed out the door, all so the normies can feel safe in their delusions of obedience. Where oh where are the critical thinkers? The self improvement homemakers? Lost at sea waiting to be gobbled up by psyop Kraken monsters..

How People Manipulate You
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There’s no point in mentioning names as these internet celebrities are repeated and recycled over and over again. Like a printing press churning out the same personalities as no one has the ability to stand on their own. Popularity and riches are the main goal over helping another human grow and become someone of value.

Viewers and conversations turned into numbers and money as another man pretends to care. Single women chasing internet clout riding the red pill as she hits 40 chasing her YouTube subscriber count. Ridiculing the very women she has become, another self focused career lackey with no husband or family as her collection of cats starts to grow.

Skeptics unable to upload a video to social media without being banned, the original red pill movement is most certainly dead. Replaced by sensationalism and everyone playing the victim, on all sides of the round table no one able to take responsibility for the things they say. Yet these very same people have the biggest platforms, thousands of millions tune in for their daily dose of programming, never questioning a thing as they larp and defend.

Meanwhile food prices have tripled as the elite dish out their climate crisis non-sense to a crowd of chemically boosted lemmings ready to jump off a bridge. Where oh where are the critical thinkers? The self improvement homemakers? Lost at sea waiting to be gobbled up by psyop Kraken monsters..

The original red pill movement exiled to the dark web, as mainstream platforms prefer division and hate over truth and accountability. Souls being sold on the black market like a modern day slave market as many jump on the bandwagon. “Gimme some more drama and hate so I can make a reaction video to grow my Patreon account. Just one more response video so I can prove to the world I’m the coolest grifter red pill guru dating coach conformity booster piller.”

Social media loving each video of hate you produce, as they collect $millions$ off your cries for social change while the elite brainwash the movement into another agenda. Unable to see past this reality, just to become another fanboy subscribed to red pill guru’s OnlyFans.

The reality is anyone that spends their life on social media is brain dead. Wasting your life away to appease the applause of conformity just to be looked down on like a worm digging in the dirt. Never challenging yourself with new ideas or hobbies as your backbone disappears, unable to stand up for your own opinions or ideas.

As depression and anxiety eat away at your heart like a modern day plague, prescription pills and self induced pain become the normalized cow pie. It’s time you realize that even a worm can turn a pile of shit into a rich mound of compost, fertilizing your crops as you start to grow something of value in your fields of self reflection and discipline. Where oh where are the critical thinkers? The self improvement homemakers? Lost at sea waiting to be gobbled up by psyop Kraken monsters..

Not only do we have these fake traditional women larping the red pill while chasing an internet career but now Only Fans chicks are script reading it as well. Everyone trying to cash in on the collapse of strong men and women..

Individualism is the Fertilizer

It’s easy for men to get stuck inside the gerbil ball of the red pill loop. Seeing video after video of women acting like narcissists while abusing men can leave your mind tainted with hate. Another politician pocketing your taxes as they destroy the homeland’s heartbeat. As the truth movement slides into sociopathy they parrot emotional psychological operations with a voice that carries no weight. One thing I never understood about MGTOW is how they bash women constantly while claiming to go their own way, some strange beta male obsession with trying to change modern day female nature.

I’ll admit, when I first starting realizing that many modern women are quite cruel and heartless it made me angry. Understanding each relationship and pain suffered because of the trust placed in a women that took advantage of me. Watching society turn politicians into heroes as they robbed them behind the scenes. Young men being sent off to war to fight for the collection of some corporation’s resources and profit.

The same feelings of anger and disdain spread over all aspects of red pill rage. The truth is though, it was a part of me becoming a man. I was wasting way to much time chasing women (even if I got them). Worrying about relationships and if she was cheating, all for my fears to come true. Thinking I could wake up the world to the reality of satanic pedophile elite as they cling to their pride. It was all a waste of time as the world sees what it wants too, hiding behind labels of self defeat.

But what if I had been putting all that time into growing my business or building real networks that would benefit me and my community for years to come. What if I spent all that time practicing a new hobby and becoming an expert at it. What if I stepped outside of society and operated on my own terms to build myself as an individualist, free to think however I please.

That’s where growth and discipline come into play. By making those mistakes and learning from them I was able to find out what was truly important in my life and start focusing on it. To step away from the emotional control arms of the matrix’s spiders and find out who I really was.

The rage and imitation inside the red pill community is what keeps it from growing. When you try and copy another man or put him on a pedestal you’re simply replacing your need for validation from a women onto a man. Or turning a politician into a god as you clap away to the consent of your own community being enslaved.

Militarized police patting you on the shoulder saying ‘good boy’. Spending thousands on MGTOW alpha man’s courses and guru eBooks never taking growth into your own hands. Never picking up a book yourself and reading, a new hobby or daily discipline. The reality is men need to take this emotional rage and turn it into logical direction. Regardless of who’s flinging shit you need to be able to hold up the shield.

Self Sufficiency Mini Farming
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No one is going to be able to tell you exactly what you need to hear to motivate you, only you know where that motivation can come from based on your own stories. If you reject Jesus Christ there certainly ain’t anyone else coming to save you. Yet, imagine rejecting Jesus Christ while embracing the words of a shill, politician, or social media influencer.

It could be as easy as buying some nails, wood, and a saw; to build a new dresser or table in your house. Maybe even a chicken coop as you become more self reliant while food prices skyrocket. Maybe pick up a guitar and play a song for your flock of egg laying hens. Why waste another day trying to copy an internet junkie when you could just be yourself.

When you’re surrounded with other bitter angry men you’ll find your emotions mimicking them. Brain fog surrounding your thoughts as you remain stuck in the mud. Repeating the same propaganda for 80 years without realizing it’s a ruse. All part of their agenda to divide and conquer in some hegelian style.

Mainstream Popular Culture Defined

You might go to the gym and work your 9-5, but mental growth goes unchecked. Never writing a poem or sketching out your dream house. Wasting your nights watching some lame ass pagan Baphomet entertainment. When you let go of the rage you start to see millions of options open up without anything more than your attempt at change; anger and rage being a part of their plan.

The truth is modern women and politicians are not your problem. Why take responsibility for their actions when you have so many possibilities for fulfillment in this short life. Why cry in social media comments about the Jews when you can’t even take care of yourself as you slam down another McDonalds milkshake. Just another Super Bowl with a tranny half time show as you guzzle down a few more Chex Mix and Bud Lights.

That’s one thing many men forget when it comes to the “red pill community” as they strap on the label of this weeks coolaid. Individualism is the most important brick in the foundation of a man’s logical DNA. Labels like MGTOW and red pill are just gatekeepers hiding the key. The JeWs DiD iT rhetoric used to control your mind like hypnosis as you repeat the words of the Pagan priest class clergy.

Getting irrationally emotional over left vs right political rhetoric as their psychological operations fly over head, stuck in the red pill anger cycle of self injected delusions. Most can’t even provide food and water from the land as they cry about politicians larping on CNN. What good is a militia when none of them can live off grid.

The revolutionaries will be searching dumpsters for food as the satanic priest class tighten their grip on societies lively hood. Can’t even sew clothes as the rebels freeze to death eating grasshopper hotpockets trying to take the Capital. What good is a revolution when our keyword commandos outnumber the self sufficient men..

Sigma Male Grindset

Beta, Alpha, and the Sigma

The red pill community is filled with talks about beta males and alpha males, from the wannabe alphas spreading their pick up artist techniques and e-books to betas pretending to be alpha by slinging out insults to sex workers on their podcast. These men are constantly chasing societies validation or trying to mimic social cues to elevate their social status.

What goes unmentioned in many of these talks is the sigma male. The reality is the sigma male is just label given to men that put their individualism first. They maintain their own critical thinking and talking points regardless of what people say around them. They create their own confidence through their skills and hobbies rather than relying on others around them.

A true sigma male doesn’t call himself one, nor does he hold himself above others in the societal hierarchy. He doesn’t need labels or a crowd to validate his thoughts. He is free in his own thought process and individualism which is where his confidence actually derives from. Instead of trying to mimic wannabe red pill men on the internet, instead of watching clips of men putting down sex workers, instead of trying to grift money off their viewers, they simply speak their mind unapologetically.

A real sigma male will never turn to an alpha or a beta for their purpose. They look at the current manosphere as a total joke, which it is. Men using labels to generate an income while making fun of the “sigma” male label, while at they same time promoting their patreon and goofy ass pick up techniques. They don’t understand how a man could actually be an individualist as their own identity is derived from how others perceive them.

This is the biggest difference between these labels, is those that fit the criteria of a sigma male are often lone wolves. They require no feedback from weak men, wannabe alphas, the red pill community, or the pick up artists. A real men is focused on his purpose, his hobbies, his skillsets, and this is where his validation comes from. Weak men need validation from society, so put whatever labels you want on it, in the strong males eyes, beta and alpha are the same, both are weak men that require constant validation from society to prop up his fragile ego.

In many ways the alpha is just a loud mouthed beta, running on emotion and getting offended when someone doesn’t validate his hierarchy. This is why the sigma label is constantly belittled and made fun of, because these men have no idea how to actually be a strong man. They require other weak men to prop them up on a pedestal like the very women they make fun of. All the while these men are begging for donations and patreon subs, you pay for their lambo while the sigma is building real businesses and promoting others to find their own individualism.

Status to a sigma is irrelevant, how you perceive him is irrelevant, and that’s what weak men hate. This is why they constantly ignore freedom in thought and replace it for an echo chamber of worship. Alphas want betas to worship them and betas want to feel power through the loud mouthed alpha, mean while the sigma is sitting on the sidelines laughing, if he’s even watching. Many strong men just don’t have the time for these petty boring repeatable red pill conversations.

The entire community taken over by boring nonsense that promotes destruction rather than growth. Why would a manosphere redpill podcast want you to grow when your stuck in their $50 dollar a month program where you can learn basic business or pick up techniques, whereas the sigma is watching and growing through free content from other strong men that have an abundance of thought and critical thinking.

There are plenty of examples of wannabe alphas shouting into the wind, using the same red pill rhetoric from the manosphere 20 years ago, all to generate an income. Whether it be Fresh and Fit or Andrew Tate, their entire existence requires weak men to prop them up. Bragging about driving expensive cars, expensive watches, their $1000 dollar skinny boy jeans, or having a rented women on their arms. All bought by taking advantage of weak men, from internet porn businesses, to casinos, pick up artists techniques, to goofy basic business courses that come with a fee.

A real man looks at this and laughs, a man like, Bruce Lee, Fiore dei Liberi, Erich Fromm, Alan Kay, Chuck Palahniuk, Ansel Adams, Michael Bassey Johnson, Jakub Bozydar Wisniewski, all of which offer insight and growth for free rather than the same ear tickling for profit like the current red pill manosphere.

Here are a few quotes from those mentioned to prove this point:

Only the self-sufficient stand alone, most people follow the crowd and imitate.” – Bruce Lee

Be audacious in violence and young at heart. Have no fear in your mind; only then can you perform.” – Fiore dei Liberi

The real opposition is that between the ego-bound man, whose existence is structured by the principle of having, and the free man, who has overcome his egocentricity.” – Erich Fromm

Stop looking for validation at the quality of your results and instead feel pride at the quality of your effort.” – Alan Kay

The things you own end up owning you. It’s only after you lose everything that you’re free to do anything.” – Chuck Palahniuk

No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.” – Ansel Adams

Always remember that you were once alone, and the crowd you see in your life today are just as unnecessary as when you were alone.” – Michael Bassey Johnson

The uniqueness of every soul is not a theme that our current culture, obsessed with group identities, cares to assert.” – Dean Koontz

Individualism turns a band into a community. Collectivism turns society into a mob.” – Jakub Bozydar Wisniewski

Self Sufficiency Mini Farming
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You can see how cleverly they promote their ideas and critical thinking in a way that promotes your own, rather than trying to cash in on ideas that have been around for decades, they stand on their own individualism while promoting yours. This is the real difference between strong men and weak men, betas and alphas versus sigmas, regardless of the labels, it’s easy to see the difference in character between these men.

A man that cares what others think of him, or a man that is willing to stand on his own morals and principles regardless of what people say about him. These are defining characteristics of a sigma male, a strong man, an individualist. A man that cares about his community, family, and the people around him, a man that wants to see others succeed rather than tax them into a repeatable profit loop.

The idea behind the sigma male is made into a joke because these men don’t want you to think for yourself, society and government certainly don’t want you to either. A strong man that relies on his own wing span is far more dangerous than a man fronting with the matrix as he brags about his Bugatti and Rolex. A man far more dangerous is the one that doesn’t rely on society or it’s conformity to succeed, a man that laughs in the face of materialism and embraces his very own individualism.